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Operations and Flashpoints in Fallen Empire


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I mean for this one they said they will focus on story. Its still a free to play game so they don´t have indefinite resources.

There is nothing wrong with unsubscribing. More operations and new flashpoints will probably come later on after the launch of the expansion.

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This is an outstanding move by Bioware. LOTRO did this exact thing, years ago, and their "flashpoints" were ran all of the time. It finally makes running anything in the game viable--at any level. Not only did they say that everything (minus Colicoid =[ ) can be run at any level with no limitations on level, but that we each get our own, class-specific gear.


That is just as important. LOTRO did the same thing there, too. When you run a dungeon, you get Your Own Loot.


Beautiful move. While there are a lot of complaints about no new content, I feel that this will give the players plenty of time to get used to this new system and they will love it just the same. So, when new content is released, we'll be ready for it.


Thank you, finally, Bioware!


Lotro is the worst MMO I ever played -_- sorry that sounds so sarky towards you but it really was the worst

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This is an outstanding move by Bioware. LOTRO did this exact thing, years ago, and their "flashpoints" were ran all of the time. It finally makes running anything in the game viable--at any level. Not only did they say that everything (minus Colicoid =[ ) can be run at any level with no limitations on level, but that we each get our own, class-specific gear.


That is just as important. LOTRO did the same thing there, too. When you run a dungeon, you get Your Own Loot.


Beautiful move. While there are a lot of complaints about no new content, I feel that this will give the players plenty of time to get used to this new system and they will love it just the same. So, when new content is released, we'll be ready for it.


Thank you, finally, Bioware!


And tell us again why no one plays LOTRO?

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making these changes to OPS and FPs is great!! if it was August 2012.. Seriously.. this is stuff that should have been done long ago.


I do not support any of this now and I find it to be highly depressing.


continuing to pay a sub for content that I have been completing time and time again over the past 4 years is absurd. I may have to turn my sub into a 1 month/year thing now.


This is only good for new players who started playing this year.

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Ignoring all the people who constantly whine about this great game, THANK YOU BIOWARE! I am SUPER excited about this. :D




This stuff is already in the game. You can already run all that old content to your heart's content. Why are you super excited to run stuff that we've already been running for the last three years at the expense of having anything new?


As for your 'constantly whining' comment, I've been a huge supporter since day one. I've taken a ton of insults over it . I've been called an apologist, a fanboy, a biodrone, I was even once accused of being a Bioware employee. But I just canceled my subscription because of this.

Edited by Icebergy
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I was actually hopeful when Eric told me this at the NYC Cantina Event. But now it looks like it's going to be even worse than the last time around.

Why so long between Operations?

Looking ahead at the project plan they knew this was going to be a problem. However they only had two options that they could realistically go with. The first was to release an operation before the expansion, but have it quickly become obsolete come 3.0, and only have one operation available with 3.0. Or they could wait and have two for 3.0 but have a really long time without anything. It was really crappy and high end PVErs got "f*****". It is something that they don't want to ever do again (have that much time between operations).


Love being lied to my face.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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After looking back through things this literally did not happen even a single time in this thread thus far.


Irrelevant anyway, even casual raiders want something new.


people with 4/10 hm in their sigs saying they are qutting due to lack of content.



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First off I have been doing Op and PvP from the Launch of this game; I also played through all 8 classes and the xpacs , but I came mainly for the story. And I think there are probably more people like me who would take more story over One or Two New Ops. The point is that in MMO's today the hardcore raiders are a dying breed; and it's not just SWTOR that is going for the casual player, Bioware is just using Story to get them. This is really good news for us casual players; Like I said before I would take more story over one or two new Op's any day. Edited by VedaRa
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Well, that's lame as ****, what a waste of ****in time.


I know we can currently solo all FPs and TFPs + all level 50 HMFPs, some (all?) level 55 HMFPs.

Even some of the level 50 ops bosses are soloable.


I mean, isn't this game supposed to be MMO?

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We already knew this was coming, they had pretty much implied every bit of this in previous interviews.


Does'nt make it any less galling though to have it in yellow and black.


I suppose it gives us more variety of 'meaningful' content, but I was pretty tired of EV/KP by the mid point of 2012, I dont see how dragging it out of mothballs helps matters terribly, and the early encounter design was pretty awful if we're honest with ourselves so its not like it was great content even when it was fresh.


With no new WZ's on the horizon either the 'Epic Story' had better be some pretty engaging stuff and there had better be a ton of it, or this is just going to end up being like launch all over again.

