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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Repeat the intro cinematics for other Strongholds


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I've always wanted what it has been done with the new Yavin Stronghold. That each time I enter I can enjoy the intro cinematic with all the new decorations I've placed on it.


Add that repeatable cinematic for the rest of the strongholds as well as an option under the preferences window to toggle them on/off for people who dont want to see them.

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x_____x Oh come on!! Why the hell did you removed the repeatable intro cinematic from Yavin? it was really nice to have it.


Because more people wanted to not have it repeat. Maybe in the future it can be an option in the preferences but this is what they did for now to make the majority happy.

Edited by Nightblazer
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When they first showed off strongholds in a livestream they had mentioned that there would be an option on the exit terminal to watch the cutscene. Something bugged out or wasn't loading or something when they tried to activate it to demonstrate it though. So we haven't heard of it again since then.
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I for one would absolutely hate to have to spacebar every single SH i enter on all my toons (i'm a crafter so if i'm online I alt and swap instances in my SHs like 5,000 times a day..)




I would actually really like to be able to see it again at some point in time, i've never really watched any except when they first came out and I don't remember them from back then.. I too think there should be an option in preferences or something that you can toggle on/off the intro scenes!

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