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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Make old content more solo friendly.


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If it is old content that no one is going to want to group for I dont see why they cant remove the group requirements. It doesnt affect the MMO aspect of the game. The MMO aspect is pretty much always going to be at the end game and that's where group requirements are fine. Players will be able to find groups wanting to do that content as it has rewards that are worth it at max level.


Some people have come late to the game and want to see all the stories. They have the gear to do the content solo but the game places arbitrary group requirements in the way and those could be easily removed. There is no reason to be against this idea based solely on it making the game less of an MMO.

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These have merit and are indeed grand arguments because in less than 4 months KotFE will revive the old Operation content to level 65. They aren't hard at all at the moment and can easily be 4 manned from Story mode to Nightmare Mode, so it makes zero sense to make them soloable when they are bringing them back up to level at 65 when people will be doing them.


Please read friend... With regard to ops the only thing I have asked be changed is the need to be in a group. You can already solo many of the bosses in 50 ops... I have not advocated they be nerfed or made any easier, only that you don't need to be in a group to enter them, similar to how flash points are currently.


Also for the group content outside of ops, I have not asked that to be nerfed or made easier either... Simply the warm body requirement be removed as it is asinine.

Edited by Squeets
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Lol you claim changing a button in the instance will make the game too easy and then suggest they give level 60 gear from level 50 heroics... That doesn't seem rather oxymoronic to you at all?


where do you see that i suggested this? who is talking about a button? I think you may be hallucinating.


Please read friend... With regard to ops the only thing I have asked be changed is the need to be in a group.


all the 50s can be 2-manned at any difficulty level by moderately geared level 60s, if you cant find 1 friend I'm thinkin MMOs arent for you

Edited by Monumenta
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where do you see that i suggested this? who is talking about a button? I think you may be hallucinating.


Second or third paragraph of OP.

He mentions forced grouping mechanics for old content, like simultaneous button pressing and such.

However, the topic was quickly derailed by idiots thinking he wanted all Heroics, FPs and Ops to be soloable when at the correct level.

So no, he's not hallucinating. And he's got a point. Gating old and almost never played content like this is stupid. It's really forcing 4 people to group just for the sake of it when they can power through the mission without a single hit point lost.

Nearly no MMO does that so stupidly.


And for the part about Ops, he is, once again, not asking for a nerf to make it soloable, he's asking for the removal of the need to be in a raid group to even enter at all if it can be soloed.

Edited by Leklor
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Second or third paragraph of OP.

He mentions forced grouping mechanics for old content, like simultaneous button pressing and such.

However, the topic was quickly derailed by idiots thinking he wanted all Heroics, FPs and Ops to be soloable when at the correct level.

So no, he's not hallucinating. And he's got a point. Gating old and almost never played content like this is stupid. It's really forcing 4 people to group just for the sake of it when they can power through the mission without a single hit point lost.

Nearly no MMO does that so stupidly.


I think you missed the part where they were responding to me by quoting my post, I know what the OP said, so again, stay off the drugs kids...

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I think you missed the part where they were responding to me by quoting my post, I know what the OP said, so again, stay off the drugs kids...


If your default reaction to disagreement is insults and insinuations about the person disagreeing, then I wish you a very fine day and I'll return to smoking meth.


Seriously, you can't blame someone for actually defending his opinion, especially when your first answer totally missed the point of the thread.

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If your default reaction to disagreement is insults and insinuations about the person disagreeing, then I wish you a very fine day and I'll return to smoking meth.


Seriously, you can't blame someone for actually defending his opinion, especially when your first answer totally missed the point of the thread.


The only one I see defending anything is you not the OP at all, perhaps it is you who fail to see the point of discussion because i definitely addressed the OPs concerns.



What few missions need a group should stay that way


and here->

If people dont want to do an old heroic its probably because there's no reward for doing it that is worth taking the time, if anything maybe rewards should be looked at to give people incentive to do old heroics.


I guess that meth pipe was in the way when you read my first post.


You see I believe group content is key and should be required for much more missions not less, my opinion is if you want the sec x weekly- find 3 friends.

Edited by Monumenta
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I agree. Additionally, I don't think there should be ANY more group check mechanics in daily quests. They suck the fun out of it and become a hassle. I also agree that you shouldn't need a group for old OPS- it just creates a pointless barrier.


PS: The majority of the story content at elder game HAS BEEN in the OPS. Players who didn't do KP, EC, and SNV suddenly started fighting Dread troops and the story seemed really lazy to them. As a rule, a story based game like SWTOR NEEDS to allow every player to see ALL of the content. That means that the Oricon quest especially needs to take out the OPS requirement or give the OPS a solo mode to see the story. Otherwise, all of that old group content will just become a big barrier to entry and diminish the overall story.


