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Ashe/Lady Insanity just posted a new video with new KotFE info.

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Hmmm... I had been wondering about whether romancing Lana in SoR might come back to haunt my toons.


My Jedi and Sith toons wouldn't care, but my trooper...


I actually waited to do the Jorgan romance with my female trooper until after she completed SoR and completed her fling with Lana. Hopefully Bioware keeps track of the order of romances -- my fem-trooper didn't cheat on Jorgan. Lana was first, then came Jorgan.


I can only imagine how moody Jorgan is going to be. lol

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How much story content are we getting per month now? We'll still have the HMs, now we'll also get story updates.

We don't get ANYTHING monthly, but EVERY content update has story elements added in...even when they add in a WZ, there's story elements to it. We've ALWAYS had updates to the story...all they're doing now is taking away the actual content they gave with it in the past.

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Chillax Tux. We get it. You aren't happy with the new direction. lol! But remember even with the vid review, it is all speculative at best. It might be shorter than an hour, who knows. But at least, at the very least, we are getting it front loaded and we have everything else scaling up.


So, how about instead of knocking the story tree, we go start a new tree for PvP goodness. I think that tree hasn't seen a drop of water in over a year.

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I hope Torian is amenable to grovelling... My BH shouldn't have to suffer because of MY weakness! I'm scared :(


I just told my wife about this, she is, um, not very happy at all.... Lucky for me, most of my 60ties are female and I never really cared about the romances to males anyway. If they ditch my girls, they will simply be free to have lots of "fun". :D


But my male Jugg will not be happy if he loses DS Jeasa, but maybe Ill let her go play too or she will kill me in my sleep - lol.... In saying that, "open relationships" would be a nice idea in the game.

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I've already decided that IF Vaylin is a recruitable companion, I'm going to drop both Kira and Lana for her. :D


Lol. She does look interesting to say the least.


Another option is to work up another Knight now. It doesn't take long and you can have a pristine Kira romance. Given this new info.... I may just do that for my fave romances.

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I just told my wife about this, she is, um, not very happy at all.... Lucky for me, most of my 60ties are female and I never really cared about the romances to males anyway. If they ditch my girls, they will simply be free to have lots of "fun". :D


But my male Jugg will not be happy if he loses DS Jeasa, but maybe Ill let her go play too or she will kill me in my sleep - lol.... In saying that, "open relationships" would be a nice idea in the game.


Tell me about it. I re-created two Juggernauts to get Dark Side Jaesa when I saw I messed up in my choices. If I have to kill Lana or my whole crew to keep her, then by god almighty, I will! :p

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Well my warrior is hosed he married both Vette and jaesa and cheated on them both with Lana. He may just want to stay in carbonite rather than deal with the mess he has made of things. That being said if he can recruit Mako he is going to cheat on Vette, jaesa, and Lana with Mako. He is a slow learner, probably why Baras tried to kill him.
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Chillax Tux. We get it. You aren't happy with the new direction.
I'm chill...I just think you folks are getting played for fools by this "new direction" idea. Any of you ever do Oricon? DF? DP? That was a very BIG story update that ALSO added plenty of great repeatable content to the game...but now, you guys are getting more excited about less content, simply because it's being sold as a "story update".


I'm relaxed, I'm fine...I'm just trying to point out the obvious.

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Lol. She does look interesting to say the least.


Another option is to work up another Knight now. It doesn't take long and you can have a pristine Kira romance. Given this new info.... I may just do that for my fave romances.


I'm going to grovel to keep Kira romanced if there's an option, but as soon as its clear where Vaylin stands, I'll toss her aside and work my magic on Vaylin. Or Dark Side Jaesa if I can recruit her. :D

Edited by Koichi
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Tell me about it. I re-created two Juggernauts to get Dark Side Jaesa when I saw I messed up in my choices. If I have to kill Lana or my whole crew to keep her, then by god almighty, I will! :p


Ouch, I feel your pain.

I am with you on that! I also hope she does not "Bobbitt" me....:eek:

Edited by Themanthatisi
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My trooper is screwed, my sorc won't really care given her romance choice was some pirate -shrugs- so a fellow sith comes along of-course she was going there.


Oh crap... forgot about Elara. Heh. Well... I guess I will stock up on companion gifts now. Will that work? It works in RL sometimes. Sometimes I said. Lol

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We don't get ANYTHING monthly, but EVERY content update has story elements added in...even when they add in a WZ, there's story elements to it. We've ALWAYS had updates to the story...all they're doing now is taking away the actual content they gave with it in the past.


