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Why the hate for players who do not know how to play?


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I just noticed something people are really mean to players who are not very good at playing the game, in flashpoints mostly and not HM flash points. Some can even be finished without a player healer there are that easy so why are people so mean to players who are not very good at their role?
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Elitism is common in pretty much any game with a multiplayer aspect. For some reason, being skillful (or being under the false impression that one is skillful) in video games boosts a person's ego more than is deserved.


It's a shame that it happens, and it ticks me off that people do it.

Edited by Rodyn
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Because people don't have a life and this game means everything to them. They have 0 patience for other people and are irritated easily. Its sad, this game should be more fun and "easy going" and the community should be less hard on each other in game.


When I reached max level a while ago I was nervous and anxious to join and ops group because I feel like I would be singled out and scrutinized and humiliated if I did something wrong.


It shouldn't be taken so seriously to be honest.

Edited by NoahRedden
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I just noticed something people are really mean to players who are not very good at playing the game, in flashpoints mostly and not HM flash points. Some can even be finished without a player healer there are that easy so why are people so mean to players who are not very good at their role?
it's a multiplayer game. flashpoints are co-operative. a bad player's performance directly affects other players' experience.


now it makes more sense to kick the bad player than antagonizing them but i digress.

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I just noticed something people are really mean to players who are not very good at playing the game, in flashpoints mostly and not HM flash points. Some can even be finished without a player healer there are that easy so why are people so mean to players who are not very good at their role?

Because folks don't have the patients to socialize with others or teach folks.


On the Flip side.


Some folks don't want to learn or look at constructive criticism as insults.

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it's a multiplayer game. flashpoints are co-operative. a bad player's performance directly affects other players' experience.


now it makes more sense to kick the bad player than antagonizing them but i digress.


No... It makes more sense to *educate* them instead of kicking them. If you are actually a good player, then you likely have a good pointer or two to help the newer player be better at his role.


For example... ABC

Always Be Casting - you are helping only when you are activating your abilities (be it as a healer, tank or DPS that doesn't matter). Even a bad rotation is better with 100% (or close to it, yes you have to move sometimes for circles - activate a mobile friendly ability) up-time.

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It is certainly a disincentive to group up to do content and probably drives a lot of the push by sections of the community for solo content (or soloable content).


I'm not what you would call a very good player but even I can get frustrated at players who ignore boss mechanics and get wiped repeatedly. That being said, directing hostiliy at the player rather than attempting to guide them achieves nothing. Vote kick them if they wont listen., :cool:

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some people feel like they have something to prove to the world and they use the game to do it. generally the nastiest so-called "elitist" players are actualy not that good themselves. genuinely good players? would rather educate and help. I mean... who do you think writes all the guides we have. the jerks that insult new players instead of helping them? of course not.


we all started out somewhere. no one is born knowing everything and being good at everything. everyone has to learn at some point. only insecure people forget that and dump on those who are still learning (they also tend to be the ones never listening to any advice). don't pay attention to them - they are not worth it.

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No... It makes more sense to *educate* them instead of kicking them.
maybe to you it makes sense, i have no interest in teaching anyone. its a videogame. i'd rather just play the videogame.


but if you want to teach them go right ahead.

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IMO, a big part of it is the anonymity. People can be jerks with no consequences. And they think they are entitled to be that way. Just look at Pagy's comment above. He thinks it is all part of playing an MMO. And it isn't.


You can teach and show new players how to play. It doesn't take much and they are usually thank you for it. And as an MMO, the community benefits from it.

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IMO, a big part of it is the anonymity. People can be jerks with no consequences. And they think they are entitled to be that way. Just look at Pagy's comment above. He thinks it is all part of playing an MMO. And it isn't.


You can teach and show new players how to play. It doesn't take much and they are usually thank you for it. And as an MMO, the community benefits from it.


I love this post

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IMO, a big part of it is the anonymity. People can be jerks with no consequences. And they think they are entitled to be that way. Just look at Pagy's comment above. He thinks it is all part of playing an MMO. And it isn't.


You can teach and show new players how to play. It doesn't take much and they are usually thank you for it. And as an MMO, the community benefits from it.

im sorry not wanting to teach people and wanting to play the game makes me a jerk?
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IMO, a big part of it is the anonymity. People can be jerks with no consequences. And they think they are entitled to be that way. Just look at Pagy's comment above. He thinks it is all part of playing an MMO. And it isn't.


You can teach and show new players how to play. It doesn't take much and they are usually thank you for it. And as an MMO, the community benefits from it.


Yeah, great post. Helping to improve other players benefits the community as a whole with a stronger playerbase which will in turn make for better PuGs

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im sorry not wanting to teach people and wanting to play the game makes me a jerk?


