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Running Multiple Characters


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I have only ever ran one character at a time on the Old Republic. I always told myself when I finished their class quest I would create my second but I'm starting to feel a bit bored of just sticking to one class. I'm assuming other players run multiple characters at one time, I was wondering though if you feel this is a more enjoyable way to play the game and also, if there are any benefits of doing this? I know of legacies, for example but do these do anything more than just grant additional exp?




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When I first started I was very fickle, but I guess that comes with trying to figure out which story and class you like best. As time went on, I opted to just do one character at a time. Its hard for me to keep up with multiple characters persona and story if i'm swapping back and forth. I don't really know of anything advantageous to running multiple characters at once, except maybe having a wide variety of crew skills going at around the same levels for crafting. Seems like a lot of trouble to me personally.
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Depends, do you have the 12x xp boost as this could change what you do.


With the boost, planets should be fairly quick regardless for class, also there would be less repetitiveness as you only really need to do the class missions in this case you can do anything you want really.


Without the boost though, since you will have to do planetary quests and sidequests for extra xp, this can be repetitive if you run Dromund Kaas as say an imperial agent and then again as a warrior and again as a bounty hunter. In this case I would probaly run a class of the opposite faction so say 1 imperial character and 1 republic as in some cases the planets are in slightly different order and the sidequests are then totally different.

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When I first started I was very fickle, but I guess that comes with trying to figure out which story and class you like best. As time went on, I opted to just do one character at a time. Its hard for me to keep up with multiple characters persona and story if i'm swapping back and forth. I don't really know of anything advantageous to running multiple characters at once, except maybe having a wide variety of crew skills going at around the same levels for crafting. Seems like a lot of trouble to me personally.


Thanks for your reply! This is exactly my worry but I was thinking this could be bested by only swapping characters between chapters. Though I get to play infrequently and chapters can be quite long...so I'm glad there doesn't appear to be any significant benefits. Perhaps I will just focus on my Jedi Knight to avoid any story related confusion. I could also see myself getting all my different char's hot keys mixed up! Haha.

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Many of us play multiple characters. There are the 4 republic classes each with 2 advanced classes for a total of 8. The Imperial classes are 'mirror's of the Republic classes, and so there are 16 unique advanced classes or 'AC's' to play.


The mirror classes have the exact same stats and skills, but the names of the skills, the animations, and the weapons used are different. Bioware has done an excellent job making all 16 AC's 'feel' very unique and different.


I've played since launch and have played most of the AC's. I've deleted a lot of characters after running them up to 60 and being dissatisfied with them :) It's all very subjective.


Currently I run 8 Pubs, 4 Troopers, 3 Jedi and a Smuggler. On a different server I have 3 Imps for a little variety (and on the rare occasions when my main server is down).


Through all of this though I have only one main character, my Vanguard tank. I've always been a tank in all games I've played, all my other characters are crafting alts or there for variety.


If you enjoy the stories and cut scenes it doesn't matter, but if you are power leveling through to 60 and skipping all the cut-scenes, now's the time to level up alt characters with the 12x XP boost that we have until October.

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I am mostly playing for the stories so if these 12x xp boosts speeds them up a bit so I can take it all in, I'll definitely look into them! I assume I apply it before the mission and rack in! Will I receive them on creating a new character? I definitely remember seeing the purple xp logo in my main's inventory, which I still left untouched!
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The 12x xp boost is currently for subscribers only, in the lead up to the new expansion subscribers have a xp boost automatically applied to the class missions only, which means a subscriber can effectivly level to the end only doing the class missions without the need to do anything else.
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Oh! I am a subscriber! Gosh it's so embarrassing but I didn't even notice my exp had a boost...


12X xp will allow you to just focus on your class mission series and still get to 55ish. So it's an incredibly efficient method to roll up and play some classes you may be interested in but have not yet done.


12X is good until I think mid October when they say they will end it... so I would suggest rolling a few different classes you may be interested in and then just play them in rotation at a pace and interest level that pleases you. You could play casually between now and mid October and still have 3 or 4 characters at level cap by then.


