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Devs, Pvp is now jacked up


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Teams should be matched up against other teams. Wanna play as a team? Awesome! Great! You are super awesome! But you should have to play against another group of people who also all queued together.


How hard is this? I mean really.


That would be perfect really

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Teams should be matched up against other teams. Wanna play as a team? Awesome! Great! You are super awesome! But you should have to play against another group of people who also all queued together.


How hard is this? I mean really.


I've been wanting this since launch, Bioware!


{whine} I just want to play with my friends!!!!1111 {/whine} No, you just want to dominate and stomp pugs, period.

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I've been wanting this since launch, Bioware!


I'm reasonably certain the queue already prioritizes putting a premade against a premade. The reason I say this is I find myself against premade with much more regularity when I'm queued with others, however when I'm queuing solo I tend to see far less premades.


Honestly I think this thread is a case of players only ever seeing the premade on the other team and not the one on their own.

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Sorry but if those in regs can't do the math, they deserve to get farmed. I for one am sick of seeing players without 2018 expertise at lvl60. Its not hard to get even in mids/lowbie.


Players that stupid, deserve what they get.


It's actually easier for those in mids/lowbie to get 2018 expertise than it is for 55+. At endgame, if you're doing PVE, you end up with 186-198 ranked gear, which as those of use more used to the bolster system know, drops your Expertise. However, the bolster system is rather opaque game-side. Every forum-goer should know how bolster works, true (there are two stickies about it), but for those whose SWTOR universe is contained entirely within the game, they may not even know bolster exists.


It's likely these players - the casuals who don't visit the forums, and may not even notice the Expertise stat, let alone maximise it - that are stomping around Lv60 warzones with 1300 expertise due to simply wearing the endgame gear that they grinded 60 levels to finally attain. If such players are spotted, don't berate them for their ignorance (no one is born knowing the bolster system). Point them to the forums or let them know how the system works, and that endgame PvE gear is not necessarily ideal for endgame PvP.

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Since the new update, I have been following stats, last night we did a que, unranked, our team managed 3 kills, the opposing team over 200. Here is what I see the problem is with the new system. Since everything is purchased with the same PvP rewards, your ranked geared players are farming unranked que's. I Love PVP, however, its getting rather diheartening at this point when you are being farmed every single WZ. Yes gear is cheaper, which I like, however, I have to loose Four matches to getting any WZ comms. Play a round, see what its like in game.


How you cannot have sufficient comms at 60 now, to buy at least an exhumed set, then augment it, is utterly beyond me. If you have that set augmented, gear is not the problem.


It does nothing more than confirm that you are not a PVP player and are simply dipping your toe in the waters....which is fair enough, however........that being the case, start earlier that L60, learn what to do, learn how to play your class against non scripted opponents and have sufficient comms to gear yourself up and make sure you have enough credits to get your appropriate augments.


But, above all, know how to PVP, not PVE.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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I've been wanting this since launch, Bioware!


{whine} I just want to play with my friends!!!!1111 {/whine} No, you just want to dominate and stomp pugs, period.


Seriously, listen to yourself.


I solo queue 90% of the time, I end up taking regular breaks to deal with real life issues, so I see no reason to hinder a team, unless I know I am sat down for a good few hours, which is rare.


But, I find no problems with premades.


What you have to remember is, for every premade you see on the opposition, there may well be one on your own team. Sure the premade on your team might be a bunch of noobs simply grouping together and are appalling at PVP anyway......oh wait......that might the case on the opposition also right ?


Most of the anti-premade witch hunting comes from misinformation. The thing I hear the most is the whining about voice comms. Let me tell you, in regs at least, there is not a cat in hells chance that the premade is talking about the objectives, even if they are actually on voice comms that is, they are most likely just talking day to day garbage at each other, cracking jokes etc. At the end of the day, some players are just better at PVP than others.


What I have heaps of issues with is players who underperform game in, game out. There is no excuse in regs for being so crap. Learning to play the objectives is far more important than being able to one V one someone, which frankly is what most of the whining comes from when you get your arse perpetually handed to you by other players.


Warzones are all about winning, not about stroking your epeen. If you do 2 million damage and lose, so what? If you heal for 2 mill and lose, so what?


If you are do nothing else but diffuse a couple of bombs, respond to the node guards call promptly, focus a healer (even learn to actually mark the target!), stop kill chasing for that extra medal (which mean nothing), and you end up winning with only 400k damage.......brilliant.

