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That is just sad


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Yes this an mmo, which means there is a huge diversity in players, meaning there should be a diversity on queuing options.


The fact its an mmo has nothing to do with how I should queue. Whether its solo or group.

I solo queue knowing I'm going to play with and against 15 people.



Mmo does not mean group in the slightest.

I still play with other people if I solo so your argument is void.



When I queue solo I expect to be playing against people doing the same. Not a group with a considerable amount of advantages, whether their "just friends" or hard-core

Edited by tomius
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99% of the times i group as tank with a healer buddy, sometimes we change and do dps and healer or dps and tank.

60% of the guys we are pugged with are bads. good players see the bads and leave immediately. we usually stay and get rekt by imp ''insert current pvp imp guild'' premades. even if we've dark reaver gear and know our classes, roles and the WZ mechanics and put out great numbers and good performances on the target and on the objectives we loose.


do i blame premades? no

do i blame players that refuse to improve and keep queuing in pve gear and with no idea about their class? yes


obviously it's hard to counter timed knockback roots, but it's not omg premades call the whhaaambulance, it's gg wp.

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99% of the times i group as tank with a healer buddy, sometimes we change and do dps and healer or dps and tank.

60% of the guys we are pugged with are bads. good players see the bads and leave immediately. we usually stay and get rekt by imp ''insert current pvp imp guild'' premades. even if we've dark reaver gear and know our classes, roles and the WZ mechanics and put out great numbers and good performances on the target and on the objectives we loose.


do i blame premades? no

do i blame players that refuse to improve and keep queuing in pve gear and with no idea about their class? yes


obviously it's hard to counter timed knockback roots, but it's not omg premades call the whhaaambulance, it's gg wp.


And now you will have 2 options:

- Queue with friend and get rekt by two 4man premades

- Queue the "disadvanteguos" soloQ alone and hope you both get the same WZ

Only to please the "true" MMO experience of other solo players :D

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And now you will have 2 options:

- Queue with friend and get rekt by two 4man premades

- Queue the "disadvanteguos" soloQ alone and hope you both get the same WZ

Only to please the "true" MMO experience of other solo players :D



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Another fabulous suggestion: Just prior to the start of any warzone the game will make a quick Premade Warzone Check. If it finds a premade on any team it will announce this in big bold red letters across everybody's screen:




Then we can all just quit and find a different and more balanced encounter. You premade-guys would be totally fine with that right? It's not like you want to surprise us with your premade? It's not like you want us to exist solely for your entertainment? I mean it's about choice right? You want to play with your friends, great, and we don't want to be slaughtered in the PUG queue, so it would be totally fair if we all quit right? Then you guys would win even faster! Auto-win! Yay!




Or how about you start your own premade to counter said premade instead of finding a "balance" by leaving?

That 30% stuff to premades its even more absurd. You WANT to play with friends but at the same time you don't want to handicap yourselves to play with your friends. Just as a side note I don't premade, I solo que, both in leveling and end level content. Its fine. I would like a better system but separating the ques is not the answer, forcing friends to not play with one another is NOT the answer. The best answer I could find that would not require a massive investment from the devs is a simple system where the game must balance the team by making sure that if one side has a 4 man premade the other needs to have one to before starting, same with 2 man or 3 man.


When will you people finally learn that there isn't a problem with premades? You're complaining about being queued against more good players than there are on your team. That's all.

Seriously, if the matchmaking would match 8 good dps, that aren't premade, not using voip or even ingame chat against a team of 2 tanks, 2 heals and 4 dps that are all mediocre at best you would still get stomped hard.

And that's exactly the reason people list in premades: They want to reduce the chances of being queued with bads. Nothing more.


Going by what you said the premade IS the problem since its generates the problem you just broth up, one side facing more skilled players.


After being facerolled by premades in lowbies, Jeff doesn't PVP.



If your "Jeff" does not get what to do after some 30 matches he must have the IQ of a fruit. If you Jeff can't use google to know what those "inc", "left" or whatever else means then he is equally stupid. How about creating a new topic in the PvP section asking questions? Its not hard to document yourself before going into a PvP environment if you are extremely dumb. MMORPG's PvP is not rocket science, I was never in Jeff's shoes in any MMORPG that I played.

Also the only time I "rage" at morons is when they are told what not to do or do and they ignore because they are stupid. That is no longer a issue with being new or noob. If you are new or a noob and the chat tells you to do something you just go do that and its all fine.


Simple solution is to create two queues at 60.


