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Give Powertechs a techblade already!


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Powertechs ARE a melee class! Furthermore, they do not use their blaster for most of their moves.


Also, how many of your companions with Aim use a melee weapon? Off the top of my head, I know of Skadge, SCORPIO, Qyzen Fess and Torian Cadera (ALL of which have moves very similar (if not identical) to those of a Powertech! Take a look at Torian's move list next time you play your bounty hunter (assuming you even do) and tell me he is NOT supposed to be a Powertech. Actually don't even waste your time, because it's obvious that he (and the other MELEE characters with AIM) are supposed to be your "Powertech" companion.


So, while I don't mean to come off as argumentative - I must ask, do either of you even know what a Powertech is? It really doesn't seem like you do...

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Every class has weaon restrictions. That's what makes each class unique. Like the poster above said if you want melle weapns make a warrior or assassin.


Weapon restrictions add nothing to the unique feel of classes, they are arbitrary and in many cases feel random. I´m all for getting rid of them, especially as we´re not going to have classes anytime soon.

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It would be counter-intuitive to suddenly change the class main weapon when the AC is chosen.

Don't talk about double-bladed lightsabers, Snipers and Assault Canon, it's different. You keep your basic skills and you don't change your current attack mode.

If Powertechs and Vanguards suddenly had to equip a Techblade, you'd have your first ten levels with a blaster and suddenly you are restriced to hand-to-hand for the rest of your leveling.

Also note that the two DPS specs for Powertech/Vanguard do get to use their blaster a bit more often. Should these specs be completely reworked, even the one shared by the other AC to accomodate Techblade?

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It would be counter-intuitive to suddenly change the class main weapon when the AC is chosen.

Don't talk about double-bladed lightsabers, Snipers and Assault Canon, it's different. You keep your basic skills and you don't change your current attack mode.

If Powertechs and Vanguards suddenly had to equip a Techblade, you'd have your first ten levels with a blaster and suddenly you are restriced to hand-to-hand for the rest of your leveling.

Also note that the two DPS specs for Powertech/Vanguard do get to use their blaster a bit more often. Should these specs be completely reworked, even the one shared by the other AC to accomodate Techblade?


While the differences you listed are somewhat different from what would be occurring if such a change were implemented, they are not entirely different. Also, you wouldn't be restricted - if you wanted to use a blaster you can. There are many AIM companions with a single blaster, and there are many with a techblade/techstaff. This idea wouldn't be that much of a stretch in either direction; the notion of a new weapon upon picking your AC already exists in game, and companions with such a variety also already exist in game.


I could see a simple fix to your last point being similar to how an Agent has a blaster in cutscenes. When a PT were to use a specific ability, they could pull out a placeholder blaster for that specific ability. Also, the animations for the melee weapons already exist in game (on the Aim companions already referenced). To expand on what already exists in the game, as I have already said, there are many "PT" companions that do exactly what I'm suggesting.

Edited by TitusOfTides
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While the differences you listed are somewhat different from what would be occurring if such a change were implemented, they are not entirely different. Also, you wouldn't be restricted - if you wanted to use a blaster you can. There are many AIM companions with a single blaster, and there are many with a techblade/techstaff. This idea wouldn't be that much of a stretch in either direction; the notion of a new weapon upon picking your AC already exists in game, and companions with such a variety also already exist in game.


I could see a simple fix to your last point being similar to how an Agent has a blaster in cutscenes. When a PT were to use a specific ability, they could pull out a placeholder blaster for that specific ability. Also, the animations for the melee weapons already exist in game (on the Aim companions already referenced). To expand on what already exists in the game, as I have already said, there are many "PT" companions that do exactly what I'm suggesting.


Cutscenes are really the least of my problem.

I'm only pointing out that giving Techblade as an option would mean having to change the main attack (As a tank, it's still ranged), replace the few skills that use the blaster (Heat Screen) with new animations (Plus, how do you cool down a techblade?) and make the two DPS specs for Powertech techblade friendly, which they aren't for the most part (Skills are ranged, some use the blaster) especially the DPS spec that is shared with the Mercenary.

And my argument is mostly about the complete change in basic weapon gameplay if techblades became became mandatory and the only go-to option for PTs and Vanguards.

If they can find the way to fix the issues mentionned above, then I wouldn't oppose the option to use a techblade (But I wouldn't, it would just make my tank PT look like a low-cost Guardian/Juggernaut.)

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Totally. Maybe the skills could be something like what Treek has, where if you're in a certain status (cylinder, weapon, whichever) your skills behave differently.


I also support the blaster rifle option. Look no farther than Boba Fett.



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Again, if you want a "techblade"-using PT, make a Juggernaut and equip accordingly.


Tell that to Torian Cadera, SCORPIO, Skadge, Qyzen Fess, and the other handful of companions that use Aim and have abilities that mirror a Powertech. They also use melee weaponry.


Also, there is a long list of "PT" companions that use rifles as well, such as Lieutenant Pierce and others.

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Tell that to Torian Cadera, SCORPIO, Skadge, Qyzen Fess, and the other handful of companions that use Aim and have abilities that mirror a Powertech. They also use melee weaponry.


Also, there is a long list of "PT" companions that use rifles as well, such as Lieutenant Pierce and others.


Companion "Classes" are not the same as Player Classes. Just cause SCORPIO uses a Staff doesn't mean she is a Powertech same with Qyzen.

Edited by Altyrell
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Companion "Classes" are not the same as Player Classes. Just cause SCORPIO uses a Staff doesn't mean she is a Powertech same with Qyzen.


That is worth noting, but if you look at their hotbar abilities you can see they are entirely copy/pasted from the PT ability pool.

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That is worth noting, but if you look at their hotbar abilities you can see they are entirely copy/pasted from the PT ability pool.


still doesn't make them powertech's. every companion of the Trooper Class uses Aim but they aren't Vanguards or Commando's. Elara Dorne is the medic but she doesn't use the BFG of the Commando (Trooper Class's healing AC)

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Tell that to Torian Cadera, SCORPIO, Skadge, Qyzen Fess, and the other handful of companions that use Aim and have abilities that mirror a Powertech. They also use melee weaponry.

I'm pretty sure Torian, SCOPRIO, Skadge and Qyzen are not player character classes.


still doesn't make them powertech's. every companion of the Trooper Class uses Aim but they aren't Vanguards or Commando's. Elara Dorne is the medic but she doesn't use the BFG of the Commando (Trooper Class's healing AC)

Exactly. Kaliyo is kind of like a PT, but she is not a PT. Elara is kind of like a Commando, but she is not a Commando.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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With the removal of Full Auto/Unload, the mobility, range and channel changes to Vanguard/Powertech abilities in 5.0, as well as Techblades being interchangeable with Vibroswords for companions, it now makes more sense than ever to give the players the ability to utilise these under-used weapons.


All there is left is really finding alternative for several Vanguard attack animations: High-Impact Bolt, Artillery Blitz, Flak Shell, Ion Wave, etc.. These may be copied and pasted from existing NPCs ("Wrist Laser Burst" and "Missile Salvo" immediately comes to mind).


Here were other threads on this topic for those interested: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=547181, http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=433555


Of course, Techstaves will be a whole other beast as they have higher base damages than Techblades, but we need not concern them for now.


As an added incentive, there will finally be a bigger market for the Gladiator's Striker Techblade from the CM! :p (http://torf.mmo-fashion.com/gladiators-striker-techblade/)

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