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I'm Getting Tired of the Bads


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You know I get tired of all the people who treat this like a MUST I play both warzones and GSF and I don't play to win I play to HAVE FUN which is the sole purpose of a game am I good at either? Nope but I don't care I play to have fun and that's all that matter's to me its a game no a job. Yet I know pvp while it has good people has even more idiot's so I turn the chat off and just enjoy myself without having to put up with those knuckleheads.
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Reading through this thread amuses me.


Was playing Midbiy PVP tonight. Lost a few in a row and this guy kept running his mouth. Calling us "fail group" and "bads." When I pointed out that he didn't even cut half of any position on the leaderboard, it was because he was "focused first" and everyone else should have been CCing and peeling off of him.


I got sick of it. Eventually got into an 8v8 IMP only match with him on the other team. Promised 250k credits to each team member if we killed him enough to get him to rage quit. Darned if they didn't try to get him to quit! lol.

He didn't. Then he messaged me calling me a scrub. I responded back "It's not your team, it's YOU."


Moral of the story: There are a lot of "Bads" out there, but sometimes, a lot of times, it is YOU that is the bad bringing down the team.


LoL, that story made my day... It's so comon now to have those people calling out how bad everyone else is that it is amusing... It's also gratifying being on an opposing team as them and focusing them... Even better if you find yourself in a 1v1 situation and you global them

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You know I get tired of all the people who treat this like a MUST I play both warzones and GSF and I don't play to win I play to HAVE FUN which is the sole purpose of a game am I good at either? Nope but I don't care I play to have fun and that's all that matter's to me its a game no a job. Yet I know pvp while it has good people has even more idiot's so I turn the chat off and just enjoy myself without having to put up with those knuckleheads.


I agree it should be fun... and there really should be a bracket so people can just play how ever they like, but there's not... MMO pvp is team pvp... Which means playing with other people who rely on you to play to win... If you can't play as part of a team then, MMO pvp isn't suited to your game style... Maybe try a FPS to get your pvp fix or another game that doesn't rely on team work...


It is a shame that Bio no longer have a ranked bracket for 8 man objective pvp so that people more serious about team pvp have somewhere to play and then casual players could just fumble about in regs

Edited by Icykill_
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Agree with OP 100%. Like when I hold off 3-4 attackers at voidstar door with a merc on my mara while fotm braindead rerollers cant stop a plant on the other side. And the bomb blows, and they are still fighting at the first door when a scoundrel is already planting 2nd bomb. I dont expect everyone to have the highest skills in dueling (which is like 2% of wz matches anyway) or knowing every little trick their class have, but how hard it is to read the damn chat? And for the poster who said MVP votes discourage from guarding: I dont know many ppl who play as much objective-focused as myself, I also never get any MVP votes (cant have best dmg when running from node to node instead of just spamming Force Storm on 5-6 ppl constantly), but that wont stop me from focusing objectives because THATS HOW YOU WIN. Also I hate so much when they leave a me as a mara for guarding: we are the only class with exactly zero guarding utilitites (no stealth, no stealthscan, no spammable aoe, no Ready for anything, no 3 lives, etc). And when I dare to call out that 1 of the sins maybe could swap with they tell me to shut the **** up and guard, they will come and help me, ignoring the fact that if I dont have all my defCDs ready, they wont be fast enough, also 90% of the time they dont give a ****, they are farming dps.


There are threads on guarding elsewhere with the main complaint being (especially from me!) that 95% of the pub population refuses guard duty and they have 20 reasons why this is so. I play objectives too but find myself having to be the default guard because the #1 and #2 reasons why people don't want to do it is because 1) it's boring and 2) they don't want to get ninja capped by a stealther oh and 3), medals for guarding are worthless, I just want to pew pew. Well, don't we all? But someone has to guard the node, pylon or door. I now do it most of the time (guarding) because I am tired of the group silence in Op Chat where nary a person offers to guard when I ask who would like to do it. I don't mind guard duty if two things occur: when I call for help, the help does come and quickly too. that one person (anyone) who brings an orb to the pylon about 35 seconds to close of round then stays at the pylon as insurance against ninja capping. If a team will do that for me. I will guard 100% of the time.

