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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Advanced class change tokens?


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not going to happen.


devs have said it enough times that your AC is essentially your CLASS (as most people regard them).


so you have 8 stories, and 16 classes with 3 disciplines per class if you want to look at it better.


If you read it as AC=Class there will never allow them to swap. if you read discipline as AC then they already have respec and can allow you to swap disciplines already.


anything else not likely to ever happen.

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Every single time someone asks for this i have the bridge scene from Monty Python and The Holy Grail play in my head...



Long story short, choose wisely!


(With 12x xp, its stupid easy to level -fast- now, If your so lazy you cant be bothered to do so, just wait til October and make your free 60 whatever advanced class you want to switch to)

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Mechanics wise I see the point of not allowing it, but how difficult do you think it would really be for, say, a Sith Sorceror to change to a Sith Assassin? You learn a few lightsaber moves and how to wield a new weapon, you're still using most of the same lightning and darkside force abilities, you've still got the same companions and the same story progression (there's hardly even a quest for AC choice now, since you can pick it before ever leaving the starter planets).
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Mechanics wise I see the point of not allowing it, but how difficult do you think it would really be for, say, a Sith Sorceror to change to a Sith Assassin? You learn a few lightsaber moves and how to wield a new weapon, you're still using most of the same lightning and darkside force abilities, you've still got the same companions and the same story progression (there's hardly even a quest for AC choice now, since you can pick it before ever leaving the starter planets).


Did you miss the FOUR times that you were told by TWO NPC's that your choice of AC was PERMANENT and COULD NOT BE UNDONE? Did you miss the confirmation box in which you CONFIRMED that you UNDERSTOOD you choice was PERMANENT and that you were CERTAIN you were choosing the one you wanted?


The last time I checked, PERMANENT did not mean "until I change my mind, or they nerf my chosen class (AC) or buff the other class (AC)".

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Mechanics wise I see the point of not allowing it, but how difficult do you think it would really be for, say, a Sith Sorceror to change to a Sith Assassin? You learn a few lightsaber moves and how to wield a new weapon, you're still using most of the same lightning and darkside force abilities, you've still got the same companions and the same story progression (there's hardly even a quest for AC choice now, since you can pick it before ever leaving the starter planets).


"How hard could it be?" really means "I have no idea how difficult this would be to do. But I'm going to act like it would be easy anyway."

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All aboard the hate train!


Seriously, I've seen more hate about this topic than, let's see, adding playable wookiees into the game. Of course, I see where some of these people come from...

Besides, if you really want to change classes, I'll give a quick tutorial if you're max level: Wait until the next expansion drops, then use a level 60 token with the alternate class in mind. Simple as that...

Edited by SethMyst
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All aboard the hate train!


Seriously, I've seen more hate about this topic than, let's see, adding playable wookiees into the game. Of course, I see where some of these people come from...

Besides, if you really want to change classes, I'll give a quick tutorial if you're max level: Wait until the next expansion drops, then use a level 60 token with the alternate class in mind. Simple as that...


they have said AC changes probably will never happen. They see the AC as a unique play style hence "class" and thus in the devs eyes there are


8->stories ->16 classes->48 disciplines/AC so they already allow us to swap disciplines on demand. What people are asking for just wont happen. re-roll with 12xp or wait for expansion and buy a fresh 60 in new AC

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