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Are Treek and HK really the best companions?


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Assuming they fall in line like 186 gear parses will be saber users > HK > blaster/rifle users. They are all close enough (couple hundred dps) it will boil down to personal preference. As far as Treek goes she heals the same as other comps. She just tends to put more dps out then other healers so less combat time and required healing. The added dps plus her self heals tend to make her the best tank comp. But again not so much better that she is must have.


While they are generally in the order you listed, the differences are quite large (scaling is an issue as in 192 / 198 gear, the difference between the comps becomes larger).


The melee dps comps with dot stance can do around 50-65% more damage than the ranged companions and HK (HK and ranged are all very close).


Treek in dps gear / tank stance stance does similar dps as the ranged companions while also having a small self healing ability, plus the ability to toggle her to healing stance while in combat to heal herself or the character.


Though if all one is doing is dailies, everything is so easy at 60 (no heroics / mobs are a joke / over-leveled for previously challenging 50-55 content) that you might as well use the companion you enjoy most.


Edit to add: Link to another player with parses done in Yavin comp gear:




I have similar parses, but based on previous parses at 55 and in basic gear, I geared my melee comps such that a few have nearly all 198 gear, though don't have the same level of gear for the ranged to do an updated comparison.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Alright so i realize there is a bunch of threads which ask this same question across the web, but i cant seem to find any that are up to date with Shadow of Revan.


So if I gear my HK and another DPS companion in the Yavin 4 192 gear will HK out DPS the other comp?


Same question for Treek. Are they really better in combat or should i just send them on companion missions instead.


Im mainly curious because ive been using them for so long im starting to get sick of them. I'd rather have Vette in a bikini follow me around than a lamer version of HK-47.


No. They are not.


HK is a very good DPS companion, but his biggest drawback is that outside of the free companion 192 gear, there's really no good droid gear out there for him. So if you wanted to spend some ultimate comms to deck him out in 198's, they don't exist. Besides, he's got nothing on DPS companions like Kira, Nadia, and Jaesa, who all have great single target DPS, and great PPAOE damage.


Don't even get me started on Treek. Her biggest advantages are that she can tank and heal, and that she has all of her abilities at level 1. She's not the best healer OR tank, and besides, tank companion AI in this game is so awful that the only time they actually hold threat is immediately following a taunt; and healer companions are entirely unnecessary. Sure, they limit the amount of time that you have to heal after each fight, but they also slow fights down so much that the time difference between healing after a fight and running with a healer is negligible. Healer companions also rarely make any difference in hard fights, either, besides prolonging your death if you can't take the mob down. Plus, she's annoying. I find Treek to be the worst companion in the game. I hate her with a passion.


All in all, most people would be better off running with a DPS, specifically a melee DPS character than with either of these two, especially if you have the ultimate comms to gear them out.

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No. They are not.


HK is a very good DPS companion, but his biggest drawback is that outside of the free companion 192 gear, there's really no good droid gear out there for him. So if you wanted to spend some ultimate comms to deck him out in 198's, they don't exist. Besides, he's got nothing on DPS companions like Kira, Nadia, and Jaesa, who all have great single target DPS, and great PPAOE damage.


You're not wrong, BUT HK doesn't need gear frankly to be effective in his most important attack: assassinate. Just a mediocre mainhand, the 192 is fine, and enough gear (or enough on you) to make up the 5 kills needed to trigger it. He's a surgical knife compared to the brutal jedi aoe hammer... great for when he is needed, has a unique ability that no other companion can come close to. Used effectively, he can be brutal and enable content to be cleared that would otherwise be extremely difficult and cumbersome. The base level 50 gear and the 192 yavin gear is more than sufficient for him.


TL;DR: HK's not useful for every occasion, but in certain occasions he's the exact companion you need and the only one that'll really help.

Edited by leehambly
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You're not wrong, BUT HK doesn't need gear frankly to be effective in his most important attack: assassinate. Just a mediocre mainhand, the 192 is fine, and enough gear (or enough on you) to make up the 5 kills needed to trigger it. He's a surgical knife compared to the brutal jedi aoe hammer... great for when he is needed, has a unique ability that no other companion can come close to. Used effectively, he can be brutal and enable content to be cleared that would otherwise be extremely difficult and cumbersome. The base level 50 gear and the 192 yavin gear is more than sufficient for him.


