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Make old content more solo friendly.


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The addition of solo mode flash points is great and I love them :) But a lot of the older content is still impossible to "solo" because of various obstacles. Perhaps you guys could go back through and change those things for the better?


Old ops, for example. You need to be in an ops group to even enter them... Perhaps you could change that so that the ops prior to current content don't require a group to enter?


Another "fix" if you can call it that would be to remove, or add timers to, or only require one click of multiple person objectives... Numerous flash points and Heroic 4 quests have objectives that physically require multiple bodies to press multiple things at once... By add timers I mean, say you click one, you have thirty seconds or something of that sort to click the other ones... Or simply allow the objective to activate with one click.


The primary obstacle to soloing old content should be the difficulty of the content... Not arbitrary things like not having three people to click three glowing blue buttons at once :)


Thank you for reading.

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I agree to some extent that story areas should have a solo option but areas that are not related to story should still require a group as this is still an mmo. Your basically asking to remove all mmo content besides pvp. I this ops should always remain a group requirement. Edited by Nightblazer
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I agree to some extent that story areas should have a solo option but areas that are not related to story should still require a group as this is still an mmo. Your basically asking to remove all mmo content besides pvp. I this ops should always remain a group requirement.


Its old content...


You shouldn't need to form a 4 person group to do a level 50 daily Heroic 4 at level 60 when you can one shot everything in the instance just because the end of it requires you to press a couple buttons at once :p


And with regard to "removing the MMO content..." You can already do that... You can go in and solo these ops right now... You just need a friend to join your group and go afk... All I am asking for is a quality of life improvement in the form of not needing a warm body place holder to afk in a group with you...

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Please no,this game is already too solo friendly,this game is barely a mmo already.


Can you elaborate on what kind of harm you think this change would cause?


If I can solo a daily heroic 4 from 3+ years ago, how exactly does that hurt your experience in any way?


Remember I am only referring to old content... Current content should always be group content...

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Can you elaborate on what kind of harm you think this change would cause?


If I can solo a daily heroic 4 from 3+ years ago, how exactly does that hurt your experience in any way?


Remember I am only referring to old content... Current content should always be group content...


It's says 4+ for a reason so you can interact with other players,it's an mmo and should be kept an mmo

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Please no,this game is already too solo friendly,this game is barely a mmo already.


Which is why I like it :D I love BioWare single player RPGs and SWtOR is very similar (and better in some ways such as each class having a unique storyline and companions). Regular MMOs are incredibly boring to me.

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It's says 4+ for a reason so you can interact with other players,it's an mmo and should be kept an mmo


Interact with who? I was in Section X at 7pm earlier... There were 2 people in the zone... I was one of them...


I have no problem interacting with people... But no one does this old stuff... Where am I going to ask for more people at if they don't go to the zone? The fleet? "Looking for 3 people to waste 45 minutes of their time to roflstomp a level 50 daily for 7k credits! PST"... I am sure people will be dying to join that group...

Edited by Squeets
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Depends on the time and server plus there's guilds for a reason


I am in a guild... No one wants to do old stuff...


Should I leave my ops guild to join another guild so I can do this one daily quest from 3 years ago? That doesn't seem rather intelligent.

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I think it's a great idea, and want to say I even read something recently that mentioned older content will be becoming more solo friendly.


I totally feel your pain, I've stood on fleet for over an hour looking to finish that Heroic on Belsavis, and no one wants to do it. It's still in my quest log, almost an entire year later. Sure, this is a small problem, but you have a very good point. No one wants to do them, so these quests aren't even being run.


If you make these older quests able to be solo'd, this game is still an MMO. TBH, you shouldn't even include the first M in this game. When did 20 people on fleet (the most popular zone, arguably) become massive? We're not asking to solo the Ops or anything, just some really petty daily quests.


If a few people being able to solo a low level heroic quest bothers you, or ruins your experience, you have some serious emotional/psychological problems.

