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PvP Power Leveling Bug? Rumor?


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Cause an effect:


Cause - staggerd invites

Effect - empty warzones




I'm not in and don't see it as a exploit, intact more bad vision by a developer.. Sorry.


If that was all of it, just not enough people, why would the warzone even launch? Wouldn't you be stuck in Q until enough people were found? So if there is an exploit it would involve people colluding to get the warzone to launch without enough people in it.

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It isn't punishment to rollback the exp gained. People who gained it did not earn it properly, therefore should be ok with it.


It's the only fair thing to do.


If it were me, I would expect that "investigating" would mean that they would find out it is true, and rollback the exp.


They can do that easily enough.


Simple business decision time....


1. Roll back exploiters by scanning BG useage on all players which is easy through metrics .... takeing the chance that many of them will rage quit and half of those ragers will come back. so you lose maybe 3000 subs... approx...


2. you dont do anything and the economies and fairness on all current servers are ruined... people lose respect for the management/moderation... and the game is a joke...and fails 2 weeks after official launch due to bored 50 exploiters trash talking, and harassing low people in pvp and economicly in game.



Simple choices must be made and action was not taken yesterday at 10am when people first started spamming threads about the exploiting seen in stream....everytime we post a link the thread got deleted to cover up the facts.


do the right thing, make a statement it happened and you have dealt with it or you lose your communities respect before their games are shipped....until shipped a preorder means nothing but "intention" to buy/play.....once shipped you have the money... its a business so i trust the right thing will be done if EA doesnt restrict BW's words

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Why do people seem to care so much?


Im not in EGA yet, (Preorder registered 24sept) but if I was I wouldn't care that people were trying to reach the 50 plateau as quickly as they could through whatever means possible.


So theres an exploit for gaining lvl quickly in PVP.


Who cares?


These players have skipped the story, in a story based mmo. IMO idiots.

Each to there own though I suppose. If they were gonna grind out PVP till level cap anyway what difference does it make them hitting 50 a few days earlier than they would have anyway?


Were you planning to do the same? Hoping to be the first to 50?


I think I will be able to contain my rage upon seeing level 50 players when I am granted access to the game, because its not a race to the finish?


Its about story, choice, and enjoying the game with friends.


I feel by the time theres a fix for this issue, the issue may well be resolved by the amount of players playing.


Additionally, there is no real problem with waves and first come first serve EGA, other than the community. The staggered access gives reward to those who have believed in this game enough back in July to purchase it.


(I believed, but was broke :) )

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Hello! My 2 cents on this matter:


1 - BW has to do something about this exploit, and take out the Xp from the chars who abused this levling Xp at Wz. They have to be clear about this to all community, telling exactly what was the problem and telling what they had done to solve the issue, cause Imo they will just "forget" about it and do nothing.... Beeing clear to ALL COMMUNITY its a must.


2 - Im starting to get bad feelings about this. I think the levling is too fast. Played myself a lot in testing and it was too easy to lvl up. I just assumed that @launch they would reduce significantly Xp gains. But seeing streams yesterday, and beeing at my friends house (he got in, damn), I think its way to fast to lvl up. Wich means, 100% sure that tomorow or day after there will be lvl 50´s. I bought the pre-order only in September, so I guess im going in the server Friday (more or less), and I will HATE to see lvl40+ players. Seriously?


When game comes out to stores, December 20th there will be LOTS and LOTS of lvl50´s... I imagine what they will feel to enter Wz´s and be ramped by lvl50 full PvP gear players.... Sad...


Yea man.... we told them all throughout beta that the game was to easy....but the few that cried it was hard won over the majority who were satisfied with the challenge.... the game isnt challenging at all until 50 when you try world bosses meant for 1 raid, but takes 2-3 raids (due to gear contraints).


If they dont do something like they should have yesterday when we first pointed outthe exploiting @ 10am ... they will lose the game for themselves...


I love the game and want it to succeed but it cant if poorly managed.


EA is notorious for ruining games and gaming cmopanies... I pray that SR stands up and does the right thing, that Mark Jacobs was never able to.


Why do people seem to care so much?


Im not in EGA yet, (Preorder registered 24sept) but if I was I wouldn't care that people were trying to reach the 50 plateau as quickly as they could through whatever means possible.


So theres an exploit for gaining lvl quickly in PVP.


Who cares?


These players have skipped the story, in a story based mmo. IMO idiots.

Each to there own though I suppose. If they were gonna grind out PVP till level cap anyway what difference does it make them hitting 50 a few days earlier than they would have anyway?


Were you planning to do the same? Hoping to be the first to 50?


I think I will be able to contain my rage upon seeing level 50 players when I am granted access to the game, because its not a race to the finish?


Its about story, choice, and enjoying the game with friends.


I feel by the time theres a fix for this issue, the issue may well be resolved by the amount of players playing.


Additionally, there is no real problem with waves and first come first serve EGA, other than the community. The staggered access gives reward to those who have believed in this game enough back in July to purchase it.