Well, it sounds like if a new player would to ask you a question you wouldn't be open to helping them and just brush them off. Were just saying the community would benefit if people were less like you and more open to helping and teaching others.

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im sorry not wanting to teach people and wanting to play the game makes me a jerk?


I don't the see that that would make you a jerk in the least. No one is bound in any way to being responsible for teaching new players if they don't want to. If you were mean to them, or made fun of them, that would make you a jerk, but that goes without saying.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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maybe to you it makes sense, i have no interest in teaching anyone. its a videogame. i'd rather just play the videogame.


but if you want to teach them go right ahead.


there IS however huge difference between not wanting to get involved and actively slinging insults and hate.


I can totally understand the first, but second is what makes one a an insecure little jerk that needs to put down others in order to feel better about themselves.


don't be a jerk.


hell, there are times, a lot of times when I have no patience to teach someone. whether I had a bad day IRL or something else - it happens. you know what I do? I say "sorry guys, I have to go - good luck!" and then I find an easier group to play with. its really not that hard!

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Personally, I am split on this. I main a healer. And I find it maddening in a flashpoint when someone has no idea what they are doing. More so when people are telling them mechanics or whatever, and they don't seem to pay attention...

HOWEVER. when the flashpoint starts and someone says "Hey, i am new and have not done this." (or something along those lines) I love it. Because it shows an interest on learning how to play, or perfect their role. I love when someone asks for help. I don't mind giving pointers. And when I cant help them, I try to suggest a website or someone they can go to for better help.

New players that want and are willing to learn? Very good thing. Players that are either new or just don't care? Bloody pain in the rear..

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Well, it sounds like if a new player would to ask you a question you wouldn't be open to helping them and just brush them off. Were just saying the community would benefit if people were less like you and more open to helping and teaching others.
and if a kid i didnt know stood up in front of me at a movie and asked me to help him with his math homework and i told him "not right now", that makes me a jerk?
there IS however huge difference between not wanting to get involved and actively slinging insults and hate.


I can totally understand the first, but second is what makes one a an insecure little jerk that needs to put down others in order to feel better about themselves.


don't be a jerk.


hell, there are times, a lot of times when I have no patience to teach someone. whether I had a bad day IRL or something else - it happens. you know what I do? I say "sorry guys, I have to go - good luck!" and then I find an easier group to play with. its really not that hard!

i was slinging insults and hate? Edited by Pagy
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IMO, a big part of it is the anonymity. People can be jerks with no consequences. And they think they are entitled to be that way. Just look at Pagy's comment above. He thinks it is all part of playing an MMO. And it isn't.


This. That's the biggest reason. The aforementioned anonymity is also the main reason why cyber bullying and trolling exists in general. People will behave like monsters as soon as they know there's no repercussions and no one will be able to figure out who they actually are.


That being said, there is some legitimate irritation at new players trying to do group flashpoints and operations that they don't have the knowledge or experience to handle, and they end up just getting in the way of the other players. Naturally this can be frustrating when trying to do a difficult operation where everyone has to be on top of things. My advice to all new players interested in trying one of these things is to let others know when looking for a group to join that they are beginners and are not familiar with the way operations and flashpoints work. This will keep the more experienced groups from inviting them, and will allow other new players to join up so they learn how to do it together. There are also plenty of experienced players who would be happy to help newcomers learn the ropes, so to speak.


Of course, there will always be elitist jerks around, but there are also plenty of people who are welcoming to newcomers and are happy to help. We just have to be sure to try to foster a friendly attitude towards new players.

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and if a kid i didnt know stood up in front of me at a movie and asked me to help him with his math homework and i told him "not right now", that makes me a jerk?i was slinging insults and hate?



Yeah, okay, now I'm leaning towards the likelihood of you being a jerk. That's an asinine comparison.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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and if a kid i didnt know stood up in front of me at a movie and asked me to help him with his math homework and i told him "not right now", that makes me a jerk?


No, not at all. But that's a bad comparison


keep in mind, this is a video game. There is a difference


If someone in the game asked for help and you said "not right now" that wouldn't be rude either. Just don't be rude or a jerk. I was just saying, if you say "it isn't my job to teach, this is a video game" than that isn't a very open minded attitude and the community would benefit if people like you could be a little more easy going and not just brush people off all the time. Because you said you shouldn't have to teach people in this game. Just think about how that sounds. It sounds like you are always telling people "no" or "go away"


I'm talking about the things you said before. Like kicking a player from the group would be easier to do rather than teaching them or giving them tips to use in the future. Kicking them without a word is rude.

Edited by NoahRedden
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