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Ranked Harassment is one reason people avoid RANKED


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In ranked pvp on Harbinger whilst playing my conc operative I've been told to:


- never queue for ranked again

- uninstall swtor

- l2p

- get good


and so and so on.


And this is after our team has actually won and I've got 2 killing blows. All because I don't do over 100k dps, which is what everyone seems to be measured by these days in ranked pvp.


What I get called or whispered after we lose a match is not suitable to be re-printed on the forums. Yes a thick skin is required, but it makes it harder to want to hit the queue button again. But I will note that most of the abuse comes from players who play fotm classes, which I'm sure means something.


If you did 100k dps you would be GOD.

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Doesn't happen on Shadowlands


People told me to stop queuing with a gunslinger and tbh they were right. Edit: well unless losing no longer tanks your ratings, then no, they would be wrong. But I would probably just get much better or quit, if slingers truly are useless at solo ranked.

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...Well I do. Because despite this philosophical discussion, I find myself still buying into the "I suck too much to play ranked, and don't want to bring other people's ratings down" mindset. It sucks to sympathize with people you disagree with sometimes.


Man, you probably don't suck at all. Ranked PvP is pretty much dominated by those who hate to lose ever. In other words, urine poor sports. I don't know about the rest of you, but I have a professional job that I have to maintain intense focus on five days a week. When I get home and log in to relax, THE...LAST thing I want to have to deal with is some punk barbarian 14 year old or early 20's narcissistic disordered clown, both categories with no real life experience, lashing out at me with maximum security prison vulgarity because I wasn't playing like HE/SHE wanted.


THAT is why I do not get into ranked. Those of you who behave like this deserve the way ranked PvP has turned out with it's near non-existent queue pops. You helped to create this.

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The next time your waiting 30 mins or longer for a ranked Pop just remember its likely due to the childish MOBA mentality many rank players have.


How often do you go into a ranked Que to have someone dodge the match before it starts, or quits after the first round.


How often do you load in and find random Assasin giving one of the other players crap over them...


1. lacking something they feel is required for ranked...IE... OMG one of your armor pieces is lacking an augment, you don't have a stim active.

2. not being a FOTM class

3. being a MERC


My personal favorite is the guys who message you after the match to tell you something completely crap, and of course has it to where you can't respond back because said clown wants to dish it out and can't take it back .


And without fail almost always someone on the losing team is going to play the blame game and start trash talking the guy they want to blame.


IE.... Messaging them after the match to tell them to never play ranked again or something else childish.


Yes the balancing of ranked is bad, but ranked is made worst by piss poor sportsmanship that equals that of LOL or random MOBA...


This is a regular thing on harbinger... Especially from the elitist pvp guilds and pvp heroes... And if you have one bad game from a stuff up or if the other team just has more skilled players, you never hear the end of it... I love the people who pm you after the match to give you grief and before you can respond put you on ignore... LoL... Wimps

Best thing to do is switch faction.. Target said players and see just how good they are... A lot of the time they aren't as good as they think... All they really want to do is have someone to blame if you lose... Even if you don't lose they want an excuse in place so everyone looks at your performance over theirs...

I agree that the toxic behaviour of these people is one reason why people don't queue and another why pvp servers are in their death throws... Now they've all transfered to Harbinger theyve brought their toxic behaviour with them...

It's a shame ignore makes it so you don't enter a match with them... Then the toxics would either have no one to play with or would be together... Unfortunately even that would be abused by people excluding ledgitmate players from ranked..

The other reason queues are bad on some servers is the transfers to other servers and the pvp servers dying...

And the last one is because a lot of people are sick of arena, only FOTM classes are competitive for most people, excluding anyone who plays other classes and because some people hate arena and would prefer an 8 man ranked objective option

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In ranked pvp on Harbinger whilst playing my conc operative I've been told to:


- never queue for ranked again

- uninstall swtor

- l2p

- get good


and so and so on.


And this is after our team has actually won and I've got 2 killing blows. All because I don't do over 100k dps, which is what everyone seems to be measured by these days in ranked pvp.


What I get called or whispered after we lose a match is not suitable to be re-printed on the forums. Yes a thick skin is required, but it makes it harder to want to hit the queue button again. But I will note that most of the abuse comes from players who play fotm classes, which I'm sure means something.


Yep... They aren't skilled enough to play a non FOTM class... LOL

Edited by Icykill_
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Either ignore, or pull the wings off of the butterflies. They're having a bad day, so try any of the following: act oblivious, ask them the existential question, shrug, or anything else that you might think would set them off.

Use the "spit" emote constantly.

