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No scale for Colicoid War Game and Directive 7?


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Hi i would like to ask if you are also going to scale these too FP and you just missed them in you list by mistake or they were missed by purpose. Cause i think if you will not bring any new repeatable content you will need all help you can get. And these are two of old FPs who many of new players dont know a lot. Edited by ShawDou
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Directive 7 has a level 50 HM version, so that will undoubtedly be scaled up (meaning they likely left it off by accident). Colicoid War Games was also missing from the list, but since they mentioned Red Reaper finally getting a HM it's likely CWG will too (again they likely left it off by accident).
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Directive 7 has a level 50 HM version, so that will undoubtedly be scaled up (meaning they likely left it off by accident). Colicoid War Games was also missing from the list, but since they mentioned Red Reaper finally getting a HM it's likely CWG will too (again they likely left it off by accident).


I suppose it is by mistake, but with BW, you can never know, specially Directive 7 would deserve scale and Colicoid wars a almost unique. ;)

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It might be that they are planning to rework the mechanics for CWG and D7 to make them more "solo-friendly."


CWG I understand, though it can be Duo easily.


As for D7, it's already soloable, even on HM and has been since the cap was raised to 55. There are no mechanics in SM that would require any change except leveling up the content. Shoot even HM has no mechanics that are not solo friendly.

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colicoid was built around the idea of 4 player because of the turrets and the console/forcefield puzzles, i dont see that going solo at any point.


i am rather surprised by the lack of solo fps low level between 15 and 33. when that 12xp disappears there will be that gap. but these have been thrown into the tactical fp side of things instead. i dont understand that, why there is such a gap at low levels and yet there is too much high level solo fp. those with lines in between implies a large gap between levels.


Black Talon



Boarding Party

Taral V

The Foundry

Maelstrom Prison


Battle of Ilum

The False Emperor


Assault on Tython

Korriban Incursion

Manaan Research Facility

Legacy of the Rakata

Blood Hunt

Battle of Rishi


rather see a little more help for lower levels.

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colicoid was built around the idea of 4 player because of the turrets and the console/forcefield puzzles, i dont see that going solo at any point.


Maybe you misunderstood me. I didnt wanted these to be solo, i wanted to ask why they dont scale to 65 HM FP. Cause these two are only FP in game that they dont have in their list for 65 HM FPs.


i am rather surprised by the lack of solo fps low level between 15 and 33. when that 12xp disappears there will be that gap. but these have been thrown into the tactical fp side of things instead. i dont understand that, why there is such a gap at low levels and yet there is too much high level solo fp. those with lines in between implies a large gap between levels.


About solo FP, they are not here to help people level faster. They made them to let people run story heavy FPs solo at appropriate level. Others FPs are mostly just additional small quests without impact on actual main story and most of them will become tactical.

Edited by ShawDou
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Maybe you misunderstood me. I didnt wanted these to be solo, i wanted to ask why they dont scale to 65 HM FP. Cause these two are only FP in game that they dont have in their list for 65 HM FPs..


that was in general why i mentioend solo, look at a few of the other replies.

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But as I stated before, I am as sure as I can be that it is not an error.


I would maybe agree with Colicoid War Game it might be challenge to make it HM. But cant see any reason to exclude Directive 7.

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I care, and there are others that do as well, so you are wrong. Go troll someplace else.

OK, you go be wrong somewhere else. You wanting it to be an error is not going to magically transform it into an error.


Since you want to know so badly, we can assume you have PM'd Eric Musco, right?


I would maybe agree with Colicoid War Game it might be challenge to make it HM. But cant see any reason to exclude Directive 7.

Because they did (but again, I'm not an employee so I allow that there's a chance it might be an error).

Edited by branmakmuffin
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As for D7, it's already soloable, even on HM and has been since the cap was raised to 55. There are no mechanics in SM that would require any change except leveling up the content. Shoot even HM has no mechanics that are not solo friendly.

Actually, there are quite a lot of mechanics in D7 that were clearly designed for a 4-man group. Yes, you can solo it just fine but the fights make more sense as a group.


Like that boss where you have clones coming out of the tubes. Unless you have too much DPS, the boss will spawn exactly four clones, one for each player. If you solo it, it will spawn the same clone four times.


Then there is Bulwark where you need to destroy two consoles, and the two adds going to each console. Yes, it can be soloed but destroying both adds and tanking the boss is supposed to be done by separate players and not the same.


And finally, in the Mentor fight, you have one player to tank the droid add, one player who has to sit out and kite the claw, and one player with a gap-closing ability to destroy the cores.


You're right that the flashpoint is soloable, I've done it many times now, but the mechanics are much more fun as a group, and I hope that they won't put it in solo mode.

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... You're right that the flashpoint is soloable, I've done it many times now, but the mechanics are much more fun as a group, and I hope that they won't put it in solo mode.


If you read my post, you would SEE that i wanted them to make it 65 HM not solo FP. Cause it was not on their list when they showed it to us. You say it is fun group fight, so you agree it should be scaled to 65 HM right?

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