TL;DR: HK's not useful for every occasion, but in certain occasions he's the exact companion you need and the only one that'll really help.


Nine times out of ten, my Jugg and Jaesa can kill that strong or below mob (since that's the only thing assassinate works on) in about the same speed as it takes for HK to channel his assassinate, faster if you count the time in which I have to stop, pull up his companion bar, and click the ability. Assassinate is a fun skill, but not a particularly useful one, and to suggest that there are times where he is the only companion that helps is completely asinine.

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Nine times out of ten, my Jugg and Jaesa can kill that strong or below mob (since that's the only thing assassinate works on) in about the same speed as it takes for HK to channel his assassinate, faster if you count the time in which I have to stop, pull up his companion bar, and click the ability. Assassinate is a fun skill, but not a particularly useful one, and to suggest that there are times where he is the only companion that helps is completely asinine.


It's an out of combat ability and that's the whole point... while your Jugg and Jaesa are dealing with that one mob (which HK deals with instantly, 6 second channel is outside of combat) you are also having to handle the other 5-6 mobs in that spawn... we are already one mob down and seguing my cc on at least another 2, maybe 3... making one tricky spawn into a nicely handled, much more comfortable situation. He's unlikely to break the cc on any other mobs too since he is single target focused. Asinine much? Put your dick away and think.

Edited by leehambly
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From a pure DPS standing HK is just meh. It's his ability that puts him over the top.


One of his abilities is called assassinate. It allows you to, before battle starts, eliminate an enemy of a certain strength (or lower). It requires HK to have participated in killing at least 5 enemies per usage (tracked via a convenient icon above his health bar. And it only works on enemies with silver shards around their picture, or lower.


That ability can make Heroic 2+ areas soloable. It can make Heroic 4 areas doable with 2 players. No other companion can do that.

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HK is great for his ability to every so often one shot a silver enemy, which can be really useful.


Treek has the best DPS and Healing in the game, balanced out by the fact she's annoying as hell and literally the worst companion in the game in that regard imho.

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HK is great for his ability to every so often one shot a silver enemy, which can be really useful.


Treek has the best DPS and Healing in the game, balanced out by the fact she's annoying as hell and literally the worst companion in the game in that regard imho.


I find her chatter to be much easier to tolerate than any of the other companions save HK-51.

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I find her chatter to be much easier to tolerate than any of the other companions save HK-51.


Matter of opinion, I suppose. Some people are super annoyed by Qyzen, I love the big guy's language sounds.

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HK is great for his ability to every so often one shot a silver enemy, which can be really useful.


Treek has the best DPS and Healing in the game, balanced out by the fact she's annoying as hell and literally the worst companion in the game in that regard imho.


Treek absolutely does not have the best DPS or healing in the game. For starters, she's not a DPS, and even fullly geared out in DPS gear, her numbers will be lower than any of the other RDPS companions, which in turn are significantly lower than the MDPS companions, especially Kira, Jaesa, and Nadia.


With regards to her heals, they're no better or worse than those of any other healing companion. Her ONLY advantage is that she can Tank AND Heal, but she's no better or worse than any other companion at healing, but given that she doesn't even have a taunt, she's even worse than the other tank companions at tanking. If companion tanking AI was better and she actually had a taunt, she'd probably be the best at that, since almost all of her skills get bonus threat in her tank stance, but even in craptastic DPS gear you'll find yourself pulling off of her, and every other tank companion

Edited by Andrellma
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Eh, I have both HK-51 and Treek and I'm using HK atm only to get the 1000 kills achievement. Otherwise for my main toons I use their spouses to fight with. Dps/Tank, DPS/Healer, DPS/DPS is usually what it amounts to.


Otherwise, I use what feels comfortable and Treek and HK don't quite feel comfortable to me.

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I do not turn off all the sounds only because of one companion, no we need a real volume option dedicated to companions.


I do till I get to a quest giver or a conversation. I agree though on the volume option that would great.

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