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Well, you also have to understand that one cannot know in advance how they would do in ranked since we have no offseason. I did fairly well in regs, have a full set of auged gear and was stimmed. So, I just wanted to try one match once in a while, to see how it feels. I had a friend queueing with me, hoping to pug together.


I screwed up really badly a couple of times, got yelled at and for a good reason. I've apologized, thought how to do things differently, practiced, tried again, did a couple of good matches, then had a match that we lost 1:2, and where I, on my 8th ranked match, was stuck with 7 people all of which were gold tier previous season. I thought I was actually doing better and getting there, but got a tell on going back to regs and watching streams. He was reasonable enough as I was explaining I am only doing it once every few days to avoid spoiling people's rating and check myself against the intensity, but...


You know what put me off?


That in the next sentence that high ranked PvPer who was telling me to L2P told me not to watch the streams by So-and-so, because he sucks, and that so-and-so was a high ranking player of my class. And I had seen the so-and-so play, and he was great.


It was at that point that I did not want to play ranked again.


I played my 10 crystal games with a group, we lost 6 out of 10, and everyone was perfectly civil. I did not like the crystals.


All of the above ^^^


Plus how are people supposed to actually practice for 4 man ranked in regs when there's no seperate queue for arena... I play about 30-60hours of pvp a week... Ok I'm a swtor tragic... But I've gone days with no arena pops in regs... While other days it's one after the other... Now I probably play a lot more than most... So how is the more casual or more time constrained players supposed to practice something they never get to play...??

A solution would be to split regs into arena and 8 man... Also to remove the negative points you get for losing and increase the ones for winning... No one wants to lose rating because they lose for what ever reason, even if it's because of someone on their team... The current way the rating system is set up encourages people to rage at other and blame people for them losing rating...

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ITT: Bads trying ranked without knowing their classes/not being properly geared etc., getting flamed because they underperform and ruin people their rating.


Sure, it's just a game. So why play ranked if you're casual about it? Enjoy the arena's you get in regs. After all, there is rating. If you're the one causing people to lose and consequently make them lose rating, it's not weird they call you out.


Before I get the common objection: there is no point for "constructive critique" - simply because playing Ranked presupposed you know how to play. If people need to explain you how to properly play your class, you should not be playing that class in Ranked. It's not hard. If I see people with unaugmented exhumed, with the wrong stats for their spec, no stim and they do not use their main defensive cooldowns or the proper rotations I tell them to stop queueing. It's not rude, it's reasonable.


Let's be frank here, there's no fun in losing everything anyway. Why pull others into your losses? I think that is considered to be rude - you're ruining the game for others.


Also, you should be aware that whenever you report someone for 'harrasment', they will report you for 'trolling' solo ranked under unapprioriate player behavior - which is also against BW policy. It is hard for people to distinguish between healers that get globalled on purpose because they are trolling/wintrading and people that are not on the appropriate skill level for Ranked.


+1 to all of this. If you're not augmented, or your stats are garbage (or outright wearing the wrong gear, I've seen an Op in Mara gear and I really don't think it was intentional, guy had NFI), or you have no clue at all how to play your class/spec even remotely effectively, or you can't cough up a measly 10-20k for 8 HOURS OF STIM, you shouldn't be in ranked, and it's not inherently rude to inform someone of that.


Being a dick about it is another matter entirely.

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Like anything else there is a right way and a wrong way to do things. These pvpers that harass people over something like this are obviously doing it wrong.

I think its fine to tell people to stim up or try and get augs and the appropriate gear, etc, but you have to do it in a decent manner or else those people wont listen anyways. They just get butthurt instead.

If someone is gully geared and augged, etc. and just bad, you should try and give some pointers cause that player obviously pvps a lot anyways and isn't going to quit just because you told him to during and after the match.

That type of player is going to still queue up, especially with how the rewards are done now, so might as well help that player get better, because chances are you are going to get queued up with him repeatedly anyways.

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I get people complaining to me because I bring my Merc in. Merc is my favorite class and my main. When they cry and whine about my Merc I just respond "Complain to BW, they chose to make the Merc class bad. Until they fix it everyone else will share in my pain" That usually sends them into a fit or shuts them up.
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I get people complaining to me because I bring my Merc in. Merc is my favorite class and my main. When they cry and whine about my Merc I just respond "Complain to BW, they chose to make the Merc class bad. Until they fix it everyone else will share in my pain" That usually sends them into a fit or shuts them up.


That is always a good policy, tell them to bring up there issues to bioware not you

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By that logic wouldn't you end up with no one playing PvP at all? I don't do ranked, but winning matters to me in regs. If someone queues who is a beginner, they ruin my game by making me lose. So no beginner should ever queue up?

Clearly, you did not read what I said. Beginners should que up for regs - that's the entire point. Ranked is not for beginners.


