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Marauder hard stun.


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Please give us 1 hard stun. You can even take away force cammo. A 5-6 sec stun would be outstanding! Call it pommel whip. Marauders cant pistol whip but we can pommel whip someone and disorient them for a short time. We dont need the stun to be as long as other peoples, but it is needed.
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Please give us 1 hard stun. You can even take away force cammo. A 5-6 sec stun would be outstanding! Call it pommel whip. Marauders cant pistol whip but we can pommel whip someone and disorient them for a short time. We dont need the stun to be as long as other peoples, but it is needed.


Why in the world would you be willing to give up camo? It is probably the best defense maras have. And you do have a hard stun.....force choke. It no longer needs to be channeled and doesn't break on damage.

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Please give us 1 hard stun. You can even take away force cammo. A 5-6 sec stun would be outstanding! Call it pommel whip. Marauders cant pistol whip but we can pommel whip someone and disorient them for a short time. We dont need the stun to be as long as other peoples, but it is needed.


I smell an infiltrator from another class here. A true mara knows his stuns.

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Like I don't get my *** handed to me enough in HM 60 Operations. That's all we need is to have less ways to mitigate the shyt ton of damage that is constantly being hurled at us from every direction. Not only would you be losing a great DCD, you'd be losing the ultilities that you can attach to it. (Why on earth would we ever have a need for a cleanse?)


You have some options in your choice of ultilities. A root on Ravage and a immobilze on leg sweep attack (whatever the hell it's called. I don't even have it on my tool bar heh.). And as was pointed out by a previuos poster, you have force choke which is an excellent hard stun that can't be countered, no channel to forbid you from attacking, and can attack while your victim is 3 feet off the ground powerless to stop your screaming sabers decending upon the poor soul about to meet their maker (artistic liscence =p)


A hard stun in PVE is practically useless. You can't stun Operation bosses, and what good would it be to stun one add out of 5 when the other ones are still trying to rip your face off?


PVE is the domaninat sector in this game. More players play PVE than play PVP. I'm always very surprised at how often PVPers make suggestions that would hurt the very class they are playing. Mara's have had it hard enough as it is since 3.0 dropped. Even in PVP, your suggestion would do great harm to the Marauder class.


Enough people don't want us around as it is. Let's not give them more ammunition with which they could use to shoot as us. =] (With one less dcd that prospect is all the more daunting!)


Separate but equal.

PVP is going to be the end of us.


P.S. You're a Mara, stop trying to stun people, you're supposed to be killing them! Kill or die. Welcome to Maradom.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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I agree with the above poster in that we do NOT need a hard stun beyond Force Stasis/Choke.


I especially am against this idea as there are already way to many stuns, and CC in general in this game. If anything I would be voting to have at least half the stuns and CCs removed from the game, or at the very least function differently in PVP.


Seriously though hard stuns are largely useless in end game content and only really help with solo trash pulls and PVP.

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I agree with the above poster in that we do NOT need a hard stun beyond Force Stasis/Choke.


I especially am against this idea as there are already way to many stuns, and CC in general in this game. If anything I would be voting to have at least half the stuns and CCs removed from the game, or at the very least function differently in PVP.


Seriously though hard stuns are largely useless in end game content and only really help with solo trash pulls and PVP.


Also, Force Choking a droid is oddly satisfying, but also incredibly confusing.

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Alright, yes we do have choke, and I did forget to count that as a hard stun. Choke still has to be channeled, I see a cast bar every time I use it.? It can be cast while moving is all. Well then how about choke lasting a little longer?
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Why in the world would you be willing to give up camo? It is probably the best defense maras have. And you do have a hard stun.....force choke. It no longer needs to be channeled and doesn't break on damage.


Not an infiltrator, only 60 I have is this guy, I am just not the best marauder out there, and it will take me some time to transition from a Rogue in WoW to this.

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Not an infiltrator, only 60 I have is this guy, I am just not the best marauder out there, and it will take me some time to transition from a Rogue in WoW to this.


You might enjoy an Assasin more then. Stealth Class that can take a hit, stun lock, and burst like no other.


Best comparison is a Fury Warrior that is way more squishy.

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Alright, yes we do have choke, and I did forget to count that as a hard stun. Choke still has to be channeled, I see a cast bar every time I use it.? It can be cast while moving is all. Well then how about choke lasting a little longer?


