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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Anyone else feeling hopeless?


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this game sucks lol idk why people still play it


the only ppl that still care enough about its "competitiveness" are usually leftovers or ppl that were never good when the game took a little bit more skills


e.g. lukewarm peasants


Luke Skywalker was a peasant ?


Hm ... yes, he was.

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Full ack !



But that's not bad.

*Really* bad is in my eyes that the same New Class Trinity (3 classes, in fact) dominate PvP FOR TWO SEASONS :


You forgot the part where there is no pre-season and no more adjustments prior to season 6 so... THREE seasons of the same FOTM (henceforth to be renamed Flavor of the quarter, expansion, year?)

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Lol krea I got the same feeling that you do D: Im gonna try PVE now as a friend suggested before taking a break, explore new parts of the game might work.


So thats my suggestion, try PVE, even if its the same fights over and over, you might find a new hobby, who knows

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You forgot the part where there is no pre-season and no more adjustments prior to season 6 so... THREE seasons of the same FOTM (henceforth to be renamed Flavor of the quarter, expansion, year?)


Part of the reason why I have both bounty hunters. I enjoy them both, but when playing Mercenary gets tiresome, I can conveniently switch to my Powertech.

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I think you have to be fairly casual in this game, otherwise you will get disenchanted really quick due to dev apathy. They don't see PvP in SWTOR the same way that many of us do.


I don't feel hopeless. I get my enjoyment from playing all the classes in regs. If I stay focused on one class for too long, it gets really stale. As such, I'm one of the players who has exhumed on almost all the toons, both factions, but not full DR on any of them. As such, I'm pretty excited by the thought of cheaper DR so that I can get it on lots of toons...


I kind of gave up on ranked for the most part after season 1. I've dabbled, but never really gone all in since S1. I accepted that we're not going to see any new maps, ranked is not going to change, balance issues for 4v4 arenas don't seem to be understood by those in charge. I'm pondering getting into ranked next season, not caring about rating, playing a completely non-FoTM class (sentinel/mara and commando/Merc), going for participation rewards, and see what happens. I'm guessing my ignore list will fill up pretty quick with sins and sorcs getting mad at me for having the audacity to queue a non-FoTM class, though. Oh well. :p


Floplag, hit me up if you want to run some on harbinger. I'll even bust out my tank VG and guard you if you want. ;) I've been playing my sentinel Katolo mostly, and mara Malovo imp side. Anybody who sticks with a non-FoTM class is good people in my book.

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I think you have to be fairly casual in this game, otherwise you will get disenchanted really quick due to dev apathy. They don't see PvP in SWTOR the same way that many of us do.


^ Sums it up I think.


Many or all of us have envisioned the potential the game's PVP has had but it hasn't, and I doubt ever will, be even close to realized. Also the fact that game staff suck hard at talking straight, following through on commitments, and demonstrating care about quality and value. They make it look like a bunch of drunks have been steering the ship.


Casual game is casual, and now basically a SP RPG with a sub and maintenance-mode MP stuff apparently lol. Disappointing yeah but given TOR's history regarding PVP not unexpected. BF when :rak_02:

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Many or all of us have envisioned the potential the game has but it hasn't, and I doubt ever will, be even close to realized.



Great comment, i think we want more for this game than they do at this point. SOOOOO much unrealized potential.

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For me what makes things start to feel hopeless is the mismatch after mismatch in the games. In "RL" sports (and lets face it, PvP in this game is modeled a lot more after sports than it is war) no one is hardly every saying "man, you know, we've had that SAME basketball court for decades. I really wish they'd make a new map." It's not the maps so much (again, for me), it's that SO many of the matches are just not very competitive. Again, using the "RL" thing, there are leagues, levels, brackets, whatever that for the most part put similarly skilled/capable people against each other. But in this game (and most other MMOs I think) everyone gets thrown in together, and it seems more often than not you end up with a team full of "Michael Jordans" playing a high-school team.
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It's just funny that like - people complain so much about arenas filled to the brim with powertechs, sorcerers and sins, but if I try to play my mercenary or sniper in solo ranked, I get a bunch of messages after the game telling me to stop queing up as those classes.
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Definitely. I started playing SWTOR in beta for the story, I stayed playing it ever since for the PvP and Ops. Now that there will be no new content for either, I am at my wits end.


Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, isn't that the definition of something?

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It's just funny that like - people complain so much about arenas filled to the brim with powertechs, sorcerers and sins, but if I try to play my mercenary or sniper in solo ranked, I get a bunch of messages after the game telling me to stop queing up as those classes.


This, though they like it just fine when its on the other team.

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For my part, I just play. I'm not going to let the problems with the game get me down. I don't like ranked anymore so I don't do it anymore. If I'm feeling burnt out, I'll just log off and go watch Netflix or something. I don't have any hope to lose. The devs already told us no to most of what people asked for. It's a mini game, a fun mini game, but nothing to get super serious about.


I had a funny in game conversation where another Sage player was castigating me for not having every single datacron on my main. He/She even suggested this invalidated any of my comments re: Sorcs and Sages. I thought that was just nuts. People take this game too seriously. It's entertainment, not work. If you aren't having fun, you are doing it wrong.


Haha I don't have all the datacrons or companion buffs on any of my toons. Too much work for something I do for fun. I'd rather queue up then go searching for a datacron. I'd rather buy a augment than spend money of companion gifts. i don't craft enough to get them from crew skills. I just do this game for fun.

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(givin maniac credit on this again. he's the brains of the operation. I'm just a keyboard warrior).


Thanks for the shoutout.


I firmly believe that when the xpac drops, PvP will become single faction. There wont be an Empire or republic - just this 'Outlander' and whatever faction he/she is.


As Spankky mentioned earlier, I asked many questions at the Community Cantina dealing with PvP specifically if single faction would or COULD be implemented. Musco said this was something that could not be done and I asked for a game designer to give specificity as to why? Forgot who responded but they said even if it was possible, it would require an engine/server overhaul on par with cross-server.


Even though this may be a great band-aid to the current low q's and faction imbalances, sadly it will never occur.


It's just funny that like - people complain so much about arenas filled to the brim with powertechs, sorcerers and sins, but if I try to play my mercenary or sniper in solo ranked, I get a bunch of messages after the game telling me to stop queing up as those classes.


I feel you. Every warzone I go into with my mando its "great we lost" or "why do you even q." I used to do this when I responded to all the Haters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIF5ElwC34o


Even though I can tank 120k dmg with everyone on the other team on me at once. It takes a masochistic player to play mando in ranked and the sad state it has been in for the past several years have left me to abandon the class.


With all of that, I have taken several breaks from the game and find that after a break, my expectations are better set and I can find the game enjoyable again. If you don't like it, don't play it, take a break, maybe come back in a few months. There is no shame in stopping and coming to terms that PvP is an after thought that is poorly monetised in this game (even though it could be monetized). Hell, the Cartel PvP warzone items for FTP say they allow to do Ranked when in reality they only allow you to do unlimited warzones.

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RNGesus giveth.

RNGesus taketh away.

Blessed be, thy RNGesus.


"You're never alone when you walk with Jesus"


To the OP: We have all been there, and we either stick it out or leave. It's a funny thing when you start getting friends in the opposite faction. First time I felt like you I changed environment(Faction), gained perspective, the next time I just focused on node guarding and gained perspective, the third I buried myself in pvp youtube clips and stats and gained perspective, the fourth time I didn't play for a week, and guess, I gained perspective;)


"Build it, and he will come";)

Edited by t-darko
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"You're never alone when you walk with Jesus"


To the OP: We have all been there, and we either stick it out or leave. It's a funny thing when you start getting friends in the opposite faction. First time I felt like you I changed environment(Faction), gained perspective, the next time I just focused on node guarding and gained perspective, the third I buried myself in pvp youtube clips and stats and gained perspective, the fourth time I didn't play for a week, and guess, I gained perspective;)


"Build it, and he will come";)


Yea, I just decided to unsub and play League of legends competitively again. Unfortunately, I bought a 6 month sub and it doesn't end til late august :c

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