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5 Years later: What have our Companions been up to? And who can we recruit again?


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Been going over the info we have on KotFE, and this paragraph stuck out to me:

"You're able to recruit help and additional companions from an expanded cast, including companions who were previously exclusive to other classes. Building that alliance involves going to all the planets in the galaxy and doing activities and missions that build faction. If you want to recruit a character who's favorable to the Mandalorians, you'll be able to do missions for them. You want to recruit a character who hates the Hutts, you'll do missions to build your alliance standing against them."


This has got me thinking: If our player character has been gone for 5 years, what have our companions been doing in that time? We know that both the Republic and the Vitiate's Empire have fallen, the the Supreme Chancellor is under the influence of the Eternal Empire, that Setele and Darth Marr are not(and the Jedi and Sith have both retreated to their temples). This is a new galaxy to us, and our companions have been forced to survive in it. How have they done so? Who have they fallen in with and what have they been doing?


I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts on the matter. Here are my own, as best I can guess.



Sith Warrior



Vette: Back to her theiving ways, trying to help her people. She might fall back with her old crew. Regardless, I don't think she'll stick with the Sith for very long.

Malavai Quinn: Back to what remains of the Imperial MIlitary. Probably has a big promotion, what with all the dead Imps lately. For all we know, he's a Moff. Or at least a Colonel. Regardless, he's a prime candidate for killing. Given that you USED to be able to kill him, I think Bioware will be offering us another chance.

Jaesa Willsaam: I'm hoping that, regardless of her alignment, she'll balance out a little. If she's DS, she'll mellow a bit, and if she's LS, she'll get little more passionate. This way, they don't have to have two different versions of how to get a hold of her. On the other hand the LS version of her may still stick around the sith, hoping to change what's left of it to the Light.

Lt. Pierce: Like Quinn, I think he'll stick with the Imp military. He'd be a valuable asset for a badly beaten up organization like that.

Broonmark: I guess he'll just go about the galaxy fighting, like he did before the SW found him. If there's any companion that the SW won't recruit back, it's Broonmark, I think.




Bounty Hunter



Mako: Really not sure what Mako would get up to. Her clone story still isn't completely fleshed out, and it would be nice if she kept at it. I do hope that non-Bounty Hunters can recruit her thought. It would be cool to see her working for the Smuggler, for instance. Not sure if she'd even be with a faction at all. It'll be cool to see how 5 years have changed her.

Gault Rennow: Gault will still be Gault, looking to fleece some poor bugger out of their life savings again. No way he'd align with anyone or anything other than himself.

Torian Cadera: Mandalorian to the bone, I think he's one of the characters, along with Akaavi, that the quote above if referencing: " If you want to recruit a character who's favorable to the Mandalorians, you'll be able to do missions for them."

Blizz: Frankly, I think Blizz will stick with Mako. It's a big galaxy, and the two seem to be fond of one another.

Skadge: Still going to be a murderous Houke. Another prime canidate for killing. My guess is he'll start running a Black Sun outfit, just like he used to before Belsavis. Chance of being recruited back: .01%, I think.




Jedi Knight



T7-O1: T7 will still be with the Jedi, I think. I hope every class has the chance to recruit this guy. It'll be really interesting to see him at the side of a former Sith or a Bounty Hunter. Every class deserved their own Astromech droid!

Kira Carsen: She might stick with the Jedi, and she might jump ship. She's always talking about quitting the Jedi, "spending the rest of our lives having fun". If any of the current Jedi/Sith companions are going to leave their respective Order, it's going to be Kira. But I think, in the end, she'll keep serving the Jedi. In her own way.

Doc: Doc will still be with the Republic, but he might be more respectable now. Still a bit of a scoundrel, but probably a bit of a war hero too. Might have fallowed through on his decision to start his own medical journal too.

Sgt. Fideltin Rusk: Still with the Republic military, still refusing promotion. Maybe Havoc Squad?

Lord Scourge: Certainly not with the Republic. Probably back with the Sith, although they probably see him as a traitor. So maybe he'll go his own way. I do hope he can be recruited by our Sith Warriors and Inquisitors though.







Aric Jorgan: Definitely still with the Republic military. I think Probably made Colonial by now.

Elara Dorne: I can't see her doing anything but sticking with the Republic. As an Imperial defector, it's not like she has anywhere else to go. I do wish she's be recruitable by non-Troopers, though. I mean, a Heavy-Armor healer? Yes please!

M1-4X: Republic to the datacore, this droids not doing anything it wasn't doing already. Wouldn't change its programming, even if it could.

Tanno Vik: The Republic military is a sinking ship. I think Vik would be bailing well before 5 years of defeats. Probably switched to the private sector. More money to be made, that way.

Sgt. Yuun: Sticking with the Republic is my guess. He might still be in Havoc Squad. Though he may have left to start tracking something else besides Imps. A Findsman has many other places he could be besides Havoc Squad.







Khem Val: Depends on

whether Khem is Khem or Zash

, but I don't think he's going to be with the Sith any longer. Given how weak they've become, he might be disgusted with the Order altogether.

Andronikos Revel: No loyalty to anyone but the Inquisitor, I think Andronikos will get back to pirating.

Ashara Zavros: She might stick with the Sith, but my guess is that she'll head back to the Jedi. She seems more devoted to them than even to the Inquisitor. Shem might even be recruitable by the Jedi Consular or Knight. That'd be an interesting set of conversations.

Talos Drellik: Probably headed back to the Imperial Reclamation Service. He might even run the thing by now.

