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Purchasable Credit Packs

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We already have an accepted culture of trading IRL currency for IG credits in the method you describe. There is no difference between buying CM items and selling them on the GTN vs. Bioware directly selling credits; it just eliminates the GTN middleman.


No, you're mistaken... there is a HUGE difference between those two items...


One moves credits from one player and sends them to another, the other makes new credits out of thin air... Using the second option, you could, with a deep pocket, generate a billion credits in a day... Then buy up everything on the GTN and dominate the market...


This would drive up prices and make it worse for everyone else.


Horrible idea.

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You make an excellent point, BUT, there has to be a better system to get credits in order to afford the items you want. I play this game almost every day, about 6 hours a day and I constantly have my team slicing throughout my playing and it will still take me probably a week or two just to get the belt I want. The same amount of time again for gloves and then for boots. Does that make sense?:(


That's kind of the point.....MMO's are designed to keep you subscribed for as long as possible......So yes it makes sense. That said, credits are stupid easy to make in this game. You can make close to 1mil a day by just doing dailies.

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No, you're mistaken... there is a HUGE difference between those two items...


One moves credits from one player and sends them to another, the other makes new credits out of thin air... Using the second option, you could, with a deep pocket, generate a billion credits in a day... Then buy up everything on the GTN and dominate the market...


This would drive up prices and make it worse for everyone else.


Horrible idea.


So making credits "out of thin air is bad" but making items out of thin air to sell to players with credits is ok?


The only difference between running a couple hours worth of dailies to earn a few hundred thousand credits and using some CCs to do it, is... time invested. Potential benefit is undermining credit sellers. :rak_01:

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So making credits "out of thin air is bad" but making items out of thin air to sell to players with credits is ok?


The only difference between running a couple hours worth of dailies to earn a few hundred thousand credits and using some CCs to do it, is... time invested. Potential benefit is undermining credit sellers. :rak_01:


^ Doesn't understand the basic concept of economics.

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So making credits "out of thin air is bad" but making items out of thin air to sell to players with credits is ok?


The only difference between running a couple hours worth of dailies to earn a few hundred thousand credits and using some CCs to do it, is... time invested. Potential benefit is undermining credit sellers. :rak_01:

First part: Yes, it's like that, because the total amount of money in the game economy *shrinks* when I sell stuff on the GTN (no matter how I acquire it) - the buyer pays X number of credits, and the seller receives X-6% number of credits because of the trading fee. Selling a credit box item on the CM makes the game economy *grow* because the item creates credits from nowhere.


For every source of from-nowhere credits there must be enough places for all of that money to be able to disappear from the economy (e.g. repair bills, skill training - oops, mod removal costs on gear, crew skill mission costs, etc.) or there will be huge inflation. Just ask most recently the people of Zimbabwe or most famously the people of Weimar Republic Germany what happens if you don't control the rate at which money is injected into the economy.

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  • 3 weeks later...
They already have it in game.


It's called paying money for Packs and selling them in game. Or any CM item and selling it over the GTN :p


Indeed i would like to see some form in the cm market as it is you ither buy packs and sell em or use one of the many credit selling sites.

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One of the reasons we will never see this (God I hope not at least) is that giving a 1:1 relationship between cc and credits gives everything a hard value. right now market dictates what something is worth in credits and Bioware dictates what its worth in CC. The market equivalent rate is roughly 1000:1 but that can change depending on what is being sold (black black dye kits and packs are a good example of 1:1 rate matching). There is some of this already in the unlocks and misc. costs for some items, but for the big stuff, market drives the prices.


so for instance lets say they do put up say 1million credits for 1000cc

they release an item that costs 1200cc but only sells for 1million credits they will actually lose 200cc in sales because someone will knowingly buy the 1 million credits for 1000cc and then buy it in credits.


also don't get started on the credit sink arguments when majority of stuff is paid for via CC earned credits. What would people do when you buy a million credits just to lose bunch to repair costs and other small credit sinks. Or buy CC converted credits to unlock strongholds then have to pay again to reactivate it when if you had just paid for in CC you wouldnt have to).


what about all the free CC they give out, might as well just give them credits and start flooding the economy with even more credits. There are a lot more negatives than positives with something like this that I really hope they never go that route, it just makes everything feel cheesy.

