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New Expansion (Scared of making choices)


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So, just as the title says, im scared about making choices in the new expansion :p They say that your decisions are REALLY impactful and will make a huge difference in the outcome of the story. I just hope choices arent really shady that when it comes to which companions you can choose from its more clear so that you suddenly dont loose one of them :p
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Well, you know your characters well and you know certain decisions will make them happy or upset with you. Think of it like Mass Effect 3. You can piss people off, get them on your side, or they may try to kill you. Playing light side may be the safest way in the game but realize some people may not like it. Just play through it like you think your character would and let the chips fall where they may.


For my inquisitor for instance, he's Dark V but he's going to change to more of a neutral character for the expansion because rage/anger are motivation with purpose and will only consume and destroy the people around me.


You'll be fine mate! I believe in you!:rak_03:

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Well, you know your characters well and you know certain decisions will make them happy or upset with you. Think of it like Mass Effect 3. You can piss people off, get them on your side, or they may try to kill you. Playing light side may be the safest way in the game but realize some people may not like it. Just play through it like you think your character would and let the chips fall where they may.


For my inquisitor for instance, he's Dark V but he's going to change to more of a neutral character for the expansion because rage/anger are motivation with purpose and will only consume and destroy the people around me.


You'll be fine mate! I believe in you!:rak_03:


The comps i wanna keep are Khem and Jaesa so ill just try and roll all out evil psychopath :p

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I tend to roll light side, which means the only companion I might loose that I'd be upset about is Kaliyo. On the other hand, after chapter 2 of the Agent's story, my companion has lost all trust in Kaliyo and Vector, and she was never on firm ground with Lokin because of the whole Rakghoul thing. She never trusted Scorpio, which pretty much leaves... Temple.
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I tend to roll light side, which means the only companion I might loose that I'd be upset about is Kaliyo. On the other hand, after chapter 2 of the Agent's story, my companion has lost all trust in Kaliyo and Vector, and she was never on firm ground with Lokin because of the whole Rakghoul thing. She never trusted Scorpio, which pretty much leaves... Temple.


I just finished my fourth play through of the Agent's story and I cannot, for the life of me, remember Vector doing anything questionable in Act 2 that would make one lose faith in him. Kaliyo I can see, yeah, she's kinda awful. But what did he do (no sarcasm or defensiveness, I'm truly curious)?

Edited by AngFour
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Yeah, I just played through the IA story recently. Vector never did anything even remotely questionable; frankly, the only IA companion that I can see one accusing of being particularly untrustworthy is Kaliyo, who happens to be a habitual liar (even then, her plan during what I suppose you might term the "betrayal" wasn't actually intended to go that way - she ultimately sided with my agent, so...eh). Edited by Atreiya
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I am actually concerned about this, since they are impossible to do over. I just hope that we get sufficient warning if we are about to change something drastic. A lack of proper warning cost me the Imperial Agent ending I wanted.


Yeah, im going to be really mad if i do something that destroys my chances of seeing my favorite companions back on my team.

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Yeah, im going to be really mad if i do something that destroys my chances of seeing my favorite companions back on my team.


Better to have choices your scared of making than not having choices at all. They need to get over players who are scared of losing things. It's why we lost the ability to say no to companions to begin with. :p

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No offense, but thats a bad comparison, also thats not why we lost those choices, we lost those beacuse the alternate replacements for those chars were not availible at launch at it woudlve left people without a healer or tank comp etc... Also i would have no issue with that as you would have gotten a direct: "Would you like this to be your companion?" and you coudlve answered "Yes" or "No".
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The problem between making choices in SWTOR vs. any other BioWare game is at least if we mess up, we can reload. In SWTOR we can't do that (unless we want to reroll the character, which some of us aren't willing to do), so everyone clamours for spoilers so they don't miss out on romances/lose companions/miss story content/etc. I remember a friend of my husband's killed Ashara during the beta and was bummed to find out he'd actually killed a potential companion because there wasn't any type of warning that she was a companion.