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Once you realize that 99% (most likely a lot higher) of the people who play this game are terrible, you'll have lower expectations and more fun. For all the complaints about healers and certain classes or specs being op, if you're awful at this game then the class or spec doesn't matter (yes even the gods known as Sorc healers are included in this) . Premades or pugs don't matter, full dark reaver or pve gear is irrelevant, people just suck and most either don't realize it or refuse to. Getting to level 60 doesn't mean you know your class, dark reaver doesn't give you amazing abilities that allow you to global anyone.


I'm terrible at dps except for like sniper so when I am playing another dps class I routinely ask others for advice on improving (even asking in general chat, idc about pride or whatever), but going off recent scoreboards the majority or people playing probably couldn't put up numbers against a parsing dummy, yet they want to go into war zones where people are attacking them back (except when they 3 or 4 v 1 you and talk sht) I'm not telling them to not queue up or anything, play whatever you want, I just don't see how it could be fun (like the only reason I play this game, though not as much anymore) getting trashed and not being able to put up a fight. If you're getting frustrated or annoyed because the pugs are being their normal selves, either q as premade or do something else.


And no, trying to help them is a waste of time for the most part, people are really defensive. Most assume you're talking trash or insulting them, and insulting them is even more of a waste. Been leaving a lot of war zones once dailies are done, god I wish I could only q for arenas

Edited by Jake_Chambers
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...And no, trying to help them is a waste of time for the most part, people are really defensive. Most assume you're talking trash or insulting them, and insulting them is even more of a waste...


This. Several times people have asked me what to do to get their expertise to 2018, or at least above 800. A couple of nights ago I was asked again and I happily offered to give some advice when the WZ was over. Their expertise was around 900 and they were being melted like wax over and over and over. Soon as the WZ ended I tried to whisper them but...."player not found". /sigh They didn't really care or they were so neurotically self conscious that they bailed instantly. It's astonishing how many neurotically self conscious people there are in the world.


That or they just reply with something like "****" no matter politely or gently you approach trying to help them.

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This. Several times people have asked me what to do to get their expertise to 2018, or at least above 800. A couple of nights ago I was asked again and I happily offered to give some advice when the WZ was over. Their expertise was around 900 and they were being melted like wax over and over and over. Soon as the WZ ended I tried to whisper them but...."player not found". /sigh They didn't really care or they were so neurotically self conscious that they bailed instantly. It's astonishing how many neurotically self conscious people there are in the world.


That or they just reply with something like "****" no matter politely or gently you approach trying to help them.


I've spent a tonne of time and credit experimenting with bolster and often tried to help people out... It took so much time discussing it in chat I would point them to RANDLEs sticky on gearing... I used to use it a lot myself before 3.0... But after 3.0 it was a little out of date... So I created my own thread to supplement his -


RANDLEs now updated his and mine is linked in it on the first OP... We often discuss changes to BiS and how to achieve max expertise...

I've found it is now easier to just point these people who need help to our gearing threads... It's then up to them if they can be bothered and I don't get stuck for 20 mins trying to explain it in chat

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I have no intention of criticizing anyone’s skill, I want to emphasize it. However, I find it interesting that I have seen the opposite to what people are criticized for to lead to bad losses in the midbies lately.


First, my team had too many people taking and staying on the home node (3 to 4). This over-commitment was excessive and caused losses.


We also had a Hypergate where the other team handed us the win because they’ve attacked and took our node every round immediately, so we’ve destroyed their little foray and recapped getting the points. We did not have to do anything in that AHG, but to proceed in an organized group to our node, kill the guys, recap, and keep killing them as they (incredulously) trickled back. They did it every round, even after they could see how much the strategy puts us ahead. It was not an uneven comp, or premades or anything.