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<snip> so for instance lets say they do put up say 1million credits for 1000cc

they release an item that costs 1200cc but only sells for 1million credits they will actually lose 200cc in sales because someone will knowingly buy the 1 million credits for 1000cc and then buy it in credits. <snip>


This happens already with people selling (as an example) Universal Prefab Mk-3 kits for 100k credits, but also sell the Synthetic and Industrial ones for 60k each. Better to sell the parts and buy the complete kit than to build a complete kit yourself and sell it cheaper than you could sell the components for. (yeah I know that crits yield a spare Universal kit, but they are still taking a loss on average crit rolls.)


I don't see a huge problem with allowing people who can't be bothered to treat this like business and track cost vs sales to lose credits to those who pay attention and understand the math behind things. That happens no matter what you do. I mean I regularly see people posting crafting mats for *less* than you can vendor them (and you lose 6% on top of that!), so I buy them and promptly vendor them for a quick profit.

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This happens already with people selling (as an example) Universal Prefab Mk-3 kits for 100k credits, but also sell the Synthetic and Industrial ones for 60k each. Better to sell the parts and buy the complete kit than to build a complete kit yourself and sell it cheaper than you could sell the components for. (yeah I know that crits yield a spare Universal kit, but they are still taking a loss on average crit rolls.)


I don't see a huge problem with allowing people who can't be bothered to treat this like business and track cost vs sales to lose credits to those who pay attention and understand the math behind things. That happens no matter what you do. I mean I regularly see people posting crafting mats for *less* than you can vendor them (and you lose 6% on top of that!), so I buy them and promptly vendor them for a quick profit.


there is a difference between ingame credit economy and the real money CC economy. what the OP and thread are trying to do is merge the two, they should be 100% totally separate, meaning there is no defined ratio of in game currency to cash via CC. Cash buys CC at the defined rate from Bioware. CC to in game credits is defined by the market value of said item.


the only people putting cash to in game credit values are in fact gold sellers.


Additionally the moment you put in a official cash->CC->in game currency conversion there will be people wanting to turn in game currency into CC and people who want to turn in game currency into cash (i.e again gold sellers) and have a justification for it.

Edited by DOHboy
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You really think that this would justify credit sellers?? Reread the ToS.


The exchange rate currently fluctuates. If you spend $40 on 5500 CCs, then use those CCs to buy a hypercrate (for example) and sell that hypercrate on the GTN for 4 million credits, then the ratio you enjoyed was 10 bucks per million credits, right? Now that could fluctuate based on number of CC needed to buy a hypercrate, competition and what the buyers are willing to spend. A direct "my CCs for your credits" sale option merely makes the deal 100% safe for seller and buyer. And this in no way takes the fluctuation out of the transaction. A new hypercrate (or other desirable CM offer) would spur CC buyers and the price per CC would go way up, until the supply matches the demand, then it would drop. The changing credit prices of new hypercrates reflects this already.


My suggestion merely takes the "you buy the hypercrate and sell it for credits" into "you sell your CCs and the buyer gets whatever he wants". The end result is the same... somebody spent $40 on 5500 CCs and someone else gave 4 million credits to that 1st person for those CCs (or whatever they bought).


Edit: just realized that the suggestion I am referring to is in a different thread.


Edited by Zharik
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Can we please have an option to purchase credits in the Cartel Market? There are countless costume items, mounts, etc. that are no longer available in the Cartel Market but are available for outrageous prices in the GTN. This would especially be beneficial for returning subscribers, such as myself, as well as newcomers who are interested in the older costumes as well as other items.:)


and do you really think selling credits on the GTN is going to reduce the price of this stuff? it'd only spike it more.

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Instead of actual credit packs my thought was to able to buy CC unlock items like account unlocks IE: 1k CCs for a 1k CC unlock but can't sell for 1 1/2 days just as usual cd. So it would help those that want stuff with CC in game that can't offored to buy alot and those that want creds instead imo.
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