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Carnage Mara rotation tips.


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I just got back into my marauder (last played it pre 3.0) and have been working on my rotation. Ill continue practicing but was just wondering if there is anything specific im doing wrong consistently.


I play a Carnage Marauder and I parse everyday so I am familair with the rotations as such. Thing to note that while you want to stick to the optimal rotation as much as possible, what works on a training dummy you cannot simply bring that rotation into live raids and stick to it as easily. You are much more rage starved on dummies and have 100% uptime, which you wont find in a live fight so bare that in mind if you are using dummy parsing to be more effective in raids (Which is usually the case), parsing is great for muscle memory, and while you might not be able to use the optimal rotation you use on a dummy in live raids, you do want to attempt to stick to it as much as possible.


Without knowing what your gear is like, it makes it difficult to know what range you should be hitting DPS wise (With mostly resurrected gear you should be able to achieve 4k dummy parse levels. Gear certainly effects your DPS in addition to rotation.




I'm not expert at analyzing parses as its very technical , but a few things I noted in your parse that stood out if I'm reading the parse correctly. So this is just some general tips. There are those much more astute than myself at analyzing parses (Heyete for example). I'm sure he'll be along very soon as well =]


* You want to use assault as minimally as possible and there are instances where you are using it back to back which isn't necessary for resource management if proper rotation can be preformed. Assaults back to back will minimize your dps some as assault is really not used for damage but rather as a filler and rage builder when other rage builders are not available.


Massacres are your best fillers and they do a respectable amount of damage and thus you want to use them as much as possible (where resources allow) and also serve to proc ataru attacks.


Your use of beserk should not be used wherein a gore window is not included and your use of gore windows should only be used for the following combos -


Ravage/ devastating Blast

Viscious Throw/ Devastating Blast

Devastating Blast/Massacre (This last one is less than ideal and should only be used if you find yourself faced with not being able to employ one of the first 2 combos.


It should be noted however, coupled with Beserk you really only want that to use the first combo (Ravage/Devastating Blast) because the added alacrity to gain from the use of beserk is ideally suit to assiting in clips your ravage so as to be able to fit Ravage/Devastating Blast into one gore window.


The other 2 gore window combos can be used outside of Beserk with no ill effect and essentially your going back and forth between the combos. (i.e. Ravage/Devastating Blast gore window, followed by Viscious Throw/ Devastating Blast gore window and than back to Ravage/Devastating Blast (while using beserk again).

Id during what would have been your Viscious Throw/ Devastating Blast gore window, viscious throw is unavailable for some reason that is when your would use the Devastating Blast/ Massacre gore window in a pinch. The first 2 types of Gore windows are the ones you want to be alternating with gore window to gore window ideally.


It appears that there are times that you are using gore windows while spamming massacre only. You should only be using one of the 3 types of gore windows listed above. (Ideally).

If you find you are unable to, it is due to your rotation. If a proper rotation is used you wont have a problem alternating the prefered gore window types.


Another thing I noted immediately is your ATM (Attacks per minute) which is 47 in the parse. This is a bit low and you ideally want to be doing at least 50 on a dummy. This is much easier to achieve with the proper amount of alacrity which for Carnage is something you absolutely want to have in the 500 range. Speed equals DPS. The faster you hit and the faster your cooldowns the higher your dps will be relative to the attack types being employed. Practice and getting your rotation to muscle memory will assit you in raising your apm as well and is probably the more important of the 2 means.


Id advise you check out some of the guilds for carnage users to help you establish a proper rotation so that you can start training using it. I recommend the Guide on the Dulfy website and Heyete's Marauder guide as they are the best informational resources to be found. Dulfy's is a bit outdated but still very useful in many ways. Heyetes guide is the more valuable of the 2 I'd say.








Carnage is a very fast paced spec and while seemingly simple in design and rotation, it's speed can get away from you if you do not employ proper rotation and maintain priorities when you go off course.


Time, practice and proper rotation are key to maximizing carnage's DPS. Heyete is proof of carnage's potential if in the right hands.


Hope this helps some. Carnage really is an outstanding spec and a blast to play once you get comfortable with it. Stick with it, you'll get it. You'll be glad that you did.

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Im currently in 186 gear with 192 hilts and ruusan relics/dread forged implants/ 192 earpiece.


Thanks for the advice and the link to those guides, definitely seems easier to keep rage up following those,

Edited by DarthMurdek
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Im currently in 186 gear with 192 hilts and ruusan relics/dread forged implants/ 192 earpiece.


Thanks for the advice and the link to those guides, definitely seems easier to keep rage up following those,


Your APM is a little low. Try and get at least 48.5. Depends on your Alacrity tho, 0 alacrity = 50 APM, lots of alacrity obviously should be more.


With your gear level I'd say you should be doing high 3k. Like at least 3700-3800.

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There are those much more astute than myself at analyzing parses (Heyete for example). I'm sure he'll be along very soon as well =]


LOL Whats to say, you pretty much nailed everything.


To the OP: As with all Carnage/Combat users looking for help i'm always willing to meet up in Vent/TS/Mumble and help out where I can. If you happen to be on Jedi Covenant (My server) or Shadowlands i can assist you directly with your Maruader. If you are on a different server then there are other ways we can help you out if you so choose. Warriorx gave very solid advice and definitely read the "Rotation" section of my guide and be sure to read the two notes following the rotation. If you follow that, and with some practice, you should be capable of getting 3.7 to 4K DPS at your level of gear. Good luck mate :D


- Hayete

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