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Everything posted by Old_Empire

  1. Based on this http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/2070 J2900 should run, but you'll probably be running at lowest graphics setting. You still need to check on video card requirement.
  2. It's worst than Intel i3. At least get a Intel i5 with decent videocard. Use this as reference. http://www.cpubenchmark.net/ http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/ Only look at the High end chart. It's a little misleading, for gaming, the lower listing of the high end chart is actually considered low end.
  3. Don't know about you but I'm keeping all my companions. Played one of each class, got all 40 companions. Will probably play them all to 65 but not starting outlander, until I can get the ones I like back. The free character will be the one I'll experience outlander and gain the new set of companions.
  4. Actually, it does not make sense to allow a the boosted level 60 to go back and do class quests. You arrive at fleet with all your original 5 companions upon creation. Story is broken.
  5. What happens when a free to play or preferred player, who has never subscribe and never buy SOR; buy/use a token? Level cap will be 55.
  6. Go to your ship mission console to start, same way as you start Makeb.
  7. Thanks. A nice companion to have, too bad.
  8. Anyone know the name of the female human wielding dual lightsaber, standing together with Valkorion and Arcann, from the starting screen?
  9. Ever since 3.2 comes with outfit designer, I never bother with heavy/medium/light. Just put on a set of custom, buy the blue mods from fleet supplies, 2 comm each. The outfit tabs on the right side of your character screen, use it to display the looks of your character. My Sage/Sorcerer has the look of a heavy armor chest. At 39 and under level, you'll be at Belsavis. Buy lvl37 blue mods from fleet, then upgrade at 41, 45. If you've limited comm, at least change the armouring of the 7 gear pieces and barrel for weapon/offhand. 18 x 2 comm including companion. It'll make do, until 47. Then head to Makeb, with GSI, the lvl 45 mods gets you to 55 easily. Don't bother with the higher lvl drop from Makeb, you'll notice they lower your stats if you check your char screen.
  10. After playing through all classes, I find all the range classes best for pve. If I've to choose a JK/SW, it'll be Guardian / Juggernaut, because I find it very much easier than Sentinel / Marauder. 1. Vanguard / Powertech - tank. still have some range skills, but need to go close for boss fight 2. Guardian / Juggernaut - tank. high survival in Soresu stance. 3. Shadow / Assassin - tank. stealth capable. 4. Scoundrel / Operative - stealth capable. 4. Sentinel / Marauder Avoid using stealth too much in pve, unless you're going to do fp, pvp, heroic, etc; or you're going to be way under level. I place tank classes above DPS, because you'll find the melee DPS classes die a lot. When the mobs are spread, you gotto melee one at a time, that sucks. The heavy armored tanks Guardian / Juggernaut can take damage.
  11. Lol. He's a Darth and member of the dark council. Why would he be your companion, unless you're the emperor. A dark council member only reports to the emperor (said by Marr in Inquisitor class story, when titled Darth Nox)
  12. None. Other than the 6 adv classes you've already played, the rest are very much melee, especially when it comes to boss fight. Range fight Sage / Sorcerer Gunslinger / Sniper Commando / Mercenary Melee fight Shadow / Assassin Scoundrel / Operative Sentinel / Marauder Guardian / Juggernaut Vanguard / Powertech
  13. If you're only levelling up and not doing ops/warzone, you don't need to upgrade everything. No need relic/earpiece/impants. I upgrade at lvl 17 25 33 41 and no enhancement for the lower lvls. For the 7 pieces of armor, you need 38 comms. Weapon/offhand 12 comms. That's max 100 coms for yourself+companion. If you want it easy, upgrade barrel/hilt every 4 levels for yourself+companion instead of every 8 levels. The instant I hit lvl 47, I head for Makeb with the lvl 41 gear. It's good enough till lvl 55 with the GSI. Then upgrade lvl 55 comms and go back steam roll Voss/Corellia, before moving on to the interlude/Rishi. If you intend to follow the story through Voss/Corellia, not jumping to Makeb at 47, then upgrade at lvl 45.