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Posting that everyone should be (as good as the person posting) and that almost everyone else is (insert negative characterizations here) might be pleasurable as some form of mental self pleasuring, but does little to further a reasonable discussion of the issue. Which is, that guarded heals in randomly queued warzones are too much of a challenge. The options are, to massively increase DPS, reduce heals significantly, or to reduce the amount of damage transference significantly. I vote for the latter.


or just --> Mark healer --> focus Mark --->increase tactical, mechanical awareness AKA Skill. The whole point with a guarded healer is to disable a Solo kill. Make a Duo kill hard, hence force a tactical Focused KIll. Is it BW fault that this awareness is lacking? Not communicated to teammates? Not generally adapted on the percieved weaker faction.



Edited by t-darko
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Seriously, listen to yourself.


I solo queue 90% of the time, I end up taking regular breaks to deal with real life issues, so I see no reason to hinder a team, unless I know I am sat down for a good few hours, which is rare.


But, I find no problems with premades.


What you have to remember is, for every premade you see on the opposition, there may well be one on your own team. Sure the premade on your team might be a bunch of noobs simply grouping together and are appalling at PVP anyway......oh wait......that might the case on the opposition also right ?


Most of the anti-premade witch hunting comes from misinformation. The thing I hear the most is the whining about voice comms. Let me tell you, in regs at least, there is not a cat in hells chance that the premade is talking about the objectives, even if they are actually on voice comms that is, they are most likely just talking day to day garbage at each other, cracking jokes etc. At the end of the day, some players are just better at PVP than others.


What I have heaps of issues with is players who underperform game in, game out. There is no excuse in regs for being so crap. Learning to play the objectives is far more important than being able to one V one someone, which frankly is what most of the whining comes from when you get your arse perpetually handed to you by other players.


Warzones are all about winning, not about stroking your epeen. If you do 2 million damage and lose, so what? If you heal for 2 mill and lose, so what?


If you are do nothing else but diffuse a couple of bombs, respond to the node guards call promptly, focus a healer (even learn to actually mark the target!), stop kill chasing for that extra medal (which mean nothing), and you end up winning with only 400k damage.......brilliant.


You forgot the part when we have 2 turrets and they zerg the 3rd turret, leaving noone todefend, and while they get stomped by the defenders of the opposing team, they cap the undefended turret. And you just go crazy, guarding yourself while you see the other 7 zergs ruining your win. And ofc you wont get any MVPs since you only dealt ~150k dmg dueling a few invaders.

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How you cannot have sufficient comms at 60 now, to buy at least an exhumed set, then augment it, is utterly beyond me. If you have that set augmented, gear is not the problem.


It does nothing more than confirm that you are not a PVP player and are simply dipping your toe in the waters....which is fair enough, however........that being the case, start earlier that L60, learn what to do, learn how to play your class against non scripted opponents and have sufficient comms to gear yourself up and make sure you have enough credits to get your appropriate augments.


But, above all, know how to PVP, not PVE.


I am a bit unclear where I ever said I was not geared. And geared beyond exhumed? Yes, mods, yes, augmented, yes. Do not make assumptions on gearing.

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or just --> Mark healer --> focus Mark --->increase tactical, mechanical awareness AKA Skill. The whole point with a guarded healer is to disable a Solo kill. Make a Duo kill hard, hence force a tactical Focused KIll. Is it BW fault that this awareness is lacking? Not communicated to teammates? Not generally adapted on the percieved weaker faction.




Yes it is their fault. Focused dps is not required to level, nor is it a learned skill in flashpoints and operations. Everyone just shoots the boss. Then to suddenly present a bunch of random players a wildly random warzone requiring focused kills, and ask them to use skills they have never learned, to communicate at a level beyond the capabilities of the game. (no VOIP), let alone coordinate and cooperate, is ridiculous, and IS their fault.


It is a problem experienced teams with VOIP can manage, but not random players in warzones.

Edited by MotorCityMan
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Yes it is their fault. Focused dps is not required to level, nor is it a learned skill in flashpoints and operations. Everyone just shoots the boss. Then to suddenly present a bunch of random players a wildly random warzone requiring focused kills, and ask them to use skills they have never learned, to communicate at a level beyond the capabilities of the game. (no VOIP), let alone coordinate and cooperate, is ridiculous, and IS their fault.


It is a problem experienced teams with VOIP can manage, but not random players in warzones.


:rolleyes:Gonna regard this as a sophisticated attempt of Sarcasm;) Its the only way it makes sense 6/10

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