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I guess you didn't watch that failure of a streaming event and yes because they went out of their way to make sure someone that they knew has a big dragon age fan base was there to cover it and was a sure bet to give them praise then yes it says they are worried and I would also like to the note the fact they just announced that after Oct 27th they are not releasing any new chapters or any new content at all till late December is going to cost them.


No it clearly says they are trying to market their product to the biggest audience possible to make the most money as possible. This is logic 101.

Not "ooo we are worried we'll not sell anything we better market this game more because we never planned on marketing it this way in the first place" that is just more of your strawman arguing and conspiracy theory 101.


They announced ages ago I believe we weren't getting any more content after launch? I read this a few times I'm sure of it.

They would give us KoTFE with 9 chapters and then hit in for their Christmas break to come back in the new year for more chapters, that is not news.


Also I like the earlier launch this time around of an expansion - gives them a good month or so of bug fixing etc. before they do take a break unlike that SoR mess.

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Because then you miss the part where the stream locks up and they can't even get it back up and running for at least like 15-30 mins and they didn't even bother to take questions or interact with the stream at all like they said they would aside from picking random cartel coin winners nearly zero fan interaction at all.


More strawman, I asked what was the response? Reading the official thread for the stream seems most people are highly positive for it and eager to ask questions, quite forgiving of the technical issues in fact. That to me is the "reaction".


YOU might not be happy but negative people like you who can barely support their own arguments without side tracking them into something completely else to debate and still fail to support ( thus strawman ) will never be happy, you go out of your way to find everything possibly negative and never try to look at things in an unbias light.


You COULD try argue I'm the opposite and always arguing in favour of BW but that's only generally against the more outrageous, unvalidated arguments ( conspiracy theories ) people like you try to point forward. I'm well aware of Bioware's flaws and have often pointed them out ( the community team's activity within the community is a big bug bear of mine ) so I try to be at least somewhat impartial.

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Just a little heads Ladyinsanity pretty much just used her twitter account to make fun of you just thought you might want to know that.


ORLY, what was said? I hate twitter, always a mission to track anything down anyone said and I don't see anythign overly obvious.

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No it clearly says they are trying to market their product to the biggest audience possible to make the most money as possible. This is logic 101.

Not "ooo we are worried we'll not sell anything we better market this game more because we never planned on marketing it this way in the first place" that is just more of your strawman arguing and conspiracy theory 101.


They announced ages ago I believe we weren't getting any more content after launch? I read this a few times I'm sure of it.

They would give us KoTFE with 9 chapters and then hit in for their Christmas break to come back in the new year for more chapters, that is not news.


Also I like the earlier launch this time around of an expansion - gives them a good month or so of bug fixing etc. before they do take a break unlike that SoR mess.


Considering they never tried to market to those people during ROTHC or with SoR that should tell you something.

Edited by Kaizersan
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-snip for rules-.


I saw that comment and had a wee laugh at it, for whatever reason that particular miner seems to be confusing his opinion with fact.


What I mean is every other piece of data they have mined gets offered up for everyone to see EXCEPT that particular part? He's seen it but not bothered posting it for everyone ( yet they post everything else ) to see like they do everything else ( even the most mundane "no one cares about" crap gets put up as mined normally ).


Also add to that we are talking about server side content and not client side content then I believe he is talking out his *** and is just pushing more anti KoTFE propoganda.


Also Bioware stated each chapter has at least 1 hour worth of cutscenes. I would believe them over that potato character any day of the week.


There is a whole topic on this here if you want to further that discussion:



Also when someone calls you out on your strawman arguments it's rather bad form to just make more strawman arguments unless you are just trolling of course ( which is being somewhat obvious but whatever ).

I asked you what the response was twice now ... where is this big negative response to the live stream you seemed to imply was coming?

Edited by MeNaCe-NZ
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I saw that comment and had a wee laugh at it, for whatever reason that particular miner seems to be confusing his opinion with fact.


What I mean is every other piece of data they have mined gets offered up for everyone to see EXCEPT that particular part? He's seen it but not bothered posting it for everyone ( yet they post everything else ) to see like they do everything else ( even the most mundane "no one cares about" crap gets put up as mined normally ).


Also add to that we are talking about server side content and not client side content then I believe he is talking out his *** and is just pushing more anti KoTFE propoganda.


Also Bioware stated each chapter has at least 1 hour worth of cutscenes. I would believe them over that potato character any day of the week.


There is a whole topic on this here if you want to further that discussion:



Also when someone calls you out on your strawman arguments it's rather bad form to just make more strawman arguments unless you are just trolling of course ( which is being somewhat obvious but whatever ).