(I believed, but was broke :) )



They are using exploits to cheat their way..... when a mmo gets leveling advantages to quick.... the economy is ruined as well as if its a pvp game...the pvp is ruined.


This has been proven time and time again in f2p and p2p mmo games. If you cross over to other genre of games to fps... you find the same to be true... when halo 2 was released you had people exploiting to lvl 20 within 6 hours of release playing against other hardcore non exploiters that pushed hard for level 6... 6v20 ... it was obvious....


you take that into perspective and you find that this game is ruined on all pvp servers where exploiting has taken place since the level ranges of BG are so wide. PVP gear advantages win games as proven in Rift and Warhammer...keep going to any pvp game and where there is pvp gear, the higher levels ruin servers by dominating...


What was done was exploiting BG for fast EXP...now the first day people including myself on another account... have a distinct advantage and can farm items for crafting and selling to dominate the economy, or we can pvp and harass levelers to slow down the game, while obtaining a higher advantage.


People want fair gaming, a fair chance... and people hate cheaters... thats why the issue of using the reccount program was fought so hard... people dont like 3rd party apps becasue it invites cheating and botting. Instead we have exp exploiting which has ruined the starter servers.


I hope they do the rollbacks and admit there was a problem.. I want this game to last

Edited by Gummiebear
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Had my doubts about it being trolling, but I just saw Tamgros at twitch.tv try playing a match of Huttball. Two minutes after the game started the WZ ended with him getting 3.3k xp. He's refusing to exploit so he's not re-queuing.


So Mr. Stephen Reid, do you seriously want us to believe there aren't hundreds or thousands of players exploiting this? You know, going by your mysterious metrics and all.

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what people will see is this give or take 3 days time highend instances will be cleared due to the fact that not only u get mass amout of exp u also get the rep for wining bg so u get battlemasters gear and can and will use for pve so yes its kinda on going thing that will hurt gaming in at least a few month. Dont get me wrong i dont qq but its not fair that other people that will get in later waves get pawned by 50 just cause the ,,expolit,, will go away since then u WILL have people in BG and u will not be able to get that amount of exp that fast.
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Had my doubts about it being trolling, but I just saw Tamgros at twitch.tv try playing a match of Huttball. Two minutes after the game started the WZ ended with him getting 3.3k xp. He's refusing to exploit so he's not re-queuing.


So Mr. Stephen Reid, do you seriously want us to believe there aren't hundreds or thousands of players exploiting this? You know, going by your mysterious metrics and all.


Thats because twitch is a good guy, and he doesnt want to lose his account... hes smart

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It's not a exploit. Most PVP matches do end early, but I can get the same amount of xp in that time if I was just killing random things in PVE. It's been greatly exaggerated by people who are not in early access and want a server roll back.


Sounds about right :)

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It's not a exploit. Most PVP matches do end early, but I can get the same amount of xp in that time if I was just killing random things in PVE. It's been greatly exaggerated by people who are not in early access and want a server roll back.


Do you also get pvp gear and rep by killing thos random things ? Guess not ...

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Had my doubts about it being trolling, but I just saw Tamgros at twitch.tv try playing a match of Huttball. Two minutes after the game started the WZ ended with him getting 3.3k xp. He's refusing to exploit so he's not re-queuing.


So Mr. Stephen Reid, do you seriously want us to believe there aren't hundreds or thousands of players exploiting this? You know, going by your mysterious metrics and all.


i think their "mysterious metrics" as you put it are either broken or else they are concerned about driving away the players who have used this to level up.


so far the rules of conduct and the idea of honor <hell even right and wrong> has been ground into the mud for a long time for this game.


if they are exploiting a rule sooner or later they will be crying "need end content" and crying they aren't getting it.


i have a bad feeling that before the end of EGA there will be people with multiple max level characters doing the cry for end content and that will just add one more problem to a game that really can't afford it at this time.


i said after the last 2 weekend betas that the game was too easy to levelbut right up to yesterday i was shouted down as a "hard core player who didn't want the casuals to be able to play"


even WoW wasn't this easy before WotLK and all you have to do it look at that game to see what happens when people max up too fast.. they get bored and the game becomes a ghost town


i do like the concept to this game and the mechanics but the leveling is going to "bite them in the butt"

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Do you also get pvp gear and rep by killing thos random things ? Guess not ...


Yeah but really there is always a quicker/more efficient way to level.


If im enjoying story (the focal point of this game?) im not going to earn XP as quickly as a grinder or PVPer, or even someone who chooses to skip dialogue....


Should I complain because Im playing the game as BW had intended, but others seem to be rewarded more for turning it into just another mmo?



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Do you also get pvp gear and rep by killing thos random things ? Guess not ...


veterns of MMO's know that gear gives advantage as much as levels.... in the end when max levels are obtained its all about gear


the exploiting gives to many advantages...





abilities :level




In the end what has happened is the pvp servers are ruined now... anyone who has played a mmo before knows this is true when they think about level and gear and ganking.

