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Sentinel: Where's the Agility?


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We've been told we're meant to be an agile class but...


Where is it?


When I think of an agile class, I think of the things like Master Yi in LoL (video here) who is a very good example of a VERY agile melee character. He's capable of keeping up on targets, jumping onto them and wildly running away when he has to.


Isn't the sentinel supposedly meant to have agility, too?

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We've been told we're meant to be an agile class but...


Where is it?


When I think of an agile class, I think of the things like Master Yi in LoL (video here) who is a very good example of a VERY agile melee character. He's capable of keeping up on targets, jumping onto them and wildly running away when he has to.


Isn't the sentinel supposedly meant to have agility, too?


Ill take Focus as an example to this question


Jumping on targets: Force Leap / Zealous Leap

Running away: Transcendence / Force Camo


and i think what you mean by agility is mobility.. since this isnt LoL dude, Its not like we gona have the same mobilitys as other heros/characters from other games, i hope you understand that.

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I agree with this, Sent class should be the fastest class that is able to keep up on targets no matter what. We do have some very nice defense skills but not the agility like we should have. Currently we are just target practice for ranged DPS.


so you want to be a skilless class that is over powered.

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I think talent trees need to be cleaned up somewhat, and that centering (which was only added in one of the last beta builds) needs to be tweaked somewhat...


But I think it is more that ranged classes are too herp derp easy 1-2 button spam to achieve the same effect as a well played Sentinel.


I don't even think ranged need nerfed, they need to have the strength/damage in those 1-2 really OP abilities they have spread out over many more buttons.


Right now Sentinels are fine, other classes are just too easy/out of control in certain situations.


Sentinel isn't weak, just harder, and IMO it is probably how they want most classes to handle.

Right now rnaged and melee Smuggs/Agents can spam 1-2 skills and kill people with ease. And still have entire tools they don't NEED but they should need.

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I swear this class IS designed after Master Yi.


Hits like a truck with a flurry of medium-damage attacks that add up quickly, has a charge ability to jump into combat, very good at escaping combat, very squishy and vulnerable to CC... yeah, that's Master Yi.


The only champion I ever had a Penta-kill with btw :)

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