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Lost opportunities - why i wont extend sub..


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I don't care why you are not extending your subscription.


I don't care if you watch tv either.


I don't care what school you went to, what job you have, or if you have a sick relative.


Although the other subjects are more interesting to me and perhaps with some information I could care about them.


Quit ffs and shut up.


LOL omg man your funny dude lol

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Most of the whiners are Dec and Nov 2011....go figure.... ;)


And most of the thoughtless remarks come from July... go figure.... ;)


Different people have different perspectives on PVP. Myself I find the PVP here to be better than most other games I have played in a long while. Is it perfect? No, but at least it is a bit more balanced than many games I have seen.


TOR isn't a Hard Core PVP game, but It does bring that in mixed with a fairly decent story line that gives you many options on how to spend time. There are many bugs and some classes that need a bit more tuning, but with any real luck that will be worked on. I mean the game has been out for a whole 7 days now.... The real issues is when people make up their mind that this will be Epic PVP, but then find they are in a game where you have to spend time to get gear and find the enemy. Myself I have managed to find a few spots where some really good fights have broken out. In Fact when one fight ended the Jedi ran off saying Aldaraan will always be part of the Republic (I guess a bit of RP there) My response was Yup and some day everyone in the Republic can have their own little piece of the planet to keep in their home.... (50 Dark side points self awarded)


As far as lack of open world PVP its not that hard to find you just have to take some time and figure out where your enemy likes to hang out and spend a bit of time hunting them down like the cowardly Republic scum they are. They are there. I promise. Hiding under rocks and dressing like Jawa trying to avoid the Empire's might, but you can find them and deal with them...

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OP, Get off your soapbox please. No one cares about your feelings or opinions. If you hate it so bad, leave. No one will miss your whiny attitude. There are many other people to play with, so you will not be missed. Take your smug $15 and go cry somewhere else. Oh, and BioWare is probably already happy you at least paid $60 already. Have fun playing something else, we will have fun playing swtor.
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A proper PvPers doesn`t PvP for the XP or other ludicrous rewards. He fights for the thrill of the kill and the thrill of risking himself to achieve it.


SWTOR fails in providing no risk and no thrill. The arena and objective based gameplay does nothing to alleviate this lack of excitement.


Bioware is using previously failed mechanics that are supposed to give PvE play a flair of something resembling PvP.


In claiming to have the worlds greatest PvP content designers and delivering stale clichès instead they risk loosing out on they existing and potential players that look for Proper PvP..


..Proper PvP being ACTUAL combat between players with thrill rising from the sense of risk you need to overcome to get that kill...


Even more interesting and in keeping with star wars lore it would be interesting to have the outer rim a zone with limited law enforcement and full of non-consensual PvP.


Also it would be more appropriate with at least some death penalty. I would never expect the hardcore PvP mechanics of EVE to migrate here, but there should be at least some cost to getting killed.


No risk and no thrill PvP is equivalent to be being pointless PvP..


The PvE players i offensively call Carebears do not understand this, but then they are not the people i want to reach.


Risk makes it more rewarding to be a successfull "Carebear" and Risk is what makes it worthwile being a PvPer..

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A proper PvPers doesn`t PvP for the XP or other ludicrous rewards. He fights for the thrill of the kill and the thrill of risking himself to achieve it.


SWTOR fails in providing no risk and no thrill. The arena and objective based gameplay does nothing to alleviate this lack of excitement.



I remember the first time in Linage II when I PVPed and Killed a guy and He Dropped his primary weapon...Then I remember times when I've died and I dropped mine. That type of PVP never went over well here in NA because it was TO EXTREME for the NA Audience. NCsoft had to adapt to what all other games used.


Btw When you died in PVP not only could you drop your main weapon, but lose % of Exp that took Hours to gain with also a chance of dropping Random Inventory Items and Gear.

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I remember the first time in Linage II when I PVPed and Killed a guy and He Dropped his primary weapon...Then I remember times when I've died and I dropped mine. That type of PVP never went over well here in NA because it was TO EXTREME for the NA Audience. NCsoft had to adapt to what all other games used.


Btw When you died in PVP not only could you drop your main weapon, but lose % of Exp that took Hours to gain with also a chance of dropping Random Inventory Items and Gear.


Don't forget that if you where the damn...battlemaster (you know the ranged class that built the giant golems? i know I got the wrong name there) dwarf and you died during patch 2.0.5 it went on a killing spree attacking friend and foe for hours... missed those days, and when NCsoft accidently added the bug to Necros in GW before a 5pet limit and a necro would just spamm pets and die in PvP causing server crashes and 5-10 people very angery at necro classes...


Or in Coh/V when you enter Bloody Bay and get greated by a max level MM who sends all his pets after you and your only level 10... yeah compared to the past, SWToR is doing good for itself, to many spoiled kids who don't know the meaning of working for your kill. its all about gear and stats these days.

