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Are we the fans to blame for Disney's focus on content surrounding the OT?

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I posted this to a reply to someone in the SWTOR general discussion in a thread asking if SWTOR was cannon. I figured I could get some more responses if I posted it here for others to see. Well, here it is:



Unfortunately, Disney and Katheleen Kennedy has listened to much to the people complaining about the Prequel trilogy to the point where Disney only believes that content centered around Original trilogy content is profitable. I mean the post ROTJ trilogy is essentially going to be fanservice to the original trilogy. The anthology films they announced thus far are OT focused such as the plans to steal the Death Star blueprints as well as a rumored Han Solo "origin story". Then Clone Wars (prequel trilogy focused) was cancelled in favor of Rebels.....which is original trilogy focused. Finally, the novels that are coming out now ALL are centered around content of the OT or this new sequel trilogy and even the sequel trilogy is closer to that of the OT due to returning characters and such.


At the end of the day, I think we the fans are to blame. Say what you want to say about George Lucas or the prequels, but at the end of the day, the Star Wars lore was thriving under GL. Hell, prior to the Disney buyout, we were going to explore the "Pre Force/Pre-Jedi" era in the Dawn of the Jedi series of novels and comics which took place about 25,000 years before the movies!!!! And about 21,000 years before KOTOR! Then you had all the Clone Wars content of comics, novels, and shows and of course the much post ROTJ content. However, since Disney took over, they want to change Star Wars into something that is only OT focused because thats where they believe the money is at because we complained about the prequels not "feeling" like the OT. They took the complaints literally and have decided to disband anything that doesn't "feel" like the OT which includes content set in the Old Republic Era.


Hell, even Star Wars Battlefront from DICE has levels and factions ONLY from the OT era, despite the fact that the fact that Battlefront 2 featured Prequel Trilogy/Clone Wars content HEAVILY in it and it was (is it still is?) the highest selling Star Wars videogame of all time.


Essentially, Disney has issued an Order 66 on anything Star Wars that does not relate to the OT in some way, shape, or form and it is a damn shame because Star Wars is so much more than just the stories, locations, factions, and characters of the OT. Yes, that is where it started, but it has evolved so much past that but Disney just wants to ignore that and make it to where Star Wars IS ONLY the OT and things that relates to it. It seems like under Disney, they aren't focused on expanding the universe (pun intended) but rather cashing in on Original Trilogy fan-service that people didn't get with the prequels. Hell, the entire marketing campaign regarding Force Awakenings is nothing but OT fan service of saying, "See! No CGI!.....See! Han, Luke, and Leia!!!!.....See! Storm Troopers and the Millenium Falcon!"


HOPEFULLY, Disney's honeymoon period with the SW fans will end and people will see just how constrained the Star Wars brand has become under Disney and people will get tired of seeing/playing/reading Star Wars content that basically all takes place in the same damn era/timeframe. People would want to move further in the timeline or backwards to experience fresh Star Wars stories the same way we did back in 2003 with KOTOR or in 2012 with Dawn of the Jedi.





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Disney are definitely milking the OT era at the expense of others, but I think it's mainly to build hype around the OT focused sequels. In fact the editor on the Star Wars comics line has said they plan to explore other eras in the future:


“As for other eras, yeah, that is one of the great parts about Star Wars, there are so many terrific points in their history we can explore...


...With these first series, we wanted to stick all in the same era in order to create the sort of inter-connected universe feel we get between Marvel books,” he said. “But I am certain we’re going to be turning to those other eras in future series. “Heck — I know for a fact we’re working on at least one of those … but we’re not ready to announce it just yet.”


Hopefully we don't have to wait too long. And hopefully it won't just be the new post-ROTJ.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Honestly I am kind of glad there is a focus on the OT. There has been a lot of focus on the Clone wars in TV and a lot of Focus on the OR in games. Every now and again a game would come out in OT area, but there werent really any shows on it and even books focus more on AFTER RotJ and not so much on the "just before". I wanted to see more about the struggle of rebels vs the Empire, and not always from the view point of a Jedi. We still rarely get that, but Rouge One to me is the big promise of just that. Its an aspect of the universe that personally I have been missing recently. I am sure I will miss the Clone Wars era, or the OR era at one point, but right now... I want more OT.
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Honestly I am kind of glad there is a focus on the OT. There has been a lot of focus on the Clone wars in TV and a lot of Focus on the OR in games. Every now and again a game would come out in OT area, but there werent really any shows on it and even books focus more on AFTER RotJ and not so much on the "just before". I wanted to see more about the struggle of rebels vs the Empire, and not always from the view point of a Jedi. We still rarely get that, but Rouge One to me is the big promise of just that. Its an aspect of the universe that personally I have been missing recently. I am sure I will miss the Clone Wars era, or the OR era at one point, but right now... I want more OT.


