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Here's the logic being tossed around: If we don't have new raids at 65, people will quit the game in droves and it'll be launch all over again omg omg omg ican'tbreatheomg.


Here's the problem though: Most of the real 'raid-or-die' players quit a long time ago. There's some left, of course, but their own data shows that most of their players are playing along with the story, in no great rush to get to level cap for raiding...or end-game pvp, either.


So...as I said many weeks ago when people lost their minds the first time around when it was made clear that raiding isn't the focus of this game anymore: Go try WoW. I hear they have great raids there.


If Musco notice's me will I have as much weight in the forums that you think you do?

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All you need to do to realize this is look at the fleet chat and ask your friends. How long to you wait in que for an ops? How many are forming on the fleet in prime times of your server? How much time does it take to gather a pug? Lots. Sure, guilds do 8/16sm ops for comms and gearing up but that is more of a social event than progressing - they don't give a rats *** if they do the same ops for the 100th time or not. Serious progression guild have a hard time finding people to fill their teams - that is fact.


Most of my friends, me included, couldn't care less if the new expansion will give us a new ops or not. I don't even care if there will be new flashpoints at this point, I'm done sitting until late night hours to make the server first kill - it was fun but in the end a game is not worth it, it was an exhausting expirience.


There was a poll somewhere on this forums asking if people would stop paying if there would be no ops in the new expansion. Sure, a small portion of the playerbase visits here but the numbers where in favor of casual, non-raiding gamers and I'm willing to bet that statistic can be applied to everyone playing swtor.



We usually befriend and/or play with those who share our interests. It always molds the idea we have of the game and community. At the time of writing this,(literally, typing this between pops!) I'm in eight man GSF premade which comes with nice RP setting to boot. I'm not sure if anyone present cares much about listening the story Jennifer Hale wishes to tell or which way some dialogue wheel spins.


Meanwhile, somebody who is absolutely unable stop loving every single second of a head talking to another ends up talking with people who share his unconditional love to heads that talk to other heads. Obviously, this group is significant majority in TOR..Yet I have zero faith in game staying lively, vibrant or relevant with story alone. Seriously, do people actually like Revan/Emperor storylines?;o

Edited by GalacticStarfigh
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People seriously, so many complaints about a game you pay to play and an expansion to the game we haven't even got yet, if you don't like what you hear so far about the future of TOR take your 50 cents a day and go play something else. If you don't pay to play you have no right to complain about anything as your getting what you pay for.
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