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How does the imperial and republic military works?


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So we have sith and not sith in the imperial military and sith are considered a higher rank but for example is Moff of lower rank then a average sith with no lord rank?

In the same military how high rank is wrath and the BH. For example can sith order the BH according to imperial law not considering the fact that he will be killed if he tried and BH will get away cause of immunity. Also the wrath is not part of the military so it makes me wonder how he fits there.

In the Republic the jedi seem to have a high rank in the republic military but for example is the Havok Squad leader lower in rank then a jedi?

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So we have sith and not sith in the imperial military and sith are considered a higher rank but for example is Moff of lower rank then a average sith with no lord rank?

In the same military how high rank is wrath and the BH. For example can sith order the BH according to imperial law not considering the fact that he will be killed if he tried and BH will get away cause of immunity. Also the wrath is not part of the military so it makes me wonder how he fits there.

In the Republic the jedi seem to have a high rank in the republic military but for example is the Havok Squad leader lower in rank then a jedi?


Well, the JK if dark sided is given the rank of honorary general, to which the jedi is able to reply "No one salutes honorary generals"


Watching some cut scenes with my Darth (Inquisitor) dealing with some Moffs, I'd say the Moffs get some sort of leeway in this time period (or else my Light sided SI may have killed a moff if given the chance).


Most /trained/ force users are to be feared by non force users, regardless. Figure if they're using a light saber, you may want to show them some respect, regardless of being a Jedi or Sith. All the non force user classes even say as much (which is odd when they go around fighting armies of them when it's just pc vs npcs :p

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I believe the jedi are much like they are in the clone wars they have the rank of general and commander for padawans and while they can give orders and command forces a military officer of equal or higher rank may have the final say.

as for sith i think that grand moffs and moffs command the empire's army but any action by a Sith must be approved by a Dark council member who seem to be above all military personnel.

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I think this scene from game of thrones is worth watching for this topic: (spoilers for first 2~ seasons)


So we have sith and not sith in the imperial military and sith are considered a higher rank but for example is Moff of lower rank then a average sith with no lord rank?


I think a Moff will often outrank Lords or even Darths if the Moff is acting under the authority of a more influential Sith. If Darth Marr orders Moff Bob to attack planet X, and Lord Dunderhead tells Moff Bob to call off the attack, Moff Bob will probably tell Lord Dunderhead to piss off. Also, if you have a very well connected officer and a Sith with not much of a power base, the officer might as well outrank the Sith, especially if the Sith's master said to follow the officer's orders. We see that Kilran had Sith under him, but he still answered to Malgus.


For example can sith order the BH according to imperial law not considering the fact that he will be killed if he tried and BH will get away cause of immunity.


Sith can certainly order the BH around, and might die for doing so. You answered your own question.


Also the wrath is not part of the military so it makes me wonder how he fits there.


Wrath isn't part of the military, but I think everyone with less than Dark Council tier strength would obey the Wrath out of fear/respect unless they feared another Sith more.

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So we have sith and not sith in the imperial military and sith are considered a higher rank but for example is Moff of lower rank then a average sith with no lord rank?

The game really hops around with this and seems to be very much dependent on the writer, but to me, it seems like an individual's worth in the Empire is very much dependent on their direct superior. For instance, if a major Sith Lord values his Moff more than his subordinate Sith, he/she would put his/her Moff in authority over said Sith. Another Sith Lord may want to keep the two groups separate. And a third may put his Moff subordinate to even an apprentice.


In the Republic the jedi seem to have a high rank in the republic military but for example is the Havok Squad leader lower in rank then a jedi?

Again, it really kinda depends on the writer it seems like, but a lot of people don't really notice that there's really only been two wars where most Jedi were considered generals, which were the Clone Wars and the New Sith Wars. In the Mandalorian Wars, the only Jedi referred to as generals were Revan and the Exile; not even Malak was referred to as such, and most of the Revanchists tended to just follow Revan's lead.


In the Great Hyperspace War and Great Sith War, the Jedi were only shown to fight alongside the Republic military, not lead them.


Even in the Jedi Civil War, while Bastila is mentioned as leading the mission on the Endar Spire, she, nor any other Jedi in the game, are mentioned as having actual full authority over the Republic military. Master Vandar was present on the bridge of the Republic flagship during the Battle of the Star Forge, but it was Admiral Dodonna giving the ordrs, not him; he was only providing guidance.


And in the post-RotJ books, the New Jedi Order did not lead the Republic military. They mostly did their own thing. The only Jedi that were directly involved in military affairs were those enlisted in the military (Jaina Solo) or had a strong history with them (Corran Horn, Luke).


Jedi aren't usually just given automatic authority over the Republic military. They're not the Sith, they don't have a born right to lead. They have to earn it.

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