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Target markers are only relevant if you plan to constantly change the marker as there is almost never going to be one player on the other team that should be focused at all times. If you find another DPS on your team with a brain, focus target them and use a bind to aqcuire focus target's target to smash with them, but that's probably the best you're getting.
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Target markers are only relevant if you plan to constantly change the marker as there is almost never going to be one player on the other team that should be focused at all times. If you find another DPS on your team with a brain, focus target them and use a bind to aqcuire focus target's target to smash with them, but that's probably the best you're getting.


Its called situational awareness.


Part of being a good pvper is being able to recognise whats going on around you, understand how the other classes work, what kind of cool downs they have and their length.


And guess what? If the team youre on cant do that, they are ..... wait for it.....


wait a little bit more.....


a liiiiiitttttttttttttttttttttttlllllleee bit mooooooooooooooooooore




And/or not as good.

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Its called situational awareness.


Part of being a good pvper is being able to recognise whats going on around you, understand how the other classes work, what kind of cool downs they have and their length.


And guess what? If the team youre on cant do that, they are ..... wait for it.....


wait a little bit more.....


a liiiiiitttttttttttttttttttttttlllllleee bit mooooooooooooooooooore




And/or not as good.


What a ridiculous scenario. As if everyone on the team is paying attention to if one person used a specific CD in a 5v5 or 6v6 fight. Then they identify it's the right time at the same time as everyone else and target them. What a pipe dream.


Compare to voice comms: Hey, this guy just used his DCD's, everyone hit him now.


Doesn't even have to be the "right" target, just pick someone. Trying to say that a PUG can compare to a good, organized premade is a waste of time. The only reasons it doesn't matter in this game is that population can't support a separation and most of the premades are NOT organized (or just not good in general).

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What a ridiculous scenario. As if everyone on the team is paying attention to if one person used a specific CD in a 5v5 or 6v6 fight. Then they identify it's the right time at the same time as everyone else and target them. What a pipe dream.


Compare to voice comms: Hey, this guy just used his DCD's, everyone hit him now.


Doesn't even have to be the "right" target, just pick someone. Trying to say that a PUG can compare to a good, organized premade is a waste of time. The only reasons it doesn't matter in this game is that population can't support a separation and most of the premades are NOT organized (or just not good in general).


This, absolutely this.. if you really think the members of a pug have any map awareness you are giving them far too much credit.


Half the time people don't even move to obvious places they should be without getting told to do so in chat, and you expect awareness?


There is simply no realistic expectation to think most members of a pug would play that way and have that kind of awareness, none, in fact the exact opposite is true.


This is why voice comms even with a bad premade are such a huge advantage.

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I guess this kind of makes sense...


Youve got tons of people out there so tunnel visioned on achieving their crappy numbers that they cant even see the node/door/turret, I guess it might make sense that they also cant see when sorcs barrier, realise that a scoundrel just rolled twice, or notice that a juggernauts saber ward is finally down.


Oh, wait, you know what Im describing there? Bad pvpers.

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This, absolutely this.. if you really think the members of a pug have any map awareness you are giving them far too much credit.


Half the time people don't even move to obvious places they should be without getting told to do so in chat, and you expect awareness?


There is simply no realistic expectation to think most members of a pug would play that way and have that kind of awareness, none, in fact the exact opposite is true.


This is why voice comms even with a bad premade are such a huge advantage.


When I was playing PvP more often I'd queue solo and was often left scratching my head at what people were doing in the pugs. I thought I was doing everything wrong myself by actually trying to follow the objectives or play my role in the trinity correctly and just got overwhelmed because I'd become the focus most of the time and almost always got no support, and most people just run off to kill and be killed with no variation on those two things. Since it was happening so often, I just stopped playing, thinking I was the bad player. Yeah, probably was, I don't know. It wasn't fun constantly being in those same situations, so I don't think I was going to learn any better by laying back and just taking it over and over, hoping for the very, very rare run where the pug actually knew what it was doing.

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I guess this kind of makes sense...


Youve got tons of people out there so tunnel visioned on achieving their crappy numbers that they cant even see the node/door/turret, I guess it might make sense that they also cant see when sorcs barrier, realise that a scoundrel just rolled twice, or notice that a juggernauts saber ward is finally down.


Oh, wait, you know what Im describing there? Bad pvpers.


That reminds me of the Colicoid War Games FP. I've never been in a pug where the other three members weren't wailing on the hologrammed droids that ARE NOT TAKING DAMAGE while getting hit by the real ones. Or running one of the Czerka lab FPs with the boss that takes very, very, very little damage if you don't explode the spore onto him, and no one moves him to the spores. Makes more sense to me now why the same thing would happen in PvP

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I guess this kind of makes sense...