But there has ALWAYS ben EU based in and around the OT. Hell Tatooine Ghost is one of the more prominent SW novels and it takes place during the OT era.

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Picture a development meeting. Someone goes "Hey, is there a way we can have Han Solo in this?"


Disney wants the biggest, safest home run they can get. That means things that use the iconic OT characters. It's only the biggest brand in the world. The. Biggest.


Disney will branch out with the IP once they start banking billions. I would love it if they went back to KOTOR era (could make a couple trilogies out of it) but that's not the easiest possible blockbuster. Episode VII is.

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Picture a development meeting. Someone goes "Hey, is there a way we can have Han Solo in this?"


Disney wants the biggest, safest home run they can get. That means things that use the iconic OT characters. It's only the biggest brand in the world. The. Biggest.


Disney will branch out with the IP once they start banking billions. I would love it if they went back to KOTOR era (could make a couple trilogies out of it) but that's not the easiest possible blockbuster. Episode VII is.


Well that remains to be seen. Everything that Disney and Kathleen Kennedy has said up until now makes it clear that the OT era is the focus and this is where they want to explore the SW brand in the coming years. I mean, I wouldn't doubt that a comic series or a novel taking place in the Old Republic came to be, but it seems like to me that to them, Star Wars = Original trilogy and all of their content coming in the future would deal around that.


I just do not believe that in terms of expanded SW storytelling, we will never get back to the pre-Disney era where whe had stories that took place as for forward as 100 years after ROTJ to 25,000 years before the films. I doubt Disney will cover such a range cause as you said, it is all about money to them.


Again, eventually the honeymoon with Disney will evaporate and fans will finally see that the SW brand really isn't growing with Disney but rather being contained so that they can streamline it. Sort of like how SeaWorld keeps large mammals like killer whales in captivity so that they can profit from them in shows but want to say that they are living "better" than they would be if they were in the wild. The killer whale in the wild is able to thrive naturally on its own and expand beyond its means whereas in SeaWorld, the whale is limited but who cares, it makes $$$$ for SeaWorld.


I know, poor analogy but I am just trying to give example of how Disney is effectively trying to "contain" the SW story instead of just allowing it to grow and prosper like it did before them. I wouldn't be surprised if 10 years from now, Disney is still primarly putting out OT related Star Wars content! Hell, if it was really up to Disney, we wouldn't be talking to each other here now cause they would have cancelled SWTOR! The only reason why SWTOR is still alive is cause EA has invested too much money into this game for Disney to come in and just say, "Nope!" and pull the plugs. If Disney would have taken over Star Wars back in 2008 or 2009, SWTOR would not be in existence today.

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You're looking too much into it and really worrying over a whole lot of nothing. They are clearly focusing on the OT, because the new movies will be a continuation of that, they aren't just scrapping and ignoring the PT that's just stupid and leaves a whole lot of content.


Disney only just got Star Wars, so they need time to flesh things out and get the EU going again. There have been references and throwbacks to the PT era, so no doubt it'll be explored when the time comes. They are just now focusing on the OT era to prop up the newer material that will be continuing off of it, they won't just ignore the PT just because some people didn't like the movies.


News flash: People can like both the OT and PT, just because there's a louder cry for those saying they hate the PT doesn't mean that people don't want more related material.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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You're looking too much into it and really worrying over a whole lot of nothing. They are clearly focusing on the OT, because the new movies will be a continuation of that, they aren't just scrapping and ignoring the PT that's just stupid and leaves a whole lot of content.


Disney only just got Star Wars, so they need time to flesh things out and get the EU going again. There have been references and throwbacks to the PT era, so no doubt it'll be explored when the time comes. They are just now focusing on the OT era to prop up the newer material that will be continuing off of it, they won't just ignore the PT just because some people didn't like the movies.


News flash: People can like both the OT and PT, just because there's a louder cry for those saying they hate the PT doesn't mean that people don't want more related material.


Fair answer, but you make it seem like my OP is another Prequel Trilogy versus Original Trilogy debate/complaint and it isn't. This isn't about the PT not getting love but ALL eras of Star Wars that isn't OT not getting love. This includes the Prequel era, Dawn of the Jedi Era, Old Republic Era, and even the era that is about 100 years post ROTJ.


