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we require better storyline


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After the main storyline, I liked Ziost the best. Going back there after you know what still takes my breath away.


I thought I was alone in liking Ziost :eek:

Edited by sayiaa
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In my opinion ROTHC was the better expansion, both sides having a rather interesting tale (Though it kind of loses the intrigue if you play the Imps before the Reps) and they do set the stage with interesting characters. SOR was short, though it still added two interesting planets along with a new class mission for each class. But it lacked the intrigue of ROTHC and the base game, the writers relying to heavily on the hope that we'll be too distracted by the big name bioware character returning.

It would of also helped if we had more Marr and less Theron/Lana, I mean I know people love the two, but....DEAR GOD DO I THINK THEY ARE TERRIBLY BLAND CHARACTERS!


And I thought Ziost was good for what it was, a quick and enjoyable story that sets up everything nicly for the current state of affairs.

Edited by Codedrago
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It would of also helped if we had more Marr and less Theron/Lana, I mean I know people love the two, but....DEAR GOD DO I THINK THEY ARE TERRIBLY BLAND CHARACTERS!


This. So much this. Marr is way more interesting and so unexplored, in comparison I skip every convo with Lana and Theron now.

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This. So much this. Marr is way more interesting and so unexplored, in comparison I skip every convo with Lana and Theron now.


I think we'll be getting more of Marr in this expansion as I can see his death roaming near (He's gonna die to that corruption one day, might as well be on the battlefield!)

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In my opinion ROTHC was the better expansion, both sides having a rather interesting tale (Though it kind of loses the intrigue if you play the Imps before the Reps) and they do set the stage with interesting characters. SOR was short, though it still added two interesting planets along with a new class mission for each class. But it lacked the intrigue of ROTHC and the base game, the writers relying to heavily on the hope that we'll be too distracted by the big name bioware character returning.

It would of also helped if we had more Marr and less Theron/Lana, I mean I know people love the two, but....DEAR GOD DO I THINK THEY ARE TERRIBLY BLAND CHARACTERS!


And I thought Ziost was good for what it was, a quick and enjoyable story that sets up everything nicly for the current state of affairs.


Really? I didn't find them bland at all. Theron even less so. Though really, it'll just vary person to person.


Marr is interesting, I want to know more! Lana and Theron, I want to know more! Thana Vash is just fun, want to see more! Cythrat, while popular with many was just bleh to me. :p We all have our NPC favorites though :)

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While I do not hate chapter 4, the chapter 4 interlude (Oricon) is a bit disagreeable as it ends in an OP and that means for me I cannot finish it. Chapter 4 itself was okay. I enjoyed Chapter 5 and Ziost much better. I have this feeling I will like what's coming up even more.
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Really? I didn't find them bland at all. Theron even less so. Though really, it'll just vary person to person.


Marr is interesting, I want to know more! Lana and Theron, I want to know more! Thana Vash is just fun, want to see more! Cythrat, while popular with many was just bleh to me. :p We all have our NPC favorites though :)


Lana to me had almost no personality, no depth, hair that looked like it would eat you and we really don't get to know her. Yeah, we get a short story about her trials on the site, but that's not really enough. With ROTHC characters, while the opinions varry, I think we can agree that we at least got to know them. Also, could we please give Lana a better voice Actor? Because the concept of emotion seems foreign to this one, or maybe Lana is a jedi!


Theron...He just had so much potential, this is why I also think Satel should of had a greater part in the whole thing (And Malcom as well), he has a few words on teh fact that he doesn't see his family much, let us see them talk! I mean, at the end of Rishi when Satel goes ''Theron...'' I was happyily going ''Yes, a conversation between you two, this could b-''


''On the way to Yavin'' DAMNIT, THERON! YOU COULD OF HAD DEPTH! Plus the fact that lana and Theron's relationship just reverts into ''I don't trust you'' ''You have to'' ''Okay''. They have some nice dialogue together once in a while, but nothing develops, their regrets on having to be enemies later even seems forced as we havn't seen much to suggest they give a damn about each other. Hell, Lana goes from telling the player that they regret having to hurt Theron and having to be his enemy, to gloating about how she manipulated him.

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While I do not hate chapter 4, the chapter 4 interlude (Oricon) is a bit disagreeable as it ends in an OP and that means for me I cannot finish it. Chapter 4 itself was okay. I enjoyed Chapter 5 and Ziost much better. I have this feeling I will like what's coming up even more.


Yeah, this is game design at its worst. Same thing with the seeker droid and binocular storylines. I'll never see it, and it's just ridiculous to make content that only a small percentage of players will ever see.

