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Easy and cool game mode mods?


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What easy and cool game mode mods could there be?


Ground rules:

> Should sound simple. No capital ships, no pve missions, no class ships, no new maps.


> Assume that the mods are set up in some way you would find acceptable- maybe they happen every couple weeks for one day, or maybe they are rare spawns, or whatever. The details don't matter, just that you are definitely down with it.


> Should involve the actual game, and not involve the idea of a custom or training mode. No tutorials, group v group, etc.


> Assume that the mods are not the only thing you would ever play again. Like crazy modes in an FPS that cycle randomly, or the thing in Smash Bros where when everyone is drunk the custom item rules come out, this wouldn't become or define a serious meta, so if you come up with a mode where things aren't really fair, that's not a huge concern. If you DO come up with a mode that is fair and cool, that's great, but it's not a disqualifier.


> Don't just come up with a custom mode that craps on your hated ship, or forces a playstyle that you think is "right". This isn't a balance or class thread.




So, here's my thoughts:


1- Power Deathmatch: Deathmatch where the powerups spawn much more quickly and are all one type of powerup. This would be communicated at the start. Alternatively, all the powerups could begin as one type, and every minute, all become another, for that minute. So if damage overcharge minute happens, the sky will be red.


2- Base Dom, where one edge sat is always green, and the other edge sat always red. These make points as normal, and have turrets that hit a bit harder and have a lot more health, and they can spawn even if enemies are close. Meanwhile, the middle sat makes double points if captured, but it never makes a turret ever.


3- Turret Deathmatch, where turrets spawn as sensor beacons that then become turrets after a few seconds. Player kills give points as normal, turret kills give three points, and the game is to 150 instead of 50.


4- Unlimited Power Denon. Like Denon, but everyone has infinite boost and weapons deal more damage- maybe blasters deal triple damage, missiles double damage, railguns 75% more, and mines and drones 50% more. Obviously, colliding with any object kills you instantly, because their power isn't limited either.


5- Orange Sky Kuat Mesas Domination- It's sunset, and the working class turrets just want to kick back and relax, and all these ships are annoying them. Turrets are hostile to all players, have 100% armor piercing and some extra accuracy, and slightly longer range, but no longer block capping. They are also invincible, and /say things about how they've seriously been working all day and can you guys just go pick flowers on some planet, gosh


6- Enrage mode- Every time a player deals a set amount of damage to you, that player gains a stacking debuff that makes them TAKE more damage from you. Dying resets the debuff.


7- Instalock Shipyards- All this metal confuses your defensive something somethings! All missiles lock instantly, but deal less damage.


8- Extra Range TDM- All weapons have their range increased. Blasters maybe triple range, other things don't gain as much.


9- Lost Ship Yard- Like Lost Shipyard, except everyone lost their ships. You spawn in a random mastered ship (out of all ships valid on your faction), with random mastered components and random choices for their talents, and your copilot is selected at random from your four crewmembers. Each and every time you spawn. How many times can you pull Ion/Emp Pike in a row? ONLY THE DICE KNOW!

Edited by Verain
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"Capture the Flag"-ish mode

One team spawns at A, the other at C, B is removed. Satellites are team colors and have one turret on the side opposite to where the enemies come from. Points are awarded when someone makes it to the enemy satellite, hits the turret once and makes it back to his own satellite alive. First run gives 1 point, second run of the same person in their same life gives two points, third gives three.



Use ALL the ships

TDM but each ship on a players bar can be used only once. When a ship gets shot down it can't be used for the rest of the match. Only matchups where all players on both teams have the same amount of ships on their bar.



As in UT2004. A linked system of satellites like in this map (replace power cores and power nodes with satellites), other link system layouts are possible. All satellites but the "cores" start white, satellites don't spawn turrets and can only be captured if there's a link to the own link system possible. "Cores" start in team colors, with 5 turrets each and can only be attacked/captured when a team manages to establish an green link from theirs to the enemy's. Winning is achieved by capturing the "core" of the other team. If time's out, the team that destroyed more turrets wins.


Power DOM

Only two satellites (no B), each team owns one at the beginning, satellites behave as usual. Killing a defender close to his satellite gives 20 points. Killing an attacker while defending gives 10 points.


Last Ship Flying

TDM. Everyone has one life. When one team is eradicated, the other team gets a point. When someone doesn't do damage for 2 minutes he instantly dies. Best of 3. When a single round takes over 5 minutes, everyone suffers 10% direct hull damage every 10 seconds until only one team is left.

Edited by Danalon
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4v4 TDM:

No powerups

First team to 25 kills wins


4v4 and 8v8 single sat Dom

One sat, chosen at random from the 3 normal sat's. Cap it, hold it, bathe in the blood in it as a bomber, or as a gunship team up with another gunship to make the bombers bleed. Scouts become a true support role class. First team to 350 wins.


