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PvP Related Questions from a newcomer


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I'm new to this game and I rolled a Jedi Sentinel (Combat). I'm a PvP kind of player, and I obtained the 168 PvP gear, and am now working on the 174 stuff.

I have a few questions, though.


1. What are my stat priorities for PvP? I always found crit/crit magnitude very important stats in PvP, but people have been telling me Sentinels don't need crit chance. I can see why, since Clashing Blast is 100% crit, but that still leaves all the other skills with a low crit chance (set bonus has a 1m cd, not counting that). And should I be taking any defensive stats?


2. Skill usage. Actually, only one skill. Master Strike. Should I be using this in PvP? A channeled skill that requires you to stand still doesn't seem very good in a PvP environment, but at the same time, it's high damage, and it's part of a set bonus.


3. Anything I can do to prevent being torn to pieces as soon as I'm being focused by two or more players, apart from taking a pocket healer? I just get CC locked, and there is nothing I can do about it.

Edited by Giliodor
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I'm new to this game and I rolled a Jedi Sentinel (Combat). I'm a PvP kind of player, and I obtained the 168 PvP gear, and am now working on the 174 stuff.

I have a few questions, though.


1. What are my stat priorities for PvP? I always found crit/crit magnitude very important stats in PvP, but people have been telling me Sentinels don't need crit chance. I can see why, since Clashing Blast is 100% crit, but that still leaves all the other skills with a low crit chance (set bonus has a 1m cd, not counting that). And should I be taking any defensive stats?


2. Skill usage. Actually, only one skill. Master Strike. Should I be using this in PvP? A channeled skill that requires you to stand still doesn't seem very good in a PvP environment, but at the same time, it's high damage, and it's part of a set bonus.


3. Anything I can do to prevent being torn to pieces as soon as I'm being focused by two or more players, apart from taking a pocket healer? I just get CC locked, and there is nothing I can do about it.


Nope no Crit is needed. For stats, look up Skyrushes video on Carnage Marauder stat optimization.


Use Master strike as a Filler, but dont rely on it for damage. Only do it if everything else is on CD. and only do it during Zen.


Wait to use your CC break when your resolve bar is full. If you arent sure what the Resolve bar is, head over to the PvP forums and look up the sticky posts. They have some good information.


Keep Saber Ward ready for that moment. Make sure your (Jedi equivalent to Cloak of Carnage) is up as much as possible when you ar ein the thick of things. Transcendence can help boost your defense and speed to LoS your attackers. Camoflauge is also good for breaking targets and giving your attackers another target to focus.

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1. What are my stat priorities for PvP? I always found crit/crit magnitude very important stats in PvP, but people have been telling me Sentinels don't need crit chance. I can see why, since Clashing Blast is 100% crit, but that still leaves all the other skills with a low crit chance (set bonus has a 1m cd, not counting that). And should I be taking any defensive stats?


A very small amount of crit might work for you, but generally your focus should be on getting a couple huge hits during a precision window and globaling someone. Crit is fine, but since the huge majority of your damage is coming from an autocrit (35-60%, depending on WZ and playstyle), improving the impact of that ability is pretty baller. Also, even with zero crit, you should find yourself critting quite ferquently - 25% is nothing to sneeze at.


Also, you're discounting the 1 min cd on the 6 piece - 1 min is a long time in some wzs, but it still has a very noticeable impact. It should definitely weigh in on your pro/con re: running crit in PvP.


2. Skill usage. Actually, only one skill. Master Strike. Should I be using this in PvP? A channeled skill that requires you to stand still doesn't seem very good in a PvP environment, but at the same time, it's high damage, and it's part of a set bonus.


Yes, but be sure you have debilitation spec'd. The root is extremely useful, especially if you're working with others. See also the benefit of the 6 piece.


I will typically use it in a precision window, but sometimes it's more helpful to have a 2.91 second root on an enemy player.


3. Anything I can do to prevent being torn to pieces as soon as I'm being focused by two or more players, apart from taking a pocket healer? I just get CC locked, and there is nothing I can do about it.


Positioning, mostly. Don't over extend. Don't tunnel. Don't get juked. Attack what's already being attacked.


That said, you have some GD amazing defensive cooldowns. Also, transcendence is really, really great (for yourself, and maybe more so for your team).

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