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Jedi Guardian Vs Jedi Sentinel


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Do you consider yourself a good player? If so you'll be fine with a guardian. The horror stories are from people who honestly don't know what they're doing. The only class fight where I died was the final one, and that only took 2 tries.


I'll give you an example of people who don't know what they're doing. I've seen threads where people ask for help, saying they're dying to the same story boss 20+ times(the fight before tatooine is a culprit). They were given the tip "interrupt his casts". They came back and said "Wow! That worked great. Made the fight so much easier!"


I'm thinking "people need to be told to interrupt casts?". Those are generally the type of people whining about how useless guardians are.

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I have very very different opinion from most people here saying that sentinel is better than guardian.


I am lvl 50, valor 50 sentinel with champion + columni items and I am about to delete this character. That's how bad sentinel is.


Guardian is much better than sentinel in almost every possible way that you can think of.


DMG = guardian does about twice more damage than sentinel

armor = medium vs. heavy, heavy wins

force push = must have in pvp

jump to ally = must have in pvp


Someone will disagree with me because I said guardian does more dmg than sentinel. But this is the truth.


A lot of people think that sentinel can do more dmg simply because sentinel got 2 light saber and it's only logical to think that tank can't do as much dmg as dps.

And that's how I initially thought about it too. But i was wrong and that's exactly why I just made guardian character to start all over again.


Watchman tree of sentinel is only good in 1v1. When you are surrounded or stunned, it's possibly the worst tree. Focus tree is the way to go, the most balanced, most powerful, and most useful....what sux is that guardian can do significantly higher dmg than sentinel when you pick focus tree especially because the 2nd lightsaber dmg doesn't affect the dmg output of forces.




for your own good, disregard everything this guy said. He has absolutely no idea what he is talking about. literally 99% of what was said is flat wrong - period. Its honestly so stupid that I think he's just a troll.


Anyways I have done extensive PVP on a sent. I come from 14 years of gaming ( as a point of reference ) have played most MMO's that were relevant, hardcore in both PVP and PVE.


Sentinel(Watch spec) in PVP being controlled by someone who fully understands the game and his/her abilitys is a one man wrecking machine. We do some of the highest sustained damage in the game, period. We have several interrupts that make life for casters/ healers very difficult. Kick on a 6 sec CD, 12 sec FL with no deadzone are amazing at locking healers down, on top of that we have the only mortal strike in the game (-20% healing)


Our utility is pretty dam nice also, tran runspeed + defense is always nice and the boost Watch gets to centering means you can have either tran or zen going alot of the time. Cant forget the +15% damage/healing raid buff either. While the healing from zen is small it makes all the difference in PVP. There are so many more ability's i'm not even going to bother mentioning - bottom line being we are very very powerful in PVP is played to full potential.



In PVE we are also a powerful class. Obviously the damage is there, and the utility mentioned above. We are also to solo lock down some casting bosses taking pressure off the raid making things overall smoother - opposed to having to worry about 2 people coordinating interrupts. Our force camo when spec'd is AMAZING when dealing with some abilitys giving us 100% damage avoidance + we rack up the threat pretty easy and this reduces/drops threat pretty nicely.



I could spend the time depicting every ability's and situation where its valuable, but the bottom line is Sentinel is an amazing and rewarding class when played to the highest lvls.


That being said it has the highest skill ceiling in the game. I don't recommend starting off with Sentinel if you are newer to MMO's. Its about using all of your ability's together effectively, and honestly there are so many of them that its hard for even the better gamers to manage sometimes. Not only that but there are so many ability's you will have a hard time binding them all effectively ( get yourself a gaming mouse).



I cant speak from first hand exp on Guardians, but they do pretty decent in PVP if played to a similar extent as sent. A great player can make it work, and be effective with it. When in a group they are almost impossible to bring down. Although they dont put out the pressure like a Sent can, they still can wack yah pretty hard and you need to be aware of this. When they line up their dps moves it can get pretty ugly - that being said they are fairly easy to controll/CC from what i have seen.



For someone just starting out, its a hard class/spec (sent watch) to play - but if you do play it, and play it well there arn't many out there that can touch you. Its a very rewarding class. You will/can top damage/kills in most of your WZ's if that kinda thing matters to you, and the healing can top 100k if you have a decent up time%, which is pretty crazy when you think about it.




Thats my opinion anyways.




PS: sorry if this seems fragmented / typo's. At work typing little bits now and then ~_^

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Maybe because it's newer and/or I like solo game more (despite having my own guild of 12 with 6 healers in it), but I've been enjoying the sent a lot more. I pull of crazy sh*t with it and it looks stupid OP but it does actually take a lot of things done in the right order and at the right time. U can pro a Focus guardian in 2 weeks. An anni sent will take a month to reach your max potential with the class - and maybe it's limitless who knows, so much potential in that class, so hard to execute but so rewarding.

Edited by muradi
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Okay... First off, in response to everyone in this thread saying that Guardian/Juggernaut are worthless in PvP let me state a couple things.


1. You shouldn't be playing a guardian to do dps, if that's what you wanted, esp in pvp, you should have rolled a sentinel. A guardian/juggernauts role in PvP is to NEGATE DAMAGE for the healers and DPS. Go figure - A tank having to tank? Absurd! There is a reason there is a 'Protection' tab on the scoreboard at the end of a warzone.