Youve got tons of people out there so tunnel visioned on achieving their crappy numbers that they cant even see the node/door/turret, I guess it might make sense that they also cant see when sorcs barrier, realise that a scoundrel just rolled twice, or notice that a juggernauts saber ward is finally down.


Oh, wait, you know what Im describing there? Bad pvpers.


It's amazing how dps react to barrier, either they keep dpsing into (and only warriors building up rage have a slight excuse), or they stop dps and wait for it to expire. Lol

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It's amazing how dps react to barrier, either they keep dpsing into (and only warriors building up rage have a slight excuse), or they stop dps and wait for it to expire. Lol


Saw that often in my bad pug runs. No one coming to help while I sat in the force barrier, opposing DPS just looking up at me like hounds treeing a mountain lion. Has to come down at some point, right?

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There is simply no realistic expectation to think most members of a pug would play that way and have that kind of awareness, none, in fact the exact opposite is true.


This is why voice comms even with a bad premade are such a huge advantage.


I agree very much. You can tell by their exact coordinated movement if people are using voice chat.


Sadly no-one uses the tactic to act as a bait to lure them away from a node - it's perhaps the perfect way to play them. :D


But - I really can't say it this really works - I haven't been able to verify it yet. Too few occations.

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I agree very much. You can tell by their exact coordinated movement if people are using voice chat.


Sadly no-one uses the tactic to act as a bait to lure them away from a node - it's perhaps the perfect way to play them. :D


But - I really can't say it this really works - I haven't been able to verify it yet. Too few occations.


actually i use it against them frequently. especially those who i know like to target me. i will routinely do at thier node solo if one of them is on guard to try to get them to pull others to help them and away from where the real target is.


it doesn't to great things for my stats, but if it gets the win im fine with that

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These threads are among the most retarded on the pvp forum, People need to get over this, or go back to playing one player offline games, this is an MMO I play with friends or I don't you cannot expect other people not to play with their friends just because you choose not to.
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These threads are among the most retarded on the pvp forum, People need to get over this, or go back to playing one player offline games, this is an MMO I play with friends or I don't you cannot expect other people not to play with their friends just because you choose not to.


Pre-made hate and VoIP hate constantly blows me away with this community.

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These threads are among the most retarded on the pvp forum, People need to get over this, or go back to playing one player offline games, this is an MMO I play with friends or I don't you cannot expect other people not to play with their friends just because you choose not to.


mate, there are solo q and grp q, if u are in grp q u nee to match up with others grp q guys end of story. Otherwise i go full pre made in solo rankd q afceroll everything, than coming here and say " make friends noob". Doesn't seems fair

Edited by xX-Archangel-Xx
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All i get from these threads is that the premaders don't want to be put against other premades in case they get farmed, but think its fine for them to farm players who arent grouped up.


One person's enjoyment shouldn't come from anothers frustration and misery.

Edited by tomius
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Pre-made hate and VoIP hate constantly blows me away with this community.


I don't necessarily see it as hate, just stating facts. If used correctly, these tools give you a significant advantage. That's not to say most groups are trying to be MLG pro in this game, most of the time they're just trying to have a better time playing with other people.

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These threads are among the most retarded on the pvp forum, People need to get over this, or go back to playing one player offline games, this is an MMO I play with friends or I don't you cannot expect other people not to play with their friends just because you choose not to.


Whats retarded that this is all you get from these threads. Noone is telling you not to play with friends. What we are telling you is that if you want to group up then play other groups... simple right?

Edited by Floplag
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I don't necessarily see it as hate, just stating facts. If used correctly, these tools give you a significant advantage. That's not to say most groups are trying to be MLG pro in this game, most of the time they're just trying to have a better time playing with other people.


Very true, its a double edged sword. i get wanting to play with friend, even a jerk like me has a few, but what i don't appreciate is the denial of the advantage and deflection of why its done.


There are those who just truly want to play with freinds, thats 100% true, but most of these groups do it specifically for the advantage. I know many players that only roll with premades, you never see them without backup and the advantage, ever. The funny part to all that is that they are not near as good as they think they are or what they could be.. playing with heals and guards all the time makes you lazy.

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Why would you want to fragment queues even more? The frequency with which pops happen is based on the number of people in queue, if I am with a premade and there are no other premades in queue now I am doomed to sit in queue indefinitely, that makes getting premade pops just as challenging as getting ranked to pop mid season or any time for that matter. No we don't need to fragment queues even more. That wont help.