It’s not enough to use the generic rule of thumb, one has to watch what is going on, think fast and adapt.


As to the "why the bads play and what fun they find in it?" I love it because that's the game mode I have not encountered in other games and it's completely different. I look at the max numbers achieved by the exceptional players, and if I can't put out half under the ideal circumstances (playing with the main group rather than running to the offnode or guarding or just being wiped out as the whole team), I discontinue playing the AC, because I obviously can't play it. If I heal, I target 2000-2500 range, because the best guys put the 4000-5000 hps. If I am a DPS, I target the 1000-1500 range, because the best guys hit the 2000-3000 dps.


There is a sense of achievement in being a bad and still hitting little unambitious markers and, well, being as proud of it as the ranked champ that just posted something incredible. Unfortunately, the gap between a skilled player's performance and a below average is huge. And it is like there is no way to achieve the average. No way of getting a good solid B in this game, it’s either an A+ or D-.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I have no intention of criticizing anyone’s skill, I want to emphasize it. However, I find it interesting that I have seen the opposite to what people are criticized for to lead to bad losses in the midbies lately.


First, my team had too many people taking and staying on the home node (3 to 4). This over-commitment was excessive and caused losses.


We also had a Hypergate where the other team handed us the win because they’ve attacked and took our node every round immediately, so we’ve destroyed their little foray and recapped getting the points. We did not have to do anything in that AHG, but to proceed in an organized group to our node, kill the guys, recap, and keep killing them as they (incredulously) trickled back. They did it every round, even after they could see how much the strategy puts us ahead. It was not an uneven comp, or premades or anything.


It’s not enough to use the generic rule of thumb, one has to watch what is going on, think fast and adapt.


As to the "why the bads play and what fun they find in it?" I love it because that's the game mode I have not encountered in other games and it's completely different. I look at the max numbers achieved by the exceptional players, and if I can't put out half under the ideal circumstances (playing with the main group rather than running to the offnode or guarding or just being wiped out as the whole team), I discontinue playing the AC, because I obviously can't play it. If I heal, I target 2000-2500 range, because the best guys put the 4000-5000 hps. If I am a DPS, I target the 1000-1500 range, because the best guys hit the 2000-3000 dps.


There is a sense of achievement in being a bad and still hitting little unambitious markers and, well, being as proud of it as the ranked champ that just posted something incredible. Unfortunately, the gap between a skilled player's performance and a below average is huge. And it is like there is no way to achieve the average. No way of getting a good solid B in this game, it’s either an A+ or D-.


It's not all about numbers in the 8 man WZs, chasing an opponent down to finish him off at the expense of leaving a node unguarded to let a stealth come in a cap it, isn't the best strategy. It's about learning to play smart and look for your enemies mistakes. Most people just don't seem to get that it's not just run around and KILL KILL KILL. A well played Arena has more strategy than that. If people would stop worrying about their numbers and focus more on the objectives at hand they might notice more wins and at the very least, more quality games.

Many of the Bads that are referenced in this thread are people who don't call inc, pay attention to nodes/doors and i bet they dont even realize they can watch their mini map to get a basic idea of team placement.

Death matchers and kill chasers, thats all they are.

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My all time fav is the marked healers who are totally ignored. Enter a match someone takes the time to identify and mark healers and then all dps ignores them. Classic. Been happening since the game started. The other Fav is the match where no healer is marked at all , because either no one cares or can't identify them. I can accept people not knowing , understanding their class. I can kind of even accept not being 2018. Although with the comm situation nowadays there really truly isn't any excuse. Power levelers need to take some time and midlevel pvp for up to 6k comms to be full 168's. In the end bads will always have an excuse or not care. At which point, I've just taken to not tolerating it and leaving.
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I actually have more fun these days leveling new characters. I transferred some of my 60's to Harb, both factions but end game has become just that for me END GAME.