Think of this as an extra piece of bacon with your meal, we will still get those other updates, now we just get something extra, something new. I don't see them taking anything away, they will still make new FPsand Ops, so those stories will still be coming. This is just a new type of story element not related to the other traditional updates we've been getting.

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I just told my wife about this, she is, um, not very happy at all.... Lucky for me, most of my 60ties are female and I never really cared about the romances to males anyway. If they ditch my girls, they will simply be free to have lots of "fun". :D


But my male Jugg will not be happy if he loses DS Jeasa, but maybe Ill let her go play too or she will kill me in my sleep - lol.... In saying that, "open relationships" would be a nice idea in the game.


Oh agreed, I've been playing male characters recently (I don't usually, all my character's are female), I've got quite attached to them, but none of them can commit, especially not my DS Juggernaut, so I get that. I'm really just concerned for my BH, I've had a weakness for Troy Baker's voice for years now and she was the first through SoR, If I'd known it would matter...I want her with Torian :(


My main Gunslinger, Sage and Guardian are all fine though, they didn't romance their class LI and all three banged Theron with no worries.

Edited by AetherShanty
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"Companions that you romanced on your character will KNOW that you cheated on them on either Theron or Lana if you romanced them in Shadow of Revan..." Well... my arse is screwed when Kira realizes I romanced Lana.... :w_embarrass:


"Now Kira, put down the lightsaber...."


*swish swish swzzzt*


"We're on a bloody starship, Kira! You'll cause a breach!"


*crackle whoosh whoosh bzzzt*


"KIRA! It was just ONE kiss! It didn't mean anything!" (T_T)


*Lana overhears him and ignites her lightsaber* (O_O)


"Oh, Come on...!" (-_-)'


LOL.....that's about right. My Sent is in trouble, married Doc, then romanced the girl on Makeb, then Lana through SoR. I can see it now an angry Lana and an upset Doc healing Lana as the light-sabers fly....oh boy it's going to be interesting. My other toons have been straight and narrow.

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Hummm ....


Not seeing how it really matters. The male scoundrel storyline pretty much leaves you with sleeping with practically every woman that crosses your path.


Corso all but turns into a record player saying, "I'll, uh, catch you later".

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I'm chill...I just think you folks are getting played for fools by this "new direction" idea. Any of you ever do Oricon? DF? DP? That was a very BIG story update that ALSO added plenty of great repeatable content to the game...but now, you guys are getting more excited about less content, simply because it's being sold as a "story update".


I'm relaxed, I'm fine...I'm just trying to point out the obvious.


Aw, it's sweet that you're looking out for us, but we'll be ok.

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No one is going to mention how this whole video reeks of PR ?


It is just full of vague info and praising unknown features, her tone changed a lot since she started do KotFE videos.


This is not a condemnation of the video, or lady insanity, just an observation!

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Hummm ....


Not seeing how it really matters. The male scoundrel storyline pretty much leaves you with sleeping with practically every woman that crosses your path.


Corso all but turns into a record player saying, "I'll, uh, catch you later".


Unless you married the Female Mandalorian in your crew. Yeah.... Mandalorian Females don't take rejection/cheating likely. My Smuggler is going to be burned....

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I'm chill...I just think you folks are getting played for fools by this "new direction" idea. Any of you ever do Oricon? DF? DP? That was a very BIG story update that ALSO added plenty of great repeatable content to the game...but now, you guys are getting more excited about less content, simply because it's being sold as a "story update".


I'm relaxed, I'm fine...I'm just trying to point out the obvious.


I'm a so called progression raider. Yup, Oricon was very cool, and still is actually. But I don't feel like a fool. I'll ride the train because I will still get everything I like in this game and a revamping of Ops was sorely needed. If I have to wait a bit for a good Op np.


In the mean time story and getting my guildies through Ops they have never done will do just fine. That, and EC NiM which will once again be the top of the top. Can't even imagine what NiM will be like at 65.

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TOS and RAV HM last me HOURS per week...how the hell is one hour worth of story telling content, per month, "solid"? How little do you actually play that 1-hour is "solid" content to you?


Except that the video said not every chapter will be just one hour, only that it will be an hour minimum. The video mentioned and in case you missed it that some chapters will be longer than others. They also said depending on how you play the game, chapter length will change. So if you simply rush it will be seem short, but if you take your time and enjoy everything it will appear longer.


Not to mention all these chapters will be free just for subscribing like normal and will be repeatable on different characters so you can varied story outcomes, since they said your choices will matter.


Sounds solid to me.

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