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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Increase in credit seller spam - 2-3 mails per character a day.


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It hasn't been too bad for me on Harbinger, surprisingly enough. It's a shame I just can't walk into an area with Pub gold spammers on my Assassin and get out of stealth just to one-shot them and overload their little bot minds by them not knowing how to respawn
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The thing for BW/EA with mail spam is at least they can make some decent cash off this kinda spammer. How you ask? Gotta be a subscriber to send mail.


So keep email spamming me there Wang, Chang, and Weelildong. You are helping keep the game alive with the constant banning, resubbing new account cycle. And kudos to BW/EA for finding a way to monetize yourselves from gold spammers. If the spammers kick it up a few notches we can get loads more new content and xpacs for virtually no cost but a few email deletions a day!


However don't forget, these idiot gold farmers can also use the referral system just to get 7 days sub and then spam the mailboxes, they don't care if they lose that char as they can just make another char, get referred and spam more, ugh. Unless of course they banned the referral account but it could be a legit person who spammed on reddit/facebook etc etc.


I'm from Progen and its getting worse again, since last week 2 mails daily on 7-8 chars and 1 mail on the other 6 chars. 2 websites advertised, which shall not be named.

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I see them on fleet chat all the time. I usually don't get the mail. In lotro a long time ago the GMs used to port the spammers to the moors(pvp zone) and let the monster players(pvp) have fun killing them.


I think if GMs here ported the spammers to Outlaws Den, we'd actually have a reason to OWPvP again. Brilliant! :D

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I'm getting between 3-6 spam mails a day easily on Harb.


Very frustrating when you have an expensive item listed for sale on the gtn and getting all excited when the mail indicator pops up. So you summon your mail droid or head to an outpost only to find it's bloody spam.

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Yeah for me on Harbinger as well. Most recent ones were from a toon with a normal sounding toon name, not random letters. Out of curiosity I checked /who. This person spamming my mail with goldseller junk was online and a level 60. His mail was sent to CS as harrasment to escalate it, as well as a CS ticket. As it's the first time i've seen a high level goldseller...incidently he's mailed again.
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For what it's worth: I never had as many spam mails in this game as during the last weeks. Actually, I had maybe 5 spam mails in the 3+ years this game is running. Now, for a couple of weeks, every day at least 1 mail on 1 of my 16 chars on The Progenitor. Sometimes more. And they don't even include 1 credit anymore. That's the worst. ;)
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For what it's worth: I never had as many spam mails in this game as during the last weeks. Actually, I had maybe 5 spam mails in the 3+ years this game is running. Now, for a couple of weeks, every day at least 1 mail on 1 of my 16 chars on The Progenitor. Sometimes more. And they don't even include 1 credit anymore. That's the worst. ;)


I've even started seeing spam sent to my toons that have alt code lettering in the names now.

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Not two or three per character, but at least one on each character. :(


Same here. I get at least one email / day / character on PoT5. I just took it as a sign that even the Chinese farmers are bailing ship on PoT5. The credit deals seem to get better and better with each passing day. At some point they might start offering me real money to take the credits off their hands. :p

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i have been getting in-game email blasted on all my toons too. since the only in-game mail i need are AH sales with my credits and the occasional storyline message with some backfilling lore or a prize for completing the quest, wish there was a way to turn off in-game mail from other players (other than myself of course as i trade cash between alts)
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they try to track the funds and mail and find the source accounts and get those.

they nerfed the chests to remove that resource for bots, so farmers will have to find a different way of getting credits.

Actually, they've been farming mobs enmasse on certain planets. I report them. Hopefully they do something about it. It's easy to tell who the gold farmers are, just look at their achievements. Most have slayer on 3 specific planets, 10m credit, and class story to whatever point they are at, and no other finished. And the fact that the character is running 24/7.


Funny thing is I found one that somehow got PvP flagged. That was the most gratifying half hour of game time ever. And when it tried to drop it's PvP flag by staying in the base, I went in and killed them. They eventually had to log.

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