Again, I hope you are right but we shall see. All indicators points to that Disney is all in on the OT era not because they want to "flesh out" the next 3 movies, but because they believe that the OT is more profitable and that SW fans ONLY want SW content that is based around the OT which again is taking the complaints about the PT literally.

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Unfortunate? For who? You?


Disney and Katheleen Kennedy has listened to much to the people complaining about the Prequel trilogy to the point where Disney only believes that content centered around Original trilogy content is profitable.


Do you have a direct quote or source? Or are you just making that up? [Note: This is a rhetorical question.]



I mean the post ROTJ trilogy is essentially going to be fanservice to the original trilogy.


That makes sense logically since the new films are directly following the OT in terms of characters and time.


At the end of the day, I think we the fans are to blame.


Blame implies a mistake has been made. The new films aren't out yet, and Disney has just started releasing content.


Blame? Really? :rolleyes:


However, since Disney took over, they want to change Star Wars into something that is only OT focused because thats where they believe the money is at because we complained about the prequels not "feeling" like the OT. They took the complaints literally and have decided to disband anything that doesn't "feel" like the OT which includes content set in the Old Republic Era.


This post is rather silly.


First, you have no proof of this. Second, Disney has already stated they are going to explore other eras in some Marvel comic interviews. They've released both a Darth Maul CW story and a recent Vos and Asaj CW novel. You also have the upcoming SWTOR expansion.


What is actually going on, in my opinion, is that Disney realizes a few things.


First, the Prequels are not as beloved as the OT, though they do have their fans. So you go back to what works and has the broadest appeal, in this case the OT.


Second, it's about cycles.


Too many people are impatient and want instant gratification.


After the prequels came out, 80% of all the SW output was prequel related.


From a brand perspective that makes sense; however if you were primarily an OT fan, you were somewhat starved for content in comparison to PT fans.


TPM can out in 99, the Clone Wars ended in 2014. So let's see...that's roughly 16 years worth of Prequel material that Lucasfilm was largely focused on.


Disney has only had one season of Rebels, some comics, and they haven't even released the new movie yet and you're complaining about too much focus on the OT era? :rolleyes:


After they get enough of the current content they're putting out, Disney will explore other time periods.


Disney didn't buy SW to sit on it. They're going to be producing SW content as long as they are a financially viable company, which is a good thing for SW fans.

Edited by CaulderBenson
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All indicators points to that Disney is all in on the OT era not because they want to "flesh out" the next 3 movies, but because they believe that the OT is more profitable and that SW fans ONLY want SW content that is based around the OT which again is taking the complaints about the PT literally.


That's not what's indicated at all.


Star Wars is a big universe. Disney at the moment wants to keep the brand unified and cohesive.


The OT is more popular so they're leading off with that first. That makes sense from both a fan and business perspective.


Second, as I stated above, Lucasfilm spent roughly the last 16 years exploring the Prequel era. It's time for a breath of fresh air.


Disney is certainly focusing on the OT...BUT...they are also giving us something new. The new films are post ROTJ which is an era never "officially" explored by Lucasfilm.


The casual movie goers don't read the books or follow the comics, so this will be new to millions of people.


Third, Disney paid 4 billion for SW. Bringing back the original characters is a much easier way guarantee you recoup your investment quicker.


Now hopefully the new movies don't suck.

Edited by CaulderBenson
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Not this fan.


My problem with TPM was Jake Lloyd's acting. It was terrible. I know, he was 8, but the girl in Ant-Man can act, so they should have kept looking.


My problem with RotS was the end fight scene between Anakin and Obi Wan. The fight felt like a forced loss for Anakin with that high ground stuff, and I can't believe Anakin couldn't jump higher.


As a fan, I kept hoping they'd reboot the original trilogy, so we could see better light saber fight scenes!


I don't care to center on the original cast, though I don't hate it, but I do want to see movies moving forward! So, would have loved to have seen recast and some of the movies made into movies, even if altered some.

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What was the problem with the prequels yes they where not a masterpiece but they where enjoyable to watch and it had epic moments like when Darth Maul fought the 2 jedi I can not express how enjoyable the experience was. Or the battle between the Gungan Great army and the Trade Federation I can not express how great that was.

There was also the battle in the arena between the jedi order and the CIS droids and the beasts that was freaking awesome. There was also the battle between Dooku and Yoda that was freaking amazing.