So I feel your pain, OP. As much as I want to play my Bounty Hunter as soon as the expansion drops, I might start with a class that I don't care if I mess up too badly, like Trooper or Inquisitor.


I am actually concerned about this, since they are impossible to do over. I just hope that we get sufficient warning if we are about to change something drastic. A lack of proper warning cost me the Imperial Agent ending I wanted.


They took out my preferred IA ending. :( I had to settle for Space Batman.

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Well I am already re-running my "main" guardian since I made the choice to romance Lana during SOR (hey there appeared to be no repercussions at the time so I just wanted to hear the dialogue) but other than that I don't think there are any choices I would really take back.


Just play the game how you feel and you will get the choices in the expansion that are right for you, if not like me maybe to can re-run some, which is not always a bad idea due to multiple romance companions in some stories.

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No offense, but thats a bad comparison, also thats not why we lost those choices, we lost those beacuse the alternate replacements for those chars were not availible at launch at it woudlve left people without a healer or tank comp etc... Also i would have no issue with that as you would have gotten a direct: "Would you like this to be your companion?" and you coudlve answered "Yes" or "No".


Yes, they would have been left without a healer or tank comp, so they'd have to use a DPS one or reroll. :p

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life is all about choices -- and I'm excited that a game has taken a chance to do something a bit different --


my Agent made the most logical choice for me -- she chose to be an independent person, doing her own thing -- I'm happy with it -- I hated the SIS guy, I killed him, don't regret it a bit ( he used me -- and I hated that; what still bugs me is that I feel betrayed by Imperial Intelligence for what they did; so yes, my loyalty to them has diminished -- but I'm Chiss and my home world must be protected at all times ) -- she is however, the darkest of my 4 mains -- ONLY light side IV ( well, as I said, she did kill a few people )

my JK went totally light side, it's a Jedi thing for me -- no other choice seemed logical;

the BH is light sided all the way -- who says bounty hunters can't be ? she's another Chiss -- and a rebel, so yes, she's not going to be your average BH

my smuggler is light too -- ok, so she's in it for the money and protection of the Republic -- again a logical choice for me -- I never wanted a dark sided smuggler anyway ..


as far as companion choices go - as long as I have a healer companion ( for obvious reasons) I'll be happy, going to get rid of some companions anyway -- I've pretty much decide on who --- just have to wait and see how the game develops and what choices I'm given -- I'm excited

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Wait what? This is the first i've ever heard of a cut ending for IA.



There were supposed to be five endings but two of them were cut.




Space Batman, Sith Intelligence, and SIS Defector are still in the game. Reinstating Imperial Intelligence (the ending I would have preferred) is gone, and so is becoming Jadus' personal assassin.


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No, I can tell you there are other endings than those three. There is sort of a neutral Imperial Agent ending, but Imperial Intelligence is still not rebuilt. You just basically became their last asset in the Empire. It's the ending I got.


It's different from being independent, or defecting to the Republic or joining Sith Intelligence. What you have to do is either destroy the Black Codex (I think) or (as in my case) refuse to hand it over to the Sith/SIS or The Minister of Intelligence.


And there is also a Hand of Jadus ending. It's basically the same as the Sith Intelligence ending, but you get a bunch of specific dialogue about Darth Jadus.


So yes there is a total of five. Most get different dialogue with Darth Marr at the start of Rise of the Hutt Cartel.


But what I was referring to was telling Arden Kothe about the Star Cabal on Corellia. It results in him killing the Sith Lords sent to retrieve it, thus making the Sith Intelligence ending impossible.


He kills people I didn't know would be coming to collect something I didn't yet know existed. That's what cost me my preferred ending.There was no warning it would cost me the ending I wanted and there was no way I could have known it would happen. It was SUPER lame.

Edited by OldVengeance
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No, I can tell you there are other endings than those three. There is sort of a neutral Imperial Agent ending, but Imperial Intelligence is still not rebuilt. You just basically became their last asset in the Empire. It's the ending I got.


It's different from being independent, or defecting to the Republic or joining Sith Intelligence. What you have to do is either destroy the Black Codex (I think) or (as in my case) refuse to hand it over to the Sith/SIS or The Minister of Intelligence.