Just because you are queuing solo or in a group doesn't make you a special snow flake. All I keep getting from these threads is a bunch of whiny *** crybabies that want to be treated special.


I don't care personally if all I get queued against is other premades, I find it challenging and enjoyable to face a good premade whether I am in my own or not. It teaches you to play intelligently and skillfully.


Get over yourselves.

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Whats retarded that this is all you get from these threads. Noone is telling you not to play with friends. What we are telling you is that if you want to group up then play other groups... simple right?


How do you propose we specify what opponents we get without forcing all groups, regardless of skill and comp, to only play ranked deathmatch? >_> Ranked death match is boring, the objective maps are what a good chunk of people enjoy playing. Unranked is specifically set up to be a bulk 'everyone in the same pot' layout, so what option do you suggest?

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Why would you want to fragment queues even more? The frequency with which pops happen is based on the number of people in queue, if I am with a premade and there are no other premades in queue now I am doomed to sit in queue indefinitely, that makes getting premade pops just as challenging as getting ranked to pop mid season or any time for that matter. No we don't need to fragment queues even more. That wont help.


Just because you are queuing solo or in a group doesn't make you a special snow flake. All I keep getting from these threads is a bunch of whiny *** crybabies that want to be treated special.


I don't care personally if all I get queued against is other premades, I find it challenging and enjoyable to face a good premade whether I am in my own or not. It teaches you to play intelligently and skillfully.


Get over yourselves.


why? oh i dont know how about balance? id rather have less frequent fair matches personally. but then im not afraid to stand on my own either.


And please stop with the "i dont mind facing premades" bull... IF that were true you would solo queue, and most of the premade crowd doesnt.


Seriously though, stop with lame excuse after lame excuse. It really doesnt matter anyway.. its your dime, do what you want, just stop with the nonsense. Admit that its a huge advantage under virtually any scenario and lets move on, we all know anyway so ... meh, whatever

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All i get from these threads is that the premaders don't want to be put against other premades in case they get farmed, but think its fine for them to farm players who arent grouped up.


One person's enjoyment shouldn't come from anothers frustration and misery.


this is exactly what happens, and is actually worse now that 4v4 is out of reg rotation. sync ques never get match up against each other. now we have sync q's at odd times of the day because the pickings are easier. hmmm....


how about a match maker that actually works, and forces premades to you know...face an actual challenge? oh no, we couldn't have THAT.


edit: also, i do not buy the argument that q'ing groups against each other will slow/stop wz pops. premades roflstomping pugs is what stops people from q'ing anyway.

Edited by SgtGrumbles
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why? oh i dont know how about balance? id rather have less frequent fair matches personally. but then im not afraid to stand on my own either.


And please stop with the "i dont mind facing premades" bull... IF that were true you would solo queue, and most of the premade crowd doesn't.


Seriously though, stop with lame excuse after lame excuse. It really doesnt matter anyway.. its your dime, do what you want, just stop with the nonsense. Admit that its a huge advantage under virtually any scenario and lets move on, we all know anyway so ... meh, whatever


I do solo queue, I group queue, I do both, it depends on how I want to play. I actually do a lot of solo queue and don't see it as an issue. If I find a group annoying enough I wait a bit after I get out let them get into a match then queue or I switch sides or just do something else. Its really not that hard to avoid a group.


I don't want to wait for pops any longer than I have to. Thats why I am making this argument. I mean sure if they could set up a way to make it so that if there are premades in queue they will have the priority to go against each other that would be great, but how often does the match making system fail in ranked and you have 3 or 4 of the same class vs an assortment. I frankly don't think that will work, they have a really hard time balancing in this game for some reason.


I'm sure if they did give you exactly what you want you'd be ************ the next hour about how something else wasn't exactly the way you want it.


I'd be willing to wager that you are one of those who hates huttball too.

Edited by bluesoldier
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These threads are among the most retarded on the pvp forum, People need to get over this, or go back to playing one player offline games, this is an MMO I play with friends or I don't you cannot expect other people not to play with their friends just because you choose not to.


Ranked and Ops if you want to play with friends. Premades should face other premades, bottom line. What kind of bottom feeder likes steamrolling pugs all day?

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Why would you want to fragment queues even more?


Removing premades from pug queues would help with queue times. As it is now, when certain guild premades start spawncamping the pugs, they quit queuing. Drives the queue times up for everybody. ****, imo.

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