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speculation about companions in KOTFE


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I'm thinking it will be kind of like with they did in Mass Effect 3. In ME3, you encountered a bunch of your old teammates throughout the course of the game. You ended up with a couple different interactions with them:

  1. They had moved on to other things in their lives and weren't willing to rejoin your crew.
  2. They wanted to join the crew again.


In the case of former romances, they had generally moved on, but you had the chance to rekindle the romance, or just remain friends.


I think this pattern would work well here, particularly the romance part. After 5 years, your romance may have believed you were dead and moved on with their lives. I could see a whole set of companion stories (if EA chose to dedicate some time to programming it) around this as they try to cope with their feelings about you being alive again. They could also sprinkle in few new companions along the way to fill in the gaps in your crew.

Edited by Kalabakk
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Wow. Yeah, I am not liking this at all either. The main reason I play this game over other MMOs is because I really like running around with a companion and going through stories with them. So basically they are saying that people are disposable. I'll wax philosophical here and say that's what's wrong with our society today, and this game is strengthening it instead of making us question it.


The only thing that could redeem losing our companions is if we can get them back permanently somehow, even if we have to go through a long questline to do it. If I never get to hear, "Now you're dumb, ugly *and* dead!" again, I'm going to be extremely sad and will unsub rather than go through the separation. (Kudos to the original SWTOR team for getting me this immersed in the world, story, and characters.)


I'll quote Lando here, "This deal's getting worse all the time!"


Ah well, there's always LOTRO.


Very well put.


Well, im really glad now my 6 month sub expires next month. As it is with everything ive been reading, it will be switched to a month to month, that way come october if we find out they did indeed Jacob us, ill only be out that months sub when i quit.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Very well put.


Well, im really glad now my 6 month sub expires next month. As it is with everything ive been reading, it will be switched to a month to month, that way come october if we find out they did indeed Jacob us, ill only be out that months sub when i quit.


As much as I don't want to lose anyone, I really want my romance companions back. I've seen/heard/read who could be new companions and aside from 1 maybe 2 of the new ones, I rather have my old ones back. But if for some god awful reason Bioware screws this up hard core, I at least better get my companion husbands back. If I don't then *** was the point of romancing, marrying, and having kids via legacy tree??

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Eh, as much fun as it would be for my geriatric Jedi to continue his May-December romance with Nadia, I won't be brokenhearted to lose her. She was getting kinda old for me anyway.


As for the rest of my various crews, I can write it off to the standard ebb and flow of friendships. Old friends fade from our lives; new friends emerge. And five years under the ice is a long time. E.g., for my Sage: I would expect Qyzen to continue hunting without me. Tharan to get distracted by some technological puzzle and run off with Holiday to solve it. Iresso can't be expected to just sit around ... he's active duty and would likely get reassigned. As for Zenith? You know that nut-job slinked away from the ship at his first chance to stage his long-awaited coup on Balmora.


If we get them back, great. If not, let's be happy they found something useful to do while we slept.

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I'm guessing HK and Treek will be silent and absent companions just like they are now - but they will be there, I am willing to bet anything on that.


Either way I hope to get rid of them personally. HK is just waiting for a jawa wiling to take him of my hands (I hate droid companions, no matter how cool or nostalgic) and Treek has a scheduled meeting with a Sarlacc - or the nearest uninhabited planet.


I think HK-51 may very well get new lines. I think they'll keep the same actor for 55 as 47/51. If so, 51 will get new lines except if 55 is also a companion, then 51 may get "destroyed" and used to upgrade 55, meaning you get him but with 51's gear instead of nothing (And more dialogue options).

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