Edited by TitusOfTides
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I'm not against group content but Heroics always were poorly designed in this game and Section X is the worst offender to me.

Not being able to finish the Weekly alone is annoying. They fixed that on CZ-198 (Though they made it a bit too easy to farm reputation and credits with the H2+ that is easily soloable.), I'd like to see that on Section X. It's the only daily area that will never be soloable without a fix.

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I totally feel your pain, I've stood on fleet for over an hour looking to finish that Heroic on Belsavis, and no one wants to do it. It's still in my quest log, almost an entire year later. Sure, this is a small problem, but you have a very good point. No one wants to do them, so these quests aren't even being run.


Try Tuesday evening - that's when dailies reset(if we're talking about Section X here). There are more people willing to do it for the weekly.

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I definitely think that there are many older missions which could use a tweak to bypass the "must have 4 warm bodies to complete".


Biggest on my list are the GSI Seeker Droid series and Macro-binoculars series, which are totally soloable for about 6 hours of planet searching (like EVERY planet and to all 'corners' of each planet) then you get to the culmination and *must have a balanced 4-player team to finish* /sigh. They are not possible to bypass with a max geared 60... oh no they require simultaneous button presses in separate areas, etc. (yeah teamwork, which I am *not* against - just not after 6 hours of a solo grind to 'qualify' for this quest) Worst still is once you complete these end missions you cannot repeat them to help another player that can't find a group (because of the horridly long prerequisite series). Ironically, those last few missions were challenging (at level), fun and different (especially the macro-binocular ones) which was refreshing...


The heroic mission for Section X must have 4 warm bodies for separate clicks...


There are more I just don't have the inclination to search for more examples (you all could add to the list!).

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There are more I just don't have the inclination to search for more examples (you all could add to the list!).


A couple of low level flash points come to mind... The Esseles bonus boss, the entire Colocoid War Games flash point... I believe there may be more, but I can't recall off the top of my head.

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I am in a guild... No one wants to do old stuff...


Should I leave my ops guild to join another guild so I can do this one daily quest from 3 years ago? That doesn't seem rather intelligent.

Don't worry with Mightytology. He is clearly butthurt about solo-friendly SWTOR.

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The addition of solo mode flash points is great and I love them :) But a lot of the older content is still impossible to "solo" because of various obstacles. Perhaps you guys could go back through and change those things for the better?


Old ops, for example. You need to be in an ops group to even enter them... Perhaps you could change that so that the ops prior to current content don't require a group to enter?


Another "fix" if you can call it that would be to remove, or add timers to, or only require one click of multiple person objectives... Numerous flash points and Heroic 4 quests have objectives that physically require multiple bodies to press multiple things at once... By add timers I mean, say you click one, you have thirty seconds or something of that sort to click the other ones... Or simply allow the objective to activate with one click.


The primary obstacle to soloing old content should be the difficulty of the content... Not arbitrary things like not having three people to click three glowing blue buttons at once :)


Thank you for reading.


Sorry but... no. It's bad enough they are adding solo versions of all flashpoints, besides Operations are pure group content. You shouldn't be able to solo them (which you can't). Except maybe for Karagga's. EV on Soa the floor falling will kill unless you are a healer (which then again you have little dps to kill the boss) and EC... well the minefield. A heroic 4 is called a heroic 4 for a reason. It requires a group. This curse known as 12x XP has killed pretty much most group content while leveling because why spend the 45 minutes in a FP or heroic when in that time you could have gained 5 levels. The gear from FP's is already worse than the comm gear mods, which are dirt cheap now. As much as I love the singleplayer experience in SWTOR, group content should stay group content.


In regards to Section X, you really aren't missing much credits. Yavin and Oricon yield far and away more credits than Sec X. Is it annoying for the requirement to finish it? Yes it is, but at this point in the game is it a huge problem? Not so much.

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People are leveling characters with no advanced class making videos of no advanced class ops and other nonsense, thats getting to level 60 with only your abilities from level 10, why would this game need to be made any easier? What few missions need a group should stay that way, I mean seriously whats next? Take away chat because all the missions are soloable anyway? Give everyone their own instance wherever they are? Its called MMO for a reason.