But above all else... do what is fun for you. Different people find different things fun.. so only you can actually decide that for you. :)

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I think with the exp boost, I will most definitely focus on just class missions. Trouble is, I am the kind of person that always feels like I am missing something if I skip side missions. Is it worth shooting through to 55 by doing the class missions only and living of the side's greyed out 6xp in a kind of, end game sweep up?
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Haha! in that case all you need to do in the main is the class missions, you don't really need to worry too much about the other quests if you don't want to, or if you are short of comms to upgrade your gear (which should not be many since most class missions also offer 12 basic comms as a reward for completing it).


So you can do whatever you feel like when it comes to which story to level as its not as if you are having to spend "weeks" to level up to max level.


Multiple characers are useful if you get bored of a particular storyline or just want a break to do something else for a bit, I got bored of my bounty hunter story after playing non-stop for over 2 weeks (I took my time and even though I had 12x xp I did everything anyway as my BH is all about the money) so I started a Sith Warrior and did a chapter of that story then went back for more BH story.

Edited by Jedi_riches
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oTrouble is, I am the kind of person that always feels like I am missing something if I skip side missions.


I used to be a bit of a OCD completedness freak, running side missions even if it was for the 10th time, I am a little better than that now and for characters that I am running for a first time I may do the planetary mission chain too, infact I have had to use a little RP to get away from the OCD part of me by saying that as a trooper I should just focus on my class mission as my CO would repremant me for delaying it, or on the Agent if you spend time under cover with imperial rebels you would never risk your cover by thinking about taking on missions for imperials.

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Yeah! I was like that on a planetary mission, I saw the refuse quest option and I thought, "Oh yeah my Knight wouldn't do this." Then I found myself saying, "Oh! But the EXP!" And doing it anyway. I think for what I want from the game though, I should force myself to roleplay more and stick to what my character would do, especially with the boost in play.
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On my smuggler, Bounty Hunters I do struggle to not do everything as I feel they would do any mission if it paid well enough.


Plus even with 12x xp I think I would still do all missions I come accross on chapter 2 of the Counsular story as I feel it does actually add to what you are trying to achieve overall.

Edited by Jedi_riches
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I'm constantly switching characters. It's almost 90% determined by how my day went. If I'd had a long day, and had to deal with morons...I'm gonna play a DS Sith character.(force chokes and lightning for EVERYBODY! :mad: ) Today was a good day? I'm likely playing a Jedi. If I really need a laugh...smuggler it is.


I've played this way the entire time I've been here. And the addition of 12XP has made it even better, because my main focus has ALWAYS been "story".

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I think with the exp boost, I will most definitely focus on just class missions. Trouble is, I am the kind of person that always feels like I am missing something if I skip side missions. Is it worth shooting through to 55 by doing the class missions only and living of the side's greyed out 6xp in a kind of, end game sweep up?


You can have up to 22 characters on one server (I believe that still holds true) for subscribers. Pick a couple classes that interest you and zip right through them doing just class stories. The rest you can take the conventional route.


I generally have a feel for how each character will behave (in general terms) and pursue that path for them. I rarely look at LS/DS conversation options. The thing is when you have a few characters you have to remember how you envisioned that particular characters personality when jumping from one to the other.

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I have always stuck to one character at a time until I finish the main story for the character.


As I have played, and I mean over the history of the game with me coming and going and coming back from time to time, what has ended up happening is that I have wanted to re-start my "mains" (I like trooper and BH most), while keeping my level 50(+) "alts" that have completed chapter 3 of their class story (which right now are a smuggler and consular, and I deleted a 50 knight recently to start another one).


Hopefully I will finish the knight's story and then I can look at starting what will hopefully be my last BH and trooper as my mains, but I am also going to have to weigh whether I want to start an agent, warrior, or inquisitor.


I eventually want to get one of each class through their main story, even though trooper and BH are my classes of choice for long-term play.

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Depending on what you do in the game, running multiple characters may provide varying amounts of benefit. You said you mainly play for the stories, which limits things somewhat. You get to experience multiple stories of course. As others have already hinted, you get to pick different crew skills for each character, widening the range of items you can craft.


Another important benefit is endgame content. You may not be interested in it yet, but I'm mentioning it here just in case. You can only do any particular operation on any particular mode only once per week. If you do Ravagers SM for instance, you need to wait until next Tuesday to do it again. But since the lockout timers are separate for each character, you could take another character and run the same operation again. I have a total of six max level characters so I always have someone without a lockout regardless of what our ops leader decides to run on any particular night.

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