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Yavin stronghold is insane fantastic!!


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It's pretty awesome so many spots, tbh maybe a bit too big. It will be hard to decorate it all nicely unlike the people who just throw things down for prestige.



I'll probably still use Tat for my utilities since I kept them all up top near the entrance by the elevator.

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It's pretty awesome so many spots, tbh maybe a bit too big. It will be hard to decorate it all nicely unlike the people who just throw things down for prestige.



I'll probably still use Tat for my utilities since I kept them all up top near the entrance by the elevator.


My same thought, this looks big even for a clan.

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My same thought, this looks big even for a clan.


It looks great and all but I have a feeling I would only use the first main building 95% if the time, put all the utilities in there and come and go as I need. I'm uncertain if I'll even purchase it for myself, probably will just keep my decorated Tatooine and Coruscant strongholds instead and wait till they release a smaller/ mid size stronghold hopefully Manaan.

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its gorgeous. I unlocked all of the rooms for myself, though haven't decided how to decorate yet, other than placing lots and lots of statues everywhere :p


but... I'm looking forward to participating in decorating our guild one :p guild ship is nice and all, but this just seems sooo much nicer.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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I unlocked and fully decorated mine this afternoon. Awesome Stronghold, even if it might be a bit spread out.


When I went back through the entry cinematic, post decorations, I noticed that the cinematic actually renders the completely decorated Stronghold as well. Which is really nice, IMO.

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cinematics do that with older strongholds as well - its just becasue they are one time only, you don't get to see them unless you roll a new character.


of course the downside of old cinematics is that if you have stuff placed in a space where your character walks? they walk right through it and it looks ridiculous.


hope yavin doesn't do that O_O

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I saw the video and visited one fully unlocked, and it is really well done.


however, it is also way to spread out for my liking.

I will hold out for sure after the visit and hope for the day we get one on Manaan, more modern and large, but not spread out (maybe multi level). Too bad NS is so ugly on the inside, so I am still waiting for something that will be more like DK but larger in size (building size, not land size). DK, is still the best overall SH in the game IMO.


To those of you that want Y4, enjoy it, it is still a very nice place if it fits your taste. BW designers do deserve lots of credit for their effort in creating it.

Edited by Themanthatisi
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Well...it sure is massive. Think I could fit everything I have in all 4 of my SH's into this one. Still bummed we can't have all 5 decked out, or I'd buy this one and make it a long term project. But till they can figure that out, I'll just meander into other folks' Yavin ones from time to time.
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Well the SH sucks. No matter how awesome it looks, the hidden stuff, all the hooks, none of that overcomes the fact that you cannot partake in yavin world chat because it is not on yavin at all, but a lonely location called space. :(


That's a known bug ;)

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I got rid of my Nar Shaddaa stronghold for Yavin and let me say, DAYUM it's beautiful! I really do hope there comes a time you guys can let us have more than 4 at a time, I know right now you can't, but a lot of things we have we used to not be able to have so this is a plus. I may have to canabalize my other strongholds to decorate this one and tattooine now cause Yavin is HUGE. And beautiful as I said. Love it.
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It is a beautiful stronghold, but it could use some tweaking. The cave and the places near the end/ watch tower need more/better hooks. The hooks on the bridge and the plaza are way too crowded respectively have too many centerpiece hooks in an small areas. Half of those hooks should be distributed to the cave and the watchtwoer area.
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