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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Operative roll!!!


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Please, write me 3 paragraphs on how this is fair and blah blah blah lol. You guys are grown men for gods sake. It's called denial.


I'm simply disagreeing with you, and presenting what appears to me to be valid reasons, theres no need to be rude about it and accuse people of being in denial because we to not take your oppinion as fact.


Just finished a huttball game where two scoundrels were playing "row row row the ball gently down map...". Granted my team was incompetent in terms of grabbing the ball but just look at how incredibly stupid those animations look rolling over half of the map with each roll off the ramp.


A beautiful map ruined by one ability in the game, with a dev team so careless they probably haven't touched the code in weeks.


I have seen classes like powertech's, sin's, well co-ordinated teams do the same. Heck, I've even seen a juggernaught turn on enraged defence, run through the top fire, the bottom fire and then through the goal line.

I understand about the bug as they roll up the ramp, that could do with being adressed, however you are complaining about the actual roll and its function instead of its immunity.


The counter for huttball isn't easy, but you can stop it by controlling mid (Generaly good in all games) By waiting for the operative to roll, forceing them to roll before the ramp stop's them from rolling off it.


It has not been ruined by one skill, that is simply how huttball is at the moment. I've played against teams on my operative who did not give me a chance to run to the top edge to roll off it. I applaud them for that since it isn't easy.


Then again, I've played agianst other operatives and managed to stop them from doing the roll to the goal line, its possible (As long as nobody whitebar's the operative or there's 3 healers with the enemy team)

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Its denial because you're saying " just counter it" Lol. With what? As a ranged class you want me to run 30 meters to melee range to an op to stun him? Lol he can just stun me too, 50/50 chance. The counters you are suggesting are all resisted by roll, and the operative possesses the same tools. How exactly do I make sure that its me that stuns him and not him that stuns me? What if he breaks his stun? That's not a counter. That's denial.


You keep saying get the op to roll, and then it's done. Lol no its not, all he needs to do is shield probe, wz adrenaline, couple of hots, and guess what Roll is up again. Because its on a 10 second cooldown. Are you registering that? Roll is on a 10 second cooldown. So getting the guy to roll doesn't mean you can stop him after. It just means you're giving him some time to pop some other defensive cooldowns while 3 seconds of godmode activity is becoming available again.


As long as there isn't 3 healers in the enemy team? Have you played pvp recently? Half of all wz teams are healers these days.


So basically the counter to 1 ability in the game is to control mid? Why? Why should a team have to control an entire zone to negate 1 ability and put things on an even ground. You weren't able to trollol across the entire map with your op? sorry to hear that but I can easily do it. I know how easy it is you don't have to try to convince me otherwise. Be serious... Juggernaut enraged defense is not even comparable to Roll. Enraged defense can be burnt through so easily by damage, or can be stunned or rooted or whatever. The operative basically teleports 50m away without you being able to do anything. How about we give Sins the ability to carry the ball through phase walk? How about a 3 second bubble for sorcs every 10 seconds with the ability to move? Undying rage for marauders and add CC immunity every 10 seconds? Gonna put this here from previous posts:



Quote: Originally Posted by jauvtus View Post

How much dmg immunites classes have?

Jugg: 3s (5s with utility) every 60s, but vulnerable to melee white dmg (5%/8,3% uptime)

Mara: 4s (6s with utility) every 180s (150s with utility), but only 99% dmg red, still killable at low health (2,22%/4% uptime)

Sorc: 10s every 180s (150s with utility) (5,55%/6,66% uptime)

Sin: 3s (5s with utility) every 60s , but vulnerable to white dmg; with stealth utility up to 2s every 90s (5%/8,3% uptime; +additional 2.22% uptime, meaning 7,22%/10,5% uptime)

PT: none

Merc: 6 stack immunity for 1 discipline every 45s, vulnerable to white dmg

Sniper: 3s every 60s, but vulnerable to yellow dmg (5% uptime)


Op: 3s every 60s (~40s with utility and getting attacked), but vulnerable yellow dmg; with stealth utility up to 2s every 90s (5%/7,5% uptime+additional 2,22% uptime, meaning 7,22%/9,72% uptime)

+concealment: 3s every 13s, NOT VULNERABLE TO ANYTHING (23% uptime!!!!, combined with evasion: up to 30%/32,5% uptime!!!!)



