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CM trooper gear recommendations?


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Hey all, I’m looking for a good look in CM gear for my trooper-type characters. CM since I want to Collections unlock for many alts and comps.


I prefer the more traditional, simpler looks (the less odd appendages, the better). For example, I really like the 192 Devoted Allies trooper set (except for the horrid boots). My Trooper uses the Clan Varad Recon chest. But none of the listed similar on tor-fashion were Collections unlockable.


Thank you!

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I like the Nimble Brawler set (or Dynamic Brawler from the latest Mid Rim pack, should be fairly cheap right now).


Stalwart Protector is good, just... orange. Mind you, I bought it when it was on sale (about 600cc), so it might be a good idea to wait for it - unless you want it right now(it's available directly from the Cartel Market).


Shae Vizla set is more for the Bounty Hunter, but Galvanized Infantry Set works for both, and is fairly neutral. I like it.

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Thanks for the feedback!


Stalwart Protector – I like it! Would like better without the winglet on the bandolier. Will check GTN tonight. 480CC unlock is a bummer.


Dynamic Brawler – I bought it 2 days ago, LOL! Mainly since it was only 22.5K(!) and passable headgear (hate when my nasty GSF ones appear in cutscenes). Didn’t think of it as a trooper type, but I’ll check it out on him.


Galvanized Infantry – Expensive on my server yesterday (~2.5M), though I have the credits. Maybe flashier than my tastes, but I’ll take another look, thanks!


Unbreakable Veteran – Can I break off the thing on the L shoulder? :)


Many thanks for all the suggestions!

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Galvanized Infantry – Expensive on my server yesterday (~2.5M), though I have the credits. Maybe flashier than my tastes, but I’ll take another look, thanks!


Unbreakable Veteran – Can I break off the thing on the L shoulder? :)

Don't forget the Energized Infantry set: it's the same shells with a different paint scheme and yellow lighting.


And no, you may NOT break off the rockets on your left pauldron. That was on the old Centurion Trooper PvP armor, which the model is copied from.

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I was looking for much the same thing I'm currently using the Frontline Veteran set (except for the helmet I like to see my character's face so i use the beret from Makeb for that). Also once you get up to level 60 you can just buy the massassi boltblaster's armor via elite coms, which is identical to the devoted comp. armor.
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Update: I bought a set of the Classic Forward Recon. Nice and clean ... maybe a little too much so?


Considering adding the Frontline Veteran, and leaving off the over-sized gauntlets and its "Predator" helmet.


Thanks again for all your suggestions!

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