Same. End game for me is simply not interesting anymore after playing since beta. I keep some capped toons around for crafting purposes, but otherwise I just PvP and keep making new toons to do that. Which leads me back to the OP's original purpose for the thread. The craptastic players are so prolific right now that I mainly only run with a PvP guild now. People who strive for objectives and additionally know how to play their classes.


Terrible PvP'ers have always been around, of course, but lately in TOR it's simply mind boggling how many there are.

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Same. End game for me is simply not interesting anymore after playing since beta. I keep some capped toons around for crafting purposes, but otherwise I just PvP and keep making new toons to do that. Which leads me back to the OP's original purpose for the thread. The craptastic players are so prolific right now that I mainly only run with a PvP guild now. People who strive for objectives and additionally know how to play their classes.


Terrible PvP'ers have always been around, of course, but lately in TOR it's simply mind boggling how many there are.


That's what I do too... So many toons on so many classes it's ridiculous... LoL...


I think the terribads are breeding like tribbles... Everyday I see more and more... They now have their own terribad guilds too so they can run terribad premades... I see a new guild pop up atleast weekly, but lately it's been every few days... Each time they seem to get worse and worse... I have a terribad guild list happening... Now if I pop into one and I see them in a premade I just leave... I know it's a loss before we even start...

What's worse is some pvp guilds who also concentrate on conquest points are recruiting these terribads so they can get more conquest points... It's completely destroyed their guilds rep... When before I'd see certain guilds and think awesome, I have a good team... Now I see them and know it's a lost cause before we start...

Edited by Icykill_
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That's what I do too... So many toons on so many classes it's ridiculous... LoL...


I think the terribads are breeding like tribbles... Everyday I see more and more... They now have their own terribad guilds too so they can run terribad premades... I see a new guild pop up atleast weekly, but lately it's been every few days... Each time they seem to get worse and worse... I have a terribad guild list happening... Now if I pop into one and I see them in a premade I just leave... I know it's a loss before we even start...

What's worse is some pvp guilds who also concentrate on conquest points are recruiting these terribads so they can get more conquest points... It's completely destroyed their guilds rep... When before I'd see certain guilds and think awesome, I have a good team... Now I see them and know it's a lost cause before we start...


This reply has only 5 times the word "terribad in it.

Lawl. You could do so much better ! L2writemoreterribad !

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I go to cap snow (ours) as no one else are going. I see one rounding their corner and immediately calls out "1 s". Can not cap in time, so I go into defense / attack mode at the node. No backup arrives but I have the guy on half health and doing fine. That is until the stealth pops up... they kill me.


Now I might have let out some frustration in chat, as this ¤#%¤&¤%& is a new constant on TRE, but what really made my piss boil was the guys claiming I didn't call out until the node was lost. ¤W#ET%T%¤¤#. :mad: I mean really! Not only _did_ i call out in very good time, but it doesn't take much to realize that something is a miss when we don't get our own node with in the first couple of seconds. Sheeehs!


I WISH I currently had a pub toon in midbies, but alas not at the moment.

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I go to cap snow (ours) as no one else are going. I see one rounding their corner and immediately calls out "1 s". Can not cap in time, so I go into defense / attack mode at the node. No backup arrives but I have the guy on half health and doing fine. That is until the stealth pops up... they kill me.


Now I might have let out some frustration in chat, as this ¤#%¤&¤%& is a new constant on TRE, but what really made my piss boil was the guys claiming I didn't call out until the node was lost. ¤W#ET%T%¤¤#. :mad: I mean really! Not only _did_ i call out in very good time, but it doesn't take much to realize that something is a miss when we don't get our own node with in the first couple of seconds. Sheeehs!


I WISH I currently had a pub toon in midbies, but alas not at the moment.