It might have been meh for most of it but it had its moments very epic moments and we should have remembered those also. In the end there where good movies not epic but still good with epic moments.

And yeah we are to blame for just bashing it without giving praise for what it did very good.

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What was the problem with the prequels yes they where not a masterpiece but they where enjoyable to watch and it had epic moments like when Darth Maul fought the 2 jedi I can not express how enjoyable the experience was. Or the battle between the Gungan Great army and the Trade Federation I can not express how great that was.

There was also the battle in the arena between the jedi order and the CIS droids and the beasts that was freaking awesome. There was also the battle between Dooku and Yoda that was freaking amazing.

It might have been meh for most of it but it had its moments very epic moments and we should have remembered those also. In the end there where good movies not epic but still good with epic moments.

And yeah we are to blame for just bashing it without giving praise for what it did very good.


They all made a lot of money, so I'm not so sure they were considered THAT bad by the general movie going audience, though Attack of the Clones did do the worst of the three.


I remember fans coming out of TPM loving it, and only later did you start to hear lots of moans about it. The naysayers always being the most vocal perhaps?

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They all made a lot of money, so I'm not so sure they were considered THAT bad by the general movie going audience, though Attack of the Clones did do the worst of the three.


I remember fans coming out of TPM loving it, and only later did you start to hear lots of moan about it. The naysayers always being the most vocal perhaps?


TPM is actually the most successful of all 6 films. I personally enjoy it the most of the 3 prequels.


However, while they did make money, the overall reaction and feeling to them is that they were not great movies. Furious 7 is the 4th most successful film of all time, and I'd hardly call it better than than ANH, ESB, or ROTJ.


It more or less comes down to the fact that SW has been Prequel focused for 16 years and Disney is shifting gears for a bit.

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TPM is actually the most successful of all 6 films. I personally enjoy it the most of the 6 prequels for a couple of reasons as well.


However, while they did make money, the overall reaction and feeling to them is that they were not great movies. Furious 7 is the 4th most successful film of all time, and I'd hardly call it better than than ANH, ESB, or ROTJ.


It more or less comes down to the fact that SW has been Prequel focused for 16 years and Disney is shifting gears for a bit.


I hate to partake in this PT vs OT debate, but what you said is NOT FACT but rather opinion. This myth that the MAJORITY of people did not like the PT is just that....a myth. Fact is, the naysayers are always the loudest and thus that is the dominate opinion we hear the most which is that the PT sucked. That is HARDLY the case. In fact, I would go as far as to say that because of the PT, we are able to enjoy games like SWTOR because the PT injected a new life into Star Wars and brought it to a new generation. If you ask the average movie goer about Star Wars, they would generally either like all six films or not like all six films. It is only within the SW community do you see a "Divide" between those who favor the PT and those who do not like the PT.


I say that same thing about JJ Abrams Star Trek films. I do not consider myself a ST fan as I casually enjoy the films/shows. However if you ask me about JJ Abrams 2 ST films, I would say that they were great and in a lot of ways, I enjoyed them more than any other ST film. However when you dig into the core ST fanbase, the hardcore fans, many of them would have a more negative view of those films.




However Disney like you has this perception that the Prequel Trilogy = Everyone hates it when that simply is not the case. At the end of the day the PT is still Star Wars and if you put the SW label on it, it is pretty much guaranteed to sell. If Disney decided to do a movie that is based around Qui-Gon/Count Dooku relationship origin story, it would sell. If Disney decided to do a Clone Wars movie (minus Anakin and co.) it would sell. Only the elitist nerds are the ones who look to deeply and find little nitpicks to criticize certain SW properties.


Again, people are giving Disney a free pass because they are just happy that George Lucas and his "ruining" of the SW brand is no longer here and they are cheering for Disney, the white knight savior to come in and give them "true" Star Wars experiences.


Like I said, if Disney had it their way, SWTOR would be cancelled but EA just has too much money invested to do so. Give it 5-10 years and lets see how much the Star Wars brand "grows" under Disney.

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I hate to partake in this PT vs OT debate, but what you said is NOT FACT but rather opinion. This myth that the MAJORITY of people did not like the PT is just that....a myth.


You need to look at what I actually wrote, and then understand it in the context of the conversation you started.

I said the overall reaction to them was that they were not great movies, not that they didn't have fans or that lots of people enjoyed them.


A quick scan of Rotten Tomatoes show for all three PT films that they average 55-60% between critics and fans. That generally indicates what I posted above. Lots of people enjoyed them, but an almost equal number of people didn't.


