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Why dont people like Huttball ?


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I love Huttball. So much so that I would even go so far as to say that it might one of my favorite instanced pvp zones in any game ever. I love all the fire pits, catwalks & acid holes. I enjoy a simple team death match once in a while but I need something more substantial on regular basis. Something that forces me to use teamwork, coordination & brain & Huttball seems to hit all of those points for me.


Plus it makes me giggle when I stand on the edge of the acid pits & use Harpoon to pull some poor sap right to his death.

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I hate huttball because the classes with a sprint can just charge right to the goal. Second is other players can pull the ball carrier. Both things making it so one team can easily roll the other. But going into stealth makes one instantly drop the ball.


Basically, I think pushes, pulls, slows, and haste boosts shouldn't work on the ball carrier. Let them have to rely on the ball toss to make large forward progress.


1 - the ball carrier should drop the ball if they sprint, just like stealthers




2 - the sprint speed should be greatly reduced at the same rate as run speed, when carrying the ball


Either option is completely fair. What we have now, is not.


Edit: took out condescending comments


P.s. I mean force sprint or whatever it's called, not OOC sprint that everyone gets

Edited by crrypto
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I wan't to PvP/fight epic battles, not play some minigame.


I wouldn't mind it so much if it didn't pop 9/10 times.


This is the main reason most people hate it, They dont want to think or do anything other then kill the other team. Now that works great in huttball for certain class's as that's what we are ment to do, but sadly most people playing said class's are a joke.


I for one love it and would love to see an old school AV (Yes WoW AV hate me i dont care it was awesome when it came out) type of map with a PvPvE setting, it would allow the less skilled/intelligent to have there death match and the people that care about what the objectives are will take care of them. An it would be a epic battle for sure given are setting in the SW lore and what not.

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I wan't to PvP/fight epic battles, not play some minigame.


I wouldn't mind it so much if it didn't pop 9/10 times.


basically. this huttball thing is a joke. Assassins are already weak and huttball groups everyone so tight ure just getting ganked most of the time.

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The simple answer why I hate Huttball?


Charge and Sprint. It's really super awesome playing a class that is incapable of being competitive in that form of PvP. I can do 1.5 times the healing of the second place player, but because I can't shield myself and sprint or hop up to a higher platform by abusing charge, I can't make a really solid difference in the objective.


I haven't played every class yet, so I can't really speak to balance, but I know what would make it more fun for me:


1. Disable charge if actively taking damage, or remove the ability to charge from the bottom floor to the top. I don't know if charge is unfair, but it's certainly annoying.

2. Do something about the Sprint-Shield combo sorcs get. I DO know that this combo is unfair. Perhaps making Sprint remove any mitigation shields? That would make it a real cost.

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Star Wars version of Alterac Valley 1.0... Now that will be absolutely epic!


I remember one game there that literally lasted 2 days - I played 4-5 hours got tired, went to sleep and came back to the same game in the end... Did not see the end of it.


5 hour games were a standard back then.



I would love to see WAR version of RvR in SWTOR too... WAR is fail, but RvR there really hits the spot.

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It sucks for healing. Everyone is constantly out of Line of Sight (LoS). To top it off, I always have a million Sith jumping at me on the top level to smack me in my commando face. I would much rather play either of the other two any day.
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It sucks for healing. Everyone is constantly out of Line of Sight (LoS). To top it off, I always have a million Sith jumping at me on the top level to smack me in my commando face. I would much rather play either of the other two any day.


Agreed. LOS is less of a concern in the other two options and Sprint and Charge are less game-changing.

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I quite like huttball as an assassin, of course I have been considering going tank just because I find myself instantly targeted and hit by half the opposing team.


They just need to put in place a few things that mitigate the massive advantage ranged currently have, this would include items on the walkways that can be used to break LOS and reviewing some of the knockbacks in use here. To be honest, I'd be in favor of reviewing the range of knockbacks and especially those that root after use.


I'm almost inclined to say that knockbacks, especially the ones that knock you halfway across a map need a balance pass because unlike stuns, mezzes, slows and roots, you can't use your CC breaker on a knockback. The second I saw skill lists pre-release I was somewhat quizzical in regards to why they gave just about every ranged class the CC arsenal of a frost mage.


If it wasn't as easy to get LOS on a person on the walkways, then ranged wouldn't be able to sit in certain positions and have almost complete control over the walkway.

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I find the huttball wz to be great for a few reasons


1: it promotes tactical assassments: you simply cant rush out and hit things, it requires you to assess the situation and act acordingly.


