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Immunity on Force Crush

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Could we PLEASE have this immunity tied to something else like Obliterate or even better: Berserk? Maybe just 3 secs immunity on Berserk instead of 6, but with no internal CD? Just so we get some more control over when we activate it. Edited by DynamiCtagez
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Nah, 6 seconds is fine, put it on charge + obliterate on a 30 second ICD. Would make things so much better, and people woudl be happy because they would know when we have immunity up.


Putting it on Force Crush just feels like it was so forced due to "trying to be different" than jugs. We don't care. Just put it on Charge / Oblit plz.

Edited by Aluvi
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The 3 sec suggestion I made is obviously only going to work for Berserk, as it has no GCD. It just feels very weird with a 30sec internal CD as it's such a core passive for Fury/Concentration. Putting it on 3sec duration with Berserk would also still allow us to get 6sec whenever we have Frenzy up. And since it wouldn't be tied to an ability that needs a target we could use it in more objective focused situations (eg while carrying the huttball). Tbh I'm not actually sure if the immunity breaks roots in its current form, but if it does, the new Berserk could also be used as a rootbreak when nothing else is available.
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Put it on force leap with no ICD. Its not like we can reset leap like juggs can.


The problem with it being exclusively on force leap is that you don't always use force leap when in combat. In fact, you should be using Oblit as the normal way to proc your auto crit, and charge for mobility / getting back on target only.


Charge + Obliterate, maybe a 20s ICD? It still won't fix the class, which has survivability and self sufficiency issue. Strong baseline self heals and/or being unstoppable burst damage OR aoe damage are what makes the top classes top (looking at you, sorcs, sins, PTs, and to a lesser extent Operatives).


I won't be going back to this class any time soon though. BioWare has absolutely no idea how to fix it, and in their eyes, it is currently "balanced".

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