Xalek: Xalek seems to be the kind of guy that would really enjoy the life of a Sith. I don't think he'd be leaving it. Maybe he's the one to guard the Inquisitor's power base until his/her return.




Imperial Agent



Kaliyo Djannis: Off to her next employer. She never had any loyalty to anyone but(possibly) the Agent, so she may even be with the Hutts again. For now.

Vector Hyllus: He might still be with the Empire, he might now. Really not sure what Vector would be doing in this new conflict. Probably still a Joiner, though.

Dr. Eckard Lokin: Lokin could be anywhere. He might be hanging out in a variety of safehouses, he might be with Sith Intelligence. Maybe even working for Lana.

Raina Temple: Probably stuck with the Empire, given her loyalties. Sith Intelligence seems like the logical place for her to go.

SCORPIO: Still searching for her next upgrade. Might be cool to see her join the Eternal Empire.



Jedi Consular



Qyzen Fess: He's not particularly loyal to the Republic or the Jedi so much as to his Scorekeeper. He probably left the the Republic behind to go hunting for worthy targets.

Tharan Cedrax: Really not sure about Tharan. Doubtlessly doing something scientific, hoping to make a breakthrough. I have no idea what that might be, though.

Zenith: Still out to kill Imps(both kinds) and protect what's left of Balmorra. Not sure if there's anything else this guy has in his life.

Lt. Felix Iresso: His storyline about the datacron data in his head is still left hagning. I could see it becoming a plot point. I doubt Iresso is going to leave the Republic MIlitary. He might even be with Havoc squad, serving with Yuun or Rusk.

Nadia Grell: Definitely still with the Jedi. Her last conversations make it clear she won't be going back home after what she's seen and done.







Corso Riggs: I could see Corso returning to Ord Mantell, I could also see him joining with the Republic military. He might also go freelance and simply kick butt wherever it's needed. Corso is a wild card right now. He could go a lot of places.

Bowdaar: Bowdarr is the same way. There's a lot of directions he could go. Although I kind of hope he heads back to Kashyyyk. I think it's long past time swtor headed there.

Risha: Queen of Dubrillion, anyone? Although I could also see her taking over Port Nowhere and running the Smuggler's old criminal empire while he's gone.

Akaavi Spar: Back to the Mandolorians, methinks. She never left that lifestyle behind, her goals simply aligned with the Smuggler's, for a time. I hope my Bounty Hunter gets to recruit her. He deserves a proper Mando to romance. And Akaavi is awesome.

Languss Tuno: Given that he was trying to emulate the Smuggler, I could see Guss becoming as much like him as possible, right down to the grubby freighter and the motley crew of miscreants that follow him.




2V-R8/C2-N2: Our friendly neighborhood ship droid is either taking care of our character's collective ships, a key helper in the storyline("I know for a fact at least one old droid companion was there to help you out of a tight spot", from the Massivelyop article hints towards this) or scrap metal. I'm fine with any of these options.


HK-51: Without an owner, I think that HK would default to serving the Empire. Or at least fighting the Republic. It's what the Maker programmed it to do. On the other hand, maybe HK will set itself to guard it's master's legacy. For instance, if owned by the Sith Inquisitor, it will protect its master's power base until he/she returns. Given the fact that we'll be running into an HK-55 droid(who supposedly is programmed to protect innocent people rather than eliminate them), I'm thinking we might be given a choice between the two. Or both? Please be both!


Treek: Still a mercenary fighting for whoever she chooses to fight for.


Anyone else got any thoughts on what their companions are up to by the start of KotFE?

Edited by CastonFolarus
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Agree on military/government companions going back or getting recalled. Regardless if we like it or not, only the free spirits/pirates/mercs/smugglers should really be re-recruitable again. Those who were part of government or military organizations would long be serving/working in new places, have new bosses and couldn't really just drop all of it to rejoin us.


Not sure about Padawans (on either side)

Edited by Pietrastor
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Ashara seems more devoted to the jedi to you? To me her entire companion storyline was about finding out who she was and it wasn't a jedi. She pledged herself to the legacy of the inquisitor, and is that legacy by being an apprentice.


Most my theorizing about FE is centered on how the Empire and Republic might cooperate/merge. If it happens I want to see Ashara using her position as the inquisitor's heir and the connections she made in her storyline to help bring about this unity.

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Ashara seems more devoted to the jedi to you? To me her entire companion storyline was about finding out who she was and it wasn't a jedi. She pledged herself to the legacy of the inquisitor, and is that legacy by being an apprentice.


Someone who gets it. Rare sight. :D


* bows respectfully *

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Ashara seems more devoted to the jedi to you? To me her entire companion storyline was about finding out who she was and it wasn't a jedi. She pledged herself to the legacy of the inquisitor, and is that legacy by being an apprentice.


And yet, she refuses to get married without the approval of the Jedi. That speaks of a loyalty to the Jedi that surpasses that which she has to the Inquisitor.

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If you picked a particular romance with a companion, I don't think you'll have much to worry about. Bioware wouldn't alienate the playerbase by saying, sorry your romance is no longer an option. They are doing something else. I also don't think since some of us have maxed out affection on all our toons spending millions of credits on gifts/gear they'll just allow the characters to go away and never be seen or used again. I mean, you know how many people would be upset if they lost their companions and spent credits on gifts trying to max them out?


I really think it will be up to the player who comes back, who doesn't come back, who wants to help, or who doesn't want anything to do with the outlander. Affection will play a huge role in KOTFE.

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