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mandelorians for hire


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Canderous Ordo was exactly as you described but he was still a mandalorian and later a Mandalore. Mandalorians like one thing to fight they like conflict they like power on short they like challenge in battle and a merc can give them that. So not there is no problem being a gun for hire.
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that mandalorian code of honor he linked you is pure fanon. it's worth exactly nothing.


Mandalorians, as a whole are guided by the Resol'nare. and that is IT.


it consists of wearing armor, speaking the language, defending yourself and your family, raising your children as mandalorians, contributing to the clans welfare, and when called upon by Mandalore, rallying to his cause (the last one BTW isn;t always gonna be 100%. it's clear that there's infighting among the ranks a fair bit among the Mandalorians)


other then that, honor doesn't reallty exist persay among Mandalorians. some are indeed little more then thugs, others have their own sense of honor. thing to remember is being a Mandalorian is a choice, it's a philophesy as much as a culture. and that does mean Mandalorians are often gonna take their baggage from past cultures into their new one. thus some may be thugs, and some Mandalorians may follow a chilvalric code.



But consider Death Watch. they're hard core old Mandalorian's but their leader was a ruthless dick,

Edited by BrianDavion
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My Bounty Hunter doesn't speak the language yet she's a Mandal orion as per story.


which is why the BHs induction into the Mandalorians is such a joke. you're not actually a Mandalorian, you're just called one so the Mandalorians can salve their pride.

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My own hunter took the time to learn the language. It was one of the best reasons to recruit a Mandalorian to her crew, to have someone showing her the way. Adoption into the clans is easy enough, after all. Just a simple statement, called the gai bal manda. So long as the hunter dedicates themself to the resol'nare, the gai bal manda is more than enough to make him or her a Mandalorian. Edited by Phyreblade
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