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Vaylin, Koth and Senya fallen empire


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just thoughts i have after reading their profiles again


I think Vaylin may end up a companion or atleast a ally. Maybe Chapter 6 i think ayslum will deal with her.


Koth i think is a either or type same with Lana. whoever isnt your compion mostly an ally probably running your hq or such.


Senya Im not sure on sound like a ally from within the empire maybe a spy for you. but i had a friend suggest that in fact they are one of the "cops" trying to stop you. after reading article i think friend may be right in a way. but i doubt they are tanek partner...

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Is the sister of Dexan and Arcann.



We may be able to convert her to our cause eventually because she seems to feel like she's in the shadow of her brother(s), but it's certainly not something that's going to happen anywhere near the start of the story.


As for Senya, there's no honor to be had in Imperial Intelligence or SIS. She (presumably is a she) is not covert ops. It's hard to say what she is. LS bounty hunter NPC perhaps? Perhaps she's an Eternal Empire turncoat like Koth Vortena... but if that were the case, why would her KOTFE minisite blurb say "pursued offenders to the far corners of the galaxy"? Does she consider the Rishi Maze, as a dwarf satellite galaxy, to be technically "the galaxy"? It's possible, as the language can be semantically interpreted to mean that. She also says "The worst among us now rule over us. Their laws will never bring justice to the monsters who betray our ideals and murder our children." - The Empire and Republic have fallen, so she's either talking about the Eternal Empire, or puppet governments.

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i know who Vaylin is i took that into account.she can ve a turncoat. yea the lady of sorrows can be dealing her. i think is party of the etheral empire maybe they're law enforcement from the sounds of it.
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arent half our current companions looney? i could name a few need to be locked in a psycho ward and never let out


Not relative to her, it seems. Have you seen her quotes? She's absolutely bonkers.

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sorry was trying to say she wont be first person we had crazy. but i get your point i have say yes she is bonkers. but i think ds jeasa comes close to her level

Fair point. Dark Jaesa is "I like pointy things"-levels of crazy.

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Not relative to her, it seems. Have you seen her quotes? She's absolutely bonkers.


Which ones are you talking about? The ones on her character page?





I have always been held back. All my life, my power has been restrained for fear of the chaos and bloodshed that I might inflict on a whim.


But our whims represent our truest selves. And now that my power is fully my own, I intend to be very truthful.


To me that just screams Sith. :p

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Which ones are you talking about? The ones on her character page?


All my life, my power has been restrained for fear of the chaos and bloodshed that I might inflict on a whim.



To me that just screams Sith. :p


That's pretty telling right there. She may not be frothing at the mouth insane, but she's definitely a psychopath.


DS Jaesa is pretty bad too, but at least she has the high-on-bathsalts excuse for trying to eat people's faces off.

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I think Koth is going to be the foil to Lana in that he's going to be the Light Side companion who approves of good options. I think to start we will have Lana, Koth and HK-55 with Vaylin as the primary antagonist for the first few chapters and then either she dies, replaces Lana or joins as a member of the Alliance/Squad. Senya I think has more of a likeliness to be a companion or part of the Alliance just because she is in direct opposition, but I'm concerned about the team make up at this point.


We have potentially, if Vaylin and Senya are companions, a crew of four humans and a droid before we potentially get anyone else which imo is kind of boring. I would hope it would be as diverse as the Jedi Knight, Sith Warrior or even the Sith Inquisitor. It's nitpicky, but I want more than just humies on my crew :p

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I think Koth is going to be the foil to Lana in that he's going to be the Light Side companion who approves of good options. I think to start we will have Lana, Koth and HK-55 with Vaylin as the primary antagonist for the first few chapters and then either she dies, replaces Lana or joins as a member of the Alliance/Squad. Senya I think has more of a likeliness to be a companion or part of the Alliance just because she is in direct opposition, but I'm concerned about the team make up at this point.


We have potentially, if Vaylin and Senya are companions, a crew of four humans and a droid before we potentially get anyone else which imo is kind of boring. I would hope it would be as diverse as the Jedi Knight, Sith Warrior or even the Sith Inquisitor. It's nitpicky, but I want more than just humies on my crew :p


Agreed on the part of Koth being the reasonable one of the bunch.

I expect Lana to take a dive into darkness and pragmatism following the Eternal Empire invasion.