2: it promotes team play: more than any other wz a small force of tping players can win this wz


3: it discourages melee zerging: yes its an issue when melee zerging works, this is one of the few wz where its 3 dimensional enough to not encourage clustering of melee players.


4: passing (if ppl got how to do it) helps vs clustering and zerging, it adds a skill element to a simple cft that no mmo has had before.


all in all i feel the wz is for advanced pvp players and while i can see how some ppl quing dont enjoy the effects of this i also belive its time people are forced to take the leap into more advanced warzone playing just as they had to be shock learned when the first warzone (bgs in wow) was introduced back in the days.


As a Sith Inquisitor I love Huttball, because I get to punt people into fire and acid lol.

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I do like it, but I would like to see some variety. I would like to see something other than Huttball. I have seen one Civil War, but after that, it was Huttball the past 4 or 5 times I was able to que.


Huttball is a great gametype. I don't want to see it several times in a row. :(

Edited by Painrelief
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I do like it, but I would like to see some variety. I would like to see something other than Huttball. I have seen one Civil War, but after that, it was Huttball the past 4 or 5 times I was able to que.


Huttball is a great gametype. I don't want to see it several times in a row. :(


totaly understandable no wz will be fun if we do it exclusivly but the fact of the disparing pop imbalances between factions is how it is. There is no way of fixing it other than letting all wz go to same faction and that does not suit them

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I do like it, but I would like to see some variety. I would like to see something other than Huttball. I have seen one Civil War, but after that, it was Huttball the past 4 or 5 times I was able to que.


Huttball is a great gametype. I don't want to see it several times in a row. :(


I just made a thread about this issue. It seems the only way to fix this would be cross realm warzones or roll republic. There are just way to many Empire players on my server and as a result, I have only played one Voidsatr match and the rest have been Huttball. I have yet to play an Alderan match.

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I hated it as a juggernaut in my teens.. as I learned the map and especially as I got force choke/pull I learned to love it. Other classes seemed to get their CC earlier.


I should probably put in a caveat that I really care 0 about who wins. I'm here to kill people, or CC them. I also love to snare the enemy, taunt them, and save teammates. I give 0 about the hutt's enjoyment.


P.S. do we really need a fake commercial?

P.P.S turn the voice volume to 0 on this match.. it helps.

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I just made a thread about this issue. It seems the only way to fix this would be cross realm warzones or roll republic. There are just way to many Empire players on my server and as a result, I have only played one Voidsatr match and the rest have been Huttball. I have yet to play an Alderan match.


First off, I'll say I strongly dislike cross-realm anything. I personally love seeing familiar names (both adversary and ally) and remembering, oh crud.. it's that bloody Assassin again, better avoid him or he'll slaughter me, etc.


And it wouldn't matter anyway. The population disparity appears to be almost equally as bad on every server. My server, from what I've heard, is at about a 2:1 or 2.5:1 ratio between Imps and Republic. In fact, I think Huttball is my favoirite WZ now (despite the being punted everywhere as a healer with no knockbacks myself), simply because I get stuck in the other two constantly and almost never see a Huttball. I'll play like 3 Voidstars and 5 Alderaan's for every Huttball I see. The only way that will ever change is if the population of the Empire suddenly realizes that they'll forever be stuck with Imp v. Imp Huttball, and in a massive wave of desperation, defects to the Republic.


Something very similar happened in WoW as well. At first everyone and their mother (and their mother's mother's mother) was Alliance. Over time, they realized queues were bad, and more and more people swapped to Horde. So many, in fact, that I found myself longing for the earlier days of near instant queue pops, and being the underdog. Even if I hadn't wanted to go Republic from the very first moment I started following this game... I would have now just because I have a thing for playing the underdogs (both storywise and PvP-wise).

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Sprint and charge definitely need to make you drop the ball just like stealth.


After getting the ball passed to you it should prevent you from passing to someone else for 5-10s.


The fire needs to last a shorter time, like 3s of fire and then 10s of no fire.


No idea what to do with knockbacks, but they are annoying as hell with such a z-axis oriented game.


Not sure what else, make reduced acid and fire damage...

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Huttball is one of the funnest pvp experiences I have had. simple, yet awesome.


Also, Empire should be happy Bio had the wisdom to back HB Emps vs Emps otherwise your queues would be stupid long. Us Reps have instant queues. As cruel as it sounds, a lot of the forum goers should have realized that Sith were going to be way more popular, and that queus would be far better for the Reps.


If you are tired of huttball 19/20 games, go Reps. Problem solved.

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