I asked you what the response was twice now ... where is this big negative response to the live stream you seemed to imply was coming?


These guys have access to everything you do not it's like what do they have to do set you in front of a computer for you to see it all for yourself to see the truth because this data comes from BW the data they see the video and audio they hear it is all real and data has no bias and the way they present it is to actually inform the customers no more no less and when the 20th of Oct rolls around and they are proven correct don't come crying on here to me that I was right.

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Also when someone calls you out on your strawman arguments it's rather bad form to just make more strawman arguments unless you are just trolling of course ( which is being somewhat obvious but whatever ).

I asked you what the response was twice now ... where is this big negative response to the live stream you seemed to imply was coming?


The big negative response was from the chat while the stream was going on I know the text goes by fast but it is there and just check a lot of the fan sites forum post about the stream or do those not count because people are allowed to say what they want?

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These guys have access to everything you do not it's like what do they have to do set you in front of a computer for you to see it all for yourself to see the truth because this data comes from BW the data they see the video and audio they hear it is all real and data has no bias and the way they present it is to actually inform the customers no more no less and when the 20th of Oct rolls around and they are proven correct don't come crying on here to me that I was right.


You clearly don't know how data mining works, they can't mine server side content.


If you mean they are playing through it why aren't they releasing more info then? Why is it so sporadic? Why does miner state that he/she can't get other specific information because that information doesn't exist in the client?

Don't give me any NDA crap either because they are already breaching it by mining.


You say they do it to inform the customers so if heh as this information why isn't he doing it instead of making snide comments in a reddit thread? They have a WHOLE website to announce this sort of thing after all.

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The big negative response was from the chat while the stream was going on I know the text goes by fast but it is there and just check a lot of the fan sites forum post about the stream or do those not count because people are allowed to say what they want?


For the most part people can say what they want here too - a few limitations around mined data and fair enough too.


To prove this look at every post you've made recently, all negative, none censored for being negative.

You've been entitled to your opinion no matter how wrong it's been proven to be in many cases.


Watch today's stream and see the reaction when they talk about the companion info.


That was what you said, I watched the reaction, I heard the reaction, I am actively following the reaction and it's 90% positive.


Go look for yourself and tell me where the outrage lies: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=832008


UNLESS you meant the reaction was going to be generally positive following the live stream? In which case I agree with you. :)

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and when the 20th of Oct rolls around and they are proven correct don't come crying on here to me that I was right.


If you know this stuff so 100% fact then you have cancelled your subscription right?

I mean you'd have to be somewhat of a hypocrite to say everything you've said ( and believe it ) in this thread and still be paying Bioware money.


The answer I've had twice now when I called people out on this was "I just bought 6 months sub" to which I ask why they would want to sub to game that was inferior to how it will be when KoTFE launches yet they have so much negativity to say about KoTFE? I ask you the same question ... why are you even here? If you were as smart as you imply you wouldn't be around for me to supposedly cry to and if you were and you were still paying them .... well that's jsut ... lol.

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If you know this stuff so 100% fact then you have cancelled your subscription right?

I mean you'd have to be somewhat of a hypocrite to say everything you've said ( and believe it ) in this thread and still be paying Bioware money.


The answer I've had twice now when I called people out on this was "I just bought 6 months sub" to which I ask why they would want to sub to game that was inferior to how it will be when KoTFE launches yet they have so much negativity to say about KoTFE? I ask you the same question ... why are you even here? If you were as smart as you imply you wouldn't be around for me to supposedly cry to and if you were and you were still paying them .... well that's jsut ... lol.


Probably because I still have 3 months of my 6 month sub left and I am using that time to inform people.

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not theories when the data exist to back it up.


The only solid data you've really had in this entire thread is that some blogger was part of some program that paid them for positive posts for a couple of games that aren't SWToR. If you read back to your initial post you've done NOTHING to support that argument what so ever with any data what so ever.

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The only solid data you've really had in this entire thread is that some blogger was part of some program that paid them for positive posts for a couple of games that aren't SWToR. If you read back to your initial post you've done NOTHING to support that argument what so ever with any data what so ever.


Its sad when you're arguing with people who have no idea how to make and support a logical argument isn't it? whats even sadder is how commonplace it is here...

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Oh I found it that's why I was able to show it was utter opinion based on no fact what so ever ( not even mined data to back it up ).


The first part you posted is UTTER nonsense again with no fact to back it up what so ever.


Comments != facts and neither does here say.


Anyway you STILL haven't shown me the implied outrage that was coming about companions after the live stream. Where is it?