I see Vaylin as a secondary antagonist. She will oppose both us and her remaining brother, maybe in hope of getting her rightful place beside/on the throne of her father.

I somehow doubt HK-55 will be a companion. At least, financially it doesn't make sense. Why would people pay Cartel Coins to unlock Section X (For non-subscribers, if KOTFE can be bought by them) or unlock HK-51 on a new character when you can just get 55 for free while playing the story. Personnal theory is that 55 will be a central member of the Alliance and a major NPC but not a companion. I don't see Koth going on the field. I may be assuming too much but his artwork make him look like he is limping (Correct me if I'm wrong). He could be a coordinator. Senya has the making of a comp.

Actually, the reason I don't think Vaylin will be a companion is that her powers seems similar to what Lana can do, but that may be the point (With Vaylin being a DS choice and Lana a LS one, to pick who you keep with you).


I believe BW said that the KOTFE Press release doesn't list only companions and that not all characters (Besides Valkorion and Arcann, of course) are companions.

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Agreed on the part of Koth being the reasonable one of the bunch.

I expect Lana to take a dive into darkness and pragmatism following the Eternal Empire invasion.

I see Vaylin as a secondary antagonist. She will oppose both us and her remaining brother, maybe in hope of getting her rightful place beside/on the throne of her father.

I somehow doubt HK-55 will be a companion. At least, financially it doesn't make sense. Why would people pay Cartel Coins to unlock Section X (For non-subscribers, if KOTFE can be bought by them) or unlock HK-51 on a new character when you can just get 55 for free while playing the story. Personnal theory is that 55 will be a central member of the Alliance and a major NPC but not a companion. I don't see Koth going on the field. I may be assuming too much but his artwork make him look like he is limping (Correct me if I'm wrong). He could be a coordinator. Senya has the making of a comp.

Actually, the reason I don't think Vaylin will be a companion is that her powers seems similar to what Lana can do, but that may be the point (With Vaylin being a DS choice and Lana a LS one, to pick who you keep with you).


I believe BW said that the KOTFE Press release doesn't list only companions and that not all characters (Besides Valkorion and Arcann, of course) are companions.


Oh yeah Lana will definitely be the pragmatic one or at least the one most determined to actually fighting the war [be in the best interest of the Republic and Empire] so I suspect that while she's going to be primarily Dark Side it's because she's going to be the most in favor of winning [as per usual].


Agreed with Vaylin, she's most certainly going to be a lot more self serving.


As for HK-55 my guess is because either he'll be different enough that it's new and interesting or because the devs are really pushing this as something new. That way new players potentially have a familiar face, but I agree it's weird then again it's weird having another one regardless because 51 exists period. Story wise he's supposed to be a bodyguard and I think it'd be weird if he wasn't following the person he's supposed to be protecting.


I just think Koth is supposed to look like he has a swagger to his walk. You know that weird walk some characters have before their sex scenes. That one. He definitely could just be a huge coordinator, but I think that would eliminate the possibility of some early Pro-Zakuul feelings at least that's what I think because I don't know how the hub system is going to work in the expansion.


I have absolutely no idea what to make of Senya beyond that I expect her if a companion to be a melee tank.

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Oh yeah Lana will definitely be the pragmatic one or at least the one most determined to actually fighting the war [be in the best interest of the Republic and Empire] so I suspect that while she's going to be primarily Dark Side it's because she's going to be the most in favor of winning [as per usual].


Agreed with Vaylin, she's most certainly going to be a lot more self serving.


As for HK-55 my guess is because either he'll be different enough that it's new and interesting or because the devs are really pushing this as something new. That way new players potentially have a familiar face, but I agree it's weird then again it's weird having another one regardless because 51 exists period. Story wise he's supposed to be a bodyguard and I think it'd be weird if he wasn't following the person he's supposed to be protecting.


I just think Koth is supposed to look like he has a swagger to his walk. You know that weird walk some characters have before their sex scenes. That one. He definitely could just be a huge coordinator, but I think that would eliminate the possibility of some early Pro-Zakuul feelings at least that's what I think because I don't know how the hub system is going to work in the expansion.


I have absolutely no idea what to make of Senya beyond that I expect her if a companion to be a melee tank.


You absolutely nailed in regards to Koth Vortena's walk! Maynbe his default mode will be to hit on everything and everyone at all times.