Just wait till you get yelled at for double defending when there are more then a few sheaths popping and told to get off the node, had me and one other player on a node and we where told to get off and help mid, we said no few lurkers about, and got yelled at and threaten with a report so we both got off went and let the node get cap, then got yelled at for leaving the node lol...we lft to prove a point, but yeah pvp is a joke on all servers and now play with that in mind

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I go to cap snow (ours) as no one else are going. I see one rounding their corner and immediately calls out "1 s". Can not cap in time, so I go into defense / attack mode at the node. No backup arrives but I have the guy on half health and doing fine. That is until the stealth pops up... they kill me.


Now I might have let out some frustration in chat, as this ¤#%¤&¤%& is a new constant on TRE, but what really made my piss boil was the guys claiming I didn't call out until the node was lost. ¤W#ET%T%¤¤#. :mad: I mean really! Not only _did_ i call out in very good time, but it doesn't take much to realize that something is a miss when we don't get our own node with in the first couple of seconds. Sheeehs!


I WISH I currently had a pub toon in midbies, but alas not at the moment.


Of course the big mouths who complain about the node guarding are the same folks who never do it nor pay attention to the chat window. I can understand in the thick of fighting that you may not pay attention to the chat window but how in hell can you not see that big icon in the upper right hand corner of you screen showing you the status of the pylons? It the pylon on your side is not lit within 20 seconds of start of game it means one of two things: nobody went to the pylon (which, if true, means the other side probably took it), or, the person who went to get the pylon is fighting on the node and needs helps. This is called having situational awareness. By lvl 60 (one would hope), you are not starting your PVP career and do not need to be told how to play. But no. I always put my help calls in ALL CAPS so as to stand above the chat window fray. I always give advance notice but I do expect the team to pay attention to the pylon icon if the chat window gets too busy.

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Of course the big mouths who complain about the node guarding are the same folks who never do it nor pay attention to the chat window. I can understand in the thick of fighting that you may not pay attention to the chat window but how in hell can you not see that big icon in the upper right hand corner of you screen showing you the status of the pylons? It the pylon on your side is not lit within 20 seconds of start of game it means one of two things: nobody went to the pylon (which, if true, means the other side probably took it), or, the person who went to get the pylon is fighting on the node and needs helps. This is called having situational awareness. By lvl 60 (one would hope), you are not starting your PVP career and do not need to be told how to play. But no. I always put my help calls in ALL CAPS so as to stand above the chat window fray. I always give advance notice but I do expect the team to pay attention to the pylon icon if the chat window gets too busy.


Also they have no idea of situational awareness or what a mini map is... They all think they need 5 to kill that last person instead of some of them peeling off to the other node to defend against attackers...

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Reminded people throughout the warzone to rebuff themselves upon dying, yet over and over in the middle of a fight they just charge right in with no buffs on. I tried buffing them while healing but there's no point


I've been seeing this A LOT lately, too! LOL Guarding snow in an ACW on my Op and....here comes a Jugg. I target him and see, with amused astonishment, that he isn't buffed at all. He's coming in solo. I wait patiently. He runs up to tthe cap and....I three shot him.


I figured it was just a one time thing and he'd remember to buff up when he spawned, but he didn't. Twice more he came. Same result each time. Then I start seeing many more toons over the next few days forgetting to buff up. Seriously...I have no idea what is going on with the awareness and intelligence level of the average player, but it's alarming quite frankly.

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We should all just get together and run lowbie/midbie premades since we're all tired of the random neglect we're placed with.


Yep... But there would be no competition if we were all on the same team... LoL... Jokes aside... Not a bad idea... Biggest issue is the different times people play... I doubt there's enough of us on at the same time, on the same server to form enough teams


I think it's the bads breeding season... Seeing lots of bads giving birth to more bads... Reminds me of the tribbles in Startrek... Or when you get a gremlin wet... 1 produces 10... Then 10 produce another ten and so on... We are drowning in these bads

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