4v4 and 8v8 Duosat dom

A and C are the only options. Cap and hold them both to gain an advantage, or cap and hold just one to make your kills actually count in a holdout scenario with your team. First team to 350 (4v4) or 700 (8v8) wins.



TDM, but instead of powerups - Randomly Generated Turrets! Fly to a powerup to deploy a turret/drone for your team. Once active, it can't be captured by the opposing team until destroyed. This turret can be a normal turret or any type of drone - including repair, hyperspace beacon, and sensor beacons. Its kills count as your kills, its heals count as your heals, its uselessness counts as your uselessness.

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Skill > Gear

Everyone in a stock type one scout or everyone in a stock type 1 strike with the default crew.


Probably nostalgia from my years playing XWing vs Tie Fighter...


I mean, this kind of thing you can actually replicate on live. This is just a version of stock night that only allows two of the three starter ships, instead of any stock ship.

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"Capture the Flag"-ish mode


CTF would be so good. I really like the "counting coup" style dash you have in there too, that's great!




As in UT2004. A linked system of satellites like in this map (replace power cores and power nodes with satellites), other link system layouts are possible.


You know, speaking of game modes in this vein, the "murderball" type mode we see in a lot of games now would probably also go over great for real.


Power DOM

Only two satellites (no B), each team owns one at the beginning, satellites behave as usual. Killing a defender close to his satellite gives 20 points. Killing an attacker while defending gives 10 points.


"Close to sat" would probably need to be 15km, but this sounds super great. I especially like how this could be a serious mode with nothing except scoring mods. You might also have to disable the default spawn and use the edge spawns? This one could absolutely go places.

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TDM, but instead of powerups - Randomly Generated Turrets! Fly to a powerup to deploy a turret/drone for your team. Once active, it can't be captured by the opposing team until destroyed. This turret can be a normal turret or any type of drone - including repair, hyperspace beacon, and sensor beacons. Its kills count as your kills, its heals count as your heals, its uselessness counts as your uselessness.



Hahahaha this is aces! I think we know Tune would leave a long trail of sensor beacons in one unlucky game, and we'd be hearing about it for the next ever :p

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"Close to sat" would probably need to be 15km, but this sounds super great. I especially like how this could be a serious mode with nothing except scoring mods. You might also have to disable the default spawn and use the edge spawns? This one could absolutely go places.


I'm not sure how the game mode would work out but the goal of "power dom" is to encourage fighting at the satellites instead of in the middle of nowhere. "Close to a satellite" should refer to where the person that got killed was and I was vague on that point because honestly I'm not sure what radius would be a good one, maybe defenders and attackers should have different radii where they're worth more points.

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Pilots have to touch a *flag* to capture it and carry it around a course with numbered way points that have to be flown through in the correct order. Way points will be marked on mini map and have a UI compass.Once a lap is completed, the pilot can no longer pick up the flag for the remainder of the match. Flag becomes neutral if pilot is killed and can be picked up by anyone. Other team has same objectives however the circuit runs in the opposite direction. Team that completes set number of laps wins, or if time runs out team with the most laps wins.



You know, speaking of game modes in this vein, the "murderball" type mode we see in a lot of games now would probably also go over great for real.

I think I just described what Verain already said...

Edited by Archonitek
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Hahahaha this is aces! I think we know Tune would leave a long trail of sensor beacons in one unlucky game, and we'd be hearing about it for the next ever :p


Why me? though I totally WOULD be the one that gets nothing but sensor beacons.... so useless.... hey my team has vision though right... so when they get shot down they cant sit there and tell me... "I didnt see it" pay attention then :rolleyes: sensor beacons are everywhere.

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Crosswinds Kuat Mesas TDM.

All ships pushed at 300 m/s to random selection of left/right/up/down relative to the spawn ships.



Snail jail:


Boost disabled on all ships during the game, chance of Denon map popping reduced to 5%. On domination games only two sats are active, the center and one of the side ones. The active side sat switches at a random interval between 4 and 7 minutes. Talk about strategic tensor and beacon use! Gunships would also be a plague for everyone without barrel roll or powerdive.





Sats get 6 turrets each instead of 3 (90 degree placement), and upon destruction spawn one of each kind of mine and a random drone expelled to a random distance of 100 to 1500 meters from the turret's location in random direction within a hemisphere facing away from the sat. These turrets and their spawns impartially hate ALL starfighters. Sats without a player in range will turn neutral at the same rate as a single person can turn a sat in a normal domination match.

Edited by Ramalina
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