The solo/pug/beginner queue. No groups allowed.


The "group" queue where groups can queue, as well as solo players who enter at their own risk.

Certain valor level should be a requirement (40 or so).


This way new and solo players get a more balanced environment, premades get a more competitive environment.


As to that stupid friend argument. Would you have been "friends" with them if they were bad at pvp, or didn't pvp even?


Right and have insane ques? No thx bud, I solo que and I don't want this. What I would like is a better system that would notice that on 1 side its a 4 man premade and it will not start the match until the system can find another 4 man premade for the other side.


Solo flashpoints and now this. In an mmo. :rolleyes: And if premade does not want a "competitive enviroment" and is just a pug group of two people who enjoy "solo/pug/beginner" like pvp experience? F them I guess.


MMO just mean you are playing with multiple other players. If its random other people its still as much a MMO as playing premade team.

Edited by Xanas
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What I would like is a better system that would notice that on 1 side its a 4 man premade and it will not start the match until the system can find another 4 man premade for the other side.

And I would not like any of that, so how to decide whos opinion matter? (if it matters at all ;) )

MMO just mean you are playing with multiple other players. If its random other people its still as much a MMO as playing premade team.

Thx. wikipedia :p But srsly, why would anyone promote solo pvp experience in an MMO? As fas as I know not a single recent/old MMO did this. We are not playing MOBAs :cool:

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And I would not like any of that, so how to decide whos opinion matter? (if it matters at all ;) )


Thx. wikipedia :p But srsly, why would anyone promote solo pvp experience in an MMO? As fas as I know not a single recent/old MMO did this. We are not playing MOBAs :cool:


May I ask why you would not like said system?

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Going by what you said the premade IS the problem since its generates the problem you just broth up, one side facing more skilled players.


That's exactly my point. By queing with a group I lower the chances of bads in my team from 7 to 4. But still, it's not the premades fault that other people just s*ck at the game.

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May I ask why you would not like said system?

A few posts above i mentioned something like this:

" If premade does not want a "competitive enviroment" and is just a pug group of two people who enjoy "solo/pug/beginner" like pvp experience? "

Why their opinion does not matter in the face of true soloQ players. I personaly 70%solo / 30%duo with my friend healer, who I usually guard and spec tank for it.

Just for a fun pug duo with no Skype/TS or anything, nothing competitive. Any kind of system that detects premades would surely put us against a couple of 4man groups. And if we play as 3 there is no way we will invite a 4th playes to avoid the queue against another 4man - that's what will happen with your system. :confused:

On the second thought if any 4man groups would queue, they'll probly go ranked at this point. :)

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Kids these days:rolleyes:


Quoting me and shoving "Kids these days" does not invalidate my arguments, merely makes you look immature and shows you cannot come up with a reasonable and constructive counter argument.


But srsly, why would anyone promote solo pvp experience in an MMO?


How is 8 vs 8 random people PvPing a solo experience?

I am playing with other people, against other people.


I think solo and group aren't really the correct words to describe how one queues.

Solo queue does not mean I queue to solo pvp, I.E Fight against no one? Coz that's how you make it seem, correct me if i am wrong.


I don't want a "solo experience", I want a balanced, fair experience.


I "solo" queue coz my guild died over a year ago, I don't play too often and a lot of people I sometimes group up with are usually offline. When I do PUG queue I want to be put against others who have also PUG queued.


When I group up, I want to be put against other groups so it is COMPETITIVE, not a mindless face roll gank at the spawn.


The argument "Just get friends and group up" is completely ironic and that is suggesting a group vs group environment which people are striving for.


do i blame players that refuse to improve and keep queuing in pve gear and with no idea about their class? yes .


Please explain how a player who is new to pvp, and has not acquired any pvp gear due to this, is to learn pvp when constantly put against premades and often farmed, in an environment where they don't get chance to even experiment how their class works in pvp, nor how pvp actually works.


Lowbie wzs? Sure, but that still is not 60 pvp.

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I don't want a "solo experience", I want a balanced, fair experience.

I "solo" queue coz my guild died over a year ago, I don't play too often and a lot of people I sometimes group up with are usually offline. When I do PUG queue I want to be put against others who have also PUG queued.


And I want pug pvp expetience for me and my friend. I dont want extra balance or fairness, coz this does not matter much to me, current system is just fine to me as it is. You are denying me that experience forcing my pug duo agains only 4mans. :rolleyes:

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Or how about you start your own premade to counter said premade instead of finding a "balance" by leaving?