I am picking on this statement because it was your first opportunity to back anything you've said so far up with actual responses that you predict from the community.


Stop dancing around it - show me the outrage, I even gave you a thread you can use to do so.

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Oh I found it that's why I was able to show it was utter opinion based on no fact what so ever ( not even mined data to back it up ).


The first part you posted is UTTER nonsense again with no fact to back it up what so ever.


Comments != facts and neither does here say.


Anyway you STILL haven't shown me the implied outrage that was coming about companions after the live stream. Where is it?

I am picking on this statement because it was your first opportunity to back anything you've said so far up with actual responses that you predict from the community.


Stop dancing around it - show me the outrage, I even gave you a thread you can use to do so.


Posting some rage links now I will warn people that there is a lot of swearing in some of these posts.



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Posting some rage links now I will warn people that there is a lot of swearing in some of these posts.




Seriously, this and your last page are your outrage? Your proof definitive that the majority are against KoTFE and also outrage from the companion changes @ livestream?

That these few users represent the entire past, current and future SWToR community to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt whether or not KoTFE will be a success? :)

Cool story bro.

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You clearly don't know how data mining works, they can't mine server side content.


If you mean they are playing through it why aren't they releasing more info then? Why is it so sporadic? Why does miner state that he/she can't get other specific information because that information doesn't exist in the client?

Don't give me any NDA crap either because they are already breaching it by mining.


You say they do it to inform the customers so if heh as this information why isn't he doing it instead of making snide comments in a reddit thread? They have a WHOLE website to announce this sort of thing after all.


Most, if not all of the quest dialog and conversation options are stored client side. All cutscenes are stored on the client as well, that's why cutscenes are desynchronized and you are stuck waiting for people with slower computers during group conversations. You can freely watch any cutscene up until the point where input is required from all users. Other stuff stored on the client, companion affection returns in dialog, companion gift affection returns,


Also, I don't believe miner or potato are under an NDA, since if they were Bioware could have served up a C&D within hours of them posting any datamined info. And that C&D would have been enforced on their host, having run and hosted websites before, I've seen what can happen. So the options are: they aren't under an NDA, or Bioware doesn't have the will to enforce its NDA. I would lean more towards the former than the later, because the later would be especially damning.

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Seriously, this and your last page are your outrage? Your proof definitive that the majority are against KoTFE and also outrage from the companion changes @ livestream?

That these few users represent the entire past, current and future SWToR community to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt whether or not KoTFE will be a success? :)

Cool story bro.


Nah that was just the tip of the iceberg if I had posted them all I would of been up all night copying links.

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Most, if not all of the quest dialog and conversation options are stored client side. All cutscenes are stored on the client as well, that's why cutscenes are desynchronized and you are stuck waiting for people with slower computers during group conversations. You can freely watch any cutscene up until the point where input is required from all users. Other stuff stored on the client, companion affection returns in dialog, companion gift affection returns,


Also, I don't believe miner or potato are under an NDA, since if they were Bioware could have served up a C&D within hours of them posting any datamined info. And that C&D would have been enforced on their host, having run and hosted websites before, I've seen what can happen. So the options are: they aren't under an NDA, or Bioware doesn't have the will to enforce its NDA. I would lean more towards the former than the later, because the later would be especially damning.


That would work if the voices matched the characters. Or if the dialogue matched what has been officially released. Instead I think they are just punking folks to be honest.

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That would work if the voices matched the characters. Or if the dialogue matched what has been officially released. Instead I think they are just punking folks to be honest.


But they do match up just look up Potatos youtube vid of the voice dialogue from chapter 3 and compare it to the official stream video and you will notice they are the same except Potato used the female Sith Inquisitor instead.

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Nah that was just the tip of the iceberg if I had posted them all I would of been up all night copying links.


You do realise most of those are like discussions between a couple of people right?


I gave you a thread from our community, where is the outrage? It's that simple. BW don't censor peoples outrage unless it breaks the rules around mining or abuse etc.


You implied that stream would confirm something to do with companions that would have a large negative reaction from our community. I gave you a thread that is 55 pages long and has what is probably 100's of people posting and asking questions in there. There is barely a handful of negative outraged people amongst all of that and most negative posts are double ups of the same people. Where is your outrage? I give you 55 pages, you give me a few links to a couple of peoples twitters conversations, even the reddit thread pales in comparison.


If the lack of outrage you thought would happen doesn't wake you up to the fact that you are in tiny minority in hating on KoTFE then nothing will and you are just trolling BW/KoTFE for whatever kicks it's giving you.

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