And there is also a Hand of Jadus ending. It's basically the same as the Sith Intelligence ending, but you get a bunch of specific dialogue about Darth Jadus.


So yes there is a total of five. Most get different dialogue with Darth Marr at the start of Rise of the Hutt Cartel.


From the agents I've played and all the posts I've read, there are three endings with slight variations, depending on who you killed and what you did with the Black Codex.



It doesn't matter if you erased your identity, destroyed the Black Codex, gave it to Kothe but didn't defect, or handed it over to the Minister of Intelligence, all fall under the "Free Agent/Space Batman" ending, basically meaning you don't have an authority to answer to (Sith Intelligence), but still help the Empire.


The Sith Intelligence ending can happen with or without joining Jadus, there's just extra dialogue about Jadus if you are his Hand. They're treated as the same ending.


The SIS defector ending is self explanatory.



Really, Agent is no different than any other class' endings, except there's three instead of two. Sometimes you get variations depending on your choices, but they don't really effect the overall ending.

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I can see having our choices have consequences, although I really would hate to see Vector leave my agent because she likes Theron Shan <if he's an option>.

After all, he didn't object when my character married the Voss fellow too.


Additionally, from the story background - I can see the possibility of him sticking around - he was a Killik joiner, and if they are insects similar to others, they have a queen who has many "husbands". <there was a queen killik creature I remember one of the sides having to kill on a bonus mission on Alderaan, don't remember which faction>.


Although I do have a question -

if we go back to an "old" planet, or the fleet or something for guild events or playing through older fps or other things will we have those with our old companions back or exactly how will that work?

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Not sure how traveling to old planets will work, all i know is im gonna be pissed if i loose my favorite companions, thats going to ruin it for me and maybe stop me from playing the game.


There won't be any changes to old planets, that much has been officialy stated so I guess we will travek there as before - shuttle or our old/new ship.


I guess the romanceable companions are in a safe spot, "fan favorites" as well altough I also have a feeling we will be able to go on a killing spree on them regardless or just tell them to be on their way (to keep all the new companions) :p


The worst thing i can imagine is not getting any companions back as...companions, just static NPCs somehwere out there. Maybe on our ship, maybe on our base of operations or whatever. That would make me sad but on the other hand, if that would open new possibilites of interaction...I might be pleasantly surprised :)

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The worst thing i can imagine is not getting any companions back as...companions, just static NPCs somehwere out there. Maybe on our ship, maybe on our base of operations or whatever. That would make me sad but on the other hand, if that would open new possibilites of interaction...I might be pleasantly surprised :)


I've been convinced all along that there was no way BW would actually remove companions from our ship's crew completely...that at the worst we would be allowed to rerecruit them but with the caveat that they would still be just as silent as ever.


But now I'm actually starting to wonder if we really won't be able to recruit some of them back.


From this article:



With other famous BioWare franchises such as Mass Effect and Dragon Age, a hero’s companions would change with each sequel – some would stay, others would drift away or become NPCs, and new ones would join up in their place. The same approach is being taken with KOTFE, as Ohlen explained. “Maybe at the beginning they’ll be a little bit apprehensive, but I think once they see how good the story is, and the fact that we haven’t pulled an Alien 3 and just killed off the favourite characters - they’re still around and we’re going to make use of them. We know that they’re characters that people are very much attached to. But make use of them in different ways.”


A little further on in the article there is also this quote:


"We can still have the player impact companions, or lose and not have companions, and it won’t affect the gameplay long-term.”


Trying to think positively here...if companions get turned into NPC's, then they will undoubtedly be an important part of the story (hence why they were pulled in the first place) and hopefully that means we will get more interactions with them. Whereas, once a character becomes a companion, history has it that all development on them ceases. (Because different people have/choose different companions and BW only wants to work the chars that will be seen by the most players.)


I don't know. I'm not sure what to make of this yet.


(Edited to add in second quote.)

Edited by CloudCastle
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