I think the "you are ruining my ranked experience because you are not good enough for ranked" is a bogus argument. Bioware never put a "skill threshold" on the solo ranked queue. If they do, and people start finding ways to circumvent it, then I completely agree with you.

There is a skill threshold, based on ELO. Unfortunately, the populations are still way to small. People from low/mid/high bracket end up with eachother because it would not pop otherwise.


But as it stands, I, being terribad at ranked, have just as much right to queue as you do if I have 2018 expertise. In fact, you are ruining my game by making me fight players that are way better than me, and giving me no realistic chance to win. Why is your subscription that allows you to queue for solo ranked any more valid than my subscription that allows me to queue for solo ranked?

You're talking about it like it's some kind of rare genetic predisposition. You can learn this game, you know. Just ask good players, people that perform well in ranked, watch streams, et cetera. Yes, everyone has to learn somewhere, but Ranked is not the place to learn. It's supposed to be the creme de la creme of PvP.


Surely, you have 'right' to que up for Ranked with 2018 (which came 5 seasons too late) - in the same extent people with Full PvE seasons had the 'right' to do so aswell. It is incredibly stupid nonetheless and those people (previous PvE) and the people now (unaugmented Exhumed, no comprehension of their class) are ruining the very quality of Ranked PvP.


For example, let us assume Fifa is just as clueless as Bioware. They state that anyone can sign-up and participate in the Champions League - something that is supposed to be 'high-level' (end-game) football. Sounds like fun! So I sign up. Yet, I am completely clueless about football. I have no clue about the 'rules' (tactics), I have no clue about what 'equipment' (gear) I should have, and so forth. Now, I get teamed up with Barcelona. They are doing very well this CL. Now, within the 10s of the match I get a red card ('get globalled'), leaving Barcelona with a one man disadvantage, making them highly likely to lose that match. Would it be considered 'rude' or 'inappropriate' that the Barcelona players get mad and call me out? Or would it be considered rude to just randomly join up with a game you're not familar with and ruin, what is supposed to be, high quality football? Would it be reasonable to say, "Hey, get out, and come back once you've signed up at an amateur club and you got your gear, know the rules, have some skill, et cetera"?

Edited by Hirchart
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Sure, pre-seasons help and this season definitely should have had a pre-season. Yet, regs are a place to start. Since there's plenty of people out there that don't even know what their primary defensive cooldowns are or a proper rotation to get their procs, spreads, and so forth.


I've seen concealment operatives with unaugmented exhumed, stacking accuracy, 59% surge, running around without stealth spamming overload shot. This might work in PvE, but not in regs, let alone in Ranked. Moreover, after a week of playing these kind of people are stuck at 800-900 rating and I still get teamed up with them at 1600+. If I lose due them, I lose a high amount of rating (i.e. -19) while my wins are generally around +6. Thus, one loss due to one unexperienced and clueless player, roughly diminishes the results of 4 wins.

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Sure, pre-seasons help and this season definitely should have had a pre-season. Yet, regs are a place to start. Since there's plenty of people out there that don't even know what their primary defensive cooldowns are or a proper rotation to get their procs, spreads, and so forth.


I've seen concealment operatives with unaugmented exhumed, stacking accuracy, 59% surge, running around without stealth spamming overload shot. This might work in PvE, but not in regs, let alone in Ranked. Moreover, after a week of playing these kind of people are stuck at 800-900 rating and I still get teamed up with them at 1600+. If I lose due them, I lose a high amount of rating (i.e. -19) while my wins are generally around +6. Thus, one loss due to one unexperienced and clueless player, roughly diminishes the results of 4 wins.


I guess the obvious question to you is, would you prefer ranked wzs to pop every 5 mins and wear the extra losses to support the bads, or would you prefer the ranked wzs to pop once every 2 hours but you get to play against fellow players of your lofty standard?


Most servers just don't have the pvp population to completely shield you from the incompetent.

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I guess the obvious question to you is, would you prefer ranked wzs to pop every 5 mins and wear the extra losses to support the bads, or would you prefer the ranked wzs to pop once every 2 hours but you get to play against fellow players of your lofty standard?


Most servers just don't have the pvp population to completely shield you from the incompetent.

Personally, I rather sit in the que for a while and get quality games, rather than have bad games every 10-15 minutes. This is a big misconception also uttered by Musco himself, i.e. "PvP'ers just want pops", which is far from true.


Obviously, cross-server would have solved this problems. Yet, we're still waiting for that "better than x-server" thing, amirite?


Besides, pops are still far from quick. Why? The argument would be that people stop playing Ranked due to flaming. Similarly, I can assure you, a lot of the good players stop playing ranked because of bads. Many players just add bad/unexperienced players in their friendlist with a note. They'll stop queueing when they pop online or just que dodge by only joining que whenever they just joined a game. That is to say, the argument works both ways.

