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What is your opinion of the Bodyguard?


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Hello all, so just wanted the opinions of those who have played this class/build of a Bounty Hunter Bodyguard.


I have always enjoyed playing the Tank and thus this is the role I have mainly stuck to in this game, however with 12x XP and the fact that I really do enjoy supporting/healing I am giving thought to rolling a Bodyguard as a healer. The problem is I have never played with them... everytime I ever have someone healing me it is a Sith and while they are good healers are just not something I am interested in roleplaying as a healer. I mainly just play with a small group who does a little bit of everything, flashpoints, questing, PvP when we feel like it etc...


Enough of me rambling though, Bodyguard as a support healer how do they play? opinions, thoughts etc...

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They are a very strong spec for PVE healing. You'll find most operation groups take at least 1


For PvP They are good if played well, but they need a good team to peform as they have no escape skills to speak of.

The best allrounder is a Sorc, but merc is a strong choice in any case

Edited by Usif
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I really enjoy bodyguard for pve. The burst is fun to play with and can save a team from wiping as well.


In pvp you run into the general issue commandos have regarding survivability. I personally dont find it as much fin.

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Hello all, so just wanted the opinions of those who have played this class/build of a Bounty Hunter Bodyguard.


I have always enjoyed playing the Tank and thus this is the role I have mainly stuck to in this game, however with 12x XP and the fact that I really do enjoy supporting/healing I am giving thought to rolling a Bodyguard as a healer. The problem is I have never played with them... everytime I ever have someone healing me it is a Sith and while they are good healers are just not something I am interested in roleplaying as a healer. I mainly just play with a small group who does a little bit of everything, flashpoints, questing, PvP when we feel like it etc...


Enough of me rambling though, Bodyguard as a support healer how do they play? opinions, thoughts etc...


Speaking as a pvper who plays all the healing classes, and regularly played both Merc and Commando healers in pvp (a rarity in wzs and arenas), it WAS ok pre 3.3 - but you had to work harder to get comparable stats to the scoundrel (forget about sorc post 3.0). Now, the heat/energy management is screwed up and survivability is down the creek. For example, pre-3.3, I was hovering between 1.2m and 1.6m in heals with mid-range hps -- with my heals exceeding the damage inflicted on me. Plus I could hold my own in the arenas, despite the early ganks (because some players thought that mercs were easy meat). The survivability issue did not concern me because you could use Kolto shots to control the heat AND use to keep yourself standing long enough for the next big bursty heal.


Post 3.3, the Kolto shots are not sufficient to keep me up, plus although there were bumps to the other heals, a bump to an interruptible rapid scan and the other heals has not led to increased output. In fact, I've seen my output drop. I am looking at in a good wz about 1m in heals -- far below what I saw before and easily beaten by my sorc healer which can crank out 1.5m easily. In fact, in pugged wzs, I have been seeing my heals drop to about 400k to 600k -- sometimes not even enough to exceed the damage that the opponent groups have been inflicting.


In short, it is now a broken spec. Try something different if you are going to pvp - hopefully the story is different in pve.

Edited by Grue_Hunter
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Cool, thanks for the info! I will stay clear of PvP with him for now then until I read they fixed some of the stuff in a patch note.


I made a bounty hunter Bodyguard though and I am having a blast roleplaying him. He is this skinny little crazy looking old balding cyborg guy who drank one of his concoctions to make his voice deeper (which was successful he is this squirmy old man with a deep manly voice) but it also knocked him out. He woke up on Hutta somehow and stumbled into a room where they thought he was their new bounty hunter there to compete in the great hunt. He has always enjoyed killing things but normally gets sued for it so decided to go along with it as the coin was good and is now blasting/poisoning/healing his way through the competition.

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Merc healing is 100% fine for regular WZs, mediumish for solo queue (sorc is by far the best solo queue healer, then merc, then operative). Merc has a niche role as a healer in ranked 4s because of an instant ranged mez and electronet. Basically, if running a double sniper team, a merc healer might be best, but otherwise, most teams will use sorc or operative.


For regular WZs though, merc healing spec is 100% fine. I played merc heals on the PTS, and did top heals on my team consistently.

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  • 4 weeks later...
My opinion is that it was a horrible movie, but, it's one of those movies that you sit through with your girlfriend if you want to get some.


And don't you dare laugh when she starts singing :p

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Speaking as a pvper who plays all the healing classes, and regularly played both Merc and Commando healers in pvp (a rarity in wzs and arenas), it WAS ok pre 3.3 - but you had to work harder to get comparable stats to the scoundrel (forget about sorc post 3.0). Now, the heat/energy management is screwed up and survivability is down the creek. For example, pre-3.3, I was hovering between 1.2m and 1.6m in heals with mid-range hps -- with my heals exceeding the damage inflicted on me. Plus I could hold my own in the arenas, despite the early ganks (because some players thought that mercs were easy meat). The survivability issue did not concern me because you could use Kolto shots to control the heat AND use to keep yourself standing long enough for the next big bursty heal.


Post 3.3, the Kolto shots are not sufficient to keep me up, plus although there were bumps to the other heals, a bump to an interruptible rapid scan and the other heals has not led to increased output. In fact, I've seen my output drop. I am looking at in a good wz about 1m in heals -- far below what I saw before and easily beaten by my sorc healer which can crank out 1.5m easily. In fact, in pugged wzs, I have been seeing my heals drop to about 400k to 600k -- sometimes not even enough to exceed the damage that the opponent groups have been inflicting.


In short, it is now a broken spec. Try something different if you are going to pvp - hopefully the story is different in pve.


I'm starting to reach this conclusion. In addition to the "traditional" commando/merc weaknesses, the spec is severely resource constrained. It also lacks good utilities. Compare to Sage's Rescue and Force Bubble, for example. Even on my Sage in dps spec, regularly bubbling of the team lands me at least 200K heals by the end of a typical match with almost zero effort. There's really no comparison. Everything is harder on a commando, which is why I like the Commando/Merc, but there's no doubt it's a severely hobbled class, and has been for most of the lifetime of the game.

Edited by klham
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