Edited by RangKer
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Bet you didn't play Sullon or Rallon Zek. Sullon Zek was real hardcore PvP. If you weren't there you aren't no one.


And yes, I mean that. A genuine anything goes server from corpse camping to running trains of boss mobs on top of other guilds. The most fun I've had in vicious PvP. Made EvE look like a playground.

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Perpetuum is really not a good example of meaningful PvP. There is nothing to fight for that is worthwhile besides epeen and expensive ship modules. Once you have so many of them there is not much else to do.


It suffers from the same problems as many other games where PvP is an afterthought: there is no purpose to the fighting and nothing to fight over.

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Even more interesting and in keeping with star wars lore it would be interesting to have the outer rim a zone with limited law enforcement and full of non-consensual PvP.



Tatooine, Outlaws Den. Free-for-All pvp area. Though no one is ever in the area, at least when I am in the area.


With a lot of the game systems that currently exist, we need to give it more time. The game hasn't been out that long, a vast majority of folks are still leveling.


Perhaps Bio does need to take a serious look at a more hardcore pvp rule-set, to include corpse-looting or losing pvp rank/status by being killed.

Edited by Recker
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NOTE: These comments are from the perspective of a proper PvP player. As such most of the playerbase will not agree to the views.


-No risk and no thrills PvP, is equivalent to being pointless PvP-

It might work in FPS games were it`s mostly about the stats, but in my experience MMO PvPers are not the same crowd as FPS gamers..





There are more fans of fantasy than of sci-fi

There are more carebear players than PvPers

While there are far more carebears than PvPers, the latter crowd is still a large one

and i firmly believe that the game to reconcile the two crowds will draw great benefit

we generally don`t like each other, but games that have both of us instantly get

deeper, more engaging and alot more interesting.


The Old Republic was from day one in a unique position to capitalize on both genres and both player bases.


Star Wars is a fantasy game in a sci-fi setting. It has rich lore and already-written stories one can draw upon to provide tremendous content for PvE (carebear) players and work as a background for the PvPers.


Unfortunately Bioware drew singularly on WOW in developing their MMO and just as singularly on their own content and gameplay creation tradition with regards filling up this new world of theirs.


They`ve designed a game that feels very much like a single player game i`ve already played which is set in a universe catering to carebears (PvE players). While not innovating anywhere the solo content is safe and strong (which is why i`m playing it). Late game raiding might be fun for the carebears and certainly they approve of the on-training-wheels-PvP in the safety of arenas. And yes, i call Ilum an Arena. It`s one planet in a large universe, so it`s an arena- Calling it open world PvP is an insult to proper PvPers.


I was hoping they would at least take a look at what EVE and Perpetuum have done in regards to player driven economies and structuring PvP. I was hoping that the outer rim and border zones would be similar to EVEs low-sec areas (which would be in keeping with SW lore), but no.


Arenas, Warzones, Duels and consensual PvP without any penalties or consequences is NOT PvP. I was hoping for war declarations on other guilds, piracy and harassment and a sense of danger when traversing this dangerous universe..


..but what i have found is a kiddie-proofed-playground full of watchfull parents ensuring everyone plays "safe".


But Bioware should be aware that the uniqueness of their universe could have drawn a sizeable PvP playerbase if they had made the effort. Star Wars could have been a game that provided great PvE AND great PvP at the same time.


Maybe Bioware were to caught up in their own development history and the success of WOWs recipy. Maybe they just wanted a safe bet, as the stakes were high. The result however was that many players will probably like me, play the some or all of the single player story and then move on to another game. As for me, i will do a little more of the storyline, but will prioritize my EVE-online accounts where the politics and PvP actually matter.


BIOWARE have designed a Massive Online Role Playing Game (MORPG). At best its an MORPG with Co-op instances..


Where do you people come from.


Here is some advice you could use. Instead of spending 60$ and then crying. Why not just read for 5 seconds on any website promoting a game to see what it's about.

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This game is destined to be another footnote in the history of mmo's, not a header. The devs should never had hired war hammers pvp team to build pvp here. it sucked there it really sucks here. How can melee toons have better ranged capabilities than ranged players? It shouldnt happen but it does. Its a poor system that has no values at all except for the afk cloaked guys who are getting tons of xp for free. There is no open worled pvp no matter if they say its possible. BW doesnt know how to mmo, they dont know how to pvp, and they really know now that they can screw a game up reguardless of how well their story is. Unfortunately they have sunk all hope for another mmo of star wars because they went in with blinders and refused to listen to any of the player base. What a bunch of idiots.
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Well ofc they designed the leveling process to be playable solo. Most players level solo in games like WoW and TOR is going for that audience.


I would argue that TOR, however, has a nice balance because there are many 2 man, 4 man, and flashpoint areas, but they are not required.


One thing I love about this game is "you can have it your way" while leveling.:D

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