This is why the macrobinoc and seeker droid quest NEED to remove the group requirements- the content is excellent story content which EVERY player should be able to hop into not the ones who are lucky enough to play it when it is released and current.


Lol, the Oricon quest chain is really bad. The story is great and at the end the log says "[OPS]...". Like really? Nowadays with the group finder rotation is not hard to find a group for DF, but in order to "truly" complete Oricon you can't just complete DF. You need to take a speeder from spawn area all the way to the entrance, then manually enter the op through the gate instead of using the gf teleport. Which isn't really odd (Because in theory it makes perfect sense), but of all the times I did DF, I never got the quest completed because I was threatened of group-kick just because I wanted to walk there instead of using the teleport.


Although in mmos you play with other people, joining forces for anything (At least story-relevant things) should be optional, not mandatory. I wouldn't mind even just a cutscene instead of soloing an op, but at least let me see that damn cutscene. Or throw a nuke inside a stupid reactor deep down in some long forgotten bunker so that I don't have to push 3 buttons at once ever again (Because apparently companions are too stupid to actually press a button and/or interact with anything which isn't a gathering node).

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I agree. Additionally, I don't think there should be ANY more group check mechanics in daily quests. They suck the fun out of it and become a hassle. I also agree that you shouldn't need a group for old OPS- it just creates a pointless barrier.


PS: The majority of the story content at elder game HAS BEEN in the OPS. Players who didn't do KP, EC, and SNV suddenly started fighting Dread troops and the story seemed really lazy to them. As a rule, a story based game like SWTOR NEEDS to allow every player to see ALL of the content. That means that the Oricon quest especially needs to take out the OPS requirement or give the OPS a solo mode to see the story. Otherwise, all of that old group content will just become a big barrier to entry and diminish the overall story.


This is why the macrobinoc and seeker droid quest NEED to remove the group requirements- the content is excellent story content which EVERY player should be able to hop into not the ones who are lucky enough to play it when it is released and current.


So much this. I can explain the story to my girl...but FINDING groups willing to do storymode KP, EC, SNV (and not ***** about actually watching the story) is impossible.


Basically I tend to think they either need to make OPS side stories that are meaningless to the narrative, or put in a solo mode where you can at least get the story from it (no/lesser loot).

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where do you see that i suggested this? who is talking about a button? I think you may be hallucinating.


You literally suggested they should give level appropriate rewards for current players participating in old content...


If people dont want to do an old heroic its probably because there's no reward for doing it that is worth taking the time, if anything maybe level appropriate rewards should be looked at to give people incentive to do old heroics.


And the button I am referring to is my own argument... You argued against me by claiming my suggestion would make the game too easy... While quite literally all I have suggested is removing the need for multiple person objectives LIKE PRESSING SEVERAL BUTTONS SIMULTANEOUSLY, which is the bulk of the "group" mechanics associated with these old instances that make them impossible to solo. Not because the content is hard and one person can't handle it, but because one person is not four people and thus can't hit four objectives at once to complete a quest.

Edited by Squeets
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You literally suggested they should give level appropriate rewards for current players participating in old content...


Ya I guess I did, I meant something that a level 60 would want not gear that makes no sense to give them for completing level 50 content, decos come to mind, people love decos.


Like Ive said before I believe the few missions that have a group mechanic should stay that way. Weather they should be required for a weekly is a whole different argument.

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I agree. Additionally, I don't think there should be ANY more group check mechanics in daily quests. They suck the fun out of it and become a hassle. I also agree that you shouldn't need a group for old OPS- it just creates a pointless barrier.


PS: The majority of the story content at elder game HAS BEEN in the OPS. Players who didn't do KP, EC, and SNV suddenly started fighting Dread troops and the story seemed really lazy to them. As a rule, a story based game like SWTOR NEEDS to allow every player to see ALL of the content. That means that the Oricon quest especially needs to take out the OPS requirement or give the OPS a solo mode to see the story. Otherwise, all of that old group content will just become a big barrier to entry and diminish the overall story.


This is why the macrobinoc and seeker droid quest NEED to remove the group requirements- the content is excellent story content which EVERY player should be able to hop into not the ones who are lucky enough to play it when it is released and current.




It would be great to get a solo version of the Dread Masters' Ops. I've never had an opportunity to run them, and the class story on Oricon only takes you so far - once you reach the climax you can no longer solo anything and never get to see the conclusion. This is pretty frustrating. No one ever queues for them, and I'm not going to server transfer just to run one Op... expecting players to make massive changes just in order to experience old content is unfair.

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