  14. Shield your tank first, then whirlwind one of them, take him out of fight for 60 secs. Send your tank on the other. Interrupt his shot, you need your tank alive to fight the other. It's easier with a sorc than a sin, since you can heal up before starting to fight the other.
  15. You do not need to upgrade fully, but it's very important to upgrade for companion. Unless you're doing OP/warzones, you can skip the mods/enhancements at lower levels. Only refresh your weapon barrel/hilt as it determine your weapon rating and gear armorings as it determine armor rating. This way, you'll save a lot of comms and by doing class quests alone with the exp x12, you'll find yourself with a lot to spare to buy fleet custom weapons and offhands for all your companions.
  16. As much as I know, rating 162 is for warzones. Give you the most expertise from Bolster, something like Makeb GSI. Unless you've highly rated pvp purples with lots of expertise, any gear higher or lower than 162 give lower expertise. For pve, you can run with level 41 blue mods from fleet until level 47. Then head for Makeb. GSI boost will get you to level 55. Then buy fleet rating 172 level 55 comms. It'll get you through Rishi/Yavin easily. End stage of Yavin class quest will refresh you with rating 178.
  17. There's an small advantage treek or HK offer. When you gain a new companion, you mostly have to quest or fight that planet's end stage/boss. That companion gear is subpar green. You can't summon any other companion as they'll be grey off, except treek. If treek is better geared, you can call her in for all fights except any part that involves a conversation Then call that companion back for the conversation part. At times the fight only start after the conversation, but you'll be able to summon treek if you die and revive on the spot. Exception for a few companions where fight reset when you die, then you can't bring in treek e.g. Skadge.
  18. I use orange custom with blue mods from fleet. Starting from level 13 blue mods, upgrade every 8 levels for the 7 armor pieces. I only start putting enh mod at higher level, to save comm. Weapon blue mods barrel/hilt every 6 levels. Apply for character and companion. You'll realise all the green drop/quest pieces you pick up along the way will be trash because they'll be lower rated. Once I hit 47, I go Makeb. With level 43 blue mods and GSI, I realise the stats is better than any higher rated items, making the green items pick up from Makeb trash. I've no relic, ear piece and implants. Did it this way with ease, for one of each class.
  19. If you're heading to Makeb, with GSI, don't upgrade your gear. I use level 45 blue mods on orange custom until I complete Makeb quests. Then upgrade to level 55 blue mods to start the prelude and Rishi. What I notice is, any higher level gear or even the better rating green gear I get from Makeb drop, lower my stats like damage.
  20. Unbreakable Veteran is good. 90cc to unlock. I got it unlocked for 45cc when there's a 50% couple of months back. Use it for trooper and bounty hunter. Use a primary medium gray dye for bounty hunter.
  21. Once you hit 55, go to fleet supplies and buy the barrel/hilt/mod/enh (level 55 rating 172 blue) and put them on custom armor/weapon/offhand. 50 basic comms. It'll take you all the way until you finish Yavin quest line. After Makeb, you'll be doing the prelude followed by Rishi (if you've Revan expansion). Rishi quest line gives a full set of (level 55 rating 162 green) gear/weapon, followed by (level 55 rating 168 green). The rating 172 surpass these and you'll have an easy time with Prelude and Rishi quest since you won't need to look forward to get them. Yavin quest line, provide a set of armor/weapon/offhand (level 55 rating 178 blue), that you'll be swapping out along the way. With the rating 178, you head to Ziost after Yavin. Ziost quest line, provide partial set of Citadel (level 60 rating 190 blue). 5 armor and offhand. You can buy the missing wrist and belt with Ziost+basic comm. Mainhand weapon, easiest is rating 186 purple, buy from crafter/GTN. Higher rating, need to run hardmode FP.
  22. http://www.swtor.com/fallen-empire/home Start Oct 27 2015 Free to subscribers Nico Okarr Companion Be a sub on Jul 31 EPIC STORY XP BOOST - 12x XP boost End Oct 19 2015
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