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Can I still help Vette if I leave her collar on?


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Now the question is which slave master is better. The indifferent manipulator or the capricious tyrant?.

Yeah waht Joachimthbear said. I'm pretty sure it's the one that doesn't murder you just because the boring shuttle flight took so long.

Edited by fovzwk
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  • 4 weeks later...

What makes me curious is how they will handle previous companion decisions like this with KOTFE:



1. we were told all previous companion quests unfinished would be terminated upon entry into KOTFE

2. They are going with Sith = Darkside, Jedi = lightside for the "free" 60th character.


So.... what decision will the premade Sith Warrior be presumed to have made in regard to Vette?


There are justifications that a Dark Sider can make for having made a light side decision to take off the collar - ones that my DS warrior character for example used,:

1. a Sith is powerful enough to control their lackeys without resorting to petty electronic shock collars

2. Said shock collar, if left on, could be overridden by ones opponent - not a good thing on the battlefield

3. an ally who feels loyalty to you for such a minor detail is more likely to support you against a possible rival <and the Sith world is full of possible rivals>

4. Even without the collar, Vette isn't actually "free" - <none of us are free, only by gaining power, etc, etc, insert sith code here>


Again though, I am curious to see what decisions the "free" character is presumed to have made in this, as well as other cases in what I'll term "pivot points" of the backstory.

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The Jedi's original purpose was to prevent powerful force users from ever enslaving the galaxy again. They do this by abducting and brainwashing force-sensitive children, manipulating the government and declaring everyone evil who doesn't comply. The Sith are honest about who they are, but also much more ruthless when it comes to achieving their goals.


Now the question is which slave master is better. The indifferent manipulator or the capricious tyrant?.


Never saw it as brain washing and they don't abduct the children. Parents are free to keep their child and not let them become a Jedi.


The reason they let the Jedi take them? Because they're not likely to have the skills to handle their child.


*Force Persuade* It's okay for me to borrow the car and do spice.


What do you mean I can't do what I want?! *Telekinetic or force lightning havoc insues*


We see even Jedi who didn't grow up a Jedi believe this (Alderaan SI story...he didn't become a Jedi until he was in his 20's).

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Never saw it as brain washing and they don't abduct the children. Parents are free to keep their child and not let them become a Jedi.


The reason they let the Jedi take them? Because they're not likely to have the skills to handle their child.


*Force Persuade* It's okay for me to borrow the car and do spice.


What do you mean I can't do what I want?! *Telekinetic or force lightning havoc insues*


We see even Jedi who didn't grow up a Jedi believe this (Alderaan SI story...he didn't become a Jedi until he was in his 20's).


Good post.


A lot of parents also likely give their child to the Jedi because they're poor, and the child will grow up to have a more respected role in society, and live in more comfort, than the parents can provide. There are real world cultures who had monks that go to live in a monastery at a very young age, and that was often part of the motivation for parents sending their child away. For the parents, it was a means of giving their child a better life than they had. I would imagine that would also be the case with some of the families that send their children to become the Star Wars universe's warrior monks.


That might also be true of some parents who send their children to the Sith, assuming they're ignorant about what really goes on at Korriban.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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I don't really want to abuse her with it all the time, but I don't want to take it off her either. Removing it would feel disingenuous, especially since it doesn't actually free her. From what I've looked up of her story, though, I would still like to help her find her family and such, but I'm not real sure if that's possible, even supposing you never actually shock her with the shock collar.


Back when I played my warrior, they left you with an "out." All you had to do was take the collar off at some point, and you could continue advancing Vette's quest. If that has changed, I'm unaware of it. Unfortunately, there is no option to remove the collar, and then step your torture game up. Disingenuous indeed...I'm a Darth. I should be able to break her bones and crush her spirit once removing the collar.

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I whole heartily disagree with keeping the collar on mostly because i play only Light Side characters.


That being said, i do agree that is kinda silly for there to be no option to progress her story with keeping the collar on her. Dont know any other companions that do that.


But, from what i can gather - and also injecting my own opinion on this - leaving the collar on is effectively stating to her that you intend to keep shocking her. Regardless whether you would in your entire character's life. That does not sound like someone she would WANT to willing help. In the end, it becomes your choice. Either you do the right thing and remove the collar, or you suffer not being able to progress her story.


And to be quite frank, if you are Dark... WHY do you even care about not being able to progress her story? You are Dark - effectively evil. You cant be both evil and remove her collar.

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I whole heartily disagree with keeping the collar on mostly because i play only Light Side characters.


That being said, i do agree that is kinda silly for there to be no option to progress her story with keeping the collar on her. Dont know any other companions that do that.


But, from what i can gather - and also injecting my own opinion on this - leaving the collar on is effectively stating to her that you intend to keep shocking her. Regardless whether you would in your entire character's life. That does not sound like someone she would WANT to willing help. In the end, it becomes your choice. Either you do the right thing and remove the collar, or you suffer not being able to progress her story.


And to be quite frank, if you are Dark... WHY do you even care about not being able to progress her story? You are Dark - effectively evil. You cant be both evil and remove her collar.


I would like to be able to progress her story by completely breaking her spirit on my will. I'm talking twist her mind up so horribly that she either starts seeing the abuse as something to look forward to, or just make the abuse progressively worse until she overcomes the increasing pain just like she did the shock collar, then all at the end I can tell her I made her suffer for her own good, and that she is stronger for it, as evidenced by her ability to completely ignore even the most brutal suffering, and have her agree with me, thank me for "training" her, and then agree to willingly serve me for my "kindness" and have her ultimately decide to continue wearing the collar as a symbol of fealty. Because Vette's "default setting," is happy, cheery, and bright, the dark version of her story needs to go just as far, only in the other direction.


Of course, this game isn't rated M so we can't go there, ergo we can't "really" go full-on Dark Lord of the Sith World-Swalllowing Holdfast Tyrant.

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  • 5 months later...
Well they are also powered by love, so.......

The Sith aren't powered by love. If they were, Darth Malgus would have become less powerful when he murdered his wife. He did that in order to be a better Sith - because in Sith eyes, love is a weakness.


Love doesn't lead to the Dark Side. Fear of loss can, but that's a separate thing.

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