Communicating online is sometimes a tiresome and pointless affair, but I am not going to repeat myself just because some people can't or won't read.

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A few posts above i mentioned something like this:

" If premade does not want a "competitive enviroment" and is just a pug group of two people who enjoy "solo/pug/beginner" like pvp experience? "

Why their opinion does not matter in the face of true soloQ players. I personaly 70%solo / 30%duo with my friend healer, who I usually guard and spec tank for it.

Just for a fun pug duo with no Skype/TS or anything, nothing competitive. Any kind of system that detects premades would surely put us against a couple of 4man groups. And if we play as 3 there is no way we will invite a 4th playes to avoid the queue against another 4man - that's what will happen with your system. :confused:

On the second thought if any 4man groups would queue, they'll probly go ranked at this point. :)


Any system that would detect you 2 as a premade group (AND YOU ARE THAT) would make sure the other side has a 2 man premade team just as well (not 4). You not wanting for the other side to have a 2 man team just as well is a clear sign you are just interested to keep an unfair advantage on your end. How much you make out of your 2 man premade group is up for you. If you don't max your advantage to the max its your own fault.

Now ranked WZ no longer exist so people who que for pug warzones as a premade can't be blamed, they don't want arenas.

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Communicating online is sometimes a tiresome and pointless affair, but I am not going to repeat myself just because some people can't or won't read.


I did read, aside for "I can't be bothered with" you provided no reason. How about I que with no PvP gear on and then come here screaming BW should remove PvP gear because I can't be bothered getting it since its "tiresome" for me?

Make friends if you don't like it.

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Any system that would detect you 2 as a premade group (AND YOU ARE THAT) would make sure the other side has a 2 man premade team just as well (not 4). You not wanting for the other side to have a 2 man team just as well is a clear sign you are just interested to keep an unfair advantage on your end. How much you make out of your 2 man premade group is up for you. If you don't max your advantage to the max its your own fault.

Now ranked WZ no longer exist so people who que for pug warzones as a premade can't be blamed, they don't want arenas.


How is it unfair advantage? We barely cooperate in any shape or form aside guard.

But still while I and my friend pug queue:

- ok vs 8 pugs

- ok vs two 4mans

- ok vs another 2man and 6 pugs

- any mix of groups of the above as long as it's not constant

But your system forces us only into the 2+6 group and pretty much extends our wait time so you can play a more "balanced" soloQ. Thus forcing me to play soloQ aswell to gain the more faster queues.

Edited by Scrilian
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That's exactly my point. By queing with a group I lower the chances of bads in my team from 7 to 4. But still, it's not the premades fault that other people just s*ck at the game.


This ^^


The vast majority of 'Premades' are just groups of friends that can rely on each other to 'not be too terrible' :D


Sometime s I queue solo, other times with 1 or more friends who happen to be around. When I'm queing with a friend or two, we don't make any effort to choose what class we're playing, could be any mix at all, just whatever we're on at the time :eek:


Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose.



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other times with 1 or more friends who happen to be around. When I'm queing with a friend or two, we don't make any effort to choose what class we're playing, could be any mix at all, just whatever we're on at the time :eek:


But that's the UNFAIR advantage you somehow fail to EXPLOIT :D

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The vast majority of 'Premades' are just groups of friends that can rely on each other to 'not be too terrible' :D)



The intention behind premades s irrelevant. It's the fact that premades vs pugs is an imbalanced design. It's an uneven playing field. It's stacking the deck. It's gaining an advantage. It's cheap. It's about bringing a gun to a knife fight. Et ceter et cetera.

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I did read, aside for "I can't be bothered with" you provided no reason. How about I que with no PvP gear on and then come here screaming BW should remove PvP gear because I can't be bothered getting it since its "tiresome" for me?

Make friends if you don't like it.


Premades do not belong in a PUG queue, and I will most certainly not exacerbate the problem by partaking in the endeavour.


Besides there are SO MANY reasons in this entire thread, so either you are just ignoring them or trolling. Furthermore, this thread was never about premades in general, but rather premades in lowbies.


But what ever.


None of us are going to convince each other either way, and the game will just continue to suffer.

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It's the fact that premades vs pugs is an imbalanced design. It's an uneven playing field. It's stacking the deck. It's gaining an advantage. It's cheap. It's about bringing a gun to a knife fight. Et ceter et cetera.


And you of course have somekind of substantial indepth reliable data to support your claim? ;)

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