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Sorc Madness


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Madness Sorc seems pretty legit to me thus far just being geared in Force mystic Exhumed gear.



He must be talking about pve. You are talking about pvp I am assuming because of the gear you mentioned. There isn't much that is better than a madness sorc in pvp.


I usually like to keep my gearing pretty simple with all of my toons. Not sure if I remember the names right, but I thought the mystic gear was the healer gear and that force master gear was the sorc dps gear. Make sure to get the gear with the proper set bonus. I like to put a lot of power in my toons gear and some alacrity in with the dot specs. But play around with it and see what you like best....it may not be the same as what people say.

Edited by Saikochoro
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I think madness is good for PVP, I also don't think that you need Force master gear for madness. The 2 set bonus from masters would be nice, and I will prolly get that two switch out with my force mystic gear, but I went with mystic gear first as it gives me the ability to switch from healer to madness depending on how the ranked que is going.
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I think madness is good for PVP, I also don't think that you need Force master gear for madness. The 2 set bonus from masters would be nice, and I will prolly get that two switch out with my force mystic gear, but I went with mystic gear first as it gives me the ability to switch from healer to madness depending on how the ranked que is going.


Gear is so cheap you can have a set of both (which is best) in no time.

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is madness much better than lightning for PVP?


It depends on the situation. Both have their merits. Madness is great for long, sustained fights due to the consistent dot pressure.


Some healers are really good at burst healing one side of the raid frame, but many mercs and sorcs struggle with consistent pressure being dished out on an entire team. Tanks can also only guard one target at a time, and enemies have to be in range for their taunts. This is where pressure specs like Madness thrive. By keeping healers cc'd and slowly destroying their teammates, the healer will watch in horror as their heals fall further and further behind and people start melting before their eyes. DPS will panic when they hear the telltale sound of Demolish and will start popping cooldowns one after the other, leaving them vulnerable to killshots. Melee try to retreat to the backline in vain; after LOS'ing a good madness sorc, they'll simply die to dots and AoE from around the corner. Meanwhile, burst specs can pick a low, unguarded target and finish them off. It's a slow death for the other team, but one that is almost certain as long as you're competent and efficient with your dot spreads and you keep the enemy healer locked down with CC. Of course, you can be an idiot like most madness sorcs and just spam force lightning at the healer for a whole match. Healer tunnel only works if you have a lot of burst on your team.


It's also great for solo queuing because of its self heals and mobility. However, Lightning these days is also quite mobile and has the added benefit of longer range (35 meters, like a sniper!). Lighjtning is more of a glass cannon, though, and the nerf to force storm makes Madness better for sustained AoE-centric fights these days. You can accomplish more in PVP via recklessness + autocrit force storm + dots + autocrit death field than you can with simple force storm/chain lightning spam.


Madness pros and cons:

+ Survivability

+ Mobility (if you play a more "run 'n' gun" style of madness sorc in which you're dotting a bunch of people and casting off heals)

+ Sustained AoE pressure (dot spread + autocrit death field w/recklessness)

+ Force regen (if you get dot spreads off)

- Occasional lack of mobility (if you focus on single target dps and force lightning spam)

- Lacking true, reliable burst compared to most other classes

- Low single target sustained DPS


Lightning pros and cons

+ Mobility

+ Moderate burst and single target DPS

+ Bursty AoE pressure (force storm and chain lightning hit hard, especially with Recklessness)

+ Range (35 meters for a mobile ranged DPS)

- Lack of survivability (self heals are weaker, and not quite as much force regen in this spec if you start force storming too much)

- Boring (straightforward rotation, little dot management, etc.)

- Interrupt-prone and predictable


This is one class you want to pillar hump with. More sorcs get globalled than any other class.

Edited by Hoppinswtor
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Madness is definetly viable for PvP just now I would say. I played lightning for a long time and recently turned to madness as a change of pace. Compared to lightning I find you have better survivability and can really put pressure on a single or multiple healers with your dot spreads.


Gear wise you want the force master set bonus, your power and surge earpiece and implants and usual primary and power bonus relics.


All willpower augments.


Min/max wise I've been playing around with this and currently have dumped all crit mods and gone with power. Enhancements I'm running 5 alacrity power enhancements and 2 surge power enhancements. Seems to be pulling in some nice numbers. Not sure what others are running, it's all down to personal choice but thought I'd share anyway.


Good luck.

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Madness is definetly viable for PvP just now I would say. I played lightning for a long time and recently turned to madness as a change of pace. Compared to lightning I find you have better survivability and can really put pressure on a single or multiple healers with your dot spreads.


Gear wise you want the force master set bonus, your power and surge earpiece and implants and usual primary and power bonus relics.


All willpower augments.


Min/max wise I've been playing around with this and currently have dumped all crit mods and gone with power. Enhancements I'm running 5 alacrity power enhancements and 2 surge power enhancements. Seems to be pulling in some nice numbers. Not sure what others are running, it's all down to personal choice but thought I'd share anyway.


Good luck.


where do you get the enhancements from? PVE? I changed out my mods, but I don't know where to get armoring/enhancements or if you can, since they have expertise.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been playing a Balance Sage (Madness Sorc) and a Lightning Sorc for quite some time exclusively in PvP. Here's my take on PvP with both:


1) The lightning sorc (telekinetic sage) is more "fun" in PvP.


2) The Balance Sage (Madness sorc) puts up bigger DPS & Healing #'s than my lightning sorc by a wide margin.


My balance sage can do a million in dps and 200k healing in a basic PvP match without breaking a sweat. But it's boring. Really boring. You also don't really know how "effective" your DPS is since your DOTs are all over the place ticking all the time. Did it kill that guy? Did it help killing that guy, or did it just get absorbed by some AoE heals and only pads your DPS #'s at the end of the game?


By comparison, my lightning sorc attacks are more "visible" to me, and I'm running around blasting folks. You get the satisfaction of seeing the damage directly and seeing it kill people directly. You actually feel like you're doing damage. Then you get the #'s at the end and while it can put up decent #'s, it's not going to be nearly as high as a Madness sorc.


So, that's the summary of the differences based upon my playing the two different classes.

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