2. In Huttball Guardians make damn good ball runners. As a level 45 Guardian currently, I cant even tell you how hilarious it is to just force leap across the zone, and barely get scratched.


3. Guardians are notorious for not having any real potential in PvP until the later levels. Trust me, I did it. However once you get Guard, Soresu form, and your AoE taunt as well as your hilt strikes and other CCs, you can essentially control the battle field.


Play the class longer than just level 20 to decide whether or not its decent in PvP or not. You've barely scratched the class.

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I've never posted anything before so please be nice :)

I played to L49 as a Sorcerer first, then L39 as a Sentinel, and am currently at L42 as a Guardian. So obviously i lack the endgame experience, but i can tell you what i've seen from what i've played.

It seems to me that it all really depends on your play style, how you arrange your skills in the UI, and how used to all your abilities you get.

Sorcerer i found to be ridiculously too hard, but it was the first time i'd played an MMO, and hanging back doing ranged healing and damage and hoping i don't get targeted is not my style at all.

Sentinel was much easier in PvE, but in PvP i got destroyed because i lacked good enough armor to keep me alive long enough to do any damage. If you can stay alive, Sentinel does heaps of damage and is totally awesome.

Guardian though...totally different. The heavy armor makes all the difference for me. PvE is easier most of the time (except Hoth...damn hard, i found), but the real difference is in PvP. As the Sorcerer and Sentinel, i would never score above middle in my team in warzones. There's only so many medals you can get for doing damage alone. Guardian does almost as much damage as Sentinel (maybe more, depends on your gear and spec), and it has heavy armor, and it has Guard. I never get less than 5 medals in warzones anymore, and regularly come 1st or 2nd on the list. I'm not all that good, either.


When you consider there's classes like Commando that seem to do huge damage and have healing and heavy armor, Guardian does alright for itself. I agree that it definitely needs more/better stuns, not being able to do damage while stunning means Guardians have trouble against Operatives etc who can run around you all day stunning and doing little pecks of damage while you stand there waiting for resolute to finish CD. But for interrupts there's force leap, force push, force kick & stasis (you don't have to wait for it to channel if you're only interrupting). That's plenty. Plus, if you're Vigilance spec like me, you're hardly ever alive long enough to worry much about the cooldowns anyway. And if you are alive long enough, then you can't be doing that badly.


Anyway saying one class is crap or another is better is really pointless because you might just be suited better to another class. Doesn't mean it's crap. Plenty of people are brilliant at Sorcerer and do really well in warzones etc, but i was totally horse at it. Now i'm doing well as a Guardian. Just keep playing until you find a class that suits you better :)


And to anyone with a Sentinel character who is about to disagree with me, i only played to L39. I loved Sentinel, only reason i stopped playing it was because the server was crap and i couldn't find any armor to buy. They're both unbelievably good classes when played properly. I've seen a Sentinel in Alderaan Civil War take out 2 Sorcerers and a Powertech at the same time without dying. I can't do that, but it's got nothing to do with my class

Edited by i_am_sancho
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Okay... First off, in response to everyone in this thread saying that Guardian/Juggernaut are worthless in PvP let me state a couple things.


1. You shouldn't be playing a guardian to do dps, if that's what you wanted, esp in pvp, you should have rolled a sentinel. A guardian/juggernauts role in PvP is to NEGATE DAMAGE for the healers and DPS. Go figure - A tank having to tank? Absurd! There is a reason there is a 'Protection' tab on the scoreboard at the end of a warzone.


2. In Huttball Guardians make damn good ball runners. As a level 45 Guardian currently, I cant even tell you how hilarious it is to just force leap across the zone, and barely get scratched.


3. Guardians are notorious for not having any real potential in PvP until the later levels. Trust me, I did it. However once you get Guard, Soresu form, and your AoE taunt as well as your hilt strikes and other CCs, you can essentially control the battle field.


Play the class longer than just level 20 to decide whether or not its decent in PvP or not. You've barely scratched the class.




It's pointless having a DPS spec (or 2 in this case) and not being able to DPS.


It's not like Guardians are utterly rubbish at PvE or PvP DPS, but it's hard to argue that they couldn't us a few small buffs....... although when combats logs come that maybe when the proverbial hits the fan! :eek:

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Most Guardians don't put up huge AOE damage spam numbers on the Warzone Board, however if you can think on your feet fast, we have the ability to Win Warzones. Also for me at least die'ing is almost universally a gamble I made for a reason (distraction, vendetalulz against battlemasters at low hp, snaring entire Op-for in tunnels, etc...).


Hands down you throw your taunt correctly, know who and when to guard, and when to break off and solo a key enemy player, focus dps with your teamates and play objectives and Wz = won.


The most important dps in a warzone comes from your skull.


There's plenty of MoreOn's that DEEEEPEEEESSSSSssss be a Hero play a Guard.


Sure you'll play in PUGS that are Horrifable, but even then you can make due.


also... I've run across some outright beastly Maruaders and lots of Sentinals I truly respect.


so if your on the fence and you've got crazy "skill" your ok either way you go.

Edited by VoidJustice
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I love my guardian in pvp. I never get less than six medals and can't quite understand how others couldn't either. I have a friend who is also a guardian who always warzones with me. I am defensive specced and I guard the healers, he is focus specced and does the peeling. We always have very high medals, mine for protection, and his for damage. I also have a sentinel, and I personally did not like it much. I prefer having defense. And that's a personal preference. I love my guardian a lot more than the sentinel.
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