A 25 BH alone can lol stand in the middle of huttball and laugh at any approaching 10...silly example but true and this means pvp is ruined... by the time the servers launch players will be geared 50's and bored, crying about nothing to do except gank becasue "theres no end game" or "end game is to hard" ... it happens in every mmo, but is accelerated due to poor management in stopping the exploits that were carefully watched for


props to twitch for being honorable


i think their "mysterious metrics" as you put it are either broken or else they are concerned about driving away the players who have used this to level up.


so far the rules of conduct and the idea of honor <hell even right and wrong> has been ground into the mud for a long time for this game.


if they are exploiting a rule sooner or later they will be crying "need end content" and crying they aren't getting it.


i have a bad feeling that before the end of EGA there will be people with multiple max level characters doing the cry for end content and that will just add one more problem to a game that really can't afford it at this time.


i said after the last 2 weekend betas that the game was too easy to levelbut right up to yesterday i was shouted down as a "hard core player who didn't want the casuals to be able to play"


even WoW wasn't this easy before WotLK and all you have to do it look at that game to see what happens when people max up too fast.. they get bored and the game becomes a ghost town


i do like the concept to this game and the mechanics but the leveling is going to "bite them in the butt"


The game is too easy becasue EA/BW listened to the criers who numbered under 100 but complained more than the few who fought back... 100 beat 1000 becasue the 100 yelled louder... Sadly this happened before launch where as wow wasnt ruined until after BC was released... btw.. I hate wow for that reason alone.


those exploiters will be crying... but not before the ruin their servers...

Edited by Gummiebear
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I dont mind waiting to play, but when people are exploiting the f**k out of a f**kup in the game development that wasnt caught in beta (because of no empty servers), then i have a problem.


This kind of exp/credit gain will not be available to late starters EVER because the servers will be populated by then. Something needs to be done about this.

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To me it sounds like they are exploiting a bug. It's bug that match starts without enough players. Then the match ends up right away, because there wasn't enough players to begin with... and they get a load of exp.


It is a bug and players know it, if it happens every time they queue to warzone.

"Queue - Enter match - Match ends - Profit" - Rinse and repeat.

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Yeah but really there is always a quicker/more efficient way to level.


If im enjoying story (the focal point of this game?) im not going to earn XP as quickly as a grinder or PVPer, or even someone who chooses to skip dialogue....


Should I complain because Im playing the game as BW had intended, but others seem to be rewarded more for turning it into just another mmo?




It is just another MMO actualy and btw BW didnt intend this becuase they themselves stated this was an exploit.


People just wana see how they manage this kind of situations, proof of future support in this kind of matters, at least I wana see how they mange it.

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To me it sounds like they are exploiting a bug. It's bug that match starts without enough players. Then the match ends up right away, because there wasn't enough players to begin with... and they get a load of exp.


It is a bug and players know it, if it happens every time they queue to warzone.

"Queue - Enter match - Match ends - Profit" - Rinse and repeat.


BW has known about it since around 10am yesterday... It started an hour before but as we watched streams...we were amazed nothing was being done....peopel started making threads and those threads got closed everytime a link was put on it for people to see what we were saying.... many accounts recieved warnings over this.... it sounds like crying or conspiracy... but really what people want is a fair chance


many of us who love star wars are sad that this game will be ruined becsaue of poor management and their not taking action against exploits. The TOS are like any other mmo.... you can end someones account at any time for any reason... dont be afraid to take action and save the game before servers are ruined ... its gone on long enough man

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It's not a exploit. Most PVP matches do end early, but I can get the same amount of xp in that time if I was just killing random things in PVE. It's been greatly exaggerated by people who are not in early access and want a server roll back.


so if I'm running around questing and constantly queue up for PvP and get a 2-3 minute match and gain full exp, money, etc, while questing and killing monsters... I'm still not really earning more than I normally would?


so getting a full quests experience in the span of 2-3 minutes while in the middle of questing doesn't really advance you faster than normal?

Edited by illgot
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i will say though i am annoyed with the level advancement within this game it is interesting to note that there is little or no chance of this being fixed this late in the game due to cost


BW has shelled out all the money for this game for voice acting that runs the story lines and this is supposed to slow people down but in reality they should have realized that it wouldn't have this effect for many players.


the game will end up out of balance and yes it makes me sad as i think it was beginning of 09 when i heard about it while messing around with SWG <i started playing on sony for matrix and found it was terrible in a lot of ways so switched over>


i will also say that some of the other issues are that this game got way too much hype during production and now into the end of it it is getting geared up way more.


OU and EQ1 kind of sneaked up on people and even WoW was not a big game over all at the beginning .. these games were not "for the masses" at the outset but became that way nearing the end of their life cycles.


maybe ToR can be saved but lies and misdirection is not going to correct the issues.

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How can you ban a user that didnt pay for the game yet, they can just cancel the preorder.


They totaly messed up there big launch hehe


this is too true.


yes lets ban the players who aren't even paying yet .. yep that will show them (i will point out i am also one of those people annoyed about the no grace period but this is because i feel i was lied to about it)

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