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So ,we are getting alot of single player content ,in an MMO ,and not any new Operations .THIS IS PATHETIC.

It seems that the next "expansion's" purpose is to milk the cow/old MMO content ,by taking advantage the new starwars movie and the whole hype .

All this ,sure ,it might be interesting for new players ,but it offers to oldtimers what? some single player content ?And then what ,we are supposed to be interested to play content that is almost 3 years old ,just because it will scale to 65 ?

Sure ,you want to get new people/movie funs interested ,its only logical ,but all of us that have been active subs for 2+ years are getting some single player content and NO PROGRESSIONAL RAID ?

The fact that people and whole guilds are dropping the game due to the pathetical amount of time we are forced to play the same operations , has taught you nothing ?

Edited by xvlasis
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I hope you guys enjoy watching your game fail.......for a second time.


Story didnt hold the players before, it will not hold them again, and FOR ****S SAKE stop trying to turn this into a single player game because you are too god damned lazy to make mmo content.

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I was actually hopeful when Eric told me this at the NYC Cantina Event. But now it looks like it's going to be even worse than the last time around.


Quote: Originally Posted by MillionsKNives View Post

Why so long between Operations?

Looking ahead at the project plan they knew this was going to be a problem. However they only had two options that they could realistically go with. The first was to release an operation before the expansion, but have it quickly become obsolete come 3.0, and only have one operation available with 3.0. Or they could wait and have two for 3.0 but have a really long time without anything. It was really crappy and high end PVErs got "f*****". It is something that they don't want to ever do again (have that much time between operations).


Love being lied to my face.


WOW he really did lie you your face.

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I was actually hopeful when Eric told me this at the NYC Cantina Event. But now it looks like it's going to be even worse than the last time around.



Love being lied to my face.


Well to be fair, he might not have been lying when he said: "It is something that they don't want to ever do again (have that much time between operations). "


Just because they did (going to do) it again doesn't mean they necessarily wanted to at that time.

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I'm not sure I quoted you correctly, but : What you saying in this small quote is basically what ALL old school RPG players who are used to challenging turn-based RPGS are saying about Action-RPGs of today, beginning with Blizzard's Action-RPGs.


I have no problem with them "dumbing down" the solo content as you say in the rest of your post, my point is the contrast between them making it so solo focused and "dumbed down" contrasted with the fact that those players who take advantage of that change are also going to be faced with correspondingly harder ops which makes the groupfinder failure rate potentially drastically increase at level 65. With a level increase of the old ops, they are effectively being "undumbed" which is the reverse of having the more difficult content stay at a lower level rating than max level which enables people who couldn't clear the content at an equal level have that option open to them on a much easier scale when only half the boss attacks actually hit you because of the level gap.

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Are you guys kidding me?


To the complainers, they have said MULTIPLE TIMES that there would be no new ops and such. Those would be coming later.


Guess it doesn't really matter. You won't be missed.

Lol, youll be singing a different tune when the game goes down the ******* -again- and the population drops through the floor.

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This stuff is already in the game. You can already run all that old content to your heart's content.


Do you, by any chance, mean level 50 HMFPs that can be done solo+blindfolded?

I can do Lorrick HM without companion + one handed.

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So let me see if i understand this correctly


No new operations, but we have to rehash the same old content we have been doing for years. My guild still runs all operations. No new operations is going to kill my ops teams. You are seriously returning Dread Fortress and Dread Palace to 65? I can't speak for anyone else on these forums but after running those 3 nights a week for over a year I'd be content not to set foot in them for at least that long.


No new flashpoints, level 50 flashpoints could already be soloed at lvl55, not to mention steamrolling it now at 60. We have seen them, no need to return them thank you very much. As it stands we spend a lot of time doing those flashpoints until something new is released, if some players run them at all because the loot in them is so bad. This presents the same problem as with operations, we have seen them already, ran them all for months and months on end. My guild has no desire to run them again.


You say your focusing on story but want to return older content like this :rak_02: Am I to pretend Malgus rose from the grave, I enter a parallel universe where I'm stuck on the Esselles again?


This whole post represents a nightmare, there is honestly nothing on there that I look forward to doing, and knowing my guild mates, I won't be alone.


Story alone is not going to be enough to keep me subbed, the only thing that will keep me around (and here's my mandatory forum claim of I have not un subbed once since launch note) is my guild. But unfortunately, once this news hits I'm afraid I won't even have that.

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