All jokes asside, they seem to have given him a really cool weapon (That sort of blaster/electric sword combo). If that's his signature weapon then he won't be a customizable companion, they'll want to keep him "intact" to use his bad-*** gun.


Regarding Vaylin, if the is a companion, I either see her as a melee tank like you or, a first, a ranged DPS using the force (Sort of a Sorcerer) with an option to make her a Force Healer.

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I think Koth is going to be the foil to Lana in that he's going to be the Light Side companion who approves of good options. I think to start we will have Lana, Koth and HK-55 with Vaylin as the primary antagonist for the first few chapters and then either she dies, replaces Lana or joins as a member of the Alliance/Squad. Senya I think has more of a likeliness to be a companion or part of the Alliance just because she is in direct opposition, but I'm concerned about the team make up at this point.


We have potentially, if Vaylin and Senya are companions, a crew of four humans and a droid before we potentially get anyone else which imo is kind of boring. I would hope it would be as diverse as the Jedi Knight, Sith Warrior or even the Sith Inquisitor. It's nitpicky, but I want more than just humies on my crew :p

Nah, we have no idea if Senya is human yet. It sounds to me, from her brief write-up, that she's not from the Eternal Empire. She may be from the Rishi Maze, though, but it's hard to say.

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Nah, we have no idea if Senya is human yet. It sounds to me, from her brief write-up, that she's not from the Eternal Empire. She may be from the Rishi Maze, though, but it's hard to say.




The Vengeful Enforcer.

"Even Emperors must answer to the law."


I have served with honor. I have upheld the law and pursued offenders to the far corners of the galaxy. And I have lost everyone I ever held close.


The worst among us now rule over us. Their laws will never bring justice to the monsters who betray our ideals and murder our children. But I will.



all the above heavily implies she has grown bitter about her position based of personal experience, based on the way its written the zakuul empire as one of its force sensitive police officers. its also implied that the zakuul empire once had good leadership but it went bad and before long she saw something, probably corruption and abuse of authority dominante over the strict code of honor and justice she once served. must of happened over a few decades, again implied.


my guess is senya is a light side character who grew fed up with the way the empire is doing business, everyone she cares about is dead, implied that the zakuul empire had something to do with it or through inaction. whatever the case she probably left them behind or waiting for the right chance to jump ship as it were, then go after the emperor. its also implied she holds the emperor personally responsible for some action hes done in the past, something very serious.

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The Vengeful Enforcer.

"Even Emperors must answer to the law."


I have served with honor. I have upheld the law and pursued offenders to the far corners of the galaxy. And I have lost everyone I ever held close.


The worst among us now rule over us. Their laws will never bring justice to the monsters who betray our ideals and murder our children. But I will.



all the above heavily implies she has grown bitter about her position based of personal experience, based on the way its written the zakuul empire as one of its force sensitive police officers. its also implied that the zakuul empire once had good leadership but it went bad and before long she saw something, probably corruption and abuse of authority dominante over the strict code of honor and justice she once served. must of happened over a few decades, again implied.


my guess is senya is a light side character who grew fed up with the way the empire is doing business, everyone she cares about is dead, implied that the zakuul empire had something to do with it or through inaction. whatever the case she probably left them behind or waiting for the right chance to jump ship as it were, then go after the emperor. its also implied she holds the emperor personally responsible for some action hes done in the past, something very serious.


I like your analysis, if Senya does end up being similar (Or identical) to what you describe, I think I'll like her :)

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The Vengeful Enforcer.

"Even Emperors must answer to the law."


I have served with honor. I have upheld the law and pursued offenders to the far corners of the galaxy. And I have lost everyone I ever held close.


The worst among us now rule over us. Their laws will never bring justice to the monsters who betray our ideals and murder our children. But I will.



all the above heavily implies she has grown bitter about her position based of personal experience, based on the way its written the zakuul empire as one of its force sensitive police officers. its also implied that the zakuul empire once had good leadership but it went bad and before long she saw something, probably corruption and abuse of authority dominante over the strict code of honor and justice she once served. must of happened over a few decades, again implied.


my guess is senya is a light side character who grew fed up with the way the empire is doing business, everyone she cares about is dead, implied that the zakuul empire had something to do with it or through inaction. whatever the case she probably left them behind or waiting for the right chance to jump ship as it were, then go after the emperor. its also implied she holds the emperor personally responsible for some action hes done in the past, something very serious.