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I preferred ROTHC writing compared to SOR. The Hutts were a welcomed and a much needed creath of a bresh air from all the Sith/half-Sith third factions that the game's been throwing at us constantly, the story on both Republic and Empire side had an unusual angle (Empire is forced to save the planet to gain anything, the always-victorious Republic is forced to evacuate instead of signing the deal with Makeb to join the Republic), both sides gain something interesting at the end (Imps get the Isotope-5, Rep gets the Hutt alliance).


SOR has good characters, but it spends awful lot of time on the not-so-very-interesting pirate games on Rishi or the Mandalorian involvement that's hardly explored deep enough, especially considering the connection between Revan and Canderous. Revan's character finale/conclusion doesn't really go anywhere either. While the idea of the "split" good & evil versions of Revan should be awful by default on paper, in the context of player character in KOTOR I think it was actually brilliant, a reflection of the many player options that could've resulted in a vastly different version of Revan. But the execution in SOR was too cheesy/cartoony at times and didn't go deep enough.


And again, Rishi pirates part was not very memorable. I think they lost a great oppurtunity here to involve the Hutts/Isotope-5 again (which would also make the expansion feel like a natural successor to the previous one). The Hutts are obviously not perfectly happy being forced into Rep alliance and they would definitely be interested in a deal with independent Revanites. At least the Hutts would feel more relevant and powerful than a bunch of pirates and would provide a great lore explanation for Revan's fleet ('cause having the Revanites just steal Rep/Imp capitol ships without any issues felt a little too convinient). The ending of SOR when Marr talks how "the mining of Isotope-5 continues" is almost unintentially funny in the sense as if the writers suddenly realized they perhaps should've tied the previous expansion with SOR a bit more, introduce some more outcome/consequences of the Empire gaining the most powerful substance in the galaxy and the Republic combining forces with the largest and wealthiest 3rd faction, but they forgot about it until it was too late so they just threw in the little mention to pretend ROTHC was important.


With the removal of the individual class stories, the single main stories should be polished in every detail. But it feels like there's too many random ideas being thrown around still and the narration progression, themes, character exploration and consequences of major events are not through-out as well enough as they should be. I hope KOTFE changes this

Edited by Pietrastor
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The expansions are very lacking when you compare them to 1-50 class stories. Lack of player choice with lasting impact, such as saving someone in chapter 1 for them to make a return in chapter 3 to help you.


Also the expansion are dead when it comes to companion interaction, which according to Bioware is their most powerful storytelling tool according to documentarias and trailers they did pre-launch.

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The expansions are very lacking when you compare them to 1-50 class stories. Lack of player choice with lasting impact, such as saving someone in chapter 1 for them to make a return in chapter 3 to help you.


Also the expansion are dead when it comes to companion interaction, which according to Bioware is their most powerful storytelling tool according to documentarias and trailers they did pre-launch.


Forget about lack of consequences of player choices, the writers still have problems developing consequences of the big events that happen in all playthroughts. I didn't like the entire Dread Masters saga, it dragged, never really went any interesting places etc. But at least it should have left some impact. Same with ROTHC. Both feel completly irrelevant since SOR story started. The lack of Hutt-Republic alliance impact is jarring in particular.

Edited by Pietrastor
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Makeb was a complete waste of time. You are not given enough infomation or reasons to care about the planet or it's people. If anything I ended up just angry at the whole situation because they the makeb people and it's corporations put themselves in that predicament.

SOR was better because of the intriguing story and the characters. I liked Lana , I was mildly annoyed by jakkaro and the droid, and I wanted to shove theron out an airlock just so he could shut his Zach effron mouth. Satteel was like a scolding robot parent. I really liked Marr.

I'm just really happy that the fetishizing of revan is hopefully over. They have beat that character to death multiple times. I also really like ziost and fighting the emperor. I'm super excited for the next expansion.

Edited by samhinch
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Liked the story rise of the hutt cartel and shadow of revan but I was disappointed that they didn't continue the class stories (not counting that really short mission on Rishi) and while I don't pretend to know exactly how thats going to be in the next expansion (it also won't have separate class stories) I hope it has more of a unique story that is some how affected by your characters class.


I think not continuing class stories is a big mistake and hope they do someday make more of them. That's the fun in playing alts is the completely different story every class had. I'd pay for class expansion stories if anything.

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My first run through of Imp and Pub Makeb wasn't bad...by the 8th time I wanted to blow Makeb up with everyone still there, it was that boring. Shadow of Revan with Rishi and Yavin wasn't too bad. I was able to do it on 22 toons, so it was at least SOMEWHAT more interesting. Mostly having Theron and Lana made it tolerable.


Ziost was okay, just too short for me and I have a ton more people to run through it.

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