In the context of this discussion compare the OT Rotten Tomato scores. It has greater than 90% audience appreciation. Jedi having the lowest critical acclaim, but still hitting it out of the park with audiences.


See the difference? Disney does.


The only person having the OT vs PT debate that you "hate" to partake in, is you.


Fact is, the naysayers are always the loudest and thus that is the dominate opinion we hear the most which is that the PT sucked. That is HARDLY the case.


The films were successful, no one is denying that. There are hard numbers to back it up.


Just as there are hard numbers to back up the fact that audiences preferred the OT to the PT. I'm not sure why you're arguing this other than the fact that it messes with your narrative that Disney hates the PT. I don't think they do at all.


In fact, I would go as far as to say that because of the PT, we are able to enjoy games like SWTOR because the PT injected a new life into Star Wars and brought it to a new generation.


Now you're just pointlessly posting to try and make a point no one brought up or disagreed with.


The idea behind your OP was this:


Unfortunately, Disney and Katheleen Kennedy has listened to much to the people complaining about the Prequel trilogy to the point where Disney only believes that content centered around Original trilogy content is profitable.


Something that was never stated by Disney. It's some theory you've concocted and are now stating as fact, to which I posted my reasons to the contrary.




In fact, I would go as far as to say that because of the PT, we are able to enjoy games like SWTOR because the PT injected a new life into Star Wars and brought it to a new generation.


Is not a point that was being argued against and therefore there was no reason to bring it up.


Incidentally, I agree with it, and I know that Disney and Lucasfilm do as well. One need look no further than the Clone Wars and Rebels.


Ahsoka and Rex now have legions of young fans, and they've been brought back into Rebels to wild audience enthusiasm.


I will now point out that Rebels is a Disney product and that they are using PT characters.



However Disney like you has this perception that the Prequel Trilogy = Everyone hates it when that simply is not the case.


You're terrible at conversation, did you know that?


First, I never stated that, so you have no basis for outright distorting my words or position. That's blatantly dishonest, nor do I appreciate it. ;)


And again, I'll reiterate, show me proof or an official statement where Disney states this, because so far, despite your opinion, Disney is still going to explore other eras based on their official statments which contradicts you directly.



Give it 5-10 years and lets see how much the Star Wars brand "grows" under Disney.


Indeed. I'd give it at least 10. By then you'll have another generation of fans, Episodes 7, 8, 9, and some anthology films.


That's a lot of OT and new material. Then it will be time to mine new eras.


You need to learn patience. Disney OWNS Star Wars in perpetuity now. They want it to last forever. They're not in a hurry to play all their cards in the first 10 years because some fans on the internet are impatient and want what they want, when they want it; not implying that you do of course.

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You need to look at what I actually wrote, and then understand it in the context of the conversation you started.

I said the overall reaction to them was that they were not great movies, not that they didn't have fans or that lots of people enjoyed them.


A quick scan of Rotten Tomatoes show for all three PT films that they average 55-60% between critics and fans. That generally indicates what I posted above. Lots of people enjoyed them, but an almost equal number of people didn't.


In the context of this discussion compare the OT Rotten Tomato scores. It has greater than 90% audience appreciation. Jedi having the lowest critical acclaim, but still hitting it out of the park with audiences.


See the difference? Disney does.


The only person having the OT vs PT debate that you "hate" to partake in, is you.




The films were successful, no one is denying that. There are hard numbers to back it up.


Just as there are hard numbers to back up the fact that audiences preferred the OT to the PT. I'm not sure why you're arguing this other than the fact that it messes with your narrative that Disney hates the PT. I don't think they do at all.




Now you're just pointlessly posting to try and make a point no one brought up or disagreed with.


The idea behind your OP was this:




Something that was never stated by Disney. It's some theory you've concocted and are now stating as fact, to which I posted my reasons to the contrary.






Is not a point that was being argued against and therefore there was no reason to bring it up.


Incidentally, I agree with it, and I know that Disney and Lucasfilm do as well. One need look no further than the Clone Wars and Rebels.


Ahsoka and Rex now have legions of young fans, and they've been brought back into Rebels to wild audience enthusiasm.


I will now point out that Rebels is a Disney product and that they are using PT characters.





You're terrible at conversation, did you know that?


First, I never stated that, so you have no basis for outright distorting my words or position. That's blatantly dishonest, nor do I appreciate it. ;)


And again, I'll reiterate, show me proof or an official statement where Disney states this, because so far, despite your opinion, Disney is still going to explore other eras based on their official statments which contradicts you directly.