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Personally, I rather sit in the que for a while and get quality games, rather than have bad games every 10-15 minutes. This is a big misconception also uttered by Musco himself, i.e. "PvP'ers just want pops", which is far from true.


Obviously, cross-server would have solved this problems. Yet, we're still waiting for that "better than x-server" thing, amirite?


Besides, pops are still far from quick. Why? The argument would be that people stop playing Ranked due to flaming. Similarly, I can assure you, a lot of the good players stop playing ranked because of bads. Many players just add bad/unexperienced players in their friendlist with a note. They'll stop queueing when they pop online or just que dodge by only joining que whenever they just joined a game. That is to say, the argument works both ways.


I agree that x-server queues are the answer but we will be waiting for a long time. In fact I believe it will never happen.


We are different in that I prefer the quicker wz pops, but I'm happy to take the losses with the wins. I sleep well with a 50/50 win loss ratio (or there abouts).


I don't think pro pvper's left because of the bads. If that was true then they wouldn't play any game cos there are bads everywhere (you and I were bads once lets not forget). PVP in all mmo's is suffering badly because most pvper's prefer MOBAs now. Ranked arenas in Wow is in dire straights right now, the pvp player base there has collapsed. The lack of pvp players is not unique to swtor, its happening everywhere.

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You're talking about it like it's some kind of rare genetic predisposition. You can learn this game, you know. Just ask good players, people that perform well in ranked, watch streams, et cetera. Yes, everyone has to learn somewhere, but Ranked is not the place to learn. It's supposed to be the creme de la creme of PvP.

I think there are two problems with that argument. Firstly, no matter how good the worst guy in the arena is, there always will be someone who's the worst in the arena. Secondly, people don't stop improving in PvP, and the harder the opposition you face, the more you can improve. There's a point where you won't really improve doing regs, but that doesn't translate to being able to hop into ranked and dominate.


To answer the OP, well obviously the title which just calls harassment "one of the reasons" is true. But to call it the major reason is simply false, I don't think most people even queue up to experience it first-hand. The main reason people avoid ranked is the same reason ranked harassment exists: it's supposed to be SRS BSNSS PvP but there isn't much to attract and retain a super-serious hardcore community (and arguably, that wouldn't be appropriate in an MMO anyway).

Edited by MiaowZedong
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I take it you have never played IRL competitive sports. I used to play competitively basketball in clubs and at Uni and you can't believe how much shouting and motivation (harassment) there is from coach and between us. Stop being butthurt; it is how competitive sports work.


Whenever there is a competitive environment (whatever extent that is in ranked SWTOR) there will be tension. If you have ever played end game pve you should see how much "harassment" there is there from raid leaders and that is over VOIP; imagine now when there are unfamiliar randoms.


This post is further non-sense cause you give reasons like unstimmed, unaugmented gear. WTH? These are minimum requirements to do ranked and naturally you will be told off; cause you know your enjoyment stops where mine starts.


At the same time there is a manner on how to tell someone off, but often that exceeds your expectations. Once this is carried outside the arena then it is time for ignore; as long as we are in arenas anything goes.

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No people who CAN play ranked pvp avoid it because BW has still not blocked all the hothouse flowers, mouthbreathers and "think im goods" who join with no gear or skill or clue. Then cry in the forums when they get told what they are.


Someone say not nice werds to da baby? Baby sad/angwy now?




I wonder why people post these things knowing they will get torn apart or if they dont even get it.


Ranked = for the big boys(and girls) who dont cry about words.


Regs = for the rest.

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Because it is somehow fine to act in the virtual environment in a way that will have you ostracized in a public RL setting? Because being gracious and a decent human being is no longer valued? Because we all long for medieval standard of behavior when it took superstition to scare the strong ones from ******, pillaging and destroying?


(Shrug) A mark of a true champion always was and always will be grace.


Anyone entering a solo queue knows that team composition is not guaranteed. Where all those good players who are held back go when it comes to the group ranked? They get farmed by the very few really incredible teams... the cycle repeats.


Harassment helps absolutely nothing. You, guys, need each-other to play, but somehow you can't bring yourself to admit it. What you really want, I guess, is a single player rating in a group game.

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From the OP "OMG one of your armor pieces is lacking an augment, you don't have a stim active. "


If you are missing any of that then you deserve the "yell". You should not be there having fun at the expense of other people. People (like the OP) are rude first and then expect others to be nice to them, like why? Also and yes, anybody going in when they don't have what they need (like augments and stim) are doing so at the expense of the team they are part of. So they are rude FIRST.

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