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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I'm officially done with hunting for HK-51 parts.


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Wait... you can get it from the *jawa*?!


why yes you can sir. That and a scanner for $50k. A scanner I might add you get for free when you start the quest and is legacy bound.


I figure it is probably an ongoing joke by the Devs. see how many people spend 50k for a scanner they don't even need.

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More outdated group content that nobody does anymore. Yay.


It would be really nice if they updated this stuff for the players who, for whatever reason, weren't able to do it when everyone was doing it.


This is easily soloable. Make a grid, start at one side, overlap. You will find it in <30 minutes anywhere besides Dromund Kass.



People mess up HK by not being systematic. You have to be systematic

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Mockery: Oh look at the pathetic meatbag, trying desperately to find my parts. Keep digging meatbag!


Contemplation: Perhaps the meatbag isn't meant to find my parts. Or perhaps the meatbag simply doesn't know what it's going.


Conclusion: You are unworthy of my service, meatbag! Terminate your own organics, or preferably, die trying.

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Sorry to hear that. It's much easier if you search in a pattern and with a group.


^ This. Even with just one friend, it is much faster. Scan the area systematically, in straight lines which are not too far apart. When someone discovers the part, everyone can use it, not only in your party but even from the opposite faction. I got each part within 15-ish minutes max, depending on the size of the containing zone.

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Took me less than 20 on Hoth. Went to Dulfy location and ended up finding it in the area that was like a pathway between the middle of the ship wreckage.


The pathway your talking about between the ship wreckage is where I have hit about 5 finds so far, my own and others that I have helped do it with.



No idea how or why it takes 13 hours to find something but I will come back and re-edit if he answered and I havent read it yet. Its bit silly to taken 13 hours if paying attention to where its been found many other times posted in many areas of the internet.

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Haha, pathetic.

If you don't have what it takes, then you don't deserve a HK-unit. I'm sure HK-51 agrees.


Read the guides and get a group before randomly searching.

I think it is good as it is now, took some time, but after all it's worth the efforts.

HK-51 is from times in SWTOR where you actually had to get some work done before recieving something.

Now with this whole 12x-exp thing, you ...young people... think everything should be easy, eh?

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