Indeed. I'd give it at least 10. By then you'll have another generation of fans, Episodes 7, 8, 9, and some anthology films.


That's a lot of OT and new material. Then it will be time to mine new eras.


You need to learn patience. Disney OWNS Star Wars in perpetuity now. They want it to last forever. They're not in a hurry to play all their cards in the first 10 years because some fans on the internet are impatient and want what they want, when they want it; not implying that you do of course.


Honestly I do not see the brand really expand under Disney. Star Wars was expanding prior to Disney with stories being told *** far back as the Pre Republic era all the way to 100+ years after ROTJ. Before Disney it was about telling great stories in a galaxy far far away no matter what era it was in. With Disney it is it is the opposite. With Disney it is all about playing it safe and like you say, the OT is the popular era so thus that is where Disney will focus.


Personally as a SW fan I have doubts about the future of Star Wars because I fear Disney will just streamline it to avoid the "PT affect". Yes, there is a new generation of SW fans that were brought up with the PT but people who control SW now were brought up with the OT and thus the focus remains there. Even DICE admitted this when questioned as to why the PT era isnt featured in Battlefront.


The people who prefer the OT generally views Disney as their white knight savior. But general SW fans who love ALL 6 films equally as well as the EU eras will soon become agitated after a while as SW becomes a stale streamlined experience instead of the broad experience it was prior to Disney.

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The reason for this is because of the major spoilers and retcons to come in the new Star Wars material. Namely, KotFE and later story chapters, the new movies, and the Revenant trilogy. Although KotFE and SWTOR aren't technically canon, large parts of it will be made canon with the release of new material. Nothing galaxy-shattering really happens in the OT era (on the level of the events of what I call the "holy trinity" of the new Star Wars universe [that is, SWTOR's upcoming story, the new films, and the revenant trilogy]), and thus is being focused on now to avoid spoilers. Also, the authors of many of the new books don't know the plot of any of the big new stuff, or even that the Revenant trilogy exists (most may not even care, since Revenant will be marketed more towards gamers than Star Wars fans).
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The people who prefer the OT generally views Disney as their white knight savior. But general SW fans who love ALL 6 films equally as well as the EU eras will soon become agitated after a while as SW becomes a stale streamlined experience instead of the broad experience it was prior to Disney.


Or, just you. ;)

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The people who prefer the OT generally views Disney as their white knight savior. But general SW fans who love ALL 6 films equally as well as the EU eras will soon become agitated after a while as SW becomes a stale streamlined experience instead of the broad experience it was prior to Disney.


This is precisely why I hate the Star Wars fandom. You can't please them. No matter what Disney does, roughly half the fanbase will get mad. Such is the way any argument goes nowadays, only two sides, of which everyone is expected to pick one.

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The reason for this is because of the major spoilers and retcons to come in the new Star Wars material. Namely, KotFE and later story chapters, the new movies, and the Revenant trilogy. Although KotFE and SWTOR aren't technically canon, large parts of it will be made canon with the release of new material. Nothing galaxy-shattering really happens in the OT era (on the level of the events of what I call the "holy trinity" of the new Star Wars universe [that is, SWTOR's upcoming story, the new films, and the revenant trilogy]), and thus is being focused on now to avoid spoilers. Also, the authors of many of the new books don't know the plot of any of the big new stuff, or even that the Revenant trilogy exists (most may not even care, since Revenant will be marketed more towards gamers than Star Wars fans).


Ok I'm lost, what the hell is a Revenant trilogy?

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Essentially, Disney has issued an Order 66 on anything Star Wars that does not relate to the OT in some way, shape, or form


I speculated on this some time ago after I read an interesting article about the business deal JJ Abrams and his production company cut with Disney. It explained why JJ Abrams left Star Trek universe, he left because the copyright holders wouldn't cut him a merchandise/derivative rights deal for any Star Trek products based on his movies. Disney cut him the merchandise deal that he wanted, so every toy, every piece of merchandise, every derivative work that doesn't write JJ Abrams a paycheck is being phased out.


This explains why expanded universe is phased out of existence, those were book deals, merchandise and derivative works that paid money to George Lucas, now Abrams has the same keys to the kingdom. I'll have to find the article, may take a while, I have to search through my post history.



Here's the article on JJ's deal


This is my post, where I vented about it



Basically, if JJ can't make money off of it, then it's not canon.

Edited by Falensawino
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