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Questions about class stories


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Hello everyone. I am considering making 2 new characters I want to ask a few questions about the stories.


1- Trooper. I mainly play imperials but I am considering making a trooper. The role of a trooper sounds interesting: head of an elite group of soldiers. But is the story good?


2- Light/neutral warrior. People have told me the SIth warrior storyline is good light. My main is a level 60 jugg but I loved the story and I played dark. I was considering doing a 'noble warrior' type character.


If anyone can anwnser these thank you very much in advance.

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The trooper is decent .Maybe not the best if you compare it to Imp agent etc but still good in my opinion


Iv played a light side sith warrior which I really liked but I can't compare to the dark side play because iv never done it

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I peronally thought the trrooper story was decent. Nothing to write home about but not bad either.


Also personally light-side Warrior is probably my favourite story in the game. Even played trough it that way twice. It does make some rahter big (for an MMO) differences on how things play out if you go lightside (mostly in act I). Also amusingly the lightsided warrior comes off as way more intelligent and capable than the darksided one.

Case in point: You can basically spend great lenghts of the campaing trolling Darth Baras without his knowledge by decidedly not doing anything the way he told you to do it. And then you can just pretend that everything went as planned or in some occasions even sell your solution as the superior to him, constantly outplaying "Mr. one step ahead of everyone else".

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Hello everyone. I am considering making 2 new characters I want to ask a few questions about the stories.


1- Trooper. I mainly play imperials but I am considering making a trooper. The role of a trooper sounds interesting: head of an elite group of soldiers. But is the story good?


2- Light/neutral warrior. People have told me the SIth warrior storyline is good light. My main is a level 60 jugg but I loved the story and I played dark. I was considering doing a 'noble warrior' type character.


If anyone can anwnser these thank you very much in advance.


The story is decent. But only if you play a light side trooper. If you're darkside, you are basically, just a trigger happy meathead that just shoots everyone and acts like a total brute the entire time and you will probably hate your character. Light/neutral warrior is fun, and unlike some classes on the imperial side, your first companion doesn't require you to be murderous and selfish *cough* kaliyo and khem *cough* so early affection is easy.

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I've tried playing a light-sided Sith Warrior, but it feels very wrong. It just makes me think, why bother playing a Sith if I'm not going to act like one? Particularly since a lot of the dark side decisions in the Warrior story are pragmatic, if a bit cruel. Whereas the light side ones come off as far too peace-loving, to the point where you even try to avoid fighting Jedi, your culture's historically-hated enemies.
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I've tried playing a light-sided Sith Warrior, but it feels very wrong. It just makes me think, why bother playing a Sith if I'm not going to act like one? Particularly since a lot of the dark side decisions in the Warrior story are pragmatic, if a bit cruel. Whereas the light side ones come off as far too peace-loving, to the point where you even try to avoid fighting Jedi, your culture's historically-hated enemies.


I liked avoiding fighting some Jedi as a way to just upset Baras. However, my SW would also be like this "Give me what I want and you live." "What?! Try to make a deal or get out of it, instead of just doing what I want?!" *kills them* "You try to be nice and let people live and then they try to walk all over you."

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For trooper expect what you'll get for all of the Repub stories: you're the hero and the galaxy loves you. If you go DS Repub then you're basically just a jerk who's still saving the galaxy.


From what I've heard (only done Repub stories (JK and Smuggler) the Imp stories are a lot juicier because they can "go there" in their stories. After sending my smuggler through SoR I'm planning to start an Agent and Sith Warrior.

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I've tried playing a light-sided Sith Warrior, but it feels very wrong. It just makes me think, why bother playing a Sith if I'm not going to act like one? Particularly since a lot of the dark side decisions in the Warrior story are pragmatic, if a bit cruel. Whereas the light side ones come off as far too peace-loving, to the point where you even try to avoid fighting Jedi, your culture's historically-hated enemies.

I couldn't play empire characters if there weren't any light side choices. Every once in a while I make some dark side choices but I take those choices for a reason. Most of the time dark side choices seem unecessary cruel to me - violence for the sake of violence. In my opinion Republic and Imperium are just two sides, two "Countries" like the USA, Europe, Russia or China. Some people see only black and white in the enemy, some are in for their personal gain however every site has also some good and bad people working for them. I like the idea of my Siths to change their side to be a better place to live in. After all wouldn't want that for his/her own country?

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Trooper story isn't bad. It's actually pretty good. It just suffers in comparison, because it's easily the weakest of the Republic stories. The smuggler is the best. It's a toss up between Jedi Knight and Consular for second and third. The Agent is, so far, the best of the stories I've played, but I still have SW and SI left, so take that for what it's worth.


The main issue with the Trooper story is, it's basically an action adventure war movie. The only really tough choice comes during the third act, but man, it is a brutal one, and really does sell the third act villain as someone you should legitimately hate.


Sadly, the Trooper story never really approaches the level of moral ambiguity that you get with the Imperial Agent. There's always a clear right and wrong with the trooper, where as, with the agent, it's a lot less clear as to whether pulling the trigger is the right decision, because you actually end up liking some of the people that really should be put down for the good of the galaxy.

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I liked avoiding fighting some Jedi as a way to just upset Baras. However, my SW would also be like this "Give me what I want and you live." "What?! Try to make a deal or get out of it, instead of just doing what I want?!" *kills them* "You try to be nice and let people live and then they try to walk all over you."

I reached that "this is what I get for being nice" moment during my light side Warrior run on Alderaan where that Organa general bargains with you to help her soldiers fight off Ulgo troops, because you fight several waves of these guys with little chance for rest (which was hell on an undergeared Marauder using Vette, let me tell you), and if you died, you had to do the entire sequence over again, including the cutscenes.


That nearly pushed me to the dark side, I'll tell ya hwat.


I couldn't play empire characters if there weren't any light side choices. Every once in a while I make some dark side choices but I take those choices for a reason. Most of the time dark side choices seem unecessary cruel to me - violence for the sake of violence. In my opinion Republic and Imperium are just two sides, two "Countries" like the USA, Europe, Russia or China. Some people see only black and white in the enemy, some are in for their personal gain however every site has also some good and bad people working for them. I like the idea of my Siths to change their side to be a better place to live in. After all wouldn't want that for his/her own country?

Oh, I'm not saying that light side decisions for the Imperial classes are bad, my main (Agent) is Light III because the light side options are typically more logical than the dark side options, but it really depends on a class-to-class basis, sometimes. For the Warrior, the dark side decisions are typically you obeying your orders, although some were definitely being cruel for the sake of sadism.


However, the Empire is bent on revenge against the Republic for the genocide they committed on the Sith people after the Great Hyperspace War. To them, it's a war of justice, not just killing for the sake of killing.


Playing straight dark or straight light on any class is silly to me, since sometimes there are some decisions that I feel would be natural for a character to take, even if it's against their "default" alignment.

Edited by Rodyn
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Playing straight dark or straight light on any class is silly to me, since sometimes there are some decisions that I feel would be natural for a character to take, even if it's against their "default" alignment.

Some of the side quests on Dromund Kaas have dark side choices that are a bit against *my* alignment, much less my character's. My assassin was specifically created to be just dark, dark, dark, so she did the poisoning the water one down the dark side, and

the same with the revanite series

, but i generally avoid the poison the water quest on subsequent imp chars.


I also didn't like that both choices at the end of the revanite series cause an affection penalty if you have Vette out.


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