New players that solo all the way to endgame are the worst people in pugs every time- necessary powers not on their quick bars, wearing cunning gear as a jedi, relics and implants still level 28 greens, total attitude if given a friendly suggestion, not paying attention to chat even on their first time at a boss... I could only imagine if you made it so these newbs could solo through every heroic 2 and 4 on their way up, it would get worse.


If people dont want to do an old heroic its probably because there's no reward for doing it that is worth taking the time, if anything maybe rewards should be looked at to give people incentive to do old heroics. People love decos.

Edited by Monumenta
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People are leveling characters with no advanced class making videos of no advanced class ops and other nonsense, thats getting to level 60 with only your abilities from level 10, why would this game need to be made any easier? What few missions need a group should stay that way, I mean seriously whats next? Take away chat because all the missions are soloable anyway? Give everyone their own instance wherever they are? Its called MMO for a reason.


New players that solo all the way to endgame are the worst people in pugs every time- necessary powers not on their quick bars, wearing cunning gear as a jedi, relics and implants still level 28 greens, total attitude if given a friendly suggestion, not paying attention to chat even on their first time at a boss... I could only imagine if you made it so these newbs could solo through every heroic 2 and 4 on their way up, it would get worse.


If people dont want to do an old heroic its probably because there's no reward for doing it that is worth taking the time, if anything maybe level appropriate rewards should be looked at to give people incentive to do old heroics.


Lol you claim changing a button in the instance will make the game too easy and then suggest they give level 60 gear from level 50 heroics... That doesn't seem rather oxymoronic to you at all?


So far all of the arguments against this have been:

- Clicking one button instead of three buttons in an old instance makes the game too easy at level 60, even though you evade 99% of damage and one shot all the enemies in those instances... But its the buttons that make it difficult.

- Its old so its not worth doing anyways.

- Level 50 ops should always require an ops group, even at level 9001.

- Being able to solo old content takes the MMO out of MMO even though no one even does this content.

- People who solo level are terrible because of one man's anecdote, thus no content should ever be soloable!


These arguments are grand.

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instead of changing the heroic 4 of section X just make the weekly NOT dependent on that heroic 4.


If this makes the heroic 4 too unattractive to do for people increase the reward it gives (either credits, comms or rep wise)

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I agree. Additionally, I don't think there should be ANY more group check mechanics in daily quests. They suck the fun out of it and become a hassle. I also agree that you shouldn't need a group for old OPS- it just creates a pointless barrier.


PS: The majority of the story content at elder game HAS BEEN in the OPS. Players who didn't do KP, EC, and SNV suddenly started fighting Dread troops and the story seemed really lazy to them. As a rule, a story based game like SWTOR NEEDS to allow every player to see ALL of the content. That means that the Oricon quest especially needs to take out the OPS requirement or give the OPS a solo mode to see the story. Otherwise, all of that old group content will just become a big barrier to entry and diminish the overall story.


This is why the macrobinoc and seeker droid quest NEED to remove the group requirements- the content is excellent story content which EVERY player should be able to hop into not the ones who are lucky enough to play it when it is released and current.

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Don't worry with Mightytology. He is clearly butthurt about solo-friendly SWTOR.


I'm not butthurt,it just bothers me that the mmo aspect of the game is already small,in the new expansion.the story will be solo,flash points are soloable,and prob some things else that are not mention,what more can you want?

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- Level 50 ops should always require an ops group, even at level 9001.

- Being able to solo old content takes the MMO out of MMO even though no one even does this content.

These arguments are grand.


These have merit and are indeed grand arguments because in less than 4 months KotFE will revive the old Operation content to level 65. They aren't hard at all at the moment and can easily be 4 manned from Story mode to Nightmare Mode, so it makes zero sense to make them soloable when they are bringing them back up to level at 65 when people will be doing them.

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