Most hard stuns are only 4 seconds....same as choke. The only 5 second hardstun is available to a pt with a heroic utility. The channel is technically 1.5 seconds (a global cooldown) and can be channeled on the move. You can use another move as soon as the global cooldown is up from using choke....so treat it exactly as you would another stun.

Edited by Saikochoro
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Let's give up Force Camo because one guy asks for it! :rak_03:


Most hard stuns are only 4 seconds....same as choke. The only 5 second hardstun is available to a pt with a heroic utility. The channel is technical 1.5 seconds (a global cooldown) and can be channeled on the move. You can use another move as soon as the global cooldown is up from using choke....so treat it exactly as you would another stun.


Enemy is still stunned after Choke ends, you can get off another attack or two.

Edited by Jayshames
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Not an infiltrator, only 60 I have is this guy, I am just not the best marauder out there, and it will take me some time to transition from a Rogue in WoW to this.


I'm not the best marauder out there either. Just wanted to inform you that you do have a hard stun....and by no means should you be willing to give up camo. It is the best defensive cooldown marauders have.


I haven't played wow, but from what I have heard others say you may enjoy playing an operative or assassin as well. Don't give up on you marauder though. Marauders are a heck of a lot of fun.

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Enemy is still stunned after Choke ends, you can get off another attack or two.


Oh I know...I was just stating he can start attacking the very next global. The duration of choke is 4 seconds so he should be able to get off a couple attacks after the animation....same as other hard stuns.

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Ill not be giving up on my Mara. I dont feel much like an assassin as portrayed in this game. I enjoy everything about my Mara as far as the way the class plays. It is my favorite and I will not gear up many toons, spreading myself too thin. I will focus on being as good as I can with Rechter. I will not play a FOTM class, unless that flavor happens to taste like a Mara! I will eventually need to have an alt, but for now switching between carnage and fury keeps it from getting stale. Thanks everyone for ripping into me and reminding me I do have a hard stun, and making me think about my utilities more.
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Please give us 1 hard stun. You can even take away force cammo. A 5-6 sec stun would be outstanding! Call it pommel whip. Marauders cant pistol whip but we can pommel whip someone and disorient them for a short time. We dont need the stun to be as long as other peoples, but it is needed.

Please take a bullet and suicide.

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We HAVE a hardstun, it's called Force Choke/Force Stasis. It DOES NOT NEED TO BE CHANNELED. I don't know why BW left the channel bar in there, but Force Stasis is instant and an interrupt does NOT stop the CC NOR the damage. Force Choke is like every other stun in the game, except it actually deals decent damage over time. The channel bar is misleading as the channel is not needed. Edited by DynamiCtagez
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You are fine....people on the forums just keep on going and going after a question has been answered or advice has been given. Pay them no heed.


All I wanted was to clarify one point that nobody else in this thread seems to have mentioned:

Not only is the channel just as long as a GCD and can be channeled on the move, but it is also entirely pointless. The channel is purely cosmetic, it has zero use. It is misleading and weird that Bioware left it in. I constantly see people wasting their interrupts on it and it won't have an effect.

Edited by DynamiCtagez
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All I wanted was to clarify one point that nobody else in this thread seems to have mentioned:

Not only is the channel just as long as a GCD and can be channeled on the move, but it is also entirely pointless. The channel is purely cosmetic, it has zero use. It is misleading and weird that Bioware left it in. I constantly see people wasting their interrupts on it and it won't have an effect.


That's the point! To make noobs waste their interrupt! :rak_01:

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All I wanted was to clarify one point that nobody else in this thread seems to have mentioned:

Not only is the channel just as long as a GCD and can be channeled on the move, but it is also entirely pointless. The channel is purely cosmetic, it has zero use. It is misleading and weird that Bioware left it in. I constantly see people wasting their interrupts on it and it won't have an effect.


I was clarifying that earlier. There is a 1.5 second channel, but it only lasts for the global and is done on the move. So in essence, it is exactly the same as other stuns. I think his confusion came from the fact that there was a mini channel.

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Not an infiltrator, only 60 I have is this guy, I am just not the best marauder out there, and it will take me some time to transition from a Rogue in WoW to this.


You should have rolled an assassin. That is much much closer to the play style of a rogue from wow. Marauders are like a watered down, neutered fury warrior right now.

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