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cauterize tooltip wrong?


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cauterize tooltip tells me it does 4257 elemental dmg over 6 seconds, yet it ticks for 766 three times. Thats 2298 after mitigation but i highly doubt warzone trainingsdummy has 50% dmg reduction on elemental attacks?
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I don't know how much damage mitigation wz training dummies have (if any), but I do know that Cauterize does a small amount of initial weapon/white damage as you apply the DOT so you need to factor that in. I don't have the game open right now but the tooltip on torcommunity's discipline builder definitely mentions the weapon damage. Maybe you could double check in game and see if that initial damage makes the numbers add up.
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I don't know how much damage mitigation wz training dummies have (if any), but I do know that Cauterize does a small amount of initial weapon/white damage as you apply the DOT so you need to factor that in. I don't have the game open right now but the tooltip on torcommunity's discipline builder definitely mentions the weapon damage. Maybe you could double check in game and see if that initial damage makes the numbers add up.


tooltip is x weapon dmg PLUS 4k elemental over time. Its not even close to 4k dot dmg though

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  • 3 weeks later...

Guys seriously, read the OP and what he says.


Clearly states that there is a problem with the dot dmg component that I noticed myself too recently. On my mara in ani the rupture tooltip says roughly 5k bleed dmg over 6 secs. In practice though its only low 900ish ticks three times. So only 60% of the dmg is actually done according to the tooltip, the white weapon dmg is completely unrelated.


So the question is: why does rupture bleed dmg do only around 60% of its tooltip potential? Is this just a tooltip bug? Or is ani unintentionally gimped? I think its not doing the right dmg amount since rupture does not tick on application, which every other dot does in the game so far as I know.... or if it ticked per second, 5 times total, it would more or less match the tooltip dmg output.


Would love a comment from someone more technicality oriented like Oofalong?

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The 4k means that the DoT will hit for the 4k OVER THE 6s DURATION. Not 4k per tick every second for 6s, that would be brokenly OP.


okay, dot dot dot..... like, do u read things properly?


The problem is that the individual ticks do not add up to the amount that the tooltip says!! And standard NPC opponents have zero mitigation against bleed dmg, including the dummy.


Seriously stop saying silly things nobody alluded to.

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are we taking in to account that damage assumes target has 3 stacks? cause from what i can see 3 stack of it is doing correct damage ,it also says 1361 internal damage over 6 secs stacks up to 3 time = 4083 and it ticks ever 2 seconds


Cause I just tested this on dummy and @ 3 stacks roughly each tick does1440 over 6 second which is 4320 over 6 second with 3 stacks... so it doing more then actual says.


This also assumes you get timed 3 stacks just as a new tick is to go off, other wise you will only see 2 ticks before 3stack is over.


From what the info says and what i seeing it working as intended.. unless it means 1361 @ 1 stack which would mean 4083 per tick @ 3 stack that would 12k+ over 6 second, and i dont that is what is ment


per tick on dummy @ lvl 60 192 main hand


1x=481 damage (estimate)

2x=962 damage (estimate)

3x 1440 damage (estimate)


Info is miss leading and should be changed though. to

at 3 stacks causes 1361 per tick for 6 second ticks once every 2 second


or something along those lines which still more


It wouldnt be the first tool tip info banner is wrong.


For instance Vengance Jugg says Shatter requires 5 rage to use and WHILE it DOES require 5 rage to cast shatter, it really only take 1 rage on use and the 4 other rage it is supposed to use is usable by other skills. tooltip info wrong

Edited by Kyuuu
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are we taking in to account that damage assumes target has 3 stacks? cause from what i can see 3 stack of it is doing correct damage ,it also says 1361 internal damage over 6 secs stacks up to 3 time = 4083 and it ticks ever 2 seconds


Cause I just tested this on dummy and @ 3 stacks roughly each tick does1440 over 6 second which is 4320 over 6 second with 3 stacks... so it doing more then actual says.


This also assumes you get timed 3 stacks just as a new tick is to go off, other wise you will only see 2 ticks before 3stack is over.


From what the info says and what i seeing it working as intended.. unless it means 1361 @ 1 stack which would mean 4083 per tick @ 3 stack that would 12k+ over 6 second, and i dont that is what is ment


Ur confusing rupture with deadly saber. Rupture does not stack.

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good point i dont play rep side.


None the less Rupture always did roughly 900 damage per tick at max level for as long as i been playing marauder.


I more inclinde to think tool tip is wrong. It wouldnt be the first tool tip info banner is wrong either


case and point


Vengance Jugg says Shatter requires 5 rage to use and WHILE it DOES require 5 rage to cast shatter, it really only take 1 rage on use and the 4 other rage it is supposed to use is usable by other skills. tooltip info wrong and there is no skill or talent in that tree that reduce shatter rage requirement

Edited by Kyuuu
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good point i dont play rep side.


None the less Rupture always did roughly 900 damage per tick at max level for as long as i been playing marauder.


I more inclinde to think tool tip is wrong. It wouldnt be the first tool tip info banner is wrong either


case and point


Vengance Jugg says Shatter requires 5 rage to use and WHILE it DOES require 5 rage to cast shatter, it really only take 1 rage on use and the 4 other rage it is supposed to use is usable by other skills. tooltip info wrong and there is no skill or talent in that tree that reduce shatter rage requirement


There is no problem with Shatter Rage tooltip. It does require 5 Rage, but it generates 4 Rage after used!

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There is no problem with Shatter Rage tooltip. It does require 5 Rage, but it generates 4 Rage after used!


Did you even read what i said? TOOL TIP INFO IS WRONG



5 Rage

4m range


Channels the Force into your light saber and crushes your target under it weight instantly dealing 2786-2921 internal damage, with further 4454 internal damage over 12 seconds.

( this take directly from the ingame tool tip) http://i.imgur.com/cnxei3d.jpg


No where in this description does it say it uses 5 rage then instantly build 4. i also didnt say there was something wrong with shatter cause i said tool tip is what was wrong


When they change how skill work the dont update tooltips to reflect it all the time. that providing it was correct in first place. And i know tool tip for shatter has been wrong for over year

Edited by Kyuuu
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If u read ur vengence discpline tree in full for the first time since 3.0 u will see it generates 4 rage upon use. This added benefit it not carried over to the tooltip of the ability. Its very rare that a tooltip is updated in terms of description to match what it really does while in a particular discipline. Thats just how it is.
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