Every class (who has any kind of immunity) have much smaller uptime, and NEITHER of them are INVINCIBLE (except sorc, but they are sitting in 1 place and cant do anything, conceal can spend some of the immunity freely acting) all are vulnerable to at least 1 form of dmg. Dont get started with roots and stuns and rolling breaking rotation or any other crap, concealment roll is broken!



I get it, you're superinvested in this one ability because you want your operative to be overpowered. you know why I don't play mine? Because its incredibly boring, cheesy, and not a challenge.


As I've repeated myself 30 times: 100% immunity, to everything, 25% of the time is incredibly overpowered and gamebreaking.

Edited by Boomer-
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Its denial because you're saying " just counter it" Lol. With what? As a ranged class you want me to run 30 meters to melee range to an op to stun him? Lol he can just stun me too, 50/50 chance. The counters you are suggesting are all resisted by roll, and the operative possesses the same tools. How exactly do I make sure that its me that stuns him and not him that stuns me? What if he breaks his stun? That's not a counter. That's denial.


So basically the counter to 1 ability in the game is to control mid? Why? Why should a team have to control an entire zone to negate 1 ability and put things on an even ground. You weren't able to trollol across the entire map with your op? sorry to hear that but I can easily do it. I know how easy it is you don't have to try to convince me otherwise. Be serious... Juggernaut enraged defense is not even comparable to Roll. Enraged defense can be burnt through so easily by damage, or can be stunned or rooted or whatever. The operative basically teleports 50m away without you being able to do anything. How about we give Sins the ability to carry the ball through phase walk? How about a 3 second bubble for sorcs every 10 seconds with the ability to move? Undying rage for marauders and add CC immunity every 10 seconds? Gonna put this here from previous posts:



Quote: Originally Posted by jauvtus View Post

How much dmg immunites classes have?

Jugg: 3s (5s with utility) every 60s, but vulnerable to melee white dmg (5%/8,3% uptime)

Mara: 4s (6s with utility) every 180s (150s with utility), but only 99% dmg red, still killable at low health (2,22%/4% uptime)

Sorc: 10s every 180s (150s with utility) (5,55%/6,66% uptime)

Sin: 3s (5s with utility) every 60s , but vulnerable to white dmg; with stealth utility up to 2s every 90s (5%/8,3% uptime; +additional 2.22% uptime, meaning 7,22%/10,5% uptime)

PT: none

Merc: 6 stack immunity for 1 discipline every 45s, vulnerable to white dmg

Sniper: 3s every 60s, but vulnerable to yellow dmg (5% uptime)


Op: 3s every 60s (~40s with utility and getting attacked), but vulnerable yellow dmg; with stealth utility up to 2s every 90s (5%/7,5% uptime+additional 2,22% uptime, meaning 7,22%/9,72% uptime)

+concealment: 3s every 13s, NOT VULNERABLE TO ANYTHING (23% uptime!!!!, combined with evasion: up to 30%/32,5% uptime!!!!)



Every class (who has any kind of immunity) have much smaller uptime, and NEITHER of them are INVINCIBLE (except sorc, but they are sitting in 1 place and cant do anything, conceal can spend some of the immunity freely acting) all are vulnerable to at least 1 form of dmg. Dont get started with roots and stuns and rolling breaking rotation or any other crap, concealment roll is broken!



I get it, you're superinvested in this one ability because you want your operative to be overpowered. you know why I don't play mine? Because its incredibly boring, cheesy, and not a challenge.


As I've repeated myself 30 times: 100% immunity, to everything, 25% of the time is incredibly overpowered and gamebreaking.


this pretty much, there a ton of concealment operatives now just timing rolls while attacking its the only ability in game that gives you IMMUNITY to everything, including, pulls, stuns, roots, slows, damage (all kind), while sorc for exemple has to remain still and CANT carry the ball while doing it. not even shroud from sin is that OP compared (at least they are not immune to normal damage).


If there arent at least 3 people bashing on the Operative gg cant do anything.