What her write-up makes me think is a law enforcer in the main galaxy that lived through the Eternal Empire's take-over, but it's equally possible she's from the Eternal Empire itself.

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What her write-up makes me think is a law enforcer in the main galaxy that lived through the Eternal Empire's take-over, but it's equally possible she's from the Eternal Empire itself.


law enforcer to which group? and in what context from your point of view you could imply from whats written?

who is say the zakuul/eternal empire is even from the rishi maze? they could be from the unknown regions between ilum and besavis, there is a whole section there on the galaxy map that was never explored on the game. i always thought that was odd to have such a large area of the galaxy not touched on. but i guess we may find out some that info in a few days time.

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law enforcer to which group? and in what context from your point of view you could imply from whats written?

who is say the zakuul/eternal empire is even from the rishi maze? they could be from the unknown regions between ilum and besavis, there is a whole section there on the galaxy map that was never explored on the game. i always thought that was odd to have such a large area of the galaxy not touched on. but i guess we may find out some that info in a few days time.

She could be a Sector Ranger. Again, just speculation.


However, the Warrior and Inquisitor stories in Shadow of Revan make it very clear that the Eternal Empire comes from the Rishi Maze. Especially the Inquisitor one.




You meet a Sith who wishes to explore the Rishi Maze, and discover several telling things, such as receiving a signal from there, as well as discovering that something to do with unlocking eternal life lies in the dwarf galaxy.





The opening to the Warrior story has him/her seeing a vision of not just the home galaxy being consumed by darkness, but an orbiting dwarf galaxy, which is identified by Vette and Quinn as being the Rishi Maze.


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She could be a Sector Ranger. Again, just speculation.


However, the Warrior and Inquisitor stories in Shadow of Revan make it very clear that the Eternal Empire comes from the Rishi Maze. Especially the Inquisitor one.




You meet a Sith who wishes to explore the Rishi Maze, and discover several telling things, such as receiving a signal from there, as well as discovering that something to do with unlocking eternal life lies in the dwarf galaxy.





The opening to the Warrior story has him/her seeing a vision of not just the home galaxy being consumed by darkness, but an orbiting dwarf galaxy, which is identified by Vette and Quinn as being the Rishi Maze.



the warrior force visions specific purpose was to point to a location of where the disturbance is, and having additional mentions of rishi meant it had nothing to do with the dwarf galaxy itself past being a location marker.


the inquisitor one, that was all about the mother machine rebuilding your body, it was stated that there are unknowns beyond the maze that gives the inquisitor 4 cycles of extra life, whatever a cycle is. again nothing concrete beyond that aging sith lord mentioning some communication traffic in several different languages, but that alone doesnt prove anything.


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the warrior force visions specific purpose was to point to a location of where the disturbance is, and having additional mentions of rishi meant it had nothing to do with the dwarf galaxy itself past being a location marker.


the inquisitor one, that was all about the mother machine rebuilding your body, it was stated that there are unknowns beyond the maze that gives the inquisitor 4 cycles of extra life, whatever a cycle is. again nothing concrete beyond that aging sith lord mentioning some communication traffic in several different languages, but that alone doesnt prove anything.


Maybe not "alone" but combined with the evidence of the other class experiences on Rishi, and with the devs saying at ComicCon that there are hints in Shadow of Revan that act as foreshadowing for Knights of the Fallen Empire, the evidence could not be more obvious, short of the in-game characters breaking the fourth wall, looking directly at the player, and saying, "The Eternal Empire is invading from the Rishi Maze."

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Maybe not "alone" but combined with the evidence of the other class experiences on Rishi, and with the devs saying at ComicCon that there are hints in Shadow of Revan that act as foreshadowing for Knights of the Fallen Empire, the evidence could not be more obvious, short of the in-game characters breaking the fourth wall, looking directly at the player, and saying, "The Eternal Empire is invading from the Rishi Maze."


id rather take hard evidence as a given from the horses mouth rather then debating if its the case or not by looking a gift horse down its mouth :p.


again in a few days time, some info on the outlander will be released in the next cantina tour on the 5th, it may provide hard proof no matter what. but im just keeping the idea open it may not be in the rishi maze even so.

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