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Hook us up with some dual spec.


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If you mean duel spec between talents, i'm cool with it. If you however mean being able to rechoose between one of the 2 advanced classes of what you picked, no, bad idea.


I don't think most people who want dual spec are asking for the ability to switch back and forth between ACs.


Just the ability to switch between a healer spec and a DPS spec, or a PvE and a PvP spec, without having to run back to a trainer and pay credits to switch. Or rerolling as an entirely new character.

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If you mean duel spec between talents, i'm cool with it. If you however mean being able to rechoose between one of the 2 advanced classes of what you picked, no, bad idea.


It refers to Talent Specialisations. I'm getting rather annoyed at the entire Advanced Classes concept because it seems it is confusing people terribly, they should have just made people pick their damn class at level 1 >.<.

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Pretty much everything buddy. Just like how old black and white movies paved the way and passed on ideas and themes for modern movies.


Dont be so ignorant.


really interesting, now wheres the part why dualspec is bad and what have 10y old mmos have to do wit it?

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Just to clarify, Bioware is already working on Dual Spec. Please avoid making posts like this, you risk spreading misinformation. If you want dual spec, all you have to do is hang in there for a few months until it's in TOR.


Well, looks like I will be leaving when that happens. Came here expecting a new MMO, not one that is just a clone of everything else already on the market.


Looks like SWTOR is already falling into the garbage MMO market that SWG did.

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Well, looks like I will be leaving when that happens. Came here expecting a new MMO, not one that is just a clone of everything else already on the market.


Looks like SWTOR is already falling into the garbage MMO market that SWG did.


Unfortunately, I doubt any new MMOs will go back to the 2001-era style, so I would stick to those if you want old-school mechanics.

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Unfortunately, I doubt any new MMOs will go back to the 2001-era style, so I would stick to those if you want old-school mechanics.


I will push your own words back on you, if you want all these mechanics in SWTOR simply because w/e MMO you came from has them, go back to that MMO seeing as SWTOR is NOT that MMO and (hopefully) never will be.

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I will push your own words back on you, if you want all these mechanics in SWTOR simply because w/e MMO you came from has them, go back to that MMO seeing as SWTOR is NOT that MMO and (hopefully) never will be.


I'm not going back, because I enjoy the game, and I'm willing to spend a few months without a dual spec feature while waiting for Bioware to finish developing it. :)


Also, I don't want dual specs just because all modern MMOs have them, I want dual specs because they are a good feature that I have come to expect from any MMO released after 2003.


Someone who enjoys cars with air conditioning in them doesn't need to go back and buy a 2011 model. The 2012 models will have them as well. It's the people that want cars without air conditioning that need to go back to 1950s-era cars, instead of demanding that new models be released without AC.

Edited by carnac_fett
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really interesting, now wheres the part why dualspec is bad and what have 10y old mmos have to do wit it?


I wasnt the one who stated that however the point they meant was duel spec has only been around for a couple of years in WoW and never existed before. It was something WoW did to cater to the casual masses which caused many original players to leave as decisions made to cater to the casuals started to ruin the game and they dont want to see the same happen here.

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I wasnt the one who stated that however the point they meant was duel spec has only been around for a couple of years in WoW and never existed before. It was something WoW did to cater to the casual masses which caused many original players to leave as decisions made to cater to the casuals started to ruin the game and they dont want to see the same happen here.


Dual-spec didn't 'ruin' WoW.


The biggest detriment to WoW during the Wrath era was the lack of difficulty in heroic dungeons.


Giving players more freedom doesn't ruin a game, making the game so easy it requires zero thought or tactics ruins a game.


Blizzard shot themselves in the foot twice - first, by making Wrath so difficult it scared off a lot of the more hardcore, and then overcompensating with Cataclysm's difficulty at launch, which scared off a lot of the casuals that were left.

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I wasnt the one who stated that however the point they meant was duel spec has only been around for a couple of years in WoW and never existed before. It was something WoW did to cater to the casual masses which caused many original players to leave as decisions made to cater to the casuals started to ruin the game and they dont want to see the same happen here.


What? No, I don't even... come on... noone can be that... geez...


Dual Spec has nothing to do with Casual vs Hardcore. Dual Spec is about the ability to have the same character participate in several sections of the game without paying a huge price and massive inconvenience.


So you can do Both PvP AND PvE, or Both Questing AND Raiding. It was one of the most well received changes they ever did.


Blizzard shot themselves in the foot twice - first, by making Wrath so difficult it scared off a lot of the more hardcore, and then overcompensating with Cataclysm's difficulty at launch, which scared off a lot of the casuals that were left.


You mean easy, Wrath was pathetically easy. Largely as a reaction to the fact early TBC was extremely hard. Blizzard are good at overshooting their mark when they try to compensate.

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I'm not going back, because I enjoy the game, and I'm willing to spend a few months without a dual spec feature while waiting for Bioware to finish developing it. :)


Also, I don't want dual specs just because all modern MMOs have them, I want dual specs because they are a good feature that I have come to expect from any MMO released after 2003.


Someone who enjoys cars with air conditioning in them doesn't need to go back and buy a 2011 model. The 2012 models will have them as well. It's the people that want cars without air conditioning that need to go back to 1950s-era cars, instead of demanding that new models be released without AC.


Again, if you want it simply because you want it, why not go play a game that has it? Also, your car example isn't even accurate given the circumstance. A more accurate model would be that now everyone wants every FPS series to now come out each and every single year simply because CoD does it.


On another note, you are saying that you want certain things because they are standard in MMOs now. The "standard" in an MMO is basically anything that copied WoW. I would now like to take a small look at a few games that introduced or changed concepts in their game to make it more like the WoW model;


Star Wars Galaxies - Game does not even exsist anymore


Warhammer Online - last I heard it was free to play with not very many people even playing it anyway


Rift - Just read somewhere that they don't even have a million subscribers


By wanting Bioware to follow the MMO "standard" you are basically asking them to kill their own game.

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I will push your own words back on you, if you want all these mechanics in SWTOR simply because w/e MMO you came from has them, go back to that MMO seeing as SWTOR is NOT that MMO and (hopefully) never will be.


Why would they spent so much money on a game and then want a customerbase from a 2001 mmo?

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Don't be naive. Bioware, you know you are going to have to put it in eventually. Don't let the 10 year old trolls try and convince you that its not needed. WoW has made Dual spec standard MMO practice and rift followed suit. Swtor is missing some key quality of life elements that makes it feel aged even when its a brand new game.


You can even make it so I have to go back to the trainer to do it, that would be fine with me. Dual spec just gives you more possible healers and tanks running around, so I really don't see a downside.


And you 10 year old trolls can shove your choices have consequences crap, this game is full of choices, go make some.


Just because WOW has something does not in ANYWAY make it mandatory for another game. It isn't needed. If you want dual spec, go back to WOW.

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Just because WOW has something does not in ANYWAY make it mandatory for another game. It isn't needed. If you want dual spec, go back to WOW.


Gosh, there are a lot of you guys out there today!


Dual Spec is coming soon to TOR.

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Just because WOW has something does not in ANYWAY make it mandatory for another game. It isn't needed. If you want dual spec, go back to WOW.


Why don't you go back to EQ or whatever other dark ancient hole you crawled out from? The reason they're implementing Dual Spec is because it's a massive convenience that makes grouping and PvP more enjoyable for everyone involved.

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Again, if you want it simply because you want it, why not go play a game that has it? Also, your car example isn't even accurate given the circumstance. A more accurate model would be that now everyone wants every FPS series to now come out each and every single year simply because CoD does it.


On another note, you are saying that you want certain things because they are standard in MMOs now. The "standard" in an MMO is basically anything that copied WoW. I would now like to take a small look at a few games that introduced or changed concepts in their game to make it more like the WoW model;


Star Wars Galaxies - Game does not even exsist anymore


Warhammer Online - last I heard it was free to play with not very many people even playing it anyway


Rift - Just read somewhere that they don't even have a million subscribers


By wanting Bioware to follow the MMO "standard" you are basically asking them to kill their own game.

Just because you try to copy something doesnt mean its automatically succesfull and all 3 games afailed at it

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Dual spec is not needed in SWTOR. All dual spec does is give DPS another spec. It does not help with the fact that there is a tank shortage or healer shortage. You can give the players this but still no one will want to tank or heal still. This does not change anything.


Its funny cause everyone yells and screams "Wow clone!!!" or "Wow with lightsabers". Yet the same people want everything in game that WoW has. Whatever


Try finding a tank on most servers to run anything, then come back and tell me dual spec isnt needed.

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. I would now like to take a small look at a few games that introduced or changed concepts in their game to make it more like the WoW model;


Star Wars Galaxies - Game does not even exsist anymore


Warhammer Online - last I heard it was free to play with not very many people even playing it anyway


Rift - Just read somewhere that they don't even have a million subscribers


By wanting Bioware to follow the MMO "standard" you are basically asking them to kill their own game.


But games without WoW-introduced concepts are doing even more poorly.


Everquest, Ultima Online, and Final Fantasy XI all have fewer players that RIFT.


The message is clear = people don't want old-fashioned games anymore.

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Just because you try to copy something doesnt mean its automatically succesfull and all 3 games afailed at it


All 3 games failed solely because they listened to the people complaining about the game being different (such as yourself I am guessing).


SWG was a HUGE success for an MMO for its time because they broke the mold for what an MMO can do. There was no longer a single class that you picked and played only how that class did.


WAR was also going to try something new by making an MMO that focuses more on RvR (PvP) rather than only giving a normal PvE questing experience. Shortly after launch, they altered things a little bit to be more similar to WoW and drove away there real fanbase, which in turn, drove away everyone else.


Rift was coming onto the scene with, again, a change to the status quo of how MMOs work. Again, after launch they started giving the crying people what they wanted (an MMO more like WoW) and drove away there initial fanbase which, yet again, drove away the rest of the players.

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