Edited by xxIncubixx
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this pretty much, there a ton of concealment operatives now just timing rolls while attacking


Just to jump in there, you cannot roll while attacking. You sacrifice a GCD, an attack to use the roll. its not off the GCD.


its the only ability in game that gives you IMMUNITY to everything, including, pulls, stuns, roots, slows, damage (all kind), while sorc for exemple has to remain still and CANT carry the ball while doing it. not even shroud from sin is that OP compared (at least they are not immune to normal damage).


If there arent at least 3 people bashing on the Operative gg cant do anything.


well, if the sorc bubble does it then its not the only skill in the game that gives you immunity to everything, right?

You've only mentioned the strong parts of thr skill and not its weak points. It cannot be used while rooted and it consumes a GCD to be used.


It isn't overpowered really since it has those limitations.

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It's working but the DR is way less than 75%. I can hit a Sniper that is running evasion with a 10k Cell Burst. If you are to believe that Evasion is functioning properly that would mean that the Cell Burst would have hit him for 40k had he not been running Evasion.


Also compare hitting a sniper with Evasion up to hitting a Gunslinger with Dodge up, you'll notice you can hit the sniper significantly harder than you can hit the gunslinger for.


Oh, so you mean it's bugged just for sniper, and not the talent in general.


Yeah, that makes and I can believe that, I usually just try to not use any big hitters when evasion/dodge is up, but hopefully they'll fix that bug.

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I'm so tired of this discussion. Its impossible to reason with you people. Just finished a huttball game where two scoundrels were playing "row row row the ball gently down map...". just look at how incredibly stupid those animations look rolling over half of the map with each roll off the ramp, literally teleporting across the map with immunity. Please, write me 3 paragraphs on how this is fair and blah blah blah lol. Write me another paragraph on how roll is just like force charge, when in reality its nothing close...You guys are grown men for gods sake. It's called denial.


A beautiful map ruined by one ability in the game, with a dev team so careless they probably haven't touched the code in weeks.


^ Yeah :(

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Its horrible, roll is horrible. On other maps its not so crucial but on HB is game braking. Its not the immunity, its not the speed, is the *********** retarded game that can't keep up with the roll. I have no problem with blink in wow and that is a full blown teleport.


Roll should drop the ball OR BW fix this broken engine they got.

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Its horrible, roll is horrible. On other maps its not so crucial but on HB is game braking. Its not the immunity, its not the speed, is the *********** retarded game that can't keep up with the roll. I have no problem with blink in wow and that is a full blown teleport.


Roll should drop the ball OR BW fix this broken engine they got.


Don't worry after 4.0 everyone else will be teleporting and and dashing and **** so it'll balance out. :rak_09:

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Don't worry after 4.0 everyone else will be teleporting and and dashing and **** so it'll balance out. :rak_09:


Actually I wont since even if all the other specs have 10 teleports roll will still be broken based on the ****** engine they have.

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  • 2 years later...

Yeah.. operatives are a total troll class with endless self heals, immunities stuns and escapes.. but we are talking about PVP in a game where abilities are designed/were designed for PVE MAINLY !


It's pointless to whine here because nothing can be done and you know it.


And yes concealment is the major problem. Not gonna get fixed any time soon after it took them 1 year to make MINIMAL nerf to mercs and snipers.


We have to learn to deal with these operatives and pray that the enemy team in ranked doesn't have too many of them and if it does hope that at least one of them is garbage. ;)


Bottom line,


Every class that can self heal constantly has a very big advantage vs someone who has very little in PVP. The end result will be always or mostly the same with rare exceptions.

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Yeah.. operatives are a total troll class with endless self heals, immunities stuns and escapes.. but we are talking about PVP in a game where abilities are designed/were designed for PVE MAINLY !


It's pointless to whine here because nothing can be done and you know it.


And yes concealment is the major problem. Not gonna get fixed any time soon after it took them 1 year to make MINIMAL nerf to mercs and snipers.


We have to learn to deal with these operatives and pray that the enemy team in ranked doesn't have too many of them and if it does hope that at least one of them is garbage. ;)


Bottom line,


Every class that can self heal constantly has a very big advantage vs someone who has very little in PVP. The end result will be always or mostly the same with rare exceptions.



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I'm confused. I tend to feel like this chick when I see a scoundrel/operative in ranked. Especially concealment.


"OMG they're so slow rising!"



(Fair warning, do not watch more than 30 